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13326960 No.13326960[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13326966

they get cold otherwise.

>> No.13326999

I never finish the meal I'd rather have leftover fries than leftover burger.

>> No.13327003

Fries are far more edible cooled off than a sandwich. Also a sandwich can get soggy in the time after it's been made which just sucks. Any place worth the money will also give you freshly prepared fries meaning they'll be fucking molten and inedible to begin with anyway.

>> No.13327004

>Fries are far more edible cooled off than a sandwich
nah it's the opposite

>> No.13327006

this, cold burger is still edible

>> No.13327007

I like getting a small chili at Wendy's, putting some of the chili on my burger, and dipping my fries in the rest.

>> No.13327024

You take a bite of the burger first though, so whatever juice and sauce drips on to the fries. Then you exchange bites of fries and burg.

>> No.13327033

Who fucking cares?

>> No.13327035

Ah you're right. I love eating room temperature burgers with grease and condiments soaked through the buns. But really, the congealed cheese makes it impeccable.

>> No.13327122

I love eating soggy cold lumps of fried potatoes

>> No.13327134

>eating all of one thing at once
is this whore autistic?

>> No.13327162
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I can't not do this, it drives me crazy at family events because why I finish something my aunts just scoop another serving onto my plate. Also, the order must go least-enjoyed-food --> most-enjoyed-food

>> No.13327172

>order fries
>eat fries
>order burger
>eat burger

>> No.13327176

>grits are touching the nuggie


>> No.13327191

Jesus, it’s weird because I have a tendency to to do this (eat one thing at a time in an order), but I actually trained myself not to do it. Like my natural state is the ‘tism but I’ve self-learned so I don’t act that ‘tistic

>> No.13327201

it's personal preference and pointless to argue about. That said I eat both continuously

>> No.13327209

I used to eat all of one thing at once too, but my dad's girlfriend would berate me whenever I did it, so I eventually stopped entirely.

>> No.13327252

>broccoli touching sprouts
gas chamber

>> No.13327404

Eating your waffle fries in between bites of burger is the only right way

>> No.13327462

I never got berated by anyone thankfully lmao i just always noticed people berating each other on the internet

>> No.13327499

Good French fries don't get soggy.
And like was said earlier, they're inedibly molten when they're fresh, and if you eat a single burger slow enough to have them go cold you have no right to complain.

>> No.13327504

Grow up, dweeb.

>> No.13327849

>finish burger in 5 minutes or less
>fries are still warm
I don't see the problem?

>> No.13327854

I just put all the fries on my burgers.

>> No.13327977

>put half of my fries ON burger
>munch on other half between burger bites

>> No.13327990
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i think twitter threads suck

>> No.13327996

also the majority of social media threads are started by phoneposters, stop being so lazy and actually make something instead of just taking screenshots of what other people are doing

>> No.13328008

nah fries turn to cardboard pretty quick. also i think it's one of those surface area/volume problems with fries. a lot of surface exchanging energy with the ambient environment, and not much volume/mass to maintain heat energy -> heat is lost quickly. a burger will keep its warmth for longer.

>> No.13328241

Fries depreciate quicker

>> No.13328254


>> No.13328265

Grown men with aspergers

>> No.13328280

Your mom always eats the fries first (which means I took her out to eat after I fucked her) lol

>> No.13329378

I've always been an eat fries last man myself, but upon pondering this query I have come to the conclusion that fries first is a much better alternative to fries last for the simple fact, that people can eat sandwiches cold and hot, there is evidence both exist. That is just what I think, if I do say.

>> No.13329471

>there are people who actually eat the entirety of a part of a dish before eating the other
what the fuck

>> No.13329480


Twitter screencap posters should be gassed.

>> No.13329524

But what if you're at a good restaurant?

>> No.13329545

I can't eat all that at once, if I ate all the fries first I wouldn't really have an appetite for the burger

>> No.13329548

I eat my burger and fries at the same time trading off bite to bite but not exclusively one after the other. I like both items warm. If you have a nice roast chicken and mashed potatoes, do you eat them exclusively separately or do you some here and some there?

>> No.13329618

I eat about 80% of my fries, then my burger, then finish off my fries. Is that based?

>> No.13329858

Do Americans really obsess over such menial things?

>> No.13330668

I don't understand people who completely eat one part of the meal before moving on to the next. Why not eat few fries the burger then more fries etc etc

>> No.13330673

Finally an actual human weighs in

>> No.13330677


>Not shoving a bunch of fries in your face then taking a bite of sandwich

>> No.13330687

Nobody puts the frys in their burger?