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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13354616 No.13354616 [Reply] [Original]

Regale anons with stories of hurting yourself in the kitchen.
>Working at a restaurant
>Busy lunch, working fast
>Go to cut an avocado for a Cobb salad
>Swing the knife way too fucking hard for no good reason
>Slice straight through the whole thing, even the pit, into my index finger
>Cut the fingertip digit in half, actually watch half of that digit fall into the salad
>Co-worker rushed me to the emergency room, we kept the tip on ice, got sewn up on the worker's comp dime
Pic not me but also a horrid avocado accident. I thought this guy was an idiot until that day. Now I know I'm an idiot, too.

>> No.13354650

>Last hour of my shift, everyone else has gone home, holding down the fort until the first night guy shows up
>Slow as shit, no orders, I'm sitting on a milk crate and shitposting
>See a bright orange glow out of the corner of my eye
>For no explicable reason, the corner of the charbroiler has caught fire
>Charbroiler is right next to the fryer, and the flames are climbing up the side of the guard on the side
>The flames are touching the hood and the ansul things but not setting them off
>Rush to kill the flame switches on the grill, terrified of what will happen if the fire gets into the fryer oil
>Blast it with the fire extinguisher and call the owner
>Get stuck with cleaning everything up, there's a shit ton of caked on grease all over everything because the night guys never do anything but smoke weed
>Go home pissed and also spooked because that could have been really bad

>> No.13354653

>When I first entered the workforce I was a busser at Chili's.
>Most of the servers are obviously alcoholics or stoners.
>Guy is waiting on a refire for fajitas which are served in a skillet.
>Everyone knows to cover the handle with the little oven mitt condom
>dude was in a daze, full on grips the handle
>leaves hand wrapped around it as he screams, like he's getting electrocuted or something.
>finally pulls hand away. Looks like a pizza commercial with cheese melting but it was his skin.
>never eat Chili's fajitas again.

>> No.13354694

Owner should have given you a reward and showed up to work the shit out of the night crew deep cleaning.

>> No.13354696

If I had a nickel for every time I tried to grab a hot pan without a towel, I could quit hurting myself in my stupidity. Never had the electric shock reaction though.

>> No.13354703

Anon look again at the breast and nails

>> No.13354706

Yeah, he should have, but this is the food industry, and I know that nothing is going to change until the place burns down and I'm looking for a new job.

>> No.13354715

Don't assume genders.
Honestly, though, I never really looked that closely at the rest of the picture, I always just focused on cringing at the wound.

>> No.13354754
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>Not noticing those voluptuous milkers
OP confirmed for fag.

>> No.13354771

Please don't coom to the avocado accident picture.

>> No.13354783
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Stop me.

>> No.13354786

I said please.

>> No.13354854

>don't assume gender
Unironically kill yourself tonight tranny faggot

>> No.13354871

Idk if this counts as getting hurt in the kitchen but I saw a kid have a mental breakdown after he put chicken on the wrong salad. Had to remake two salads but the kid was full on bawling

>> No.13354875

I was joking you retarded faggot.

>> No.13354896

It doesn't count.

>> No.13355087

When I first started cooking professionally I grabbed a pan straight out of the oven and it was at the magic temperature where I actually had to wait a second for my skin to sear and release because it fucking stuck to my hand.

As for my story, some dipshit I worked with was complaining about how full the fryer was. (He filled it up.) At the end of the shift during clean up he decided to remedy this by wordlessly pulling a metal 1/6 pan of the oil and setting it on my station next to my cooling 1/6 pans of sauces. I picked up what I thought was my pan without a rag to discover it was full to the brim with 350F oil. The mats were pulled to sweep already and I got startled and fell backwards, splashing the oil all down my calf. Was blistered into my shoe with like 2 cups of pus for a week or two before it drained. I'm anal about rags and stations now that I'm KM

>> No.13355217

I put my finger on top of a stick blender (on the bit where it spins around, not the blades) on the lowest setting and pressed the button. I was a real fucking idiot, and thankfully i had really long fingernails. it basically lopped off part of my nail, but at least it didnt lop off my finger

>> No.13355387

I closed a folding knife on my pinky once when I was absentmindedly eating an orange. Nearly took off the tip but didn't go to the ER I just washed the shit out of it with water for a long time then put direct pressure on it. Took it about an hour to stop bleeding.
Then I was super careful for a couple weeks. For a few days nothing but a bit of scabbing was holding my pinky tip on.

>> No.13355412

>Blast it with the fire extinguisher and call the owner
>Get stuck with cleaning everything up, there's a shit ton of caked on grease all over everything because the night guys never do anything but smoke weed

Fucking leave that place the oqner should be grateful you stopped the place from burning down, hell even just setting off the ansul system would have cost a few grand just to refill it. Not including the clean up and downtime service that the kitchen would have had to be closed for the clean up. I would wager it wasn't as no explicable reason, the foil on the trays under the charbroiler are probably never changed out or cleaned so it's just caked on ancient grease layered on top of more grease, eventually the old grease vulcanized raising the new grease vloser to the heat source above it, close enough with a small divet pool of fat and it ignites to a fire especially if there is a tilt collecting everything to on one side of the tray

>> No.13355486

Not necessarily in the kitchen, but still in the business
>Bartending, New year's Eve, one of two bartenders working
>Other guy is drunk and moving slow, crowds of people surrounding us
>Other guy tries to spin an empty bottle, see it go flying across the bar out of the corner of my eye
>Try to catch it before it hits the ground, to avoid a time costly cleanup during peak busy hours
>Grab bottle the exact moment it hits tile floor, thing shatters in my hand
>Pieces of glass stuck all in my fucking palm, fingers, shards in my wrist somehow
>Spend 15 minutes in the front office pulling glass from my hand, wrap large towel around said hand to stop bleeding
>Superglue towel together, superglue mummified forearm/hand to the towel to seal it off
>Make drinks one handed rest of the night, get laughs here and there when I explain why I've got an entire towel stuck to my left arm

Overall could've been worse, but I don't try to catch glass anymore unless I'm positive I can get it

>> No.13355507
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>working in a greek restaurant
>cutting carrots
>knife slips off a slimy carrot
>right into my finger
>wasn't that bad, just a bandaid fixed it

I cut pretty quickly and my knife skills are pretty good, but man I felt like an idiot that day. It didn't help that it was one of those places that made you wear gloves at all times, which is utterly retarded if you're running a clean operation and aren't hiring unhygienic teenagers and burnouts. That was the only time I ever cut myself with a knife.

Only other time I cut myself in the kitchen:
>be me
>be 11
>opening a can of spaghettio's with the can opener
>nearly drop the can in my weak child grip
>lid slices my pinkie open really bad, I can see bone
>still have the scar visible on my hand
>pic related

>> No.13355538

My cousin who lived with my grandma, once cut his thumb so deeply while cooking he almost severed it. He was like 16. Grandma slapped the fuck out of him, sewed the finger back with thread and needle, loaded him on her bicycle and rode 3km to the hospital with him clinging to her and spilling blood on her dress. Apparently the sewing saved his finger. He still can't close fully the thumb twenty years later.

>> No.13355541

Once caught a falling wine glass the moment the stem hit the counter and tge bottom sliced right into my pinkie finger, had to get something like 7 stitches ehich is high for such a small space but it wss that deep the doctor kept telling me he needs to put more as it wouldn't stop bleeding through, circulation in that finger is fucked now, if I'm in the cooler doing inventory or something I'll notice it goes numb before my other fingers even feel cold. Now if a wine glass falls I just let it go, not worth the ER visit and workers comp claim for a couple dollar glass we have boxes of in storage

>> No.13355542

One time I didn't use the handguard on my mandolin slicer and almost sliced the tip of my finger off. It hurt like fuck


>> No.13355681

>got mandolin as wedding present
>wife takes it out and leaves it on the kitchen table one night
>no guard in sight
>start cutting a large potato with said mandolin
>realize my fingers are getting a little too close to the blade
>turn head and call into the other room
>"wife is there a guard for thi-"
>almost slice off my thumb tip from the palm side but blade doesn't cut through my hole finger nail

>> No.13355688

>be told to get duck from pen
>get the duck
>want to hold the feet to keep it from scratching me
>it scratches me all over
>get and hold the wings instead
>find out later while I hold it upside down and have it's neck cut that my hands were bleeding from all the scratches

>> No.13355723

>cooking lasagna in oven
>timer goes off, need to pull it out of the oven
>no oven mitts, grab two dishtowels instead
>reach to pull the rack out of the oven so I'll have an easier time lifting the lasagna out
>towel slips
>index and middle finger touch the hot rack
Luckily, my fingers were only in contact with the rack for a split second, so I got off easily with some minor first degree burns.

>> No.13355742

When I was younger I sliced my fingers on the lid of a can of soup. The handle to pop open the top came off, and my dumb ass grabbed the edges of the lid and immediately sliced my 2 fingers deep. I'm very wary of CANS now

>> No.13355754

>turn on the wrong hob on the stove
>put my entire fucking hand on it a few minutes later
I was 14. Never made that fucking mistake again.

>> No.13355762

You mean a mandoline, captain corrlli?

>> No.13355772

I've never really had any accidents when I cooked having been doing it for 18+ years but I think its from my parents raising me to cook from the getgo. Closest thing I have would be this
>cousin and his friends come to my apartment to chill and smoke
>"hey anon can we make some of your pizza rolls"
>"sure go ahead"
>i go to sleep in my room while they chill and eat in the living room
>next morning go out to the kitchen
>fuckers left my oven on all night
Sketched me out majorly

>> No.13355774

Knew a kid who spilled boiling milk on himself and had his whole left arm scarred. Looked like a sleeve tattoo, pretty rad if you ask me.

>> No.13356189

i thought sharp knives were supposed to be safer

>> No.13356213

I shocked myself replacing a heat lamp bulb that I didn't turn off and wasn't looking at what I was doing. Did the whole jitter thing, thought to myself "So this is how I die" then hit the floor. I was ok soon after, heart racing and shaking from adrenaline, but ok.
By far the stupidest thing I've done in 15years cooking.

>> No.13356214

I want to read this but heebee jeebees.

>> No.13356223

The OP pic is like the ur-tier example of why sharp knives are safer.

>> No.13356749
File: 1.38 MB, 3264x1836, 20171004_183118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prepping veggies for wife before she gets home
>put down knife on uneven surface
>it starts sliding
>attempt to stop it miss the handle and cut the tip of my index finger open
>knife hits the floor anyways
Just let the knife drop guys

>> No.13356756

>one time I accidentally.... no wait that wasn't me.

>> No.13356782

how the fuck you get injured by cutting an avocado

>> No.13356786

>burnt tumtum

I need to get myself some new injuries, to be honest.

>> No.13356850


I was in a real lurch a few months back looking for a new job. A friend of the family has relatives who run a semi fancy Italian place and I'm a pretty good cook and have my food handler's certification so she got me an interview. Everything was going well and they wanted me for the job but as we were going through the kitchen talking about things all I could think of were the /ck/ horror stories and did I really want to spend all my working hours in a place like that with a bunch of drunk assholes.

My account was in the red but god damn am I glad I didn't take it.

>> No.13358255

>be bitch line cook
>grabbing lasagna out of oven
>fat whale 300lbs hambest craterface coworker leans against open over door because she just walked 5 feet and is nearly passing out

I had to use silver sulfadiazine for so long my fucking eyes turned grey

>> No.13358973
File: 82 KB, 536x598, 1516862458681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only did he stab the avocado, but he also messed up pouring tapatio on it as well.

>> No.13358993

>making pasta
>not quite 100% sober
>going to dump water out in the
>why does my foot hurt so bad?
>oh shit i'm pouring boiling water on it
wasn't a serious injury or anything but used up like 2 rolls of paper towels cleaning up all the pasta water off the floor

>> No.13359016

Your biggest mistake was dumping out the water instead of adding it to the sauce.

>> No.13359023

lol the sauce was a couple can tuna and half can of rotel tomatoes dumped directly into the pan after draining the water

>> No.13359036
File: 18 KB, 149x205, 1557769422080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a cheap grating board from Taobao
>it's razor sharp
>too much of a cheapskate to get a new one, use it for about a year
>grate bits of skin off, revealing red new skin, multiple times

>making soup or braising something
>put the water in the pot whilst something is frying
>there's too much oil
>have to quickly put a lid on a huge pot of fire to put it out
happened like 3 times

>> No.13359148

>be cook
>leave tip in salad
do americans

>> No.13359201

Can you re-explain? Who got hurt and how?

>> No.13359282

This March I sliced open the tip of my finger while setting up a mandolin; I was going to shred half of a leftover cabbage to make some homemade sauerkraut, after putting in an insert with vertical tines on it I noticed one of them was bent a bit. Like a titanic I decided to try to bend it back while in the mandolin, so of course my finger slips off right into the blade. Ended up with a 5mm long and 2mm deep cut right on the inside corner of my fingertip, required 3 stitches. Since it was a Sunday there was only one urgent care clinic open nearby, and then it was 15 minutes from closing when we got there. And, because it was part of a different hospital network than the one my PCP is in, my $40 co-pay ended up getting eaten by new patient registration fees, almost $200 total IIRC. Today there's just a hard to see scar, and only a tiny amount of nerve damage, the memory of careless stupidity and the waste of money hurts worse...

>> No.13359289

Did you kill him?

>> No.13359300


>> No.13359327

One time I was making coffee in a french press. I went to pour boiling water out of a saucepan into it, and poured the whole thing too fast and too sleepy onto my hand that was holding the pot.

Covered the whole back of my hand, but thankfully I had a jar of silvadene nearby. No marks, or anything.

>> No.13359342

I think those might be knees, or else very pointy not-big titties

>> No.13359376

>be 10
>making pasta
>spill boiling water down my entire front of body soaking into my pj’s with boiling water
>entire front of body is burned with second degree burns
>thxfully not my dick tho because I took my pants off

>> No.13359383

Next time something like that happens use superglue, especially if ur American and have to pay out the ass for simple medical care because our nation is broken

>> No.13359388

>10 years old, home alone
>Craving some terrible microwave nachos
>Start grating up some cheddar
>Happily working away, suddenly slip
>Slice off a meaty oval of thumb knuckle skin
>Frantically hunt through the cheese for my skin piece
>Find it, wash it and the wound
>Gently press back into place, cover with ointment, bandage
>To this day I have no idea if I put it back facing the correct direction
>Enjoyed my slightly bloody nachos while watching Iron Giant

>> No.13359392

Lol idk if the skin reattached but I remember doing shit like that I’m the pasta boy above. Good times cooking with no parents around

>> No.13359399

Based anon cooming to the avacado hand

>> No.13359551

Not him but.
>Cooking food in oven.
>Oven is hot.
>Fat worker walks over.
>Is tired because fat.
>Fatty leans on oven.

>> No.13359615

I wasn't.

>> No.13359629

As long as you cleaned up the oil, you should be ok.

>> No.13359648

This is my new worst nightmare. I will never try to catch a falling glass again because of this post.

>> No.13359669

minimal ouches in the 8yrs I was cooking, countless forearm oven burns and for about a half year I didn't have fingerprints

>> No.13359703

I was actually expecting them to use medical superglue, but when I asked about it the doctor said the cut was just a bit too deep for it to work properly. Also, I've had two other deep lacerations on my fingers from when I was working at UPS that I tried treating myself and both ended up as very noticeable scars, so I wanted it taken care of properly. Still, if that clinic hadn't been open I probably would've tried the glue thing rather than go to the ER and get gouged even worse.

>> No.13359848

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.13359856

I would have married her on the scheduled date so I could look after her more effectively. Her fiance was an asshole.

>> No.13359866

I never got hurt but this shit pissed me off
>work at pizza place
>go to do dishes (no dishwasher, we all just do them)
>we have a 3 compartment sink for dishes
>always a fucking knife deep down in the water of the first sink

vs. current job (dishwasher)
>cook brings the food processor
>hey man I know you already know but there's a blade in here be careful

Fuck jobs that don't care about worker safety. My current job is almost too strict but I can still get away with doing dumb shit.

>> No.13359885

Oh yeah, I just remembered a funny one
>chef has no feeling in his hands
>asks me to wash a bowl
>grab the bowl
>scorching hot
>oh sorry can't feel it lol
>10 minutes later
>asks me to wash another bowl
>hey be careful it's pretty hot
>it's cold
>like been in the fridge cold

>> No.13359908
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>slicing potatoes for scalloped potatoes
>using mandolin bc faster
>try to be a good boy and use guard
>it's too cumbersome so just hold potatoes with fingers
>immediately lose two fingertips
Pic is my thumb a couple days later, index finger wasn't as bad

>> No.13359913

Why was the chef carrying anything? His job is 100% talking.

>> No.13359916

>be like 16
>Boiling kettle for outmeal or tea or some shit
>Reach across front to unplug it
>Steam coming out was so hot I didn't see it.
>Burn my arm as it passes through
>Didn't think it was possible to burn oneself on the steam from a fucking kettle
>Patch of fucked up skin on my arm a little smaller than a credit card
>Never burned myself before so leave it and expect it to heal normally
>couple days later I notice its starting to turn green
>Go to walk in clinic and get scolded by a doctor for not covering it
Thats how I learned about burns. It took years for the mark on my arm to go away

>> No.13359926

>new to my job
>forget to yell corner when going around a corner
>also don't hear server yell corner while carrying a bunch of glass to the kitchen
>slam directly into him
>2 wineglasses fall off the tray
>grab one, hit the other one with my foot to kill its momentum so it doesn't break on the floor

>> No.13359934

i was washing dishes and went to get the brush for cleaning in squeeze bottles and i ripped up pulling the thing off of its screw and my index finger ran along the edge of the metal shelf cover above. nearly cut it off at the knuckle.

>> No.13359935


>> No.13359941

He didn't carry it he just told me that there was a dirty bowl in the window. I didn't see what happened before that because I was busy as shit. He does a lot of hands on stuff though, sometimes he'll even wash dishes for me while I put stuff away. My job is pretty chill.

>> No.13359962

what restaurant do you work at where your job involves slaughtering ducks? do you also have to pluck and clean the ducks or is that someone else's job?

>> No.13359998

The worst I've done was microwaved some leftovers in a ceramic bowl and when I lifted the bowl it was super hot. I could've just DROPPED the bowl immediately and had been fine, but I resisted it and quickly set the scolding hot bowl down onto the counter. I had burned my fingertips and was in agony for hours. The days after, I had gross blisters on my fingers and took pictures of them trolling /b/ that I had contracted finger herpes.

I learned from that and have not burned myself ever sense.

>> No.13360008

>slicing cheese with cheese slicer
>don't pay attention for a sec
>slice part of my thumbskin off to the bone
>clean it under the faucet
>look at my mom
"I will be passing out now."
>drop like a sack of potatoes

>> No.13360046

Did your fingerprints get erased?

>> No.13360056

Yeah, and then I joined the Men In Black.