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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 135 KB, 1280x720, choking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13362513 No.13362513 [Reply] [Original]

did you ever choke on your food?
did you get the heimlich or give it to someone or see it done?
my gramma's friend's fatty son choked on an easter bunny and died in a mall bvecause they thought he had a heart attack

>> No.13362523

I inhale copious amounts of chiccken noodle soup/sprite/coffee/dried cinnamon to self-induce pneumonia when I don't want to go to school.
>That was a joke. Don't do that!

>> No.13362527

I choked on some Starburst when I was 6 years old because I was jumping on my bed. My mum slapped me on the back, I spat out the Starburst onto the floor, picked it up and starting eating it again.

>> No.13362528

I love getting my chicken choked (by another man).

>> No.13362569

Yes. I couldnt breathe and my mom was slapping me in the back continuously, and that didnt help. Then I went into panic mode and threw myself/my stomach against a chair as a “self heimlich”, and it worked.

>> No.13364488
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>my gramma's friend's fatty son choked on an easter bunny and died in a mall bvecause they thought he had a heart attack
Damn, that's brutal..
I was given the heimlich by my mom after I inhaled a piece of candy when I was really young. It worked, I launched the candy through the air at high velocity, it was pretty sweet. I probably would've survived since it was pretty small, but mom's instincts kicked in and I like to think she saved my life. She also swam out to me and saved me when I was swept into the ocean, which literally did save my life. Thanks mom, love u

>> No.13364503
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Yeah, I was eating cut up hot dogs with melted American cheese on them and almost choked to death on one of the pieces while my dad slept on the couch

>> No.13364614

A life saver went down my throat intact once as a kid. I thought I would only be able to eat anything that would fit through the little hole for the rest of my life.

>> No.13364707

Choked on a piece of steak once, Gave myself the heimlich with the back of a chair. Got that fucker out before anyone could get to me.

>> No.13365397

The other day I inhaled pure tabasco sauce.

>> No.13365401

How do you choke on an Easter bunny?

>> No.13365402

>choked on an easter bunny
Wtf dies that mean? He ate a fucking rabbit?
I choked on a piece of steak once and used a chair to self Heimlich. Worked well and my ribs were sore for a couple weeks.

>> No.13365405

Glad I'm not alone, anon. It was such a delicious burrito though. 10/10 would choke on it again. Were your ribs sore btw? I fucked up and used the corner of the seat back instead of the middle. I just wanted to really get in there.

>> No.13365617

I regularly choke on water because I try to breath while I'm still drinking it.

>> No.13365752

my face the color of plum
I am just a choking victim

>> No.13365763

iv'e about bit the big one a few times not chewing enough

>> No.13365770

our to random esophagus malfunctions

>> No.13366009

I wonder how many pedophiles have been caught in the act of molesting children and then masked it by saying the child was choking and needed the heimlich maneuver. That probably accounts for the majority of heimlichs carried out.

>> No.13366011

Yea, but I saved myself.

>> No.13366028

Had to Heimlich my mother when she was choking on a hard candy once. It was kinda weird because we were in the middle of a huge argument.
I mean, I'm not saying I considered letting her choke, but it really changed the mood in the room quickly.

>> No.13366059
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>> No.13366237

Your mom choked on my food last night so I gave her my heimlich maneuver (by that I mean I came down her throat) lmao

>> No.13366240


Great idea

>> No.13366250

Anon, please describe how you’d perform the Heimlich Maneuver to us. In detail.

>> No.13366257

My aunt is always choking on shit because she chews her food poorly and breaths heavily while she does so. She's always getting shit sucked into her windpipe and I'm always always worried that I'm going to have to jump up and help her. She usually horks it out, but still. I wish she'd just fucking chew her food and calm the f down.

>> No.13366263

I got a big piece of chicken stuck in my throat when I was eating at a restaurant with some family. It freaked me out because nobody noticed I was choking. I wound up contracting my throat enough that I felt it come back up and go down the right way.

>> No.13366264

Your ant sounds based

>> No.13366289

I was sleep eating once and choked on Ritz bitz. Luckily I had a lucid dream where I got the heimlich maneuver from a bear and I coughed up the crackers

>> No.13366416

What's the best food to choke on?