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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 223 KB, 1080x1350, macncheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13349365 No.13349365 [Reply] [Original]

for me:
Pasta and Cheese
The best pairing in food.

>> No.13349376

It would take an entire roll of TP after that digests

>> No.13349403

I don’t see the cheese there

>> No.13349425
File: 137 KB, 1100x1100, 101465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you something you might like OP. When you have Spaghetti and it's like a day old and you want to microwave itfor a couple minutes. Just toss a entire bag of this shit on top of it.

>> No.13349555

and then fucking die

>> No.13349654

why are you eating mac and cheese over the age of 12?

>> No.13349681

Because it's easy and tastes good?

>> No.13349694

Why are you creating arbitrary lengths of time at which people should stop enjoying things?

>> No.13349708
File: 459 KB, 825x464, Hook 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>growing up means growing old
>cheese doesn't go with pasta anymore
I'm staying right here you little shit.

>> No.13350192

Why are you allowing adults dictating what you eat? Are you a child?

>> No.13350396
File: 175 KB, 819x819, 1557154658814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simmer down, manchildren. Mommy will make you tendies when she gets off work.

>> No.13350419

Imagine if someone had this opinion unironically.

>> No.13350434
File: 127 KB, 1200x1200, 255147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking an adult should eat this.

>> No.13350463
File: 1.43 MB, 1293x721, jeopardy buzzer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is college?

>> No.13350489
File: 2.90 MB, 774x420, Stop_watching_anime.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could meal prep for an hour every sunday and eat a hundred times nutritionally better, which you need to focus and learn.
College is the time where kids are out and their own and they practice living like adults, not eating prepackaged freeze dried noodles and powdered "cheese" and spending all their free time drinking captain morgan and smoking weed

>> No.13350508

Are you just supposed to eat the same defrosted meal all week?

>> No.13350517

Compared to putting premade factory slop into the microwave?

>> No.13350528

enjoy your cardiac arrest

>> No.13350531

I'm not the same anon, I don't care about mac and cheese. But eating the same meal for a week doesn't sound appealing either.

>> No.13350548

It's better than eating child's food, and you get to practice cooking even in small increments.

>> No.13350560

Saying child's food is a bit judgemental.

>> No.13350580

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

>> No.13350600

Stick your dick in it?

>> No.13350622

But it's common. You imply that this is something a "proper" adult would not do. That it's something for manchildren.
It isn't.

And yeah, you get bored of eating the same shit everyday.
Sure its not healthy, but what the fuck does that have to do with them being an "adult"?
Adults can't eat snack food? Adults don't go to McDonald's, don't eat cake, don't drink coffee?

Fuck off.

>> No.13350626

Explain how mac and cheese is objectively children's food. Go ahead. No opinions please

>> No.13350631

kids eat it

>> No.13350635

>jewish advertising tricks
there ya go, answered for that anon

>> No.13350636

Is this nigga serious?

>> No.13350639

kids eat children's food

>> No.13350651

Kids eat the food their parents give them to eat. If it's mac and cheese because the parents don't give a shit, or daily home made meals, it's what's going to the child's food.

>> No.13350664

Sure junior. I'll put your apple juice box in the plastic wine glass and you can sit at the table with the adults, eating your plain, starch and fats comfort food you need to make it through the day and give you enough tryptophan to make it to bedtime. Sure, you'll be lazy and lethargic, but that's just being part of an adult! Expanding your boundaries with a variety of complex tastes and undertones? No, stick with the soft mushy food you know and love from childhood. Because it tastes good, why not eat it?

>> No.13350684

parents serve their kids children's food, they don't serve them adult food. kids don't eat adult food. kids eat mac n cheese. therefore mac n cheese is kids food.

>> No.13350693

The retardation in this is astounding. Your parents must have been some the shittiest people in existence when it comes to cooking.

>> No.13350706


Then you must have severe problems digesting dairy.

But then again, if he DID eat the whole thing, that would be another story entirely.



>> No.13350711

says the one trying to weasel out of the definition of children's food. of parents serve their child foie gras and pâte with a glass of riesling, does that make that children's food? no, that's asinine.

>> No.13350721

>parents serve their child foie gras and pâte with a glass of riesling, does that make that children's food?
It would by your definition. The fact that you don't even realize that is absolutely mind blowing. Or do you believe kids would never eat foie gras or pate even if that's what given to them? What about a plate of rice with chicken breast and vegetables? Or is that too fancy as well for your parents, you fucking mouthbreather?

>> No.13350734

no, kids would be served it but they won't eat it, they would spit it out. too complex. it isn't simple, fatty, and mushy like mac and cheese.
and I'm not sure why you're so set on attacking me personally, or my parents.

>> No.13350744

>no, kids would be served it but they won't eat it, they would spit it out. too complex.
You are just massively retarded.

>> No.13350748

>implying it's acceptable to feed that crap to children
No wonder so many American kids end up autists who chop off their own peener

>> No.13350754

nope, just logically consistent. childrens food is food eaten by children. like mac n cheese.

>> No.13350757

bruh fois gras is the pinnacle of fatty mush

>> No.13350758

Such an annoying troll. If only you could really see how you sound.

>> No.13350764

Feel free to project your insecurities on me as you order from the kids menu.

>> No.13350767

You are only consistent in your retardation. Children only eat boxed crap if boxed crap is the only thing they have ever been given. Children who don't have shitty childhoods eat all kind of things that you apparently only consider adult food. Not like you'd know though.

>> No.13350773

so children's food is whatever their rich and affluent parents like yours, not like mine, serve their children. alright. such a nondefinition, but must not be comprehendable by a mushed peas and creamed carrots brain like me.

>> No.13350775

I literally was raised eating foie gras, pâté and cheese. I'm sorry your parents thought you were not worth being fed real food as a kid.

>> No.13350778

>you need to be rich to not eat mac and cheese on a daily basis.
Your parents must have really not given a shit about you.
Yeah, you're definitely a retard.

>> No.13350781

did the chambermaid give you the old reacharound too?

>> No.13350788

when was it ever stated mac and cheese was a daily thing? wjere are these ideas coming from?
the other guy drilled into his posts that I personally was of the lower caste, and I changed my posts to reflect that.
oh no, my entire argument is melting from a grammatical error.

>> No.13350798

These products really aren't expensive where I live. It's more a cultural thing then a class thing

>> No.13350800

Your "logic" is still retarded and only stands on the unrealistic and retarded argument that kids would only want to eat mac and cheese and similar crap and not "adult" food.

>> No.13350905

Kids also drink water. Doesn't mean it's exclusively for children

>> No.13350919

water is a children's drink

>> No.13350943

At least tell me you stopped buying the boxed shit and learned how to make a god damn roux.

>> No.13350950

You are a child

>> No.13350952

Apparently it's a way to get you to pay $100,000 to live in a prison cell and eat mac and cheese like a manchild for four years.

>> No.13350956

better eat some mac and cheese then

>> No.13350978

Sounds about right.

>> No.13350980

>mac and cheese
Ahh yes, the man who went out of his way to try and make a comfort food elegant. We can also top it with panko then toast it under the salamander and shave a tiny sliver of black truffle on and charge 14 USD for about 8oz, but fuck off.

>> No.13350991

Enjoy being overweight from over indulging in fucking desert literally designed to be top tier tasty food.
It's fucking fat and carbs mate, who in their right mind wouldn't spruce it up?

>> No.13350997
File: 274 KB, 899x528, Australia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mac and cheese
>designed to be top tier food
>over indulging in fucking desert
You can't fool me you koala fucker.

>> No.13351103

Roux is not elegant, it's just butter/milk/flour. Even I can make it and I'm retarded

>> No.13351119

A roux is actually just butter and flour.

>> No.13351147

We know you are, anon.

>> No.13351170

I had Mac and Cheese for the first time last week at lunch because they were serving it in our restaurant and I wanted to try it out. What the fuck, why would people eat that? It's not even a full meal, it's just carbs and fat! Is this american cuisine?

>> No.13351246

It's not a matter of sprucing it up. It's about actually having cheese in your mac and cheese, not the synthetic trash that Americans have the audacity to call cheese.
>it's just carbs and fat! Is this american cuisine?

>> No.13351256

Macaroni and cheese is seriously overrated. It's never that flavorful and just too heavy. It leads me to believe that most American food is overhyped and mediocre.

>> No.13351260 [DELETED] 

>why yes I do love Mac and cheese, how could you tell?

>> No.13351269
File: 41 KB, 640x360, 1576067534685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes I am an adult who enjoys Mac and cheese, how could you tell?

>> No.13351276

Good stay there.

>> No.13351288


>> No.13351540

I know most posts are just bait here but I really dont understand how its so difficult to enjoy pasta thats been mixed with a creamy cheese sauce.
Sure, box kraft mac n cheese isnt something I particularly like nor eat, but if im drunk at 1am and need a quick comfort meal befor passing out, then I would eat some.
While sober I will usually make it eith a bechemel, a blend of cheeses (cheddar, mozzarella, gouda or even blue cheese). Noodles generally range from cavateppi to the lentil/bean so i can at least get some decent macros. Also served with baked/pan-seared chicken or even grilled and some dark leafy greens. Sometimes when Im feeling crazy and if I dont have enough pasta, I can just throw the chicken and broccolli into the whole thing and serve as a casserole.
Also pork works well with it too

>> No.13351551

Because most of the people are either shitposting or so autistically inept that they can't fathom actually making a good meal out of something so easy.

>> No.13351564

>I care deeply about what foods other people consume
But why

>> No.13351572

Yeah I figure.
I guess this one hits home though because Ive also gotten weird looks irl when ive said that im making mac n cheese with x and y. Fuck

>> No.13351665

Shaming keeps society upright

>> No.13351729

Bagged cheese has anticaking crap added in that clumps up and makes it chalky, just use blocks and shred them while the pasta boils, you'll save money and it'll taste better because it's fresher.

>> No.13351757

Any tips on preserving cheese. All this time ive bought bagged shreded provolone and the like because i feel it lasts longers.
I cook make twice a week with cheese and I wouldn't want it to go moldy

>> No.13351775

You put it in the fridge, keep it covered with plastic wrap if needed unless you want it to dry. That's it.

>> No.13351907

get small blocks often from the cheesemonger

>> No.13351985

I don't. But that also doesn't mean I won't mock them for it when they deserve to be.

>> No.13352304

children's food is a meme pushed by stupid 19th century pediatricians and casual dining chains. Children have been eating the same thing as their parents since there have been kids and parents. The reason any kid would only want to eat chicken nuggets and mac and cheese is because he's only fed chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. Mac and cheese made with mild cheddar isn't childish. It's just kinda boring.

>> No.13353416
File: 35 KB, 640x426, 1316999675353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kids eat chicken and therefore it is kids food and adults should not eat chicken because it is kids food..

>> No.13353437

roux is necessary to make cheese sauce if you are making it from scratch.

>make roux
>gradually whisk in milk to make a white sauce
>gradually add freshly grated cheese until combined and to desired taste and consistency.
>add to cooked pasta
>bake if desired, but not required.

>> No.13353751


>> No.13354102
File: 109 KB, 550x412, macaroni-and-cheese-with-buttery-crumbs-xl-r-200309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its been around since the colonies anon. im going to eat it until i die

>> No.13354143

Won't be long than

>> No.13354213
File: 250 KB, 500x500, give me a HUH man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not mixing the cheese powder with milk, butter and a slice of cheese in a separate pot and then pouring it on the macaroni once its done