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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 700x420, hare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13322074 No.13322074 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cook something like hare?
Basically no fat.

>> No.13322087

Add fat

>> No.13322091


>> No.13322093

Stewed in beer

>> No.13322103

Grilled. Yogurt marinade.

>> No.13322144

A soup with fresh vegetables
And don't answer when Thorkell's men come knocking

>> No.13322177

stuff lardons into it

>> No.13322293

how would he know?

>> No.13322310
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Or turn it into a stew.

>> No.13322319

There's only one way to eat a brace of coneys

>> No.13322799

Go look up hasenpfeffer and get back to us.

>> No.13322812

usually by applying heat in some way.

>> No.13322857

reminder if you eat rabbit meat you will die

>> No.13322878
File: 76 KB, 1024x768, lepre-salmi-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marinated in reduced dealcoholized red wine and vegetables for a couple days, braised and served with polenta.

>> No.13322927

Looks like sandnigger slop

>> No.13323018

is there a correlation? if yes, what?

>> No.13323032

He's right it happened to me. it sucked.

>> No.13323049

Sounds like I need to start eating more rabbit.

>> No.13323088

How do you cook chicken, bros? There's no fat.

>> No.13323645

but adding it separately you literal retard

>> No.13323654


>> No.13324304

you literally can not survive without fat because vitamins. vegans btfo

>> No.13324349

I cook with a lot of wild game and while I've never cooked hares, I know the basics, and it effectively comes down to braising almost every time. Low and slow keeps the meat moist and gets it tender without drying out, though if you get a particularly large hare you could cut the backstraps out and use them in stir-fry or make tiny medallions out of them. And you're probably going to need to add some fat, just match it to whatever dish you end up making - lard if you're doing something like barbacoa, olive oil if it's Greek or Italian, you get the idea.

>> No.13324451

Make up some hasenpfeffer, anon. It's pretty delicious.

>> No.13324538

>cut the backstraps out and use them in stir-fry
just did that not so long ago in a stir-fry with some broccoli and other veggies and it turned out great, cooked the meat to a medium doneness and it was nice and tender, great with a spicy and tangy sauce

>> No.13324544

Anon, don't cook hair, it'll just burn and be stinky!

>> No.13324560


>> No.13324905
File: 323 KB, 669x1040, IMG_20191206_062015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to cook such a chill and friendly animal? All a rabbit wants is warmth and safety!

>> No.13324924

Those domesticated cuties are free to go on living, but the furry wild rabbit-niggers that tear up my garden every year are going in the stew pot.

>> No.13324943

>skin in
>barbecue it

simple as
ok fed, keep falseflagging

>> No.13324950

Ahh yes those harebrained niggers are free game. Did you know that rabbits and bunnies are different species altogether? These cutie bunnies of mine are small and friendly, I can't imagine a fucking nigger hare in my house chewing away all the furniture and houseplants away.

>> No.13324977

I mean, they still ARE lagomorphs and their way of living is digging and chewing. But it's a completely different matter if you are a 3kg household bun or a 6kg wildlife hare who just fucking decimates every young tree and plant and carpetbombs everything with fur and shit. My buns make me so controversial, I want to cuddle them but I also want to shoot and kill their cousins for being rabbits.
It's truly a love and/or hate pet

>> No.13325001
File: 110 KB, 530x406, rusakko-seppo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this sinewy and fatless old fuck ruins your rabbit stew by being an ugly motherfucker with no sense of respect
>he might even disrespect you as a hunter by dying even if you don't actually hit him
I've caught a rabbit by missing it with a shotgun, found the long-ear dead in a ditch because I almost hit him. They are so fragile and shy that it died because it got too scared of the loud shotgun blast, it was dead without a single hole in the skin. No blood, no holes just a shotgun shell and a dead hare.

>> No.13325007


"Rabbit starvation" is when someone tries to live on just rabbit meat alone, there's not enough fat or nutrients to survive. kinda like a brain eating alien in a Walmart.

Then there are the diseases. Check to make sure a rabbit's liver doesn't have spots on it. They can get ticks on them sometimes too but the easiest way to get rid of those is to skin the fucker. Throw the skin and ticks onto a fire if you want a little firework show.

>> No.13325044

Rabbit starvation is a real thing. Rabbits evolved in such hard conditions that their digestive system was built on eating straws and grass, and their diet of straws and grass built their stomachs so that their digestive tract was built on the extremely poor diet of straws and grass. And their digestives are not competent enough for straws and grass so they eat their own shit to absorb the stuff they missed the first time.
They wouldn't have to do this if they didn't eat the straws and grass in the first place, but because their digestive tract did it, their only choice is to eat the straws and grass so they can eat their own shit.
Truly a fuck-up trap of evolution.
And then in addition are all the thousand species which eat rabbits for survival.
Why the fuck would a human eat such a worthless and nutrutionless piece of a furry fuck, if he had any other choice

>> No.13325056

Cook bacon in pan
put a knob of butter in pan before hand
Throw Duck fat in pan
any kind of fat before you cook it really

>> No.13325057

Cat dragged in a rabbit once, fucker was bigger than the cat genuinely impressed

>> No.13325066

They also cannot breathe through their mouth and they cannot burp and they cannot fart. And also every rabbit will die of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease, which is a virus that they get from the grass and straws they were evolved to eat.
It's a wonder the species is still alive, being essentially a straw pipe with numerous predators, but still we want to make a stew out of him. Poor bugs bunny!

>> No.13325068

Meanwhile my former street cat can't figure out how to kill the mice it catches and just sort of holds them in its mouth and paws at them until we take them away

No scratchs, wounding bites or any damage to the lil fucks. the furry bitch is just too dumb to actually kill her prey.

least my first cat could wound the things, even if he sat next to their crippled bodies and waited for you to preform the killing blow via show

>> No.13325076

Yeah lol it's pretty impressive
Until you learn that a single instance of pain incapacitates the rabbit, let alone the multitude of suffering when a cat grabs you with every sharp thing she has

>> No.13325079

They minmaxed reproductive ability too hard

>> No.13325101

I have a 20 year old house cat. She had three litters of kittens and only now at almost 21 she is visibly old and feeble, full of scars and patchy fur. I once saw her catching a hare and once she killed a full grown crow.
She also killed two of the three magpies that kept making a fool out if her with stupid tricks and teasing her tail.
I am 32 years old and it's been wonderful to see the little kitten grow and become such a fearsome little fucker. I have no doubt about her ability to make one last rabbit stew if she wanted, the poor old lady cannot even retract her claws anymore and still she sneaks around and her eyes are like steel, just her body isn't young no longer

>> No.13325118

My old cat would catch dozens of flies a day when they came in swarms during summer and spring. Only reason our house was kept free of them when people kept leaving doors and windows open despite the AC being on

>> No.13325143

I imagine cats as food would be quite similar as rabbits. Only working muscles with minimal fat and extremely active lifestyle. Only that cats prob have more diseases, being in the topmost predators. Compared to full vegan rabbitses.

>> No.13325539


In italy we eat rabbit from thousand years and we are still alive.

>> No.13325747

You clearly haven't met many cats.

>> No.13325751

why does it have to be polenta? can't it be something good like mashed potatoes or rice?

>> No.13325863

there aren't many other ways to cook hare. you are supposed to marinade it and cook it for a very long time in a moist environment, because it's a very tough meat.

>> No.13325873

dealcoholized in the sense that you cook it in a pot for a while until most of the alcohol evaporates. you don't have to buy alcohol free wine.

>> No.13325883

everybody eats rabbit retard. the post was referring to trying to eat nothing but rabbit and the perils of eating wild hare. can't you read?

>> No.13325893

>plain rice
>better than polenta

>> No.13325977

MUCH better

>> No.13326014

You have to cook it rabbitly

>> No.13326033


Shave it because it's hare-y

>> No.13326055

Rabb it a lil bit with spices

>> No.13326093

How the fuck would you catch it in the first place.

>> No.13326185
File: 119 KB, 1023x682, 3433027638_1313d5d08e_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol good luck catching me you slow fat fuck

>> No.13326192

They're pretty easy to hunt.
I bag plenty with my recurve bow and I'm not exactly a pro.

>> No.13326200

I've got my dog to chase them, and fuck their fast, my mutts no slouch, I'm pretty show they could out run a bow, I think you might be confusing Hares with Rabbits

>> No.13326201

based functionally retarded anon

>> No.13326203

I don't know what you mean exactly by "outrun a bow" but I've never seen a wild rabbit here in Denmark. I won't say they don't exist but what I'm shooting is definitely hares.
And I usually shoot them while they're sitting still. Trying to shoot a running hare with a bow is just stupid.

>> No.13326216

There was some intended humour in my post

>> No.13326222

I mean I'm trying to whack them with my bow but I can never get them. I have a lot more respect for native people now

>> No.13326236


>> No.13326241

in some italian regions they have an expression to call cats that translates to "roof hares", because in old times poor people used to eat cats too, and apparently the taste and texture are kinda similar.

>> No.13326270

Italians have always been a nation of peasants, cats are far superior to those mixed raced subhumans

>> No.13326275

They certainly look similar after you skin them.

>> No.13326281

this. last time i made rabbit i thought this exact same thing.

>> No.13326292

True. Trying to shoot even a running deer with a bow would be stupid.

>> No.13326403

Yet here you are posting on a Cambodian copper mining community

>> No.13326433

I was thinking about posting (you're a cunt)...but I won't!

>> No.13327830
File: 54 KB, 620x720, romemarcpurefoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how she makes it but I could eat my girlfriend's hare pie all night

>> No.13327900

kekked. nice post and good taste in media

>> No.13328391

Fucking things around my farm are all full of cancer too. Soon as I clean them I find giant tumors riddling their body and have to discard the carcass. At least I'm putting them out of their misery I suppose.

>> No.13328404

Wrap it in bacon and grill over fire.

>> No.13328611

Couldn't you let them die of natural causes you cunt!

>> No.13328638

some rabbits can get so scared they jump too hard and break their own backs

>> No.13328758


>> No.13328813

I'd recommend rendering a strip of bacon, removing the bacon strip, and adding the seasoned rabbit to the rendered fat to brown. Then after stewing the rabbit in the method of your choosing and throwing the rabbit up on a bed of rice, add the crumbled bacon on top.

>> No.13328829

Artie Bucco understood well the menace that is the American cottontail.

>> No.13328840 [DELETED] 

No you niggerfaggot.

>> No.13329836


>> No.13329973 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 192x144, rabbit_guts_out_asshole.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you have to remove the guts.

>> No.13330922

Easy mode is stew and schnitzel.