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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 90 KB, 806x960, pretz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13318815 No.13318815 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13318825

fuck you for making me want a pretzel.

>> No.13318827


>> No.13319080

Girl I know started a small pretzel shop and now owns like 5 stores in 3 states.

>> No.13319097

The Dakotas are only 1 state.

>> No.13319886

pretzel and cheese? nah....
pretzel's only sauce is mustard

>> No.13320039
File: 179 KB, 1300x957, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this American cancer of eating pretzels with that liquid cheese or mustard?If you can even call that abortion in the pic an actual pretzel. Pretzels are eaten with only butter or with Obazda.

>> No.13320242

mmmmm chez

>> No.13320280

mustard is good on pretzels though, idk what you are on about

at least it isnt cinnamon or some other crazy shit like that.

>> No.13322105


preletz are great

>> No.13322140

shut up bitch Bavarians eat it with sweet mustard all the time

>> No.13322151

is covrigi good

>> No.13322152
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Americans rules

>> No.13322157
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>> No.13322279

disgusting fake cheese shit

>> No.13322377

When I was living in Germany I ate so many fucking "butterbrezeln". I thought it sounded gross, a salted Bavarian pretzel with an appreciable layer of butter in the middle, but Jesus was I wrong. Theyre fucking incredible. Can't find em anywhere in the states, it sucks.

>> No.13322400
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>> No.13322594
File: 2.42 MB, 4272x2848, pretzel-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13322617

>what is it with people doing things DIFFERENTLY THAN ME?
You never developed theory of mind, huh?

>> No.13322618

No, we dont.

>> No.13322623

Just dont do them shittily and dont defile Bavarian Brezn and I shall be content

>> No.13322628

I dont eat my BigMac with whipped cream from a can either. Or put turkey gravy on my apple pie.

>> No.13322677
File: 483 KB, 679x356, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a pretzel.
This is a pretzel.

>> No.13322864

No, we eat it with weisswurst, it just happens that it comes with pretzel.

>> No.13322973

This, the mustard is for the Wurst. Scraping up leftovers with the pretzel is acceptable though, unless boomers are present.

>> No.13322980


>> No.13322983

That looks good, thanks for sharing.

>> No.13322991

Based obese retard

>> No.13323608

How do I makes pretzels?

>> No.13324489

boil bread in lye

>> No.13324565

will diluted drain cleaner work for this purpose or do i need food-grade lye?

>> No.13324618

On the off chance you're retarded I won't be sarcastic.

Yes use food grade lye, and rubber glove

>> No.13324631

thnx bb

>> No.13324664

I would suggest looking up a recipe, but the general procedure is you blanch the dough in the lye solution then bake. sort of like a bagel.
If you're supper desperate for a pretzel you can use a baking soda and water solution, but it will leave the pretzels with a mild metallic taste

>> No.13325560

Actual bavarian here, and yes, we fucking do.

>> No.13325567

why dont you do em yourself? The recipe is fairly easy and spreading butter on shit isnt hard m8
Well since youre probably american and dont have camembert or any unpasteurised cream cheese varietes, I guess it would he hard to get a comparable product.

>> No.13325576
File: 57 KB, 591x394, 11084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soggy and wet outside
>the salt has already drawn water and is very uneven in size
>the crust is clearly thin, dry and very brittle
This is a cheap shitty industrial pretzel you'd get in these Munich Tourist traps like Hofbräuhaus and what have you.

>> No.13325580

What you do is you dip one piece into mustard and eat it then your next piece into cheese and eat it then the next piece into mustard then cheese then you eat it then you repeat

>> No.13325587

this pretzel looks horrendous
>too soft
>no crust (obviously no lye was used)
>braided horribly
even our homemade frosted oven pretzels are leagues beyond this piece of trash.

>> No.13325594

no we don't? nobody just dunks a pretzel in sweet mustard. with weißwurst or leberkas, sure, but even then i will put butter for the pretzel on the table.

>> No.13325597

Im living in and around munich and tons of people do this, maybe they dont do it in your faggy northern bavarian region but in the south we like our sweet mustard.

>> No.13325602

and obviously we dont just buy pretzels but when theres a reason to have pretzels, lots of people dip em into the mustard and why wouldnt you? Its good on its own but even better with something else

>> No.13325640

I live in Erding mein Neger, have lived there my whole life and nobody here dunks his Brezn in sweet mustard. It's for the Weißwürscht like the other anon said. If you saw someone doing it it then it is almost certain it was a Saupreiß.

>> No.13325644

Imagine if Americans got this autistic about the abominations European countries call burgers and pizza

>> No.13325762

this must be bait.

>> No.13325814

yet another thread where eurochads make me seethe with jealousy

I never liked american pretzels. I bet they're nothing like the real thing. We also have things like "eclairs" that are just solid bricks of corn syrup dyed and shaped to mimic real ones

>> No.13325966

I honestly would like to tell you that I am envious of your food Ameribro, but honestly I'm beyond HFCS and *BIG MEATS*.

>> No.13325991

french, italian and german bakery and patisserie is top tier. French food is so fucking good and if you pay a little more for a quality eclair instead of some cheapo shit, its creamy doughy sweet texture will blow you away.

>> No.13326017
File: 54 KB, 540x405, pretzels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These mennonite pretzels are unreasonably delicious.

>> No.13326190

Fuck yeah bro. Now youll live to 83 forgetting how to tie your shoes and shitting yourself, instead of getting that stroke at 79. At least you avoided those carbs though man you made it!

>> No.13326237

Americans CAN NOT make pretzels. You DO NOT eat them with plastic cheese.

>> No.13326291

what's it like being a bavarian?

>> No.13326294

mennonites are really good at cooking, carpentry, and child abuse

>> No.13326306

based and checked, euro burgers are mind bendingly bad but i can't be bothered to give a fuck

>> No.13326311

>Imagine if Americans got this autistic about the abominations European countries call burgers and pizza
we do but only when you show it on american television like Gordon Ramsay

>> No.13326315

>good at cooking, carpentry, and child abuse
the important things in life

>> No.13326319

true, don't try to pass it off as actual American food

>> No.13326643

If you do it right you can do two at once

>> No.13326680

i see that being possible, all three seem like a stretch though. Nobody wants saw dust in their food or ass

>> No.13326844

what is the verdict, baking soda or lye? my roommate worked at little caesars and told me their pretzel crust was made with baking soda and he'd never trust food that has been made with lye.

>> No.13326904
File: 107 KB, 968x635, 11666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joa mei es heißt Brezn you yankee mongrels

>> No.13326939
File: 2.41 MB, 1392x2088, beer cheese pretzel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer cheese is the ideal topping for pretzels. even better than mustard. Germans, buy yourself some stout Irish beer, make up a small pot of beer cheese, dip your pretzels like a Swiss fondue, and thank me later.

>> No.13327345

In Germany its all lye, your little cesars friend is a coddled american fag who probably thinks its super dangerous to drink unpasteurized milk from healthy animals.

>> No.13327361

they probably don't trust them at LC's enough to let them get near even mildly caustic substances

>> No.13327396

What do you mean exactly? Probably a germam question but yeah, we like preciseness.

I was born in Munich and now live a little further up South East of Munich, about 15 minutes of driving on the good ol Autobahn to get to the actual city.

Munich is booming and that honestly sucks, it attracts nouveau riche trash and generally doesnt really serve the actual population of the city. Bavaria has lots of rainy days and pretty shitty weather but the spring and summer are nice, it doesnt snow much here anymore due to climate change, and when it does, its super heavy and actually dangerous.
The Oktoberfest is actually really important to lots of people, I dong care about it at all, I dont drink and hate seeing people "enjoying" themselves like that, call me a faggot, I just prefer actually doing something on my own as opposed to partying.
All the money that is now in the city means that apartments are really expensive, its more or less also impossible to find anything, the shortage of living space is horrendous while some cities in eastern Germany are completely dead in a few years.

Munich has kept alive some good traditions but theyre slowly eroding away as they basically become tourist traps for rich chinks, and lose their soul in the process.
Its a very young city but at the same time it feels very old, one common problem you'll come across is that its too crowded. Its not supposed to be New York, it was a quaint little southern german capital city, but it really changed a ton in the last 20-30 years.

If you want anymore info and maybe more about being Bavarian as opposed to being from Munich, just tell me, I will gladly answer. The other guy from Erding is really close to Munich also, so I think I speak for him as well.

>> No.13327402

I mean its dangerous if you completely mishandle the stuff, but theres a reason its used on tons of german pastries, it makes things delicious and is food safe.

>> No.13327437

i'm from munich you cunt and nobody does this.

>> No.13327474

Saupreiß detected.