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13317777 No.13317777 [Reply] [Original]

>... more bang for their collective buck. It was priced the same as the Quarter Pounder but delivered more meat. It even outperformed McDonald’s in blind taste tests, with consumers preferring the flavor of A&W’s burger.
>More than half ... questioned the price of our burger. "Why," they asked, "should we pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as we do for a quarter-pound of meat at McDonald's? You're overcharging us."
Oh, say can you shart? By the McDonald's parking lot?

>> No.13318065

>boomers don't know fractions
Color me shocked.

>> No.13318166

How do you think we got stuck with the current (((situation))) w/o a coordinated defunding of education in red states?

>> No.13318170

Third sounds like shit compared to quarter.

>> No.13318191

If you're retarded. Would you rather have a quarter of a million dollars or a third of a million dollars?

>> No.13318210

a third of a million dollars is impossible with american currency

>> No.13318219

this happened in america?

>> No.13318226

The standards got lowered across the board, funding doesn't matter if the system itself is broken.

>> No.13318303

Catholics? Freemasons? Sabbatean Frankist jews? I really don't fucking know what ((())) implies anymore.

>> No.13318324

you could just tear a dollar bill into a third

or you could create a holding company with two other partners and have joint ownership over $1000.

>> No.13318506

Angus third pounders were the best burger that mcdonalds ever had. Im eternally pissed that they went away. Is it the same reason? people are just retarded?

>> No.13318561

Nah Burgers can’t into fractions and don’t understand that the bigger the denominator gets the smaller the decimal value gets. So when they compared 1/3 to 1/4 they saw that 3<4 and automatically assumed that 1/3<1/4. At the very least they can follow through on the logic of 3<4 but as usual the execution is garbage.

t. burger

>> No.13318652
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This might help you.

>> No.13318673
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no this was the best 1

>> No.13318702

The article is stupid.

McDonalds already had a double-quarter-pounder. The point of the third pounder was to provide a thicker patty, like something more similar to a steakhouse burger, which indeed does have a different texture.
The fact the article, which I didn't read, either picks 1 random comment for the stupidity nature of it, or whether you picked out the 1 comment doesn't mean jack when diners who would go there vs elsewhere, like a five guys, smashburger, culvers, shake shack or whatever they deem competition, isn't just comparing apples to apples...people like the sides, beverage selection, location and overall atmosphere too in criteria.

>> No.13318733

someone gets it. I worked there for 2 years and in my time there is when it went away, it was the only thing I liked to eat there.
I liked a griled chicken clubhouse with guacamole, so messy and sloppy but it was delicious and really filling.

>> No.13319372
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>anus turd pounders

>> No.13319390
File: 27 KB, 425x302, Anus Pounders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss their cheap black anus pounders.

>> No.13321384

You're illiterate. He said the word sounds like shit, not that it means a smaller figure. I'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.13321816

Isn't A&W restaurants a canadian thing though?

>> No.13321826

>$333,333.33 is impossible

>> No.13321833

Oh man, I forgot all about the based McLebron.