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13361730 No.13361730 [Reply] [Original]

Do you eat organ meat?

How do you prepare your organ meats?

Currently experimenting with beef kidney, great fun trying to purge subtle uremic aftertaste.

>> No.13361763

Just had beef liver and onions the other night. I fucking love organ meats. Cheap, full of flavour, filling, absolutely packed with nutrients. I wish other Americans weren't so scared of them.

>> No.13361772

>arent i so quirky with this birdie on my shoulder teehee!!! pls give me attention

>> No.13361778

Very nice, haven't had liver yet as I'm pretty new to organ meats myself, but looking forward to it.

>> No.13361781

You must have had some painful experiences. I will pray for you.

>> No.13361785

>You must have had some painful experiences.

Yeah, it's called interacting with the female sex.

>> No.13361789

Liver and onions is very easy and delicious.
Kidney is more difficult because of the taste but it's great too especially in steak and kidney pies.

>> No.13361804

>Female sex
Inferior sex*

>> No.13361825

Heard it's easy to overcook liver, and that it's supposedly very good even raw
>Kidney is difficult
Yeah, as I'm standing here cooking tiny bits of kidney in various ways I can agree. Gotten a few good results so far, one was thin sliced lightly pan seared with saffron, one with a curry mix and one with just chili and rosemary.

>> No.13361832

Jesus will show you truth and compassion if you simply open your hearts. I will alert Him to your sorrows.

>> No.13361833

Cute baby cockatiel

>> No.13361892

Cringing hard at this thread

>Ooh I'm eat organ meat
>Ooh I'm eating GRASS-fed beef. I'm so special
>Oh look at me I'm grating my own cheese

Are Amerisharts even human?

And it's called "offal".

>> No.13361895

>cute baby cock

>> No.13361914
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Organs have gone mostly out of fashion in most of the west


Pic related is godly

>> No.13362308
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based chinchus

>> No.13362314
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based mollejas (sweetbread)

>> No.13362362


Tell me more about these

>> No.13362388

European aristocrats like myself still eat lamb's liver and heart, and tripe.

>> No.13362436

Never had tripe myself, but hearth is godly, was just munching on some dried and salted deer hearth a minute age.

>> No.13362486


>> No.13362498

I’m not sure if it’s a typo or not cause you wrote it the same way twice...

>> No.13362533

I get where you're coming from but he's right

>> No.13362599

I blame staying up too late

>> No.13362629

You don't. It's bad. People who like it are either poor or hipsters.

>> No.13362778

>He does not consume the entire animal

>> No.13362795

i'll take the lion's choice, while you carrion fight over the scraps

>> No.13362796

Leave the bird alone faggot

>> No.13362947

Enjoy your veggies then, I'll stick to carni

>> No.13363013

Organ meats usually end up with meat scraps for sausages.

Most people aren't ok with having it served whole like steak so just chop it up.
Frying makes everything easier to eat. I'd chop it up to bite sized pieces and saute it in whatever sauce I want or throw it in with whatever i'm cooking

>> No.13363045

desu the only organ meats worth a damn eating wise are liver and heart.

>> No.13363066

Lions will generally begin rending flesh from bone at the joints so they can detach a limb and take it to a place of safety away from the horde of scavengers that are soon to arrive. Are you saying this is what you prefer?

>> No.13363162
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I luv steak and kidney pie. Simple ass

>> No.13363456

Kidney is a weird organ as even Bloom in Ulysses admited when he said it had the faint taste of piss. Having said that, Bloom was a jew of course

>> No.13363498

Lion's share usually involves soft organs such as the liver for the high density of nutrients there.
As such, I like using the liver to make really thick pate that I spread on baguettes and such. Hearts and kidneys get sliced paper-thin, seasoned lightly and sauteed with asparagus, leeks or brussel sprouts depending on how I'm feeling.

>> No.13363512
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>Do you eat organ meat?
That's disgusting and offensive

>> No.13363569

I like to eat the livers of predator animals and fucking die lmao.

>> No.13363599

pretty much just liver because of the micronutrient density. with caramelized onion and/or fried potatos

>> No.13363608

I guess i should add that I fry the liver on low heat, salt and pepper to taste

>I wish other Americans weren't so scared of them.
more cheap organ meat for us, bro

>> No.13363616

>Ooh I'm eating GRASS-fed beef. I'm so special
are you saying this because in other countries the default is grass-fed, or do you not know that grass fed is tangibly and provably better? if the former, then I'm with you. fuck this country

>> No.13363620

I had some tripe soup at a greek restaurant and it was tough as fuck. was it just a shitty place?

>> No.13363627

But then it wouldn't be cheap if everyone ate it

>> No.13363642

how to make pate? is the choice of chicken or beef liver up to personal taste for pate?

>> No.13363653

whats in the livers of predator animals? luckily the first-world recognizes that predator animals are inefficient and gamey as food sources

>> No.13363654
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chopped liver New York Kosher style with some hard boiled eggs mixed in is what I like

>> No.13363669

Its more common in Arctic predators, but they tend to have lots of vitamin A in their livers. There is this story of a crew of sailors who ran out of food in the 1800s and resorted to killing polar bears. Crew who ate the livers of polars bears begin to show signs of necrosis in their flesh as it slowly began to just slough off of their bodies.

>> No.13363690

all liver has ungodly amounts of vitamin A, like thousands of percent of daily recommended allowance(if you give that any credence, but with vit A too much is very bad). which is why you shouldnt eat any liver more than, I'd say, once per week, though even that i could see as being too much. I dont have scientific evidence of where you run into unhealthy territory, but if you eat liver say twice a week, you're probably pushing the boundaries of your liver or whatever vit A fucks with

>> No.13363701

actually i looked it up and beef liver is just a few hundred percent, though given vit A is demonstrably bad in high doses, I think they have the 100% reigned in pretty accurately. so idk if that makes my argument less valid or the same, and idk what kind of predators people eat to look up and make a comparison

>> No.13363718

The type of liver is indeed up to personal taste. I made turkey pate this past Thanksgiving that turned out really good, so I may do it every year. Beef, goose, chicken and duck's liver are fairly common choices.
I make turkey pate by chopping and gently cooking the liver with a dollop of butter, adding black pepper, a bit of brandy and salt as it cooks. A gentle bubbling is all you need for about a half an hour. I wanted a thicker pate for spreading so I slowly added a half tsp of general flour, stirring as I added. It had a deep, rich flavor without becoming gamey tasting.

>> No.13363726

is brandy common to all pates? and im guessing you mash the liver once its cooked to a smooth consistency? it seems like canned pate always has a bunch of lard of the animals, is that not necessary?

>> No.13363727

>beef liver
Americans aren't scared of this.

>> No.13363739

I dont think ive ever met another american that ate any sort of liver. my first experience with it was through a montenegrin family

>> No.13363743

>grass feed
This is the default for all cattle.
>grass fed is tangibly and provably better?
Finishing cattle on grass is not "provably" better, and the results are inconsistent.

>> No.13363751

>I dont think ive ever met another american that ate any sort of liver. my first experience with it was through a montenegrin family
I don't think that you live in the US, or around Americans at all.

>> No.13363752

I've encountered it, but it's old fashioned

>> No.13363767

its proven that corn and soy are terrible for cattle and their meat quality. namely in omega 3s present(part of beef fat's health qualities) and b12(which requires supplementation when the cattle isnt eating grass)

>> No.13363774

I live in California. I guess I could see rural families being more likely to consume liver than their city-slicker counterparts, but i have no experience with that, even in Minnesota where i have family

>> No.13363798

>its proven that corn and soy are terrible for cattle and their meat quality
Corn*, and soy* aren't used to finish cattle (At least not in the US).
Soy sprout is in the experimental stages as feed, and cattle are fed grass until finishing them on grains.
Cattle can only live off of grains for a short period, and do so naturally, but as a survival mechanism to cope with a lack of grass.

>> No.13363815

finish is literally just the diet given at the end of their life cycle, right? so the rest of their life, when developing the majority of their tissue, they are fed corn and soy. Ive also seen labels for "grass-finished" cows, which leads me to believe theyre feding them the same garbage up til theyre butchered

>> No.13363817

Maybe eating liver is more of a non California thing, or just not common in your barrio.
The rest of the US eats liver, and there were occasions where the government would meme how awesome liver is. Iirc the government used to recommend raw liver to pregnant women.

>> No.13363822

why would the government give a shit if people were already eating liver? why is liver so dirt-fucking-cheap if the market dictates that theres demand close to normal meat, when there's a single liver per animal?

>> No.13363826

>so the rest of their life, when developing the majority of their tissue, they are fed corn and soy.
No. They are fed grass. They would die if they weren't fed grass.

>> No.13363837

that is not what factory farms feed cattle. they feed them corn and soy, and give them b12 supplements to make up for the fact they would die otherwise. they also give them a shitton of antibiotics, becayse corn and soy make them vulnerable to e. coli

>> No.13363841

>why would the government give a shit if people were already eating liver?
Because the US goes through waves of retarded immigrants, and would occasionally need to remind a Pedro that they should eat healthy every once in a while, or nudge them to wash themselves more often in a proper manner.

>> No.13363847

>they feed them corn and soy
Sauce. Cows can only digest either grass, or grains (short term).

>> No.13363855

>t. podcast degree

>> No.13363870

Eat 'em every now and then.
Love getting gyutan when I go for yakitori, the chicken livers aren't my favorite though. The hearts are interesting but they've always been a bit too chewy for me.

>> No.13363879
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have you ever been to America yah fucking Ruskie?

>> No.13363882

Everything but the capers pls.

>> No.13363888

i guess youre right, according to this, the majority of cattle in the US are raised on grass for 9 months. i assumed most cattle were reared in feedlots, where they "are fed hay supplemented with grain, soy and other ingredients in order to increase the energy density of the feed." Idk how nutritious hay is for cows

here's an article about the e. coli thing

make an argument, fag

>> No.13363895

where do you live? economically it makes no sense to me that liver is so cheap if the average American regularly consumes liver. like i said, rural areas i could see being more likely to consume liver, especially those that raise their own livestock

>> No.13363921

fuck, first quote was meant for >>13363847

>> No.13363933

organ meats is the biggest meme ever, its made for masochists

>> No.13363937


>> No.13363947

>t. fatty

>> No.13364221

organ meats dont make you skinny retard

>> No.13364246

I just stir it with a three-tined fork while it cooks slowly. That's usually enough to get it to a smooth texture, provided you add some butter. Lard can make it a bit too rich for my personal preference.

>> No.13364356

Tongue is literally normie-tier.
When I was at a horumon place, the small intestine was actually really good grilled.

>> No.13364369

I agree, it's tasty though. Haven't found anywhere near me that does intestine but I'm looking forward to trying it. I hear it can be greasy but pretty good.

>> No.13364644

at least she doesn't have her tits out like every other whore

>> No.13364650

God I wish she'd chop and eat my organ meat

>> No.13364772

Probably wasn't cooked long enough.

I've only had tripe in posole/menudo, I love that wierd texture and slight chewyness.

>> No.13365930

those potatoes are a crime, by far the worst thing about that image

>> No.13365973
File: 1.04 MB, 2560x1440, chopped liver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you eat organ meat?
I make chopped liver spread about twice a year. Hard boil an egg, shock to stop the cooking in cold water, meanwhile sweat onions in butter, gently cook the milk-soaked, patted dry, lobes of chicken livers (small tub 1/2lb) in the drippings, deglaze with a glog of cream or dry sherry, usually. Scrape all into the processor to cool, and once no longer steaming, process together with salt and pepper, and chill a couple hours to firm up. I can devour it within a couple of days. There's a sweetness, a mineraly flavor, and eggy and fatty richness. I prefer a rye triscuit, or those JJ Flats or other type of everything cracker.

Now to make this kosher you wouldn't be using butter rather instead you'd use schmalz (chicken fat), nor would you be soaking the livers in milk (which I feel is a good step). No alcohol, it's supposed to be simple, not a french pate, but I like that hint of something else there and think there are some alcohol soluble flavors. But I don't go traditional. It's just usually a last minute recipe to handle a sudden craving. Parsley on top if serving to others. Do not be tempted to use any kind of sweet onion nor caramelize them, just soften them up. You don't want it too sweet. You can italianize the recipe and making it like bruschetta topping, adding garlic, less processing, finished with a drizzle of balsamic glaze or raspberry white wine vinegar, or lemon zest.

I don't mind calves liver and if I see it on menus I might get it. And I think pork liver goes nicely into leberknudelsuppe "meatballs" but that's a real labor of love beginning to end. Only made it once.

>> No.13366030
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>> No.13366361
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I add about 8 ounces of mushrooms chopped to the onions when I'm cooking them
gives the spread some other texture
good to eat

>> No.13366412

>greasy but pretty good
You know what, that's exactly how I'd describe it.
It was hardly any grosser than if you just took a strip of fat and grilled it, and we basically do that all the time with bacon.