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13324911 No.13324911 [Reply] [Original]

Femanon here. Made pizza for me and my partner. But crust doesn’t turn out golden brown. What do?

>> No.13324917

Cook hotter

>> No.13324939
File: 93 KB, 1125x860, 60EFDC70-3E2C-4C98-BF55-8873B74D79FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femanon again. I’ve heard pizza stones help... Supposedly they can be made for cheap with tile from hardware store?

>> No.13324942

tits or gtfo

>> No.13324973

Hotter temp. A pizza stone helps with it but to really get color on the too of the crust you need to cook it at a higher temp. You can also brush a little bit of oil on the crust before it goes into the oven and the oil will cook up the crust and it'll likely get a lot more color that way. But all in all, set your oven to as hot as it can go.

>> No.13324975

this. hot as fuck and put it as high up as it can go, just keep a good eye on it

>> No.13324986

It’s me again. My oven smokes when it’s over 475 :( how do I clean it with out smoking out my apartment complex.

>> No.13324991


>> No.13325009


an easy way to get the crust brown in the top is to turn on and put the pizza right under the broiler. if you mean the bottom crust you can put the pizza on the bare metal bottom of the oven for a few minutes dont leave it there or it will burn fast.

>> No.13325023

That looks like storebought pizza m’lady

>> No.13325031

Are you the faggot with the rainbow keyboard?

>> No.13325032

Oven at max temp.

>> No.13325035

Suck your boyfriend's cock a bit and make him clean out the fucking oven. Then you don't have to deal with it.

>> No.13325037

If you got a cast iron pan you can do pan pizza.
Get your oven heated.
Get your pan (room temp) and put oil in and the base in then top it with your food.
Put the pan on the stove on low medium.
When it's crispy on the bottem 3-15 minutes depending on size (just check regularly after 3.)
When the base it done finish in the oven.

Might want to try it a few different ways you can just put it all in get the pan hot on the stove then put it in the oven and when the tops done finish on the stove.

>> No.13325045
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Good sir *curtsys*

It is not store bought. Here is the pizza I made for my partner. First one was mine.

Tried olive oil brush with a garlic powder sprinkle.

>> No.13325049

PS that is extra sauce on side. My partner dips crust in it.

>> No.13325052


>> No.13325059

have you tried a thinner base to get that extra c r u s p?

>> No.13325064

What temperature did you cook that pizza at? Because you really can't make good pizza at under 500F, and a lot of restaurants cook at like 750F+.

I know most home ovens don't let you set them that hot, but if your oven has a self-clean setting, that's a good option.

>> No.13325067

This is beautiful and you are very talented wow plz I hope ur bf deserves you or else I’ll show him how to treat a lady :D

>> No.13325088

The bottom crust is already very thin and turns out great with cornmeal. >>13325064
Ty I’ll let my partner know to watch out.

>> No.13325130

She keeps saying “partner” you dumb retard. She’s obviously a dyke.

>> No.13325146

Back the fuck off?!?

>> No.13325154

Actual femanon here. Op is a tranny and needs to dilate so they stop shit posting so much.

>> No.13325190

cook it on 420

>> No.13325209

I use a method that I learned accidentally while searching for "pan pizza" recipes but I use for small thin crust style pizzas, it's pretty much this >>13325037
. Basically, you use a large cast iron skillet as your vessel, 12 inches at least is ideal. You coat the skillet evenly in olive oil before you place your dough. Add a layer of first olive oil again , sauce, and Parmesan to your dough and then preheat the pan on the stove for 3 minutes. After the preheat you add your cheese of choice and the rest of the toppings right before you put it into your oven on the highest settings(500F is ideal) and leave it in for 12-15 minutes. Every time I've done this I was rewarded with a nice crispy crust that rivals local pizza joints. Also aged dough in the fridge is the key to a flavorful crust, at least two days.

>> No.13325220
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>> No.13325321
File: 59 KB, 720x406, Violencia_Sexual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Shut the fuck up
2. Get back into that kitchen
3. Never post here again

>> No.13325471

Femanon here, me on the left

>> No.13325654

buy a pizza stone
preheat stone in oven as hot as it will go for an hour before cooking
use a better dough recipe and let it proof longer
use whole milk mozzarella not part skim
dont use cheap sauce or make your own to your tastes
buy pepperoni in a log and slice it yourself

>> No.13327331

Similar recipe/technique in this video and makes great pizza.
