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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13322165 No.13322165 [Reply] [Original]

So a thread about veganism. Who am I to believe which is better? Meat or vegan? Both sides constantly have studies that contradict each other and both have doctors representing each side. Its such a confusing thing.

About the only winning argument i see is from the vegans about environment. That I could buy but the rest is so confusing because both sides say the science is on their side.

>> No.13322196

Meat is fine as long as you can buy the good one that isn't full with hormones and antibiotics.

>> No.13322199

Veganism is an eating disorder.

>> No.13322202

No it's not, /pol/tard.

>> No.13322203

I thought most vegans do it mainly for moral reasons rather than health. Also either take can be healthy or unhealthy, there's more to a diet than just meat or no meat. Take a closer look at the studies, they usually deal with very specific aspects of a diet which people then take and go "see the whole things good/bad" which may be the cause for confusion.

>> No.13322205

A cow killed my parents.

>> No.13322207

Neither extreme is perfect. Eating mostly vegetables accented with meats, dairyor carbs is the best way by far.

>> No.13322211

Meat eaters can eat vegan food, but they choose not to because meat tastes better.

Vegans dobt eat meat out of ideology and instead make imitation meats to desperatly fill their cravings for the delicious meat they can't get otherwise.

Bottom line is that meat tastes good.

>> No.13322215

>Thinking veganism is an eating is now the same as being from /pol/
Wow, you are a fucking moron!

>> No.13322217

Digits of infinite wisdom!

>> No.13322222

Yes you're a /pol/tard because you say retarded shit, such as veganism being an eating disorder.

>> No.13322230

Im not even that guy, i just find it retarded to call somekne a /pol/tard over they claimjbg veganism is an eating disorder, simply because it has nothing to do with politics.

Do wash your vagina, seems like you got some sand in it.

>> No.13322323
File: 47 KB, 720x480, penn-before-after-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penn Jillette who was super anti vegan did it for health reasons initially and then slowly turned into a moral vegan after not eating meat for a couple years. I listen to his podcast and it was a really weird transition to watch happen.

On the other hand I knew three very hardcore vegans in my teens and early 20's and they all now consume meat to some degree. For one it's mostly cause that's all her kids want to eat so she cleans up after them (or eats fresh roadkill) and another just started getting crazy cravings for liver when she was pregnant. It's a weird world man.

>> No.13322327

Quints of truth
Look how triggered the retarded /pol/sperg got when you called him out

>> No.13322342

Again, im not that guy neither am I triggered. Just find it retarded when people call others /pol/tards whenever they disagree with you and your ideals, despitr there being a total absence of anything /pol/ related in the post.

But yeah, go ahead and keep up with your diet of not eating stuff, I don't care about you or the eating disorders you have or how unhealthy it might be.

>> No.13322346

They will never admit their real purpose in going vegan is to restrict calories without arousing suspicion.

>> No.13322347

Meat is better because you exert the only true authority, that of strength, over animals. Vegans choose to instead exert an imaginary authority, that of morality, but in a war against animals this would be of no use. Trust me when I say animals would never consider this. Writing stories to yourself about ideological triumph is of no help when your head is being crushed by a set of hooves. We are to eat meat if we are to retain our position of power.

>> No.13322352

Shut the fuck up you /pol/ incel. Nobody wants to be on your fat and low IQ diet.

>> No.13322368

Not them but labeling veganism a mental disorder is pol tier bullshit. Don't say stupid shit if you don't want to be called stupid.

>> No.13322371

You still don't get it, I don't care if you eat meat, neither do I care if you follow my diet. I just find your ideology to be retarded.

Also, using words like incel really makes you sound like one of those obnoxious vegan feminists that love to puah their beliefs unto others, but will get infinitly butthurt if you so much as question their ideology. You are no better than a literal storm front faggot defending Hitler simply because not doing so contradicts your ideology.

Also, here is a fun fact: Hitler did not eat meat as well, imagine that you have something in common with that genocidal sociopath!

>> No.13322385

>Not them but labeling veganism a mental disorder is pol tier bullshit.
It is not because it does not have anything to do with politics. You ciuld have said /b/ tier bullshit and would be more accurate. But it seems some people just can't get /pol/ out of their heads and uses it as some sort of insult whenever someone disagrees with them.

So yeah, as I said im not that guy and neither do I think it is an eating disorder, just find it to be a retarded ideology.

>> No.13322407

The environment is already fucked beyond any hope of salvation so just enjoy your bacon cheeseburger while we last. If we're all going to die in a fiery hellscape I'd like to die eating ribs, not a kale smoothie.

>> No.13322416

>using incel as an insult
do you know where you are

>> No.13322418

definition of rent free

>> No.13322422

you seem like someone who could have an actual discussion, so ill say this, ignore these absolute retards on both sides

>> No.13322442

/ck/. Not /pol/9k.

>> No.13322450

Who cares. Just eat what you want.

>> No.13322467

I thought this was just going to be a nice thread about how good meat tastes, instead we have a giant load of autists screeching over nothing like faggots.

>> No.13322475

You're right, it's /ck/. Not /r/eddit.

>> No.13322502

There's no need for homophobic slurs here.

The sooner you can accept your "vegan diet" is actually a full-blown eating disorder, the sooner you can recover!

>> No.13322528

But this stuff is specifically pol related. It's not random shitposting, it's all political "vegans are lefties" bull every time.

>> No.13322548

But I always hated meat

>> No.13322599

Oh boy, maybe the vegans are right and we are a bunch of knuckle dragging savages.

>> No.13322970

Veganism is a mental illness

>> No.13323058

If you only ate deenz you would be healthiest person on planet earth. Eat only kale and you will fail.