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13364142 No.13364142[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can I get drunk on this without seriously hurting myself?

>> No.13364148

depends. how old are you?

>> No.13364150

Yea, but only if consumed rectally.

>> No.13364151

Just do us all a favor and die already

>> No.13364152


>> No.13364153

being that desperate to get drunk is pretty pathetic desu

>> No.13364154

Make sure it’s not the non-alcoholic kind. Been there.

>> No.13364155


>> No.13364160

This is the only correct answer.
Your body will absorb the alcohol, and hydrate itself.

>> No.13364162

Please get psychiatric help for your alcohol problem

>> No.13364164

Yes, you certainly can. Stephen King did it for quite some time

>> No.13364167

>run out of booze at 3am
>decide to drink the Listerine because alcohol
>puke toxic blue all the next day

>> No.13364170

dude if youre 22 just run to the liquor store or grab something from the grocery store

>> No.13364180

All the places that sell are closed rn, looking for a buzz. Already snorted 4 klonopin and ate 5 150mg ephedrine

>> No.13364189

Not him but a fellow drunktard. What should I drink tonight? Has to be affordable but drinkable straight.

>> No.13364241

ive basically thrown my entire life away for alcohol and still can't conceptualize doing this

>> No.13364267 [DELETED] 
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Found Elizabeth Warren.

>> No.13364288 [DELETED] 
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Ask these guys. They're the experts.

>> No.13364307

Op here, don't worry guys. I found som hard ciders and some strawberry tequila. I guess I won't be dying tonight.

>> No.13364332

dont be ramarama motherfucker just put a belt around yourneck and follow your heart

>> No.13364342

what are you deployed in Iraq?

>> No.13364373

Same bro

>> No.13364377 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 437x437, ABBO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do what I want, poof.

>> No.13364389
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Yeah man just drink a bunch of fluoride

>> No.13364407


Sure, why not? Has 4chan ever led you wrong?

>> No.13364411

just buy a pack of coricidin HBP

>> No.13364420 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13364436 [DELETED] 
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Unironically look like the Uruk-hai.

>> No.13364439

Yeah, I drank a capful before school every day for most of high school. No obvious health effects, though I never really drank more than that in one go.

>> No.13364459
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>All the places that sell are closed rn, looking for a buzz.
What kind of nonsense residential area are you in that they don't have 24 hour liquor stores or 7-Elevens? And if you knew stores were only open at certain times why didn't you just buy a bunch of alcohol in bulk before then?

>> No.13364476


>> No.13364500

Do you have any hand soap instead?

>> No.13364515

Go to a gas station and steal some mini bottles of wine

>> No.13364533

When I was in detox there was this homeless guy who used to tell us about when he was hospitalised, how he'd get drunk off of the hospital grade hand sanitizer and the nurses had no clue how he'd still register intoxicated after days.

>> No.13364589

Are you literally me?

>> No.13364600

That's the sort of story people repeat all over the world because it's the right combination of impressive to normalfags while still being plausible. It's like the "my friend took too much LSD and thought he was a glass of orange juice" one, or "this really fat guy I know got kicked out of an all you can eat buffet for eating too much."

>> No.13364682

Getting drunk IS seriously hurting yourself.

>> No.13364689

Based, here's a tip for all you hospitalized hobos out there: a lot of hand sanitizer brands have denaturants or some wack shit like methanol etc which makes it poisonous. Germ-X does not and while it tastes awful, it's not toxic. Well, no more toxic than alcohol usually is.

>> No.13364727

But there's nothing impressive or believable about your other two examples buddy.

>> No.13364786

Found the abo.

>> No.13364796

Post back of bottle

>> No.13364800

Some abo cunts where I used to live used to steal a bunch of this shit from the supermarket and mix it with Sprite to get wasted.

>> No.13364801

Apparently you can get drunk by eating or blending a batch of whole oranges icluding the peel. The peels are key.

>> No.13364807

That's insane. You probably didn't even get buzzed just placebo.

>> No.13364827


mah nigga

>> No.13364829

>tfw leaf and liquor stores aren't open 24/7
But then again being a worker in the night shift would be insanely scary.

>> No.13364840

Has any race been so thoroughly ANGLO'D as the abos? First you almsot wipe them out, then you make them work for you, then you half-arsedly "uplift" them to the standard of petrol-sniffing retards and pat yourselves on the back for your enlightenment.
Joker picture here

>> No.13364843


Same story for Americans and your native "indians".

>> No.13364848

Native Americans manage to stay above abos, I feel. Although I've heard their "reservations" can get absolutely fucking grim.
I suppose there's the Cornish, who were so thoroughly ANGLO'D they are now literally Anglos.

>> No.13364857


Native Americans have a world-wide stereotype of being drunkards and beating their women. Same as abos.

>> No.13364867

They don't huff petrol and fall asleep in the road though
They also weren't quite so comprehensively fucked over until like the 80s, I think (idk that much about Native Americans other than the world-wide reputation)

>> No.13364875


Well yeah you got me on the petrol and sleeping on the road shit.

One thing I have noticed with all abos, and this comes from living in a high abo population area for a couple of years, they are absolutely geared to being outdoors. Even when they have houses, they'll spend the day hanging out on each others' front steps. Never inside.

>> No.13365019

>bat behind counter waiting to club monkeys

Scary in the state sure where theres 50000x more niggers and guns sure itd be different but meh neither is really scary, so what some coon tries to rob you its not your money.

>> No.13365206

>living in a high abo population area for a couple of years
God I feel sorry for you, but you voluntarily did that to yourself?

>> No.13365217

Wew. I went through intensive inpatient rehab and some woman in my group drank hand sanitizer for years. I don't remember the details because I was detoxing and she wasn't around long but she was obese and had a desk job, drank hand sanitizer all day at work. She said it triggered her when the counselor used non alcoholic hand sanitizer

>> No.13365231

I'm an RN and the only unbelievable part of that story is that the nurses didn't know what was going on.
It's not uncommon for us to remove the hand sanitiser from the room when we have certain patients.

This probably varies a lot regionally but the hand sanitisers we use here are denatured with a harmless bittering agent. A normal man can't keep down something like that but some of these people have pretty much left humanity behind.

>> No.13365253

>remove the hand sanitiser from the room
I'm talking public hospitals not private, the kind where there's plastic sheet dividers not individual rooms and the patients number in the many.
Even when you're under supervision it's easy to ask to go to the toilet/bathroom, which is down the hall and during the trek you fill your plastic cup (which any nurse will give you when asked for a drink of water) full of sanitiser on the sly.
Alcoholics can be sneaky bastards and would eat urinal cakes if you told them that they contain alcohol.

>> No.13365260

I do work in the public sector and we do have rooms with usually either 2 or 4 patients. When we have someone who's a bit of a wandering alcoholic we try to get them in a room by themselves, though.
And yes, they probably do manage to sneak a sip here and there, but we are at least trying.

>> No.13365285

Strange how Native Americans only became that way after contact with the disease ridden, filthy, degenerate cockroaches of europe.