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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 1100x734, close-up-of-block-of-butter-being-sliced-may-raise-cholesterol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13342681 No.13342681 [Reply] [Original]

am i the only one utterly repulsed by butter?

i don't get how people can eat toast with this shit in it tastes better without it

>> No.13342683

Oh boy another thinly veiled tranny vegan thread.

>> No.13342690

Rent Free

>> No.13342692

i eat butter pure like cheese. a chip of salted butter is god tier.

>> No.13342695

i'm not a vegan i just don't like butter, i'm also not a tranny

>> No.13342696

Store brand cheap shit butter is worthless for putting on toast, I can't stand it. Slightly rancid taste to it.

Now if we're talking kerrygold or some shit, sign me the fuck up, i'll take a half teaspoon per slice of toast.

>> No.13342706

Yeah, I don't get the extra butter shit. I use it for everything it should be used with, but only what is needed or sometimes less so I don't get that disgusting taste.

>> No.13342709

What the fuck is that thing they use to curl up the butter?
NO ONE uses that except food stylists.

>> No.13342713


olive oil

avocado oil
coconut oil

canola oil

soybean or vegetable oil

>> No.13342721

>no lard
shit son, you a muzzle?

>> No.13342726

>spamming threads all day
>lol haha triggered?
I have a surprise in store for you.

>> No.13342733

Too spicy for you, white boy?

>> No.13342742

ghee goes up there with butter as well.

>> No.13342748


no its just fucking rotten cow goo, it fells disgusting, its like milk i don't know how people drink that shit

>> No.13342754

>doesn't like butter
You belong in a death camp. Bye, bye!

>> No.13342758

good i want to die a slow painful death, suicide is to quick

>> No.13342780
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pretty contrarian op

luckily i am a highly intelligent individualist. I don't use pronouns like "we" to augment my opinion, such as when people say "we eat butter because it's the greatest". It makes no difference to me what your taste preferences are.

>> No.13342787

if ti has a rotten or rancid taste, you're just buying shitty cheap butter.

Buy better butter if you're going to eat it straight.

>> No.13342812

No I'm not but pork should be enjoyed in very small amounts. Best I can do is mid tier.

>> No.13342830

Cheap and expensive butter only differ in price. Butter production is strictly regulated and cheap butter is perfectly fine.

>> No.13342833
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Rotten or rancid isn't even an issue of the quality of the product. If it tastes rotten or rancid it's because it has spoiled.

>> No.13342860

cringe but also based

>> No.13342879

>pork should be enjoyed in very small amounts

>> No.13342898

there is something deeply wrong with you

>> No.13342913

Nah, pretty much any cheap ass store brand butter will has a slight rancidness to it.

I've been tasting it for at least the last 12-15 years.

Multiple brands, even when i went to the UK and Amsterdam.

lmao imagine being THIS retarded.

Store brand walmart butter vs kerrygold. Have them both in the same fridge, pull both out at the same time and sit it on the counter. Then go try to make a compound herb butter by hand (with a fork or knife instead of food processor or similar electric device).

The walmart butter will still be fairly hard and unpliable. Whereas kerrygold will easily deform and mix with your herbs without any real issue.

The walmart brand will eventually soften up after working it for awhile, but it takes a LOT more elbow grease to get to the same stage of work-ability.

>> No.13342927

i cant recall the actual study but its high in a hemoglobin that harms 90% of people look it up its not broscience.

>> No.13342932

Either you're used to margarine and ultra low tier butter or, yes, you're the only one. Try Kerrygold or another good brand, maybe Amish butter sold by 2lb rolls or whatever is available to you. I realize that it can get expensive to buy 8 oz of butter for ~$4 (sometimes less, sometimes more depending on where you live), so I get decent real butter by the pound at a lower price and reserve Kerrygold for applications that are very noticeable like buttering bread and also for when I don't need to use a whole lot (like baking with a whole stick). I did not like their premade herb butter sticks though. It tasted like margarine to me.

>> No.13342941

I only eat hucow butter.

>> No.13342943

Yeah... i'm american and i recently learned that the generic brand supermarket butter is disgusting compared to something that is apparently considered average in other countries like kerrygold. After trying kerrygold i can tell that the regular butter is extremely rancid.

>> No.13342944

I do the same, I buy 5-6lbs of butter from a local farm every month or so, and a single pack of kerrygold used for things like toast or similar applications.

The farm bought butter is ~$3/lbs compared to the kerrygold at ~$8/lbs.

>> No.13342950

nah i used a top tier brand, i just don't like dairy in general but especially butter

>> No.13342954

Try earth balance if it really bothers you

>> No.13343045

I like butter a lot.

I did try ghee lately and don’t really like it. So I’m stuck with a big jar of ghee (which apparently will outlast my children).

>> No.13343058

what were you trying to use ghee for?

It's meant for like sauteing

>> No.13343118

Use it in place of neutral high smoke point oils. It's not like I love avocado oil in taste particularly (don't dislike it though), but I keep it around for times when I want to sear steak on a hot cast iron. I think ghee/clarified butter is supposed to be one of the highest smoke point oils.

>> No.13343124


My ex was half Indian so I got really into that sort of food so when we broke up I missed it and almost every recipe called for ghee. I also tried mixing it with scrambled eggs in place of sour cream to fluff it up but that was kinda meh.

>> No.13343149

>I pulled this straight from my ass and have zero sources because it's clearly bullshit
>it's not broscience guys I swear
Fuck off

>> No.13343159

Making your own butter is extremely delicious, but is also significantly more expensive than buying it from the store unless you're buying specialty brands like Kerrygold.

>1 quart of heavy cream ($4.99) = 8 oz of butter
>1 lb of butter ($2.99 - $3.59)

It's also a big pain in the butt if you don't have a stand mixer or immersion blender.

>> No.13343161

You can cook your eggs in ghee, but I wouldn't mix it up with it...

>> No.13343187


I usually do it with sour cream and have done it a bunch with finely diced butter, both with great effect. The consistency was fine it’s just that ghee has such a different taste.

>> No.13343203

eat more butter then

>> No.13343216

Femanon here, my last boyfriend was Indian. He would buy ghee for his mom at the Indian store where it was cheaper than at Whole Foods. I'm bi btw.

>> No.13343217

Lol you sound like a fag

>> No.13343235
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>> No.13343269

I miss Patrice :(

>> No.13343281

That's because ghee doesn't have the milk solids/dairy in it. Treat it like a high smoke point oil. You wouldn't mix safflower oil or avocado oil into eggs, you would fry the who egg in it. Use it for high heat sautéing and frying. It's expensive though, so I use canola oil for frying and avocado oil (just the one I use, there are others) for higher heat things. I don't cook anything at such a high heat that it needs ghee, but if I did, it would make sense to use it.

>> No.13343383
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Probably never had good butter. Try Kerrygold or Prèsident butter, the difference is night and day.

>> No.13343410

you should have added that you bought it for her instead of yourself because you're a vegan and animal suffering is wrong
you could have gotten even more text out of that backstory

>> No.13343440

Femanon here, I’m canadian and live in a house that’s moderately dirty for no reason and refuse to not improvise for no particular reason while cooking instead of doing normal things like a normal person
Also I wash sandwiches before I throw them in the oven for “drying”

>> No.13343445

Also I wear leggings when it’s too hot for pants and too cold for shorts

>> No.13343463

i just looked up pork is bad for you and found the article i was talking about in the top 5 results

also go fuck yourself you edgy teen year old

>> No.13343472
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that's the spirit

>> No.13343482

Recently my brother tried making whipping cream, but since the cream was frozen beforehand it made butter
It was delicious and now we make butter regularly, gonna have some on toast now as a cheeky snack

>> No.13343506

yeah I'm sure that article wasn't from wapo or some gay shit libnig

>> No.13344554

i like butter, but this just seems a bit much, no thanks

>> No.13344660

it's fine with very good butter, not so great with bargain stuff

>> No.13344691

>I l-looked it up and f-found proof...!
>I won't be sh-sharing it though!!! V-virgin!

>> No.13344705

Peanut butter and butter is a damn good sandwich

>> No.13344859

>work for lactalis
>we make president butter
>its literally the same butter as "off" brand

You guys are so fucking retarded its hilarious

>> No.13345780

I don't hate butter, but I can't stand it unless it's in modest amounts. It gives me a feeling like a greasy film on my tongue, makes me want to vomit. I don't have the same problem with margarine which also tastes better.

>> No.13346112

so lads op here just got back from the doctors the doctors this (11:26 AM in bong time)morning i might be lactose intolerant, i still need further tests though

>> No.13346117


>> No.13346121

Congratulations you're not white

>> No.13346139

i am...

>> No.13346154

this is why theres so many pro homo threads tonight? /lgbt/ raiding /ck/, now theres gonna be aids in all the threads..

>> No.13346297
File: 112 KB, 1280x882, 1280px-Worldwide_prevalence_of_lactose_intolerance_in_recent_populations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13346359

My neighbor is a white redneck and he's lactose intolerant. Checkmate, stormer!

>> No.13346369

Im not repulses by it, but I've never found it an enhancement when just slapped on top of bread or a baked potato.
It works well in dishes and for cooking, but I don't see the point as a condiment.