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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13328628 No.13328628 [Reply] [Original]

Which country has the best cuisine in the world and why is it Italy?

>> No.13328641

cajun or louisiana

>> No.13328655

amerifat education showing itself again

>> No.13328692

>I love food to taste of nothing but cumin.

>> No.13328705


>> No.13328707


your mom likes me to cumin her mouth senpai

>> No.13328712

there is no cumin in cajun spice or recipes

>> No.13328720

Based, but not a nation. If it were a nation, it would be the dirtiest, most corrupt nation on Earth.
Nah, your country has idiots too.
You're thinking of Americanized Mexican, which bears little to no resemblance to actual Mexican food. Cajun-Creole is the holy trinity instead of mirepoix, and cayenne instead of cumin.

>> No.13328728

It has the hipster's cumin, paprika

>> No.13328738

LMFAO Mutts are delusional. All American cuisine is objectively shit tier. It isn't even an actual cuisine.

>> No.13328744

>the hipster's cumin, paprika

>> No.13328749


>> No.13328761

Then it must suck having your life revolve around us, as it does right now.

>> No.13329351

Italian cuisine is the biggest meme in the world after Japanese. Literally shit tier.

>> No.13329365

Polish cuisine is clearly the ultimate one.

>> No.13329370

Thailand or China are objectively the best. Tons of Variety and every region is known for their food.

>> No.13329658

Chine is good but Thai is unremarkable.
But Italian cuisine is better than both although I would put China in 4th place

>> No.13329667

Ahh yes, gluten, cheese and tomato over and over again.

>> No.13329695

What is
> Pesto (sauce)
> Tiramisù
> Cannoli
> Prosciutto
> Capocollo

>> No.13329951

lmao what

>> No.13329974

tastelet, why don't you order everything on the mcdonalds menu to see if they are actually fast food?

get it?
food is the same food, prep is different but still HARD related

>> No.13329982


>> No.13329996

Food sucks.

>> No.13330064

Italy, Japan, France, or Mexico tbqh

>> No.13330069 [DELETED] 
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OP is a faggot.

>> No.13330073

Scandinavia or Uk

>> No.13330080

How could you possibly not know what those things are

>> No.13330094


>> No.13330101

Italy, Mexico, Peru, China

>> No.13330124

You're probably talking about Westernized Chinese food, as traditional Chinese food is things like chickens feed, pig's uterus and other inedible things. also bugs

>> No.13330219

Italian or French, leaning towards French. Both have extremely well delevoped food cultures with a really great variety of flavors and combinations that basically satisfies everything. I think italians are a bit too pasta oriented though, which is why I say french.
Their desserts aren't great and lack variety. I don't know of any prominent cheese or cured meats in either.

>> No.13330229

The French don't have any cuisine. Most of their stuff is copied from Italy: bechamel (Italian), eclairs (Italian), etc

>> No.13330248

Cajun and Louisana cooking is just French cooking but with alligators

>> No.13330292

Not Japan. Their presentation of food does not make up for their lack of flavors, variety and bland cuisine

>> No.13330402

This. Anyone who's ever had those Japanese-style pancakes or cheesecakes knows how disappointing the contrast is between the look and the taste of their foods.

>> No.13330426

Jap food is 99% dashi, sake, mirin and soy sauce. I actually like it but there's not much variation.

>> No.13330649


Your palate has just changed.

>> No.13330660

no, it's like french cooking had a retard child and that child took steroids and become the next JRR Tolkien and made his own little world which is so complex even his tard wranglers can't understand it you have to have been brought up with him to get the subtleties

>> No.13330755

Italy: food for children and lazy students.

Nice try.

>> No.13330998

china has the broadest range and a whole lot of very interesting experiences

>> No.13331001

Didnt know louisiana was a country

>> No.13331003


looks good...tastes so meh

>> No.13331004

I grew up in a restaurant family (our family owns one of Australia’s busiest restaurants) but I agree cajun is good, really good. Not elegant or pretentious, just great homely food.

>> No.13331117

You call him a tastelet yet think all Italian cooking is just tomato and cheese. SAD.

>> No.13331136
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>italian cuisine
>thinks of bastardised ny pizza
>italian cuisine
I'm waiting for you to say what constitutes food for an adult. Idiot.

>> No.13331193

10/10 made me reply to grade your bait

>> No.13331214

Go dunk tendies in bbq sauce, children.

>> No.13331297

> There is cheese +tomato +gluten in pesto
> There is cheese +tomato +gluten in tiramisu
> There is cheese +tomato +gluten in cannoli
> There is cheese +tomato +gluten in Prosciutto
> There is cheese +tomato +gluten in Capocollo

Why don't you neck yourself you retarded mongoloid?

>> No.13331310

> He can only like food if it is covered with cheese or full of sugar
> Calls other cuisine " for children"

>> No.13331322


>> No.13331323

Either tomato and cheese or bland shit noone cares about.


>> No.13331332

There's no "Chinese" cuisine. Each province has their own cuisine

>> No.13331338

Pretty sure it's the reverse.

>> No.13331344

It's France, every know it's France, and everyone has known it's France for over 100 years now. FFS the only reason Italy has competent cuisine is because of France. Why do you thing England's cuisine was such fucking garbage for ever until they decolonized and just started applying brown ppl influence to everything? They had such a hate on for France that they scorned their cooking theory even though they were right across the channel.

>> No.13331352
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Overrated desu but yeah, italian can be pretty great.
One of my favs that many people sleep on, is Persian cuisine.
So many unique flavours and quite decadent in an elegant way.

>> No.13331354

English cooking was considered better than French cooking until recently. French copied everyone and then self-promoted the shit out of themselves.

>> No.13331378

Lol no. Read up on any anthropological cooking content, or even basic shit like YT with 17th century English cookery and see how fucking behind the curve from French technique it is.

>> No.13331387


>> No.13331425


This guy actually has a good base of utilizing methods from the time ( there were limited recipe guides printed) along with historical records of things. He's literally only a reenactor, but he often times has anthro people that have been published on shit like 17th century cooking though.It's fascinating to watch, but doesn't change my mind that knowing what we know now, that the English couldn't cook for shit. There's a reason they conquered most of the world in search of spices, they needed to BAM their week ass food.

>> No.13331441

well he isn't -- just -- a reenactor, he also sells the cookery used in his presentations that he uses to promote his products.
I was more curious if by read up on content you actually meant read, or as I had presumed, just based it on youtube videos.

>> No.13331452

kek you got rekt hard bro, now you have to backpedal

>> No.13331453

Nice sealion faggot, do you have any sources to suggest that the English could make any competent food before you try to tear down my sources? I doubt it, because you are a fucking limp wristed faggot.

>> No.13331481

>"please read up on content"
>"like the affiliate links below my youtube favorites"
I was mostly taking issue with your terminology. francophilia, while unsavory, is no crime. it's odd to hear zoomers try to "source" their head cannon in such a clumsy way though.
>do you have any sources
yes, check the english food content

>> No.13331490

Calabrian tenders are such a great autentico Italian treat

>> No.13331491

>Not an argument

>> No.13331499

it is, just not the one you want to have

>> No.13331542

The things you read on internet...
France has a higher diversity and the food it share with other countries (Alsace and Germany, French Flanders...) is usually way better, more refined.
People who cite thailand or China don't know what produce oriented cuisine is. Thai food is good but their produces suck, the meat is grim, and everything looks full of cancer.

I've lived in Belgium for many years and since I'm back in the French countryside I can tell the difference in terms of produce quality.
The cooking is also important but quality AND availability of the basic produces is what makes it better to live in France.

>> No.13331558

Authentic Chinese is basically poverty food, fucking abhorrent and will likely give you cancer years down the roads.

>> No.13331583

Got a coworker who is Persian and his mom still makes him food. Never understood berries and rice though

>> No.13331723
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>youtube video

>> No.13331752

Provide a better source then faggot? I'm waiting.

>> No.13331754
File: 313 KB, 660x574, 1502767340616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burden of proof is on the one making the claim.

>> No.13331771

Nice sealioning faggot

>> No.13331778
File: 403 KB, 621x668, 1528154418033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can't provide proof
Its all you have to say bro.

>> No.13331793
File: 58 KB, 640x348, 1505804041084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally your entire argument so far

>> No.13331802

>Burden of proof
Is a made up standard

>> No.13331821

I mean, not really, but he's the kind of faggot that is the definition of sea lioning. "Wah, I don't like your source, and while I won't either attack your argument or the source itself, I'll keep demanding you fill my empty gaping hole with more and more sources which I'll never find adequate. I also won't try to provide any sources of my own because I don't actually have an argument and I'm arguing only in bad faith"

>> No.13331873

I suppose he could stand to read a few more videos...

>> No.13331994
File: 28 KB, 479x360, 1242765834113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its almost as if you just learned that word like its any better than you saying
>this is a fact i cant prove so im getting trolled

>> No.13332325

2. Vietnamese
3. Japanese
4. Italian
5. French

9999. Korean

>> No.13332332

Japanese food sucks my guy

>> No.13332814

Depends on what you like. They do savory stuff pretty well, and when they do foreign dishes they create a cool spin on it. Sushi is nice, but very overrated; their real draw are the soups, which I think they make up for the general lack of meat by having kombu seaweed stewing in it, which gives it depth. Still not as good as well-made pho, but it's still pretty good.

They're also very focused on seafood, which, as a new englander who grew up in the back of a seafood restaurant, I can say is probably the only culture that likes shellfish, octopus, and fish as much as NE americans do.

>> No.13332954

Chinese has too large variety to be even called one cuisine. Viet has salads and consomme with noodles. Jap is same flavor in in every single dish. Italian is decent. French has nice sauces. Korean has spicy sauerkraut.

>> No.13332962

Best and worst food I ever had was in China.

>> No.13333329

>cool spin on it
>literally put octopus and soy sauce in a bolognese

>> No.13333435

not every dish has to be a winner

>> No.13333441
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Japan has good food, but a very subpar cuisine.

if you dont understand what that means you have a <80 IQ.

>> No.13333626

>ITT Americans talking about Americanized foods
Italy has different cuisine across it's 20 some regions. What you find in America is only popular in some of the northern regions.

>> No.13333648

you're retarded, people here know like, a little bit of tuscan shit, but almost entirely are limited to Sicilian food.

>> No.13333695



>> No.13333746

What are some good books for traditional Italian and french cooking?

>> No.13333774

1. Italian
2. American (I'm in Aus so I don't hate it)
3. Japanese
4. Chinese

>> No.13334273
File: 225 KB, 800x600, Alicha_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ethiopian food is awesome

>> No.13334411

You are both retarded desu.
Italian cuisine in America is a little from every part of italy, even if they obviously don't know the majority of Italian local food
> Pesto, focaccia. Liguria
> Risotto, panettone. Lombardy
> Tiramisu. Piedmont (?)
> Carbonara. Rome
> Pizza, mozzarella. Naples
> Parmigiana, cannoli. Sicily
> Ragù, Bologna(more or less), lasagna, Prosciutto, parmigiano. Emilia Romagna

There are other dishes known in America I can't think of right now and obviously a huge number of other stuff they don't can't know but as you can see the Italian cuisine known in America is pretty much equally distribute in all Italy

>> No.13334417

Worst cuisine in the world

>> No.13334582

Korean main dishes is not where its at. The side dishes. Traveled all over Korea you have to get the side dishes where the grandma climbed up a mountain trail to find some obscure plant. Pancheon is fucking awesome.

>> No.13334749
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I guarantee you've never even tried it.

>> No.13334858
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Lol. Why do you think this? Everyone is taking the piss out of your nation. It's equivalent to an unpopular child telling his mother everyone at school is obsessed by him as he removed his phlegm drenched Parker.

>> No.13336008

Main issue is, unless they're imported, the ingredients in Murrica are shit and people don't really care about it. The state of american farmer's markets is dreary.

>> No.13336090
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>> No.13336142

Spanish cuisine is god tier.
Chinese and Thai are almost god tier.

>> No.13336144

Now I want some Morcilla

>> No.13336209
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Unos gazpachos manchegos hijoputa? Invito yo

>> No.13336231

I did, in ethiopia, fucking cancer.

>> No.13336339

France is objectively better

>> No.13336419

Lol stay mad, slavshit

>> No.13336469

Not slav and not mad, just laughing at you.

>> No.13336473


Thai food that isnt a cashgrab in a bigger city / town is fucking based.

>> No.13336478

It's Italy because they were the nexus of the spice-trade for 4 Centuries.
Remember, anyone darker than Tay Tay, we conquered your ancestors to get spice, and it all went through Italy.

>> No.13336481

burger here. I was lucky enough to spend a month stationed in Spain the army and I agree with this 100%. Spain not only has the best food in Europe, but the food culture is great. Not pretentious, tons of outdoor eating in gorgeous weather, good wine and the people are really nice, especially if you speak a bit of spanish. I got made fun of for my accent being a white guy speaking in a mexican accent, but there's no way in hell c=th in my brain. My personal favorites:

1. Spain
2. Austria
3. Bavaria (not a country, yes, but northern german food is ok at best)
4. Alsatian (again not a country, but french food is diverse enough that I have to be specific)

Italian is great, but the fresh-non pasta dishes are best.

>> No.13336524

Spanish are unpretentious, and that's what you liked about them. They have a mastery of seafood but it's simply nothing compared to Italians.
I wonder if the Italian tourist spots have ruined real Italian cooking. I was in both countries decades ago. Spain is good but Italy is better.

>> No.13336557

>mastery of seafood
and pork as well, Jamon Iberico is amazing. Any spanish soup is godlike as well, sopa de ajo and gazpacho were my favorites. It's probably most down to that I'm not a huge fan of pasta, and if I want noodles I want some kind of asian noodle soup dish, not pasta.

When it comes to expensive fine dining multiple plate meals I'd say italian over spanish, because I never really saw that sort of thing in Spain much, but I'd also say the amount you paid does not always denote superiority.

>> No.13336595

Maybe you should look up the definition of state.

>> No.13336628

google just keeps telling me "c'est moi" when I ask what is the state wtf

>> No.13336764

best food: Italy
best cuisine: France
there's a difference

>> No.13336865

>and pork as well, Jamon Iberico is amazing
I'm sorry but Italy wins again here. Sure jamon iberico is godlike, but Italian have more almost-jamon-tier pork product: Prosciutto, salame, culatello, coppa, Bologna Just to name the more known.
Obviously I don't mean the Americans bastardized product but the excellent DOP products

>> No.13336886

My choice is Hungary
>Big food variety
>Healthy food that anyone from /fit/ would definitly recommend
>Extremely tasty
>Smells great
>Easy to prepare
What else would you want?

>> No.13336896

>Healthy food
Nigga you haven't been to Hungary if you believe that. While the food there is delicious it's 90% pork fat.

>> No.13336914
File: 180 KB, 664x498, orss_doktor_leszmol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up

>> No.13336923

mangalica fat has a bunch of Omega-3 and is going through a health craze. People used to make fun of the old peasants eating it because it's a fatty animal and can't be good for you, but now it turned out to be one of the healthier kinds of lard.

That said, the foundation of most hungarian dishes is lard, onions, and paprika. While there are healthy options like cabbage stew, lecsó, etc, there's a reason it's the second fattest nation in Europe. When your breakfast, lunch, and dinner are fat, meat, carbs, and a bit of pickled vegetables, it's not surprising.

>> No.13336943
File: 263 KB, 1800x1200, tiszai-halaszle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they do have the most delicious fish soup on the planet.

>> No.13336962

true, I've been to a halászlé competition, goddamn was it delicious. I had some that added a strong flavour of tarragon in addition to the paprika, and it was amazing.

I'm trying out a gulyás/goulash recipe today, I'll probably make a thread with the ingredients, steps, and results when it's done

>> No.13336980

>I'll probably make a thread
Please do. Gulyás is great, both stew and soup type.

>> No.13336985

You came into this thread looking for a post about American food. Literally obsessed.
Cope harder. Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.13337033

will do, it'll probably be around 3-5h from now since i like to really simmer the meat before i add the vegetables.

>> No.13337037
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>no one has mentioned Lebanese food

That is how I know everyone in this thread is a tastelet

>> No.13337156


>> No.13337215

I feel so ashamed for basically never having tried so many different cuisines this world has to offer, Im German and I only feel embarassed by the fact that so many others here have enjoyed so much more diverse food, when Im here, only having had italian food and my own versions of other dishes.
I mean I should probably go to restaurants more often.

>> No.13337218

French is good, but outside of steak frites, the meat tends to be pretty underwhelming. They also tend to lose flavor for the sake of presentation with things like boiling mushrooms so they stay white. Sauces are fantastic, however.
Alsatian Cuisine is pretty good as well. It carries over some German traditions but gives them the proper tlc through the French methods.
Breton food is just pretty bland. Crepes are great there, and the pork is nice, but it falls into the Eastern European fault of being hearty but one note.
Japanese is good, but generally rather basic in flavor, its cuisine where you have to dig for complexity rather than it being upfront. Katsu is nice. Their spins on western dishes are hit or miss though.
South Italian is pretty good. But its too built around the tomato for there to be enough variety to be a complete cuisine system. I'd hate to imagine what it was like before the tomato given its modern prevalence.
North Italian is like Alsatian in that its German-but-better. Great cheese and cured meats.
Central Italian functions as some degree of mix between North and South. Its a pretty nice golden middle depending on the dish or region.
North German is generally underwhelming. Not much going on there. Hearty but simple.
South German is better than the Northern style. More complex, but its still underdeveloped.

>> No.13337225

oh boy

Italy, France, Japan. I lean to Italy or Japan because they have such high quality ingredients and they really let them shine.

>> No.13337238

Yes, because of cajun, texmex, and new mexican cuisine, this one goes to the USA in a rout. Not even close, really.

>> No.13337352

Every country has some good dishes, even some seemingly boring ones. Traveling the world opens your eyes.

>> No.13337388

I dont want to fly everywhere and be a tourist, I hate that, individualistic luxury with a colonialist mindset. Theres tons of restaurants from all cultures in my area.

>> No.13337406

But it's not the same. e.g. Korean restaurants at huwaito piggu land don't serve same food they do at Korea.
There's nothing wrong with being a tourist as long as you don't act like a tourist.

>> No.13337451

Does cilantro belong on pasta?

>> No.13337490

It doesn't belong on anything.

>> No.13337547

Okay, but do you think Indians eat potatoes?

>> No.13337559

They probably do. Potatoes are delicious and cheap.

>> No.13337709

>Italian cuisine
Sorry but your shitty italy pizzas compare to nothing in america. We do it much better.

>> No.13337768

Lol. At no point did I comment on American food. Your reading comprehension is terrible.

>> No.13337771

the same, to a lesser extent, could be said about Italy.

>> No.13337794

Fucking hell lad, is English your second language or are you just thick?

>> No.13337804

Best pizza I've had was in Menton France and I hate frenchies so there's no bias.

>> No.13337867

This doesn't look like poverty food to me:

>> No.13337951

"Italian" cuisine varies considerably from region to region

In any case it's master race

>> No.13338104

>Sorry but your shitty italy pizzas compare to nothing in america
Thanks God.

>> No.13338414

Hell no

>> No.13338430

Italian > Mexican > Asian > American > German > French > British

>> No.13338487

>outside of steak frites, the meat tends to be pretty underwhelming.
If you base the quality of meat on steak you're hopeless and sound like a fool
There's a fucking great tradition of meat in France
- lots of different and delicate stews like boeuf bourguignon, blanquette, pot-au-feu, boeuf mironton.
- great variety of cuts for beef, pork, lamb that all have distinct recipes in each region.
- offals, lots of them, kidneys, veal head, andouillette, boudin, tablier de sapeur, tripous...
-charcuterie, ham, smoked sausage, pâté, rillettes, duck confit and all the recipes that go with them: cassoulet, choucroute, petit-salé...
- and of course all the poultry and birds

>> No.13338502

Because Italy is coastal so they have all the seafood, they have good pasture so their cattle stay well fed and produce good milk for cheese, and their climate is well suited for good produce.

>> No.13338507

Each Asian country differs and American cuisine is just a bastardised version of something from another country.

>> No.13338524

America takes the best from each country and makes it better. Thanks.

>> No.13338531

>America takes the best from each country and makes it artificial. Thanks.


>> No.13338538

stay mad teebshitter.

>> No.13338548

>Resorting to insults

You're the one who's mad

>> No.13338555

I'm not mad at all. I'm enjoying my foods while you obsess over America.

>> No.13338658

>how many different ways can we use chickpeas and pickled veg the cuisine
no thanks

>> No.13338661
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>high-end dining, refined dishes, culinary tradition
France +++++
Italy ++++
Portugal ++
Spain ++
>quality of home cooking in low to average-income households
Italy +++++
Spain ++++
France +++
Portugal ++
>street food, popular food, party food and beverages
Spain +++++
Portugal ++++
Italy ++++
France ++

>> No.13338683

Germans already make the best food so you arent missing out on anything. Also stuff a tampon in your pussy and quit crying.

>> No.13338686

>obsess over America.
We barely think about you, when we do is for having fun, because you are the clown of the world

>> No.13338694

You can't even rank asian cuisine because they douse it in MSG which means the taste you remember being good is just your brain malfunctioning.

>> No.13338723

>says the country that voted for Brexit and then failed to even do it

>> No.13338731

I'm not from uk. I know you might be confused but *all the world* think you are bufoons

>> No.13338741

At least we can spell. Now please fuck off an american site to whatever third world shithole you're from.

>> No.13338758

>whatever third world shithole you're from
I already told you I'm not from moorica

>Now please fuck off an american site
>Owned by a Japanese
>On a topic American can't even participate
Wow lad.

>> No.13338765

Confirmed for third worlder newfag. kys.

>> No.13338783

If you want to be represented by moot go ahead, it is even funnier.

>> No.13338790

You're on an American hosted site pretending to be superior. Literally kill yourself you third world mutt.

>> No.13338796

> A burgerboy calling mutt someone else
"Oh say can you seeeeeeeeeeth"

>> No.13338805

>third world zoomer thinks he's pure blooded

>> No.13338829
File: 12 KB, 299x168, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> His country is full of negroids
> Speak about purity
Go eat some hot dog amerilard

>> No.13338831

So is yurope, go take more refugees in zoomer.

>> No.13338836

Why do Yanks assume everyone mocking them is from Europe? The entire world hates you fat, obnoxious faggots.

>> No.13338839

LMAO you really are a third worlder then.

>> No.13338845

I'm a different guy burgerman

>> No.13338847

I'm not the same Anon you are arguing with you dumb mutt. Go eat some plastic cheese and vomit chocolate.

>> No.13338851

stay mad you third world mutts. Bonus points if you're some south american retard.

>> No.13338864
File: 890 KB, 391x365, 617 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going please. Your seething is hilarious

>> No.13338865


>> No.13338896

>hey guys, I'll make amerilards look even more ridiculous
You have to be a falseflagger.

>> No.13338900
