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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13357954 No.13357954 [Reply] [Original]

what's the most abnormal thing you found in food you bought?

>> No.13357961

I found a foreskin in my porkrinds once.

>> No.13357964

A "Made in Bangladesh" tag found inside some shitty haukau served in some shit tier Chinese takeaway.

>> No.13357966

Huh, I found a porkrind in my foreskin once.

>> No.13357967

there was cow's milk in my carton of almond breeze once, i think they did a recall.

>> No.13357969

Bread in my grilled cheese

>> No.13357985

You gotta stop using that as a pocket man, it's not sanitary.

>> No.13357991
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>> No.13358003

A big fat black chip in a bag of Doritos. I ate it. It was probably a roach.

>> No.13358298

The ingredients in Spanish.

>> No.13358313

At a party when I was a kid we got a massive bag of off brand cheesies and mid way through found part of a dead mouse saturated in cheese powder. I didn't eat anything like that for years.

>> No.13358910

Found a bitten piece in my choc stick pretzel from Auntie Anne's once. Never bought from them again.

>> No.13358959

Never really had much of a problem with this. When i was a kid my mum used to pack my lunch in shit cheap plastic bags and the seal would break off into bits and go in my sandwiches. There was also a pube in a pie my dad got once and I had a maggot in my salad at a 4 star hotel

>> No.13359005


>> No.13359127

I think I found a pube in my grilled chicken sandwich from Burger King.

>> No.13359149
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I found a capatiller on some spinach I bought once.

>> No.13359171
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I once found what I deemed a "flavor nug" at the bottom of a bag of pic related. It was like a golf ball of pure seasoning

>> No.13359239

uh..yeah? any bag of seasoned items will hafve at least one flavor stick

>> No.13359714

when I worked at a hotel, constantly had snails and caterpillars in the salad we got. The gooks in the cold kitchen were shit at washing the salads so it was always customers that got to find them on their plate.

>> No.13359717

You raised it to maturity and released it into nature, right anon?

>> No.13359762

Why do women get all the pockets? Handbags, cleavage, vaginal cavities. It's not fair.

>> No.13360303

One time when I ate a bag of Kettle chips, I found a lump around the size of a ping pong ball that was just pure grease and salt crystals and the occasional chip crumb.

>> No.13360312

I found a fingernail clipping in some fudge, but I still ate the rest of it. It was delicious.

>> No.13360340
File: 418 KB, 600x900, chocolate-bark-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one time i made truffles and i mixed the excess tempered chocolate with some nuts and spread it on some baking paper until it hardened so i could use it as a half assed chocolate bark

the next day people were eating it and one girl found a date pit in it. no clue how it got there. i broke the chocolate into tiny pieces with a knife so it couldn't have been in the chocolate. i got the hazelnuts from a transparent bag and i had them poured in a glass. i hadn't bought dates in literal months and iirc i got pitted dates at the time

how the fuck did a date pit get into homemade chocolate bark

>> No.13360353

Hoop that shit, homie.

>> No.13360450

I got into your mom's date pit last night

>> No.13360474

Orange stuff came out of the McDonald’s ketchup dispenser

>> No.13360484


>> No.13362109
