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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 1024x893, White-Castle_The-Original-Slider2-1024x893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13340333 No.13340333 [Reply] [Original]

I had 1 of these, just fucking 1. And I had SEVERE diarrhea for 3 days. Does white castle actually have these fucking intestine bombs? It could also have been something else and it was just a coincidence that I had a white castle burger the same time I got a free assblaster for 3 days. It was fucking stronger than the "le taco bell diarrhea" meme

>> No.13340341

Ah yes another mayo american thread about incontinence how lovely

>> No.13340349

you're stomache sucks ass maybe eat some green beans sometimes?

>> No.13340391

I've never had a white castle before. They're so petite. Is it bad if I want to get like, four dozen of them and eat it all in one sitting?

>> No.13340415

how can you expect us to believe you without proof of the shits?

>> No.13340416

Four dozen seems like a bit much. The most I could do would be around two dozen.

>> No.13340421

Scatman detected

>> No.13340425

That's what I wanted to do, I've never had white castle before but there's one an hour away where I live. I had the frozen kind you find in a grocery store, maybe that's the issue, I had the shitty kind. it tasted exactly like any other microwavable burger. I threw away the rest of the frozen box after that

>> No.13340428

Cant, but I can tell you that my ass was literally fucking bleeding

>> No.13340438

>mayo american
I never got this. All of the top ten countries in the world for per capita mayonnaise consumption are in Europe except for Chile, with Russia consistently taking first place. Most of the top ten are Slavic or Baltic countries, too, plus Belgium.

>> No.13340441

It's a stupid normie meme people forgot was a joke

>> No.13340443

>my ass was literally fucking bleeding
Just the anus from all the wiping or actual blood in the stool? You may have Chron's, Ulcerative Colitis, or even... ass cancer...

>> No.13340445

It's asshurt niggers that got extremely upset at the term 'shitskin' despite spending the majority of the day posting racist nonsense against white people on twitter

>> No.13340451

I thought it had something to do with actual mayonnaise. Why are these niggers so bad at being racist?

>> No.13340455

It's not really any dumber than what /pol/shits post, which says a lot given their love of racial IQ statistics

>> No.13340468

Blood in the shot, it stopped after it was gone

>> No.13340473

>auto corrected shit to shot
Dammit, my cover has been blown

>> No.13340483
File: 88 KB, 750x1000, 0a331e73dda8d9075279ffc6858eba84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word in the street is it's the cheese that gives you the bubbleguts, but who orders burgers without cheese?

Anyway, White Castle is ideal to feed to dates be they male, female, or female (male)....think we all know why, right lads?

>> No.13340495

No. Literally zero of these "OMG this makes people shit" things are true. Taco Bell doesn't make you shit. Mexican food doesn't make you shit. White Castle doesn't make you shit. If people get diarrhea from this stuff its all on their shitty bodies.

>> No.13340526

It's okay, at least you're not on an iPhone... right?
Anyways, short of seeing a doctor and having a smear test done for fecal occult blood, try to write out everything you had eaten for 48 hours prior to the first shits. Seeing as it stopped, it was probably a triggered flareup of inflammatory bowel disease, I'm guessing ulcerative colitis by the description.
Most people cope just by avoiding foods that might have triggered their symptoms, but I do recommend seeing a doctor if you can. Left unchecked, you have a very high chance of getting ass cancer, and that's honestly the shittiest cancer in my experience.

>> No.13341724

I don't know, but sometimes I steam them instead of microwave, and end up with a couple soggy burgers out of 8.

>> No.13341868

They rarely give me the shits. They do make me produce gaseous expulsions that are rather decadent.

>> No.13341872

Nope. Its not.

T. Cincinnatian.

>> No.13342246

Mexicans come here and put Mayo on everything.

>> No.13343072

I actually find White Castle's food a shade less gross than most fast food but maybe the one I live by is just particularly good.

It's one of my guilty pleasure foods, maybe once a month I slam 2000+ calories of White Castle goodness in one sitting. Never had crazy shits but certainly some upset stomach

>> No.13343190


>> No.13343871

Only if you're asian, and have a middle eastern bro to go with you.

>> No.13343895
File: 31 KB, 300x300, mathesar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I threw away the rest of the frozen box after that

>> No.13343909

>who orders burgers without cheese?
Jews. God says don't mix meat with milk. Also cut of the tip of your baby's penis while you eat your cheese-less burger.

>> No.13344051

no they aren't allowed to cook a calf in the milk of it's mother, the jews (of course) read this as you can't mix meat and milk.

And I personally (not a jew) like my burgers sans cheese,

>> No.13344060

>I had SEVERE diarrhea for 3 days
prove it.

>> No.13344185


>> No.13344241

In my experience with two road trips as a kid to White Castle from MD to NJ, you finally get there and buy a shitton of sliders, and they're good enough, but goddamn do you feel like trash afterwards.

The worst isnt the feeling itself, it's that on the way back you'll eat another slider or two and keep the trash feeling going the whole way back.

>> No.13344254
File: 18 KB, 340x417, Puzzled-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


first let me check these trips

you're just weak
Darwin where are you when I need you?

>> No.13344550

White castle sells a 30 and 100 pack so you could

>> No.13344560

You literally have to be drunk to eat WC. its a prerequisite.

>> No.13344567

I've been eating WC for years without any problems

>> No.13345337

Man I remember going on a weird little side trip to White Castle when I was in NYC. Figured since they had 'em there we might as well finally try out those sliders. I really couldn't be disappointed since I wasn't expecting very much but was pleasantly surprised by the experience. Eating like a dozen sliders on a rainy ass day is surprisingly comfy.