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13334943 No.13334943[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We don’t need to eat meat, any nutritional needs from meat can be supplemented, and the production of meat leads to animals getting killed and in many cases tortured for no good reason since we don’t need it to survive. With all that said is it wrong to eat meat or any animal products in general

>> No.13334952

Is it wrong?
Does that trigger incels?

>> No.13334971

You should be able to eat whatever the fuck u want unless ur a commie

>> No.13334997

The morality of mass farming/slaughtering for meat are iffy to say the least but so is sitting in a deer blind and waiting for a deer to wander under a feeder 50 yards away from you. Having said that man has killed and had meat since his stomachs first growled and it isn’t inherently immoral. It’s the circle of life it’s just a lot more fucked up now. The worlds going to hell and it’s taking you with it whether you like it or not. Pray over your food before you have it give thanks and you’ll be fine.

>> No.13335025

When we can grow nutritionally superior meat products in a lab will the only ethical thing to do be stopping the slaughter of animals? Will people still prefer the taste of real meat? Will that be only psychological, or is there something about eating the carcass of a living thing that can't be replicated? What will we do with animals that have evolved alongside our use of them?

>> No.13335036


The only people who are going to eat that shit are the people who can’t afford to eat real meat and vegetarians.

>> No.13335093

Meat is fine, but the club swinging lunkhead Americlaps think eating healthy means you can't eat meat. Typical American education at work.

>> No.13335135

>GMOs bad, but here eat this lab grown meat...

>> No.13335199

We’ve been over this. Mechanical planting and harvesting kills between twenty and thirty thousand small mammals per acre, every year. These animals are not instantly killed with a captive bolt gun, but they are crushed to death in their shallow burrows or ripped to shreds by whirling blades. Their atomized gore ends up permeating every single pulse, grain, bit of rice you eat. Unless you believe that somehow a cow’s life is worth more than a vole’s or a rat’s, which is totally stupid thinking as I’m sure you agree, you’re causing more suffering and animal death than if you exclusively ate beef, where you could easily kill only one cow per person per year.

It’s not the meat industry that kills the most animals per year. It’s big grain and soy.

No, only a sick freak of a vegan would eat grains and pulses and beans. It’s absolutely cruel! This is why, as an actually ethical vegan and not just a slave to big grain, you shouldn’t eat mechanically harvested crops of any kind. Imagine this little animals getting crushed, mangled, their guts spurting out in wormlike coils as they are crushed, entire families of them! Tiny little baby bunnies and voles, their eyes just opened for the first time, and the only thing they EVER saw was their poor mommy’s skull getting smashed and her brains coming out, right before that soy harvester kills them too.

Vegan people are sick freaks and they’re in a Satanic death cult - lying and saying they’re saving the planet when their soybean hunger is deforesting the Amazon and they deal much more death than a strict carnivore. All the while lying to themselves and everybody else.

Veganism is positively Satanic unless you do it like the Jain.

>> No.13335211

non-human life isn't valuable

>> No.13335223

It's valuable, but it's also tasty

>> No.13335245

no but for real though
their value isn't in their lives their value is in their matter. Their bodies are what is worth something to us because we can use it to feed ourselves and make things from the leftovers

even in the case of working animals them being alive is generally more useful than them being dead, their lives specifically don't matter. We use them because they are disposable and easily replaced.
You could have a highly trained dog at the absolute pinnacle of skills and command knowledge, and if something happens to it you can just grab a puppy and make a new one in 4 months time because that's all it takes for a dog to reach its full potential as a working animal

>> No.13335280
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Tell me, what method do you use to prep your wife's bull?

>> No.13335284

I don't have a wife, I'm not a faggot

>> No.13335310

So you skip the cuckolding part and go straight to source?

>> No.13335312

I don't think so. I grew up with animals and I really liked some of our chickens as pets, they have their own personalities and everything. Even pincer bugs have little families and go home to support their insect children. I love dogs too, but I don't get mad at Chinese people for eating them, I would too if it weren't illegal and I liked the taste (haven't tried it). I do have a problem with raising meat in inhumane conditions, but controlling when and how the animal dies isn't a moral dilemma for me.

>> No.13335558

>We don’t need to eat meat

This is your "opinion." The opinion of a sickly vegan.

>any nutritional needs from meat can be supplemented

Opinion. False. And some people don't want to bet their health and life on so-called supplements, also don't want to become a lifelong pharmaceuticals addict like some veganoid.

>And the production of meat leads to animals getting killed and in many cases tortured

Same for your food animal killer


>Since we don’t need it to survive.

I need meat to survive. Stop placing your opinions as fact in your vegan jargon.

>With all that said is it wrong to eat meat or any animal products in general

That's your opinion. If you are against killing animals, I invite you to stop killing animals yourself vegan


>> No.13335572

In my opinion, Veganism is simply a starvation cult for self-harming anorexics. They don't care about animals in the slightest, but they need a cover for their self-destroying lifestyle, besides just being the nutcase anorexics they are.


>> No.13335573

>living your life under moral rules others have dictated for you instead of deciding what is right for yourself alone

>> No.13335588

What is that nutritionally superior meat product made from? And what is the equipment to produce it made from? And where do you get it and how do you power it? You can't produce from nothing. Almost anything humans produce needs to be taken from nature. Apart from recycling maybe, but you can't recycle food for human consumption without going into the cannibalism taboo. Nature and by extension animals will suffer anyway. If your number 1 priority is to minimize animal suffering caused by you, then you better go for the off-the-grid self sustainability approach and say goodbye to all the nice little stuff of modern civilization. Because it is both built on taking from nature and from your fellow man.

>> No.13335591

>Is the awful treatment of millions of animals immoral

>Is the act of consuming meat itself wrong
Lol no. You have to be a smoothbrain to think the two are interchangeable

>> No.13335601

Do I need to wear fur?
Why do I do it?
Because it's comfy and sends weak people into a flying rage.

>> No.13335604

no it is not wrong because it's necessary for human health and denying our nutritional needs is immoral. it's no more immoral than a tiger killing another animal to sustain itself. that's the circle of life. you take a life to feed a life.

>any nutritional needs from meat can be supplemented
plant protein is not bioavailable like meat protein

>the production of meat leads to animals getting killed and in many cases tortured for no good reason since we don’t need it to survive
you're describing factory farming which i don't agree with. farmers who treat their animals well and let them freely on a pasture is way more sustainable and ethical.

>> No.13335609

Morally maybe but it doesn’t really matter

>> No.13335618

Humans have long evolved beyond being subjugated by the circle of life. They can decide to alter the rules and be above it. If your grandfather dies and you decide to cremate him and keep his ashes in an urn instead of interring him, you deny life to feed from his life. You have broken the circle, at least temporary, because you are more self-aware than any animal and can decide to do so with purpose.

>> No.13335822

That choice could be made for unnatural reasons, perhaps the cost of burial is too burdensome for a family to bear. Man needs to eat meat or weaken and sicken himself on a retarded fad diet which is innapropriate for our species.

When I die I hope I can be buried so I can re-enter the cycle of life.

>> No.13335959

>is it wrong to eat food?
No. We're just animals like all the rest. We are not "too good" for meat.

>> No.13337010

Rent free

>> No.13337079

You murderous bloody carnists certainly arent. Vegans however certainly are.

>> No.13337758

Real animal muscle spread across a grid and stretched/electrified to induce growth if I remember correctly. I’m not sure how they feed the cells but this is old stuff. It’s totally feasible.

>> No.13337773

Yes we have been over this and you are proven wrong every time. Go suck Latvian dick. Fuck you toothless

>> No.13337880

Idk where he got the ridiculous number but there is a significant amount of small animals killed per year as the result of agricultural processes.


>> No.13337903

You're a fucking idiot. Vegans and whatever those other idiots call themselves are also idiots but being an over exaggerating retard doesn't discredit them any more than a logical argument. Stop being retarded

>> No.13338066

By who's standards?

>> No.13338076
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>> No.13338126

>he doesn't photosynthesize to avoid killing anything at all
what's it like being a walking holocaust?

>> No.13338132

Thats some disgusting communist shit right there

>> No.13338150

Cows serve no worthwhile purpose besides being meat for humans

>> No.13338159

So it’s okay to physically beat and torture an animal (I.e a dog, a pig, etc) for fun, since their lives don’t matter?

>> No.13338165
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>> No.13338181

Eating hamburger thats been sitting in my fridge uncovered for 3-4 days brb bros

>> No.13338207
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Yes it is wrong but as you sniveling lard filled man children can't think you'll never figure that out.

>> No.13338242


>wasnt christian
>preaches about satan

Would you like to know why I know youre full of shit, pea-brain?

>> No.13338339

And your claim has been discredited every single time it is brought up. Feeding cows and other animals soy, corn, grains, etc is far more food used if instead we were to give that food to people directly. You're retarded and in denial if you actually believe this shit.

>> No.13338368

hey pyFAGoras, triangles are fucking stupid

>> No.13338381

Lol thats right up there with the quote from Lincoln about the internet.

>> No.13338382
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>> No.13338387
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It's an older translation. A more recent one would be..

>> No.13338394
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>Real animal muscle spread across a grid and stretched/electrified
Sounds like lovecraftian spinoff of the matrix. This is the really sort of thing you vegans think is moral and ethical?

>> No.13338395

I'm sure Pythagoras was the destroyer of a few lower living beings* in his time

*juvenile male rectums

>> No.13338399

>We don’t need to eat meat, any nutritional needs from meat can be supplemented
Uh huh

>> No.13338401

The concept of Satan, the manifestation of evil is far older than christianity.

>> No.13338409

because I give a fuck about what some old dead greek guy thinks? if he actually said that.

>> No.13338412

>pythagoras talking about satan

Proofs? I thought the whole idea behind pantheism is there is no evil or good guy.

>> No.13338454

You know that the old testament was written before Jesus... Right? Or do I need sources for that claim. In that case.. the bible

>> No.13338698
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Pregnant femanon here, I have to eat meat at least 8 times a week (4 portions of red and 4 portions of poultry) to provide for my skyrocketing iron needs.
>inb4 muh spinach
Plant derived iron is non-heme and not assimilated nearly enough by our organisms to be the sole source of iron in our diet.
Cope harder soyims

>> No.13338710


post pics of baby-bump

>> No.13338740

Iron supplements, take vitamin c supp while eating non heme iron, fortified foods, etc... No need as you claim to eat it. Have fun giving birth to a child who already has arterial scarring because youre retarded

>> No.13338795

it's a waste of an animal and it is a little distasteful but other than that it doesn't matter

>> No.13338866

If you can stomach it, oily fishes like sardines are an excellent addition to a pregnant diet, being rich in B vitamins, omega-3 fats, vitamin D, and iodine. They promote strong bone health which is good for both the child and the mother. They're recommended over larger predatory fish due to the risks that come with biomagnification.
Spinach, boiled or steamed to increase bioavailability, is a good addition to a pregnant diet. The fiber content can help with the inevitable constipation.
Supplements should only be considered if you have a known deficiency or can't fit enough of your recommended intake of vitamins and minerals within your daily limit of calories, which is rare in pregnant women with absolutely skyrocketing caloric needs.
As long as the mother's liver function is healthy, there's no need to fear about elevated serum cholesterol due to normal fat intake.

>> No.13340031

It is not about feasibility. Any number of things might be doable. My point is that you can't conjure it up from nothing. Any number of different human behaviours can put a tax on animals or wider nature. If you want to live with minimal impact, you better move to a cabin without electricity and grow your own food. Self-sustainable and small scale. But most people who clamour over animal suffering and pollution and waste of resources just talk, but don't act.

Lab-grown meat could also be bad for nature and/or animals. Other people in this thread have explained at length how modern agriculture and especially mono-culture fucks with animals and ecosystems. If eating meat is wrong, then having a personal automobile is wrong, too, in my view. Using non-renewable resources and the pollution, labour and resources connected to modern metallurgy and electronics just for your own personal, individual convenience of driving to the donut shop is ridiculous.

>> No.13340044

Our cecums can't ferment plant matter like herbivores do

>> No.13340351

why do vegans want to beat animals so badly?

>> No.13340459
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>another vegan thread

>> No.13341169

Digits of good and sensible advice. Bless you anon

>> No.13341278

Your pathetic vegan sophistry has never discredited anything idiot.


>> No.13341335

>or any animal products in general

Explain to me why it's wrong to eat eggs produced by the half dozen chickens that I have on my small farm.

>> No.13341348

I know this is hard to understand, OP. A lot of people aren’t as sensitive as you and they have no problem with animals being cruelly slaughtered to satisfy their hunger for meat. I am one of those people. Vegans are the result of single mother parenting and you should blame your mother for making you a sensitive faggot.

>> No.13341355
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fuck vegans

>> No.13341427
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What about a Olympic lifter who does not want to pay people to kill animals and has also answer the questions why do you think social media influences keep becoming vegan the dropping it for health reasons.
He said they eat raw or fruit only or some other weird dumb shit then go into sugar comas from all the juice. Just eat normal amounts of food that are good for you.

>> No.13341478

I’m sure there’s been a nigger that went out, finished school and became a respectable citizen too. That doesn’t mean the other 99.999% are capable of achieving that.

>> No.13341519
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because abortion is murder

>> No.13341879

It is not wrong, animals would eat you if they could.

Agriculture also kills animals and poison the enviroment, but vegans turn a blind eye to it.

>We don't need it to survive
Despite retarded claims, veganism is not healthy and vegan couples who forced their stupid diet on newborn children have been incarcerated for murder when the child died from malnutrition which led the kid to be nearly half it's ideal weight at the moment they died and autopsy reports show they had all of their internal organs underdeveloped and about half their normal size.

Veganism kills children and therefore vegans should undergo forced sterilization in order to continue with their retarded beliefs withoun't hurting children.

>> No.13341902

>What will we do with animals that have evolved alongside our use of them?
Mass genocide of course. All the cattle, pork and poultry farms will be converted to soy or bug farms and the animals will be killed by the millions simply because they are now useless to humanity. Or do you think people will continue wasting money feeding cattle that will not be economically viable for them?

>> No.13341905

How is that vegans all look like emaciated mummy people, but sverige, a man that lives entirely off of raw meat looks like Thor?

>> No.13341937

He looks like a chud

>> No.13341949

Every medical association says a well planned vegan diet is suitable at all stages of life. These couples are not breastfeeding or giving formula they're feeding them almond milk and apple juice no different than if you gave a baby just dairy

>> No.13341960

>Every medical association says a well planned vegan diet is suitable at all stages of life.
Citation needed, and I certainly doubt your claim that every medical association agrees on that.

>> No.13341974


>> No.13341978

>any nutritional needs from meat can be supplemented
Unnecessary, inefficient, expensive, potentially dangerous (depending on method), and wasteful
>the production of meat leads to animals getting killed and in my cases tortured
Obviously they have to get killed, tortured is only the result of the ignorant consumer and the boomer era of “buy whatever’s cheap, who gives a fuck where it came from” mentality
>with all that said is it wrong to eat meat or any animal products in general
Your entire argument never addressed the production of animal products, and like i said most of the problems in America’s infrastructure (including the many numerous corporations that are massively in control) is boomer-economics of buying/partaking in whatever is cheap consistently with no question as to the source, the source’s ethics, or the source’s social/economic influences

>> No.13341994

I don't understand how pepole view this as inharintly immoral. Unless vegans view all pain as inharintly bad and or evil.

>> No.13342101

they do

>> No.13342106
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>Veganism kills children
in all fairness it kills adults too

>> No.13342114

Literally the most efficient way
Most vitamins are dirt cheap, especially B12
>potentially dangerous
It goes in the mouth bro
More than animal products? No
>Your entire argument never addressed the production of animal products, and like i said most of the problems in America’s infrastructure (including the many numerous corporations that are massively in control) is boomer-economics of buying/partaking in whatever is cheap consistently with no question as to the source, the source’s ethics, or the source’s social/economic influences
Uh yeah it did. The whole thing is fucked. What exactly are you whining about?

>> No.13342117

Killing and torturing animals when you literally dont have to is bad, yes.

>> No.13342181
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killing and torturing plants when you literally don't have to is also bad.
>inbr plants don't count!
yeah apparently babies don't count either

>> No.13342204

>plants are animals
Okay incel. Then veganism still kills less since animals feed on plants.

>> No.13342205

Did anyone point out how delicious that looks yet? I know it's stock photo but I'd like to eat from that stock kitchen.

>> No.13342364

If you feel it's wrong to eat meat then yes, because intuitively you know it's spiritually a bad choice to cause pain and suffering to a living thing

>> No.13342401

Vitamins aren’t very bioavailable, retard, thats why they say “200 % DV” and shit, which if you understood the concept of taking “200 % DV” and getting maybe 15% of that if you’re lucky and had the exact intestinal conditions for optimal uptake then you’d realize why it’s wasteful you dumb fuck

Then tack on the idea of some dumb fucking kid taking 20 of the pills at one time and dying because of some vitamin overdose that would NEVER HAPPEN if they were only exposed to normal food

And BTW vitamins are made in factories with chemicals, and there’s tons of chemical waste which is just as bad as some cow shit and piss, and if factory farms stopped existing (the whole point of my post) cow shit and piss would easily be manageable


>> No.13342409

Oh and BTW nigger, adding on to this
It doesn’t matter how cheap a vitamin is, especially not with our current market, because if you removed the entire meat industry it would reshape our economy and all of these vitamins have to be sourced from somewhere

Higher demand for vitamins coupled with a constant supply means rising prices, assuming our supplies of the source materials for these vitamins are finite, the supply will eventually go down and the prices of vitamins will inevitably rise to a point of people dying of malnourishment

>> No.13342465

>they do
Source: my imagination.

>> No.13342477
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>plants arent living things

>> No.13342483

I could not give 2 shits about adults dying for their shitty decisions, the problem is letting children die for decisions the adults IMPOSED on them.

>> No.13342484
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>seething this hard

>> No.13342490

nobody gives a fuck about children, they are't even a net positive to the economy yet.

>> No.13342500

why do you feel responsible for the instinctive actions of another animal, especially one that you have no control over?

>> No.13342518
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Ok sweaty.

>> No.13342539

You're a fucking genius

>> No.13342747

Still waiting for you to provide the source of your claim. So far you just spoke out of your ass while providing zero evidence to back it up, as expected of a dirty vegan.

>> No.13342761
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>> No.13342766

only if it's wrong for other animals to eat animals.

>> No.13342797

It isn't