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File: 87 KB, 800x988, Whiskey_Old_Fashioned1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13329420 No.13329420 [Reply] [Original]

>at my company's Christmas party
>go up to the bar
"Can I get an Old Fashioned?"
>old asian dude behind the bar
>he opens up two sugar packets, dumps them in glass
OK, it all tastes the same in the end
>one drop of bitters
>drops in three cherries the size of marbles
that's fine, I like cherries alright
>adds two tiny cubes of orange that are 3/4 peel
I can still work with this I guess
>hits all of that with the muddler
>two measures of Dickel rye
I like your enthusiasm but
>finishes it off with a generous spray of soda

Christmas is ruined.

>> No.13329425


just drink it, you pussy. it's something.

>> No.13329426

>Cloudy ice cube
Yikes... Use hot water to make ice cubes.

>> No.13330196

Kek iktf idk why bartenders have such a hard time with this cocktail. The one drop of bitters would've been it for me.

>> No.13330203

Just drink it neat, you faggot

>> No.13331254

There's nothing wrong with drinking it messy either.

>> No.13331275 [DELETED] 

I remember being barely old enough to drink and thinking it was cool to get angry over bartenders making my "classic timeless drinks" wrong. Thinking about it makes me cringe.

You'll get over yourself. You're not James Bond.

>> No.13331280

>hot water
you didn't fair to well in school, am I correct?

>> No.13331298


If I order something, drink or otherwise, I expect to receive what I order, not your half assed "interpretation". I guess I just have standards, I'm sorry you've seemed to lost yours.

>> No.13331300

I think he meant boil the water first, and you can freeze hot water, anon.
In a weird twist of physics, hot water actually freezes faster, can you believe it?

>> No.13331314
File: 615 KB, 703x663, Old-skool playa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at my company's Christmas party
>go up to the bar
>"Can I get a quadruple gin and tonic please?"
>No mate we're only allowed to serve doubles.
>"Can I have two double gin and tonics please?"
>Coming right up sir
>Proceed to drink several more rounds of double double gin and tonics
>Get kicked out of the place we're having the party in for kicking some cunt up the arse on the dancefloor
>The company decides next years party will be alcohol free

>> No.13331315 [DELETED] 

>I have standards
>I'm ordering a cocktail with an extremely broad range of options at a corporate stuffshirt party and expecting the minimum wage part time catering job lady to bone up on molecular mixology beforehand
Part of being an adult is understand what's appropriate in what context. You should be able to size up a bar and know what's reasonable to ask for. Furthermore, if you have such specific requirements even at an actual bar and not just "last minute temp sent by the catering company with a trunk full of bottom shelf liquor", you should understand how to specify your preferences and not assume.

You're the kind of idiot who gets mad at a shitty corner barber for chopping up your hair wrong when all you said was "not too short" and then growled when asked for more detail.

>> No.13331343

I envy you anon, I've heard that lowered expectations is the secret to a happy life, even if it is not necessarily a fulfilling life.

>> No.13331350 [DELETED] 

Well the nice thing about getting older is you can afford to go to nice places whenever you want, instead of trying to squeeze enjoyment out of the freebies you randomly encounter, and getting mad when it's not up to your standards

>> No.13331358

Good on you for ruining it for everybody.

>> No.13331361

how water freezes before cold water

>> No.13331365

Dude you are a huge faggot
Did you really just type all that out?
What he received is not an old fashioned, end of story.

>> No.13331370 [DELETED] 

Yes and if you order the "carbonara" at a greasy formica countertop diner off the NJ Turnpike it's going to have cream. Context is hard and basic general knowledge is for fags, right?

>> No.13331371

You had one job

>> No.13331376

A point worth consideration I suppose.

>> No.13331388

except if he had ordered it at a table and didn’t see it prepared, he wouldn’t have known the difference and sperged out
he’s only mad because he has some fantasy about what an old fashioned is from movies and marketing. the type of person to say “shaken, not stirred” or “Coffee. Black.” because his social cues come from non-fiction
a normal person wouldn’t give a shit

>> No.13331395

>"Can I get an Old Fashioned?"
He could have just said no. Fucking hell.

Fuck off. We're not having that retarded discussion again.

>> No.13331693

yeah the rules they have in place to limit drunkeness are so dumb
last company christmas party we asked for shots
"no we can't serve shots"
ok so give us 10 whiskeys, neat
"sure thing boss"

>> No.13332150

I can understand that but I’ve literally had a bartender fuck up a gin and tonic.
>go to bar
>can I have a g and t?
>”a what?”
>a gin and tonic
>comes out with no lime in a plastic cup and somehow tastes like shit
How do you fuck up something which has 3 ingredients not including ice

>> No.13332164

>not ordering liquor neat

What are you, a child?

>> No.13332165

>Can I get an Old Fashioned
How much of a faggot are you

>> No.13332166

If you want clear ice you have to freeze it slowly. There's special molds that allow you to do that easily. It just takes over 24 hours to get good results, easier to just serve cloudy ice

>> No.13332207

>I prefer my poison meticulously prepared


>> No.13332763

ordering anything but scotch bourbon or whisky neat... Your ancestors are not smiling down upon you anon.

>> No.13332805

>everyone should be an alcoholic, like me
>I don't have a problem

>> No.13332815

>this formatting

>> No.13332820

What was the point in saying the guy was Asian? It has nothing to do with your story lol

>> No.13332821


>> No.13332825

Mythbusters disproved this one.

>> No.13334236

ice cubes from hot water make crystal clear ice. luke warm water makes cloudy ice cubes.

>> No.13334279

We get it, you millenials have no interest in upholding standards or traditions. We should make all bars just have pencils and printed menus with checkboxes for all the ingredients they have. That way the bartenders aren't expected to know anything.

>> No.13334296

bartender here
realistically, no-one under the age of 70 orders a fucking Old Fashioned except autists like yourself OP.
You're fucking kidding yourself if you try to order one anywhere except specifically a cocktail bar that caters to the kind of rich, 80-year-old clientele that actually order that ancient, hipster drink.

like 95% of bar orders are
>whisky & soda (or cola)
>gin & tonic
>jaeger shots

>> No.13334307

That sounds like an honest improvement
Want your drink made a specific way? Just enter in the extra/less ingredients and there's no need to spend 5 minutes explaining your drink in an incredibly loud bar

>> No.13334340

G & T. Gin & Tonic. What do you want alphabet soup?

>> No.13334359

You're a dumb faggot. I live in a University town and grad students order old fashioneds all the time, especially the qt intellectualistas

>> No.13334365

Maybe in Poverty Ville USA. But atleast on the coasts, the Old Fashioned is back to being a staple drink. Dives in seattle, serve old fashioned and negroni on tap commonly.

>> No.13334369

I ordered a gin and tonic as a "g&t" once and I also got "what the fuck are you talking about" vibes from the bartender. I think only people who spend too much time on the internet talk in abbreviations like that

>> No.13334485

>hipster drink
I thought it was a common drink?
Not having it at your bar is like if you didn't serve rum and coke

>> No.13334750



>> No.13334778

Funny how they were so quick to credit some African kid with the discovery but it ended up being BS lol

>> No.13334791

Because few people order it even though it's a hipster trend. And bar tendering centers mostly around craft beers and pre-mix meme drinks now. Everything mixed is a martini or margarita. Everything has more sugar than it should have. Everything comes in a bottle you just mix with liquor. Everything is neon colors. Nobody cares about some early 20th century cocktail that tastes medicinal.

>> No.13334797

I am James fucking Bond you zoomer scum. You'll make my fucking drink how I ask and serve it with class and dignity or you won't get your precious tips. You're not Tom Cruise in Cocktails. You're not there to fuck the waitresses and jerk off with the bouncer. You're there to know how to do shit. It's not our fault you failed out of college and drinking was the only thing that got you this job.

>> No.13334806

>Maybe in Poverty Ville USA.
He didn't mention in his 95% exhausted list: the mojitos, daiquiris, margaritas, dark n stormies, cosmopolitans, appletinis nor the straight up spiced rum or SoCo people, let alone the no carb crowd with their vodka. It's weird to me you'd even list jaeger shots and not tequila.

>I ordered a gin and tonic as a "g&t" once
I think the right way to order it is to specify the brand you prefer of gin. Like maybe a 7&7?
Americans aren't into gin as much as the Brits, and I usually see it from gay men, I guess I know a lot of them, but it's hugely popular, people of caribbean descent (sorta british), or just people can and do drink everything and have their moods.

>> No.13335690

who the fuck puts fruit in an old fashioned?
it's just sugar, whiskey and bitters.

>> No.13335835

>at my company's Christmas party
>go up to the bar
>I’ll take a jack and coke please
>”sorry, sir, is Pepsi ok?”
>mumble under my breath but say “sure”
>bartender hands me a freshly mixed Pepsi and Coke

>> No.13335842

ngl i kekd

>> No.13335846

I had a little jack and coke* at my company's Christmas party too.

*handjob and cocaine in the copier room

>> No.13335854

In the end, you are the faggot for ordering an old fashioned. Many bartenders also think you're a faggot for ordering an old fashioned.

>> No.13337770

OP here, nothing wrong with ordering Old Fashioneds, sorry it wasn't a craft IPA or the newest meme liquor from The Local Shamwow Mustache Distillery Co. so I could post about it on Instagram

You guys are uncultured faggots, learn how to aperitif

>> No.13338571

idek if its an internet thing. i got flack from a friends friend because she thought i was being pretentious by saying "g&t" as this was in a small town but a pretty decent bar. in my opinion if you want to be a bar tender you should familiarize yourself with the common drinks and have at least an ounce of dedication to what youre doing even if youre just a bartender because you flunked out of fucking community college. ive always stood by the mantra of "if youre gonna do something, do it well" especially if youre getting paid jfc

>> No.13338584 [DELETED] 

It's an internet thing, saying "G&T" in real life is like saying "eye are elle" or "elle oh elle" or "oh em gee" in real life. People will know exactly what you mean, but it comes off as childish.

>> No.13338626 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 500x479, +_136569acac7f2c825543a1ea85a0e25f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a freethinker, I feel euphoric every time I teach the sheeple about which classic prohibition-era cocktails should be available in plastic cups at the annual corporate holiday event
Next time ask for a daiquiri, like Hemingway

>> No.13338644

So what are you cunts drinking tonight?

>> No.13338807

I work at a bar that specializes in Old Fashioneds and heres how we make ours:

2oz choice of bourbon or whiskey
1oz simple syrup
2-3 hits each of Angostrua, Black Walnut, and Peach Bitters
pour into glass over 1 large ice cube
cut off around 1 1/2 inchs of orange peel and squeeze above glass to let out the essence and oils, then rim the glass with the orange
ONE (1) maraschino cherry

that sells for anywhere between 12 and 100+ depending on the bourbon... but this is the best way in my opinion. Using granulated sugar and water is the "old fashioned" old fashioned way, but seriously who wants a grain-y old fashioned? also fuck anyone who uses those bright red cocktail cherries, that has no place near an old fashioned

>> No.13338818


>> No.13338853

>Does anyone else get sick of girls picking the asshole??
No, I'm always down for anal.

>> No.13338911

>$12 for that
I'll never understand why people would pay such a ridiculous price for a single drink

>> No.13338945

>1oz simple syrup

that sounds sickly, I make mine with 1/4 oz and find it a bit too sweet

>> No.13338966
File: 223 KB, 550x498, niglet and chikin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old fashioneds are a drink of culture!
Why can't you just drink what you like? Why does everything have to be a pissing contest over who can tip their fedora faster?

>> No.13338969

>Double G&T's
>Not starting a fucking riot

>> No.13338980 [DELETED] 

You have it the wrong way around..... Cocktails are the only things that should have ice in them, straight whiskey is drank neat (though if it's lower quality you could put a big ice cube in it)

>> No.13339072

Kill yourself.

>> No.13339119


OP again

I was drinking what I like, or what I like when it's not made with fucking soda and Sweet n Low

It's these assholes on here complaining because I was drinking it, with their OK boomer shit

>> No.13339129 [DELETED] 

Nobody is complaining that you like old fashioneds. People are making fun of you for being autistic.

>> No.13339164

Dude why are you so impassioned about a mixed drink?

>> No.13339672

I would be into that, sounds like a cool idea

>> No.13339954

>And bar tendering centers mostly around craft beers
What the fuck did he mean by this

>> No.13340006

Why would I pay triple for something I could buy and pour myself? I'm not paying for the alcohol, anon, I'm paying for the man behind the bar.

>> No.13340029

It's literally called a g&t anon. That's its name. He's not making some grand statement by calling it by its name.
Yeah I could see caribbean being into gin and tonic. It was a colonial drink.

>> No.13340036

It's not an internet thing you dense sperg

>> No.13340268

It’s the bourbon that makes it expensive. The rest of the ingredients are cheap. Restaurants make their money by price gouging people on drinks. I personally am a beer drinker and get mad if it’s over 6 for a draft but at hockey games I’ve happily paid 15 before. It’s the environment and what else is going on around the drink as much as the drink in many cases. Charging 12 or 15 for a drink is a good way to keep certain other people out that wouldn’t fit in with your desired clientele.

>> No.13340282

What is a good mixed drink for all hours of the day? Is the white russian any good? I like gin if that matters.

>> No.13340299

I ordered a white Russian once and the bitch gave me a goblet with Hershey's chocolate sauce ringing the glass. It's not even an uncommon drink.

>> No.13340303

Refinement is about self improvement. Just doing whatever you like is stasis. You might as well be an animal.

>> No.13340309

A G&T is not a gin and tonic.

>> No.13340322

would you like to explain this eight gigabillion iq take

>> No.13340326

>and get mad if it’s over 6 for a draft but at hockey games I’ve happily paid 15 before
Have an ounce of self-respect man, Jesus Christ what the fuck.

>> No.13340335

White Russian just tastes of cream so if that's your thing go for it, I guess.
I love the negroni, and it's made with gin. Perfect eating lunch in the sun, perfect in the evening while reading, and if you're drinking cocktails with breakfast you've got a problem so it doesn't matter whether it fits.

>> No.13340338

>im too weak to do what i want

>> No.13340529

Yeah, it is.

>> No.13340539

Submitting to your desires is true weakness.

>> No.13340542

I bought that meme ingredient once

you can't taste a drop in a glass

>adds nothing

>> No.13340853

It's supposedly a flavor enhancer like salt you don't really taste it rather you taste the spirit more

>> No.13340865

get your autism checked before HR finds out

>> No.13340889

I seriously hope you're not serving guests hard tap water ice instead of reverse osmosis filtered

>> No.13341000

slow bars need around 70% markup on drinks to pay the fixed costs

>> No.13341004

white russian became a meme drink with big lebowski which people order when they turn 18/21

>> No.13341021

Gin mule if you're already a fan of Gin.

>> No.13341029

if you aint drinking a broilermaker at the bar your dont work hard enough. I make a mean old fashion at home for special occasions but I cant see a workin man lke me ordering that.

>> No.13341885

A shot and beer isn't a cocktail, alky.

>> No.13341927

Literally Absinthe

>> No.13341945

it's an AROMATIC. you're supposed to use your fucking nose

>> No.13341957

>>Get kicked out of the place we're having the party in for kicking some cunt up the arse on the dancefloor

>> No.13341983

>At my company's Christmas party
>Get shitfaced on free Stella before they close the bar
>End up encouraging my middle aged managers to "open their minds with psychedelics" and to try coke

Luckily they were so horrified they never mentioned it again

>> No.13342122

I just go for a Cuba Libre, though with lemon juice rather than lime since that's what we have in the house most often.

>> No.13342161

Yes it is zoomie. Go outside

>> No.13342218

so submitting to your desire to redditpost about your superior taste in drinks makes you as weak if not weaker than the people who just fucking drink their fermented juices without jerking themselves off in the process

>> No.13342254

I can one up you, OP

>at mediocre high- end steakhouse chain
>wait staff is clearly not very good, so I decide to order something simple
>ask waitress for a scotch and soda
>you mean L -like... a scotch... and soda?
>yes a scotch and soda
>waitress comes back with a glass of scotch and a glass of Pepsi

if she didn't know what "scotch and soda" meant then she could have at least asked the fucking bartender

>> No.13342278

>Last Christmas I gave you my heart. The very next day you gave it away.
You've ruined my Christmas forever!

>> No.13342388

Are whiskey sours girly drinks?

>> No.13342578

Lol does cold water also boil faster than hot water?

>> No.13342580

WI anon here, everyone likes an old fashioned

>> No.13342595 [DELETED] 

Only if you add salt to your coffee

>> No.13343923
File: 469 KB, 512x807, thinking flop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well what defines a girly/faggy drink?
I kinda see it as a drink where the alchohol is basically gone taste wise
If so I don't think a whiskey sour is one

>> No.13343964

The joke is that it's -always- been for hipsters.
You muddle a sugar cube instead of using syrup because at the time of creation it was made for hipsters who remembered the good old days when syrup didn't exist and cocktails were served hot.

>> No.13343987

Not as originally made with egg whites.

>> No.13343993

they should learn to be a better bartender. I've sent drinks back before and will do it again in the future I'm sure. I've had a bartender completely fuck up a long island. One dumb fuck changed the keg in the middle of pouring my beer.

>> No.13344224

It's not 'cool' it's basic standards.

>> No.13344244

>I think the right way to order it is to specify the brand you prefer of gin
If you want a specific brand of gin, yes. A Tanq and Tonic, or a Sapphire and Tonic. A gin and tonic will get you well liquor.

>> No.13344282

>Went up to the bar at some party bar with my friend in college
>He orders a moscow mule for his gf at the time
>Bartender says "How am I supposed to know what that means?"
>She ends up getting a cheap vodka and ginger ale.
How does a bartender not know a moscow mule. This was when it was the trendy drink.

>> No.13344328

I like how he doesn't refute the "barely old enough to drink" part.

>> No.13344334

I chuckled.

>> No.13344378

Just because something is trendy doesn't mean everyone know what it is. They weren't a popular drink until the recent revival. I also wouldn't expect a party bar bartender to know anything more complicated than basic highball or an AMF.

>> No.13344441

>bartender here

Yeah ok lmao

>> No.13344475


OP back with a plan of attack

I'm 35


>Dude why are you so impassioned about a mixed drink?

I'm not, I had already had a double knob on the rocks pregaming and a whiskey sour before this one, then finished it off with whatever wine they served and black russians until the office admin looked good

I just order mixed drinks at office parties and such because 1) it's free and 2) the bar has ingredients I don't have or don't want to prep at home

It was a fairly nice (non-chain) steakhouse, I would assume they'd have bartenders that can handle basic cocktails on the IBA list

But more than anything else that drink was nasty as fuck

>> No.13344489

Most bartenders these days cant make a gin and tonic palatable.

>> No.13344501

>order a steak rare with potatoes
>receive it well done with greens


>> No.13344505
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Of course not, gin is disgusting

>> No.13344538

For me. its Tanqueray and Polar
Bombay is fine too.

>> No.13344543


One of our new hires was ordering tanqueray and tonics all night

He didn't call it a G&T like the faggots on here do though

>> No.13344555

And yet here you are, a 35 year old man, crying like a teenage girl who was just bullied in the locker room about her not having a thigh gap.

Get a grip you stooge

>> No.13344572



>> No.13344679

Are you suggesting that drinking an Old Fashioned is a form of "self-improvement"? Kill yourself.

>> No.13344729 [DELETED] 

>35 years old
>having an autistic tantrum for days over an inexperienced bartender who was probably subbing for someone else who called out sick
When you wake up at night with the drunken night terrors, do you ever feel pangs of regret over the kinds of things you spend energy on?

>> No.13344791


I've been on this thread for a grand total of seven minutes since friday

The only reason I even remembered making it was I still had the tab open on my home laptop

Don't be melodramatic

>> No.13344806

Like he said... Autists

>> No.13345031

What kind of fucking bartender doesn't know about a Moscow mule? Fuck that shit.

>> No.13345593

I don't mind too much but I do expect some standards. There still not very high though just shit like no soda water in an old fashioned or a gin and tonic with soda water instead of tonic. Generally speaking though I've never really received bad service so hey.

>> No.13345626

care to extrapolate?

>> No.13345754

not the guy who called you out, but its fare well..
fare you well my honey
fare you well my only true one

>> No.13345779

Fuck you I kekd.

>> No.13345803

You asked for two ingedients. Gin and tonic, you should have requested a twist of lime.

>> No.13345824

Don't be a fag, certain alcohols are made to be enjoyed by themselves while others are for mixing.

>> No.13345828
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>> No.13345856


>> No.13346994

>not ordering a mikes hard

ya blew it

>> No.13347257

That sounds great boomer

>> No.13347277

Sounds awesome actually in a Cosmo Kramer kinda way. The make your own pizza restaurant. You get little airplane bottle of booze on a tray with pre measured ingredients and you can make your own cocktail. Sholdn't be the norm but I could see a niche bar making money on this here in Portland