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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13331129 No.13331129 [Reply] [Original]

Is this actually worth using or just a waste of electricity? I don't understand. The smell is kinda the same.

>> No.13331135

major worth it
i don't have one and i smoke out my house every time i cook meat on the stove

>> No.13331137

Unless you have a chimney or vent, then it is non functioning. It is supposed to take away oil and cholesterol droplets from the air.

>> No.13331142

It also redirects smoke away from your face

>> No.13331146

So, should I use it whenever I cook or not for stuff like soups and rice?

>> No.13331147

Your walls and ceilings are gonna be glazed with a layer of grimy oil if you don't use one. Even people in developing countries have kitchen vents if they can afford em.

>> No.13331148

Its necessary for very high heat cooking. I didnt have one for a long time and started cooking all my high heat stovetop meals on a wok burner outside.

>> No.13331154

use it anytime you're generating steam or smoke unless you want to humidify your place

>> No.13331157

Most builders cheap out and don't run a vent duct to the outside for it unless you specifically request it and pay more, even for mcmansions. W/o a duct, it does nothing.

>> No.13331158

what? If its installed its probably going into the crawlspace in the ceiling. If its doing that its fine, there is plenty of ventilation in a roof above your ceiling for the smoke to dissipate.

>> No.13331162

Most places in America do not have functioning ones and they just take the oil and put it inside the cubby hole above it which eventually causes it to drip back down into the food.

>> No.13331164

Case in point >>13331158

>muh smoke
Not the issue retard.

>> No.13331166

i don't understand why they're not mandated in the building code like bathroom vents

>> No.13331184

OP asking this is interesting...
The steam from cooking (carrying dirt) would otherwise stick inside your home requiring a lot of energy to get clean for the next tenant. If your kitchen ventilation doesn't work properly it becomes a real fire hazard as oils collect and eventually comes in contact with temperatures high enough to ignite it.
Just trust the instructions given to you by the landlord, same goes for the laundry room and cleaning out the dust of the tumbler.

>> No.13331185

lmao brainlet steam doesn't "carry dirt"

>> No.13331189

Imagine being cucked enough to pay a landlord for rent.
>that will be $1200 a month now pay up

>> No.13331194

It's not chemically pure steam, it carries fats and particles from the food and air.
kys retard LARPer...

>> No.13331199

Jokes on you, I pay 1500.

>> No.13331202

>stream is not steam
brainlet retard

>> No.13331206

>distillate carries heavy fats and food particles

>> No.13331208

A house also have monthly fees if you spread the maintenance costs out.
It's not cucked if the contract is good.

>> No.13331210

How much do you make each month?

>> No.13331212


>> No.13331213

Look at the surfaces the steam make contact with, they are dirty.

>> No.13331227

the surface was already dirty

>> No.13331235

Because the previous tenant was also a negroe...

>> No.13331238

That is not the steam doing it.

>> No.13331249

>Is this actually worth using or just a waste of electricity? I don't understand. The smell is kinda the same.
Let's talk about the concept of fume hoods. They came from laboratories to pull air away, up and away, a kind of negative space suction idea, such that fresh air moved across any outgassing or solvent evaporating type items that could be infectious or toxic if inhaled. They often have doors you can pull down to your elbows to reduce your exposure to dangerous things inside.

In a kitchen, they direct carbon monoxide, particulate matter, annoying dampening steam from a stock pot, actual smoke, and micro sized aerosolized oil particles, or alcohols, away from your healthy lung tissue, your home's walls, surrounding surfaces, and otherwise clean air within your house. Soot and oil on surfaces in a kitchen can be flammable, like flash fire style, for one thing.
Does every home need a professional version of one of these? You do very often see a more powerful one over center cook stations and islands, because they lack a backsplash where directional pulls help, or they are up higher in the air to see over, so have to be stronger. But, if you only make coffee, eggs, and grilled cheese sandwiches, no. If you fry, yes. If you make a variety of foods, yes. If you are _ethnic_, like someone who cooks curries, preserved stinky foods, a lot of seafood, grill pan indoors, then unequivocally yes. Most people don't understand the necessity of fume hoods because most people grew up in homes built on a budget and they add some cost to the building process, because of the waterproofing and extra labor involved for every cut in through the roof that you make. They are costly when done right, yes.

Energy wise? Oh, no, a stupid fan isn't going to run up your bills. It could suck out some air conditioning or heat when in use, but its neglible. You have it on for mere minutes and fans are low watt draws.

Fun fact, there are cultures with 2 kitchens.

>> No.13331251

>You have it on for mere minutes
Like 20-30 Minutes 2 times a day, no?

>> No.13331258

>doesn't mention the elephant in the room

>> No.13331268

>>You have it on for mere minutes
>Like 20-30 Minutes 2 times a day, no?
It's mere minutes in any way you define it no matter how long you cook.
My salt water pool pump runs 12hrs/day. I have ceiling fans on 24/7 in multiple rooms to circulate A/C. My bathroom fan for sure an hour a day when you count the time for my two showers and other visits.
It's negligible and not worth considering at all as an energy draw.

>> No.13331270

put a piece of bread above candle and ask yourself why it is grey

>> No.13331287

>My bathroom fan for sure an hour a day when you count the time for my two showers and other visits.

>> No.13331292

It has nothing to do with steam.

>> No.13331293

that's not steam retard
also stop buying cheap ass candles

>> No.13331308

I guarantee this retard is a chemistry undergrad in his first year at best and a 15yo german kid at worst

they should still have active carbon filters

>> No.13331313

Imagine taking up space in a first world country only to keep living like a third worlder...

>> No.13331326

Good for not having to deal with your apartment's shitty smoke alarm, yes every single fucking time you feel like actually cooking, yes.

>> No.13331340

thought this was for when you burn your food so you can get the smoke out before it sets off the alarm

>> No.13331439

if you don't have one that automatically starts when your stove ignites you are violating a building code

>> No.13331526

For some fucking reason none of the German homes I've ever been in (NRW) ever had air ducts to route the exhaust to the outside of the building.
So the damn thing is basically a loud fan that might get the biggest droplets of fat filtered out of the air, but that does nothing to prevent your whole apartment to smell of food for five hours after you cook unless you open a window. You know, in a region where it's cold enough in the winter for it to snow.
Maybe that's why Germans have a crazy boner for tilting windows.

>> No.13331530

NRW is not a developing federal state, bro.

Bayern > Sachsen > * > NRW > Berlin

>> No.13331538

Yeah I know, but still, being one of the German states with the highest GDP I'd expect the fucking kitchens to have features I can find in pisspoor countries.

>> No.13331551

uh don't all houses have a kitchen vent connected to the outside?

>> No.13331562

when my kitchen fan broke it was literally impossible to cook without opening a window

feel sorry for people with ductless kitchen fans, those are complete garbage

>> No.13331567


>> No.13331571

Yea if you have a real one and not one of those meme charcoal ones. I'm a contractor and the ones properly vented work very well

>> No.13331581

You don't need a bathroom vent if you have a window. I assume they have the same rule for this and what kitchen doesn't have a window?

>> No.13331584

My current apartment has the fake one with the filter and im never moving into a place like this again. if the place doesn't have a fucking outside venting powerful overhead unit im not moving in.

>> No.13331589

>2 kitchens
Many of the foreigners I do renovations for want a kitchen in the garage where they do the real cooking because it smells and a kitchen inside the house just for show/special occassion

>> No.13331593
File: 41 KB, 578x538, diagnosis nonce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cholesterol droplets

>> No.13331595

>Steam doesn't carry dirt
>Steam cleaning is a thing

>> No.13331599

my kitchen doesn't have a window or a vent

>> No.13331601

what are these fat guy norf memes exactly, I see them around and they’re always funny looking

>> No.13331606

I don't have one but plan to buy at least a portable solution (fuck installing something in the landlord's shit). Right now I cook with windows wide open. Of course this does little, and in winter the droplets cool off before they reach the outside and drop the the floor.

>> No.13331612

>Kitchen doesn't have window
I'm gunna need to see a pic, mate

>> No.13331615

if you live in a house, I don’t want to know what it even looks like

>> No.13331616

>You don't need a bathroom vent if you have a window
that's only if the window has a vent in the frame

>> No.13331627

Do you want your entire house and food to smell like smoke and food? Do you want your eyes to sting everytime you make something slightly brule?

>> No.13331638

>If its installed its probably going into the crawlspace in the ceiling
No, not "probably" you dumb piece of shit. That would be considered a huge fuck up, not a common occurrence. That's beyond retarded amerishart "architecture" and I wouldn't be surprised if it was borderline or even fully illegal to be venting smoke into a fucking attic. If done properly it's being vented outside of the building.

>> No.13331671

i live in a railroad apartment from the 1800s

>> No.13332641

Not only does the house I live in have no ducting for the hood, it's an open kitchen design next to the living room. What did the knuckle dragging 70IQ architect who designed this house also do? They put the air intake duct for the furnace about 20 feet from said stove in the "living room". So when someone cooks something real stinky which is almost every night and the furnace is on, the disgusting odor will go throughout the entire house into every bedroom. I have to seal my bedroom's vent with a plastic sheet just to sleep at night and just deal with being cold in the winter. Absolutely fuck burger hovels to hell, thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.13332655

If it actually vents to the outside yes.
Some just blow the air out the top which is worthless.

>> No.13333343
File: 681 KB, 1536x766, Screen Shot 2019-12-07 at 2.33.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be moving into a new home soon, which currently has a over-the-range microwave that probably doesn't do a whole lot more than the one I've got right now. Is it worth getting something like pic related? Does it actually do a better job than typical over-the-range microwaves? I can look into getting some real ventilation at some point, but I'm wondering if this could be good for when I initially get into the new place.

>> No.13333351

This is the appliance from the kitchenaid website: https://www.kitchenaid.com/major-appliances/hoods-and-vents/microwave-hood-combination/p.1000-watt-low-profile-microwave-hood-combination-with-printshield-finish.kmls311hbs.html..

>> No.13333379

No. If you're gonna own the property, either man up or pay up and get a real vent ported outside. Should cost less than 2k for the job, and 1k for a good 650cfm machine.

Trust me on this. I was furious when my builder didn't include it as a default on my 700k house, so I paid to get it done before the dry walls were even up.

>> No.13333399

So it wouldn't even be better than what's in there right now? 3k isn't that bad if there is no way to put this off for a bit, but it'd be nice to spread some stuff out or just not worry about this one thing right away.

>> No.13333443
File: 318 KB, 2016x1240, 2019 M2 Comp OPSEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't speak for the efficacy of your current system nor the kitchenaid appliance, but what I can tell you is that EVEN IF you were able to remove 100% of the airborne oil particles, you still won't be able to remove the VOCs, which is a significant contributor to cooking odor.

Vent is absolutely needed if 1) you cook alot and 2) you deploy significant heat during cooking. For example, pan searing a steak or wok cooking.

I'm going to assume you're not poor and make the following recommendations:
1) Get a fucking hood vent installed, 500cfm minimum, and pay attention to the manufacturer height specifications
2) if you're gonna cook a lot and cook high temp, also get an Austin Air Healthmate or Healthmate pro. It's a really good activated carbon scrubber and one of the best consumer level devices. You can always get an IQAir MultiGas, but I doubt you wanna pay that much, especially for the filters.


>> No.13333491

Yeah I cook several times per day but have gotten used to limiting very high temperature cooking and avoiding cooking foods that will cause long and/or pungent lingering smell (plus smoke and smell away candles). The over-the-range microwave helps somewhat to keep things more contained than without it, but it would be nice to have a legitimate hood. I'll start looking into it as the I don't use the microwave all that much and I could always stick it on a kitchen cart or something.

>> No.13333500

join the 650cfm vent hood mustardrace, boi.

>> No.13333706

You're supposed to put a $10 MPR 2500 filter in there that filters smoke.

>> No.13333891

if you're not packing 10lbs of activated charcoal, you're not filtering VOCs.

>> No.13333970

combo-units in just about anything just means its going to be bad at one thing or the other, and once one of the two die you're stuck with the other
my sister has that one, and I'm kinda mad now knowing she spent 900usd on a fucking microwave with a cheap set of fans welded to the bottom

>> No.13333978

Steam cleaners work on the principle that extremely hot water vapor loosens debris so that it can be sucked up with a wet vacuum.

>> No.13334141

Spend a lot of time with over the range microwaves and the fans are under powered and simply not worth much of anything. Bite the bullet and get a hood. Even a cheap hood will do more than the microwave will. Just do like some of the other people said and make sure it's as high a max cfm as you can afford.

>> No.13334209
File: 31 KB, 500x333, XtremeAIR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know about this brand/model? Or does it look any good?

>> No.13334215


all stainless is nonmagnetic

>> No.13334258

Why is the food your cooking smelling disgusting? Food is supposed to smell good. Maybe you should stick to mcdonalds and take out pizza from now on.

>> No.13334284

some types are and some types arent

but either way I don't get how relevant it is for a range to boast about, it'd be better to be magnetic so you could magnet on a recipe card while cooking or something haha

>> No.13334291

Imagine spending 8-10 hours a week sitting in traffic, ON TOP OF a 40 hour work week, paying all that money for gas so you can drive 30 miles to your mcmansion, which you pay rent to a banker for 30 years for the privilege to live in. How many miles do you drive a week? A month? A year?

In contrast, I pay a thousand bucks a month for a spacious, high ceilings apartment downtown with huge windows, in unit laundry, and a gym downstairs. It's a 10 minute walk to the office. I can walk home, take my lunch break in my living room, then walk back to the office. I can walk to the bodega if I want a snack or forget something at the grocery store.

>> No.13334302

I have never actually seen one of these in a home. Is the need for them based on climate? I live in a coastal area. Or are they needed for only certain kinds of cuisine? I've never seen anyone cook something so stinky and smelly.

>> No.13334341

you've never seen a house with a stove fan? i've never seen a house without one. all apartments and condo's i've seen have them.

>> No.13334342

Yeah I'm wondering what you're cooking. I'm the anon here >>13333343, and even if I fry or cook fish it's never so smelly that I have to seal off the bedroom. It's ~1000sq ft open concept kitchen-living-dining with 2 bed 2 bath and I keep all the inside doors open when I cook. I just hate lingering fry or fish smell, but it still isn't enough to disturb my sleep or linger horribly without the smoke away candle. Though as I said, I do make an effort not to cook pungent things too often. If I were constantly frying then it would be harder to manage the odor, but I still do cook plenty of fragrant things. You might want to try to make a water and alcohol or water and white vinegar solution (maybe with added essential oil for pleasant scent) to spray in your home. It can really help eliminate any unwanted odors more than something like Febreze would.

>> No.13334355

Being pungent isn't bad. The point is it should smell good. If you complain about the smell of good cooking going through the house, I don't know what the hell is wrong with you or why you're on this board. If your food is pungent but also smelling bad, then you're really fucking up and really don't belong here. A vent isn't even designed to prevent the house from smelling. Yes it will probably mitigate it to some extent, but the smell is still going to waft through the house. That's also not the point. Their purpose is mainly to vent out grease and smoke. Smell was never a priority, nor should it be, as your food shouldn't be smelling bad.

>> No.13334757
File: 134 KB, 1304x734, Screen Shot 2019-12-07 at 6.46.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I associate the word with a negative smell, so I didn't mean to say that I don't like nice fragrant smells. I dislike fry oil and long lasting fish smell. I like fish and the smell of fish but don't want to wake up smelling fish in the morning. And as I said, it's not something unbearable like >>13332641 says. I just make an effort to have a clean smelling home when it comes to odors that linger. Most things I cook don't linger like fry oil and fish do, so I don't have complaints about those things. But no matter how nice it is to smell delicious food cooking, I don't want my home to constantly have heavy food odors even if it's chocolate or fresh blueberry muffins.

>> No.13334835

my commute is 12 miles each way and I work from home 4 times a month. My home is a custom CFC construction 850k USD behemoth with a 5 car garage and 4200 sqt of living space sitting on an acre and a half of prime land. I don't live with the riff raff.
Your move, peasant.

>> No.13334843

what an embarrassing post to make

>> No.13334844

The non-vented version doesn't do nothing, but those have to have fresh activated carbon filters to do anything. At minimum, they are handy to set to low if you're chopping onions to draw the vapor away from your eyes.

>> No.13335141

I guess you never painted a kitchen.

>> No.13335143

Then you don't belong here.

>> No.13335157

God, there are so many women on this site. You are going to wipe down the walls once a year anyway. That's a ten minute job once a year. The exhaust is absolutely unnecessary in a domestic kitchen.

>> No.13335195

AFAIK hes a meme dude for /sp/, he is supposedly a british soccer fan. "norf" is british for North.

>> No.13335210

look at this nevercooked faggot.
fucking get off this board and kill yourself.

>> No.13335212

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.13335218

>Most builders cheap out and don't run a vent duct to the outside for it unless you specifically request it and pay more
lmao ameripoors

>> No.13335258

I used a fume hood when I worked at 3M when I was melting cyanoacrylate foam with a nichrome wire. If I breathed in the fumes it would have killed me. Evaluators and Fume hoods are worth it.

>> No.13335262

I cook at least twice a day, 2.5 times on average. The fact is that you don't know how to keep house because you are a woman.

>> No.13335287

Ramen noodles don’t count, bitch.

>> No.13335304

>ramen noodles
>noodle noodles
Get off this board, cooklet.

>> No.13335356

>$1200 a month
That would be a steal. It's like 1800$ before some utilities the cheapest for a 1 bedroom apartment here.

>> No.13335389

>He doesn't eat noodle noodles.

>> No.13335896

are kitchen vents not common for mutts?

>> No.13335932

You still have to work.

>> No.13335945

Americans put a microwave oven up there instead for some fucking reason.

>> No.13337132

And you don’t?

>> No.13337162

Mutts are truly retarded

>> No.13337198

Yeah that's called a mcmansion. Built as big as possible as crap as possible. Your house is a joke.

>> No.13337537

>1.5 acres
you're a fucking moron.

>> No.13337543

I renovated my kitchen recently and vaulted the ceiling with nice cedar. You bet your ass I bought an overkill 800 cfm ducted hood

>> No.13337584

Clap fat fat clap clap fat fat clap

>> No.13337596

>>1.5 acres
Yeah that’s kind of mcmansion tier, I don’t know if they’re poorly built though.

>> No.13337673

You won't even get an acre for new "McMansion" constructions. I live in an upper middle class city and my 1/3 acre 3150 sqft new construction, still building btw, is 650K unfurnished. And it's a stick house. I do hear housing south of the mason dixon line is cheaper, tho.

ICF in the US for residential single family homes are almost always done by custom builders in one-offs, and if done right, it's really on another level.

850k ICF on 1.5 acres is a huge bargain, and if I were afforded that opportunity, I would have jumped on it.

>> No.13337698

Mitts all live like trash.

>> No.13337701

yup, Mcmansion confirmed

>> No.13337957

>water is the only substance that can evaporate
Everyone in this tread is a moron

>> No.13337967

Apparently you didn't bother reading the thread past the first two posts.

>> No.13337970

How so?

>> No.13338082

just open a window nigga damn

>> No.13338147

Why are you trying to sound black?

>> No.13338213


>> No.13338273

You guys are all stupid. Somehow you're both right and both wrong. When the steam condenses on the wall it becomes water, which dirt will attract to, then it drys leaving behind the dirt again

>> No.13339501

You gonna need one.
But given your level of shitposting, you might not be able to afford one.

>> No.13341342
File: 38 KB, 555x448, this_is_why_we_can't_have_nice_thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When your workplace has a deluxe ventilator
>And its not connected to anything

>> No.13341507

its only for people that fell for the cast iron pan meme and literally heat up veggie oil until it smokes only to cook a steak half way so they dont kill theirselves

>> No.13341548

tasty looking ass

>> No.13341558

the north south divide in the Uk is quite strong, in sports especially.
football goers are often overweight lower class tubbos that start drunken fights with the opposite teams fans.
and as such a beautiful insight to Uk social systems gave us this man.
lov me greggs
lov me woif
hate pakis
hate te souf

>> No.13341590

>>Kitchen doesn't have window
>I'm gunna need to see a pic, mate
There are a ton of rentals in the rest of the world that don't have proper kitchens, minus laws about zoning and things like that. You'll see a lot of threads on here with rigged up indoor gas burners *facepalm* lack of washer/dryers, lack of ovens, and tiny stoves where there would be no pots small enough to use all burners at the same time. It's just coming from some culture where you exclusively dine out.
When I lived in D.C, you'll see plenty of rentals and houses alike, where obviously people lived like they lived in a hotel, with closets only large enough for 3-4 outfits, presumably only a casual or dress uniform, a winter coat, and nothing more. Everyone has the ginormous armoire in their bedroom, their kitchen, crap from IKEA for more storage. This comes from a more modest time, or just for the fact people only owned military uniforms, maybe. Today, you can't legally call a bedroom a bedroom without an physical closet with a door, in a realtor listing, but it was a part of the past. A unit without a window in the kitchen? Obviously some inferior old building retrofitted to apartments at the minimal cost.

>> No.13343351


>> No.13345833

Do americans really have no kitchen vent? That's just weird. Your house would be filled with smoke and your wall will all be sticky because of the fat droplets

>> No.13345844

clean your fucking filters fuckwad

>> No.13346067

so, how good are these things running on filters only?
i got no vent and a high temp pizza oven that makes my eyes water with smoke whenever i bake. the oven is about 1.5m diagonally away from where i could place the hood, would the two fans in it even suffice?
oh and how cleanable are the filters? paying 30e for two new filters seems like a bit of a bitch when the hood is like 80.

>> No.13346130

wait wait wait
american don't have kitchen ventilation?

>> No.13347228

Better than nothing but definitely not great. I have one because the setup in my apartment building doesnt allow for a duct connected to the outside. Cleaning oily filters is annoying and shit but what can you do.

>> No.13347245

False. You don't want moisture, much less cooking grease, depositing in your attic. You can't ventilate a n y t h i n g into an attic, always duct that shit to the outside.

>> No.13347261

Ventilated is always better. If you don't have a gas range, you can probably get away with an unventilated fan.

>> No.13347269

If it vents outside, then yes use it.
There are lots of invisible smoke partials that will grease up your walls ans ceiling, not to mention lung damage you get over time. In some areas governments and charities are installing these fr free because of how important ventilation, more so when cooking.

Not sure if the closed loop ones work well, but at least it blows away from your face.

>> No.13347272

Yeah but you don't want to deal with the oil layer, trust me. I don't have one of these and I cook regularly. It's a fucking pain in the ass. Also the fan sound is relaxing :3

>> No.13347285

>CFC construction
Hey that's around Denver
>850k USD
>5 car garage
>4200 sqt of living space
>sitting on an acre and a half
You know what to do boys

>> No.13347989

Mock him for living in a mcmansion? Yeah we already did that.