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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13332971 No.13332971 [Reply] [Original]

>up, that definitely needs some hot oil

>> No.13332982

I don't know who this faggot is, but you're a faggot for posting him.

>> No.13332994

>I don't know who this faggot is

why are you here on /ck/?

>> No.13333000

Maybe they like cooking, not watching e celebs just eat

>> No.13333003

To discuss cooking and not shill faggots.

>> No.13333015

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking
>FOOD and cooking

erm, sweetie?

learn to hide threads if you dont like them

>> No.13333025

But it's not about the food, it's about the faggot trying to make money by eating it. Your thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.13333027

This thread isnt about food though. Its mannerisms of someone who eats food on youtube for money

>> No.13333044

>is literally a food reviewer of sorts
>showcases various cuisines in different countries
>not about the food

your point would stand if hes a mukbang guy just eating mundane stuff for 30 mins--but hes not

learn to hide threads that you dont care for instead of trying to play moderator

>> No.13333053

So pewdiepie threads are good on /v/? He plays video games sometimes

>> No.13333065
File: 181 KB, 1200x800, CrDDnn3WcAArNg2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he actually reviews and talks about games, yes, why not?

and PDP literally has video games about him. Literally.

>> No.13333067

>"If you don't like it, just hide it."
What kind of loser gushes over faggots trying to get paid to eat?

>> No.13333074

But were talking about the person, not the games

>> No.13333082

Nobody cares about you, Mike. Even on /CK/. How does it feel to know that?

>> No.13333087

what kind of loser cares about what people post on 4chan?

just ignore and move on, autist
there are people who care about certain topics and people who dont
i dont throw a hissy fit when I see threads I dont like
you have a scroll wheel, use it

>moving goalposts
technically he is the producer (i guess) of those PDP games, so yes, why not?

>> No.13333095

Wht goalpost did I move? You made thread about a food reviewer, not food

>> No.13333098

>not /ck/

cringe tourist

>> No.13333106

>OP still replying to everyone and trying to defend his tirefire of a thread

>> No.13333112

im not the OP.

And OP's post was about hot oil, actually. Go read it again. Nothing about mike in particular. Hes just a well known memed personality who likes hot oil. You can pick and talk about hot oil as the topic and just ignore mike. But no, you had to trip on your autism.

>> No.13333121

Am I banned

>> No.13333124

It referenced his mannerisms. So its about him, not actually hot oil

>> No.13333129

your post is subjective and that is your interpretation.

i can easily infer it as "why do people like hot oil on everything"

did mike fuck your girl?

>> No.13333147

There isnt even hot oil in the picture. Just some e celeb who will be irrelevant in another year

>> No.13333149
File: 463 KB, 854x368, chang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up, that definitely needsh shum hhot oil

>> No.13333161

he has been doing youtube vids for like 6+? years now. He wasnt even into food back then, he did like UFO vids and chinese vids and stuff. I dont think hes going anywhere tbqh

seethe more

>> No.13334245

And? He will be irrelevant in a year

>> No.13334298

i don’t think you have a grasp on how YouTube fame works
you don’t just get super popular and die out
also, not that anon

>> No.13334306

What's the appeal of this guy? It's just some pretty unassuming dude eating food, I don't get it.

>> No.13334407

if you want to get a bunch of sycophants that are interesting in repeating the words of your beloved e-celeb, why don't you just go into the comment section of their videos? why do you need the validation from an exterior board?

>> No.13334419

I think it's mostly the wide variety of food he tries/enjoys, and overall he's a pretty positive person.

That being said, him constantly bringing up that he doesn't drink annoys me, along with bitching about vegetables. Also, his recent video flying Emirates 1st class made me jealous because I'm poor.

>> No.13334493

That is 100% how it works. Reviewbrah and joey are prime examples. Shoenice, smosh, the list is endless you dunce

>> No.13334502

Or was that sarcasm

>> No.13335190

Peloton girl from the memes looks like Mark weins

>> No.13335232

>Reviewbrah and joey
they still get lots of views

he self destructed by spiralling into addiction

didnt he quit or something? idk i didnt follow him

as long as you dont fuck up immensely you'd be fine. Look at AVGN--still making videos 10 years later

>> No.13335302

I'm feeling déjà vu, like i've seen this exact same thread with the exact same replies.

>> No.13335318

It's almost as if there's a persistent distaste for e-celebs on /ck/, and a select minority that seems to think that because the janitors don't delete them, they have free reign over the board.
Or we're all autistic retards. Who knows.

>> No.13335860

Fuck this Jackie Chan looking mother fucker.

>> No.13335984

I believe people like him more because his reactions to food are more natural instead of the alien eyes Mark Wiens type of reaction

>> No.13335998
File: 310 KB, 1920x1080, oh no NONONONO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13336201

Pretty sure he drinks now, he had wine with Zimmern and that guy from Binging W Babish

>> No.13336204

He should be in prison and you fucking know it, anon.

>> No.13336215

reportoftheweek is still getting at least 500k views on most videos. And they are the lowest effort videos imaginable. Its just eating, something you already HAVE TO DO on camera.

>> No.13337341

He was drinking juice. And it was Adam Richmond not Zimmern.

>> No.13338310

hey, he's at that shitty pacific mall in Toronto

>> No.13338320

I hate this faggot, but not as much as I hate Mark Weins

>> No.13338435

>super popular
>nobody knows who he is

>> No.13338452


>> No.13338473

Fucking this. I still don't even know what his name is, nor do I care to look it up.

>> No.13340434


I'll take Mike Chen over Babish and that autistic guy with glasses that tells you "You're doing it wrong because I said so." :|

>> No.13340535

Why don't you go back to /v/ instead of shitting up other boards?

>> No.13340544

I mean, I can't see the appeal in watching other people react to food in the first place. I also don't get why people watch others play video games, too. I may be out of touch, but it's still the children who are wrong.

>> No.13340563
File: 308 KB, 1296x1338, 1572652117316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are wrong. But just as wrong as the older people who watch sports or reality tv.

>> No.13341874

Is that the one under the Sheraton Hotel?

>> No.13341883

I'm not the one making threads about youtube stars

>> No.13342473

>why do people watch the NBA,NFL,NHL,MLS