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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 800x450, Greta_Thunberg_pissed-800x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13364120 No.13364120[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Eat the bugs anon, you aren't a bigot are you?

>> No.13364127

you will never have a girlfriend
you will never be wealthy
you have no social media and no friends
you spend 10 hours a day talking to bots and indians paid to advertise for political candidates
you will be bred out by other races and die alone

>> No.13364128

Trump BTFO’d this slut on Twitter this week.

>> No.13364137

please tell me you didn't really get that mad

>> No.13364145

unironically have sex

>> No.13364163
File: 11 KB, 216x234, 1576276735550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans don't eat bugs though OP. Why are you trying to push this /pol/autism on every board?

>> No.13364165

Leftists want white people to eat bugs so more nigs can exist at once.

>> No.13364174

So what if thats true? The less fortunate deserve it

>> No.13364183

No thanks. I'll continue eating real food. You can feel free to be a fucking retard though.

>> No.13364188
File: 14 KB, 644x800, 6e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13364196
File: 785 KB, 645x1035, 20191201_204541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking dietary advice from a literal retard

>> No.13364198

Why hasn’t he had her arrested, yet?

>> No.13364207

Is ths that girl that somehow got listed as the Time Magazine person of the year? What a fucking joke if so.

>> No.13364233
File: 52 KB, 800x420, 793a88e0-1b59-11ea-b387-21b7d7974795_800_420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is Time Magazine's entertainer of the year.

>> No.13364252

It’s her second time winning it.

>> No.13364262


>> No.13364279

>another fat girl singing about how awesome and sexy obesity is
i'm tired

>> No.13364306

What does she even do? Why is she famous? All I know is lefties losing their shit like "OMG YASS DONT YOU SEE!?!?!?! EVEN 14 YEAR OLDS ARE FIGHTING CLIMATE CHANGE WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING SOOOOOO POWERFUL WHY DONT OUR POLITICIANS UNDERSTAND IF EVEN 14 YEAR OLDS DO!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!" and I dont think a 14 year old or whatever saying climate change is bad is really worthy of being famous.

>> No.13364333

>not trying new things because reddit told you not to try new things
you guys are autist

>> No.13364337

It’s not really an award. It’s just the person who has had the greatest impact on the news during the year. The fact she gets spammed here and other boards CONSTANTLY shows that it’s not exactly a random pick.

>> No.13364338

>my only objective in life is to procreate and be rich

>> No.13364341

>/pol/tards falling for the latest irrelevant distraction set up by the kikes

>> No.13364349

the little kid is a perfect accurate representation of their worldview. childish, emotional, and rigidly idealistic in the face of reality. her barely functioning autism ramps this up and makes her the perfect mascot of the modern left.

>> No.13364442

the little kid is a perfect accurate representation of their worldview. childish, emotional, and rigidly idealistic in the face of reality. her barely functioning autism ramps this up and makes her the perfect mascot of the modern right.

>> No.13364444

I am a bigot, thanks for noticing.

>> No.13364453 [DELETED] 
File: 489 KB, 800x800, (((SJW))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember (((who))) is controlling her.

>> No.13364510

Checked and based

>> No.13364925

I think the lefties only lose their shit because right wing people lose their shit so much in the opposite direction.
Like, it's a dumb, transparent mascot being put up by people, but right wing snowflakes get so triggered by the dumb kid saying things they're told to say that it generates massive amounts of publicity and word-of-mouth, and the frothing rage people have against her only makes her look more worth defending by the other side's frothing rage.

It's a never-ending cycle of outrage.

>> No.13364936

It's dumb all around. The fact that it's spreading outside of the USA is worrying more than anything.

>> No.13364982

Didn't it originate in sweden?

>> No.13364989

I have no time for greta roght now. We are currently fighting The War on Christmas.

>> No.13364996

The shitflinging politics? God, no. I mean, there always was and still is a bit of drama in parliaments and stuff but it never spread to the general population before, with everyone losing their mind every time the other side says something.

>> No.13365002

I don't get this. Does 4chan all of a sudden have autism?

>> No.13365005

*hate autism

>> No.13365009

4chan never liked autism unless it was funny.

>> No.13365017

Democrats keep telling me that
>she's really guud though

>> No.13365018

/ck/ has always been a dog board, as well as a pro-autism board.

>> No.13365021

>all of a sudden

>> No.13365027

Never the angry autism kind.

>> No.13365029

>her barely functioning autism ramps this up and makes her the perfect mascot of the modern right.
Lefties are the ones using her though.

>> No.13365033

/ck/ has always been half angry drunk cooks, and half of us are on the spectrum.

>> No.13365037

>The shitflinging politics?
Sweden arrests, and fines anyone with wrongthink. Politicians included.

>> No.13365038

>Does 4chan all of a sudden have autism?
We've always had autism, you're the tourist.

>> No.13365039

HOW DARE YOU tell me to eat bugs.

>> No.13365042


>> No.13365043

You doing ok?

>> No.13365044


Fuck off /pol/

>> No.13365045

I'm just shy of 30, but am doing better than most of you.

>> No.13365047

Every other board for the past several years here, these posts are what tells them they're trolling you. That's why they come back.

>> No.13365051

Based if true

>> No.13365057

Bitch, please.

>> No.13365085

This is just the IRL version of those anecdotes where Little Timmy btfos a teacher on God's existence and the class claps.

No less manufactured. Don't get why people are angry AT the child.
Anyway I'm not eating bug-meat substitutes. They haven't made any effort to market it and are insisting on those gross soybean substitutes instead.

>> No.13365091

please, for your own safety, have sex

>> No.13365095

Her parents made her the figurehead, of course people are going to be angry at her, that's what figureheads are for.

>> No.13365129

I wonder why her mother doesn't get any shit for drinking while being pregnant with her

>> No.13365135

>Bitch, please
Are you retarded anon, or were you asleep for 10 years?

>> No.13365141

Nice projection and seethe combo

>> No.13365162

Because your mother didn't either, even though her regiment included daily black cock dilation therapy

>> No.13365163

Stop projecting.

>> No.13365169

You were always curious about why you walked funny. :^)

>> No.13365324

>the little kid
she's fucking 17

>> No.13365347

>You have no social media
Imagine thinking you need to be on facebook/twitter/whatever to have a fulfilling life

>> No.13365354

>16 yo woke autist creates a spontaneous worldwide youth movement demanding action from impotent old men and dried up husks of women corrupt politicians selling out the future of the planet
>she ghosts trump and absolutely crushes him with withering sarcasm
>magatards wail, scream, gnash their teeth and spam greta hate on every board
Nothing new here, just the right acting like 2 yo toddlers.

>> No.13365365

I also enjoy liverwurst