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13317735 No.13317735 [Reply] [Original]

In lieu of grabbing my usual Hunt's canned pasta sauce, I decided to pick up a few cans of crushed tomatoes and make the sauce on my own. Anyone have any tips?

>> No.13317748
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>In lieu of

>> No.13317751

Sorry, I'm not a nigger, I speak English.

>> No.13317754


>> No.13317756

Thank you.

>> No.13317757

Decent olive oil with garlic, add tomatoes, add decent red wine and fresh basil, low and slow, taste and season with salt and pepper.

>> No.13317762

You don't speak anything because you have semen in your mouth, lmao.

>> No.13317771

Unironically this https://youtu.be/o1xg1ntqSHU
Use it as a base and slowly change things up to your preferences.

>> No.13317774

adding to this, oregano and marjoram compliment the basil well. low and slow means low and slow. stir every fifteen minutes or so, and dont scrape anything that burns off the bottom.

>> No.13317788

>and dont scrape anything that burns off the bottom
This is good advice that not enough people hear.

>> No.13317814

Looks good. I can't stand the cadence of that guys voice though.

>> No.13317821

I can't stand people that always feel the need to comment on his voice.

>> No.13317898

why does it feel/look like my oil always seperates in my sauce

>> No.13317928

You're probably just using too much oil. You want a lot of oil, but most people giving advice are probably working with #10 cans and not a couple little cans like in the OP, so "a lot" can be a little deceptive. It's not an emulsified sauce so it can't really break.

>> No.13317988
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You already fucked up, faggot. You should have the whole plum canned tomatoes. Anyway, you should saute some minced shallot and minced garlic in olive oil, also add some red pepper flakes. Once that's sizzled for a moment add a big can of tomatoes, oregano, basil, salt, pepper, a little sugar, and anchovy paste. Let it simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes and wa la

>> No.13317993

Some of it should separate a bit. Good marinara has a sort of orange tint over the top when it's done from the fat

>> No.13318003

Crushed tomatoes aren't that great. Get whole peeled plum tomatoes.

>> No.13318008

Shut up you illiterate cunt, nobody likes you IRL and nobody likes you here. You are entirely incapable of going thirty seconds without trying to upset somebody and you'll die alone unless you change. Leave and don't come back until you're not you anymore.

>> No.13318025

you need to leave

>> No.13318042

Seething tranny. Dilate, lmao.

>> No.13318043


>> No.13318056


>> No.13318547

I went with the crushed because they were two dollars a can compared to nearly six dollars for the whole plum tomatoes. Been simmering for a couple hours now and actually tastes pretty good. Thanks for the tips.

>> No.13319032

>six dollars for a can of tomatoes
where the fuck do you live, Alaska?

>> No.13319110
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>saute some onions in a pan with some garlic
>once the onions soften up, add some tomato paste and brown that up
>hit that pan with some white wine or chicken stock to get the yummy bits off the bottom
>add tomatoes and spices/herbs
>simmer for 20 min or so

and get whole peeled tomatoes next time

>> No.13319428

The secret is you never needed the can.

For two people:

Preheat oven to 400f. 3 roma tomatoes cut in half and cored face side down in a cooking sheet with a generous amount of olive oil. Half an onion cut into large chunks go on the sheet or a similar amount of shallot. Put some whole garlic cloves as well. Roast for 30 mins and remove pan from oven and put oregano and fresh basil on it. Roast an additional 10 mins. Pull it and give it a few minutes to cool down. Remove tomato skins which should just pull right off. Mash everything up in a bowl with a potato masher. You now have amazing sauce.

>> No.13319702

Bro this is all you need:


Everyone else in this thread is wrong.

>> No.13319713

>Been simmering for a couple hours now

>> No.13321256

Youre nothing but a pathetic cumstain, dribbling down the legs of an incel. The result of some faggot who couldnt keep his dick out of some other cunts pussy, and the result was your birth; and now youre trapped in the limbo that is the manifestation of your life. A lonely and hopeless loser, without higher education or any real shot at a fulfilling existence, worthless by every definition of the word. Youre nothing. Your speech is poor because nobody ever read to you as you were a child, youre weak, soft, a pathetic loser hiding in the shadows of anonymity, lashing out from the relative safety of invisibility.
Seriously, try and actually do something with your life for once, out of this embarrassing futile existence you call your life. Stop seeking scapegoats for why youre such a socially handicapped mongoloid, just accept that youre nothing and that only introspection can save you, or else you'll end like lots of lonely old men: lonely, ugly and useless. Nobody will cry over you, you sack of worthless shit.

>> No.13321273

kys tranny freak

>> No.13321275

A little olive oil, a little garlic, oregano, basil, whatever herbs seem appropriate, and you have a simple sauce. Enjoy not having some shitsauce with high fructose corn syrup.

I'd say you'd be better getting the Cento San Marzano tomatoes, though, and sauce them yourself, either with an immersion blender or just squeezing them with your hands until they're pulp. Get some concentrated tomato paste too to thicken it up a bit.

>> No.13321364

If you don't want to peel tomatoes you can just blend the sauce before use.
I've done blind taste tests both ways, you can't tell at all, and anecdotally it keeps better in the jar (I make about 75 jars when tomatoes are in season) when you leave the skin on.
Also if you're jarring sauce keep it simple, you want your sauce to exist as a building block. You can add other stuff later. I just put onion, garlic, and basil when I make mine.
Other anons are correct when they say use canned san marzanos if you're not jarring sauce yourself.

>> No.13321379

And I forgot to mention, if you do use whole canned San Marzanos, they come canned with some kind of tomato liquid which is terrible, dispose of that.

>> No.13321519

Lol why is this thread so mad?

>> No.13321536
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I really wanted to use San Marzano but they were nearly 6 bucks a can at my local grocery store. The crushed Cento tomatoes were only 2 bucks so I went with them. After everything was said and done, the sauce turned out better than any sauce I've ever made so I'm going to stick with it and adjust the recipe as needed. Here's what I ended up doing:

>sauteed the onions in the olive oil until translucent

>added garlic and sauteed for another minute or two

>in goes the tomatoes

>oregano thrown in

>little salt and pepper

>simmered an hour and a half covered

>uncovered and simmered another hour and a half to reduce

>added half a cup of salty pasta water and the rigatoni to finish

I'm going to use one less can of tomatoes next time and I think the proportions will be right on the money. Once I'm happy with the recipe I think I'll do like you and start jarring it. Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to splurge and get the San Marzanos eventually.

>> No.13321548
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Here's the final result if anyone was curious. Looks like pasta to me. Just ate some cold for breakfast.

>> No.13321585

Looking pretty flabby. Is the pasta overcooked?

>> No.13321590

Pretty basic recipe, good work anon, getting this right is very important for building other sauces.
You'd be surprised the difference san marzano makes.
And use roma tomatoes when they're in season. Also called plum tomatoes some times. I use either three or four bushels worth in mid august or early september. This is prime tomato season.
Also also >>13321364 and >>13321379 are not both me, I'm just the first of those two.

>> No.13321595

Yeah, a little bit. I also crammed it into the tupperware for storage and it's been refrigerated over night. Didn't think to take a picture when it was fresh.

>> No.13321615

Thanks, I'm pretty happy with it. I also had no idea that roma tomatoes were called plum tomatoes sometimes so that helps too. I've grown tomatoes in the past so I may start again.

>> No.13321718

the crushed ones are the ones with worms and mold in them

>> No.13321740

You get what you pay for I guess. I'm fine with a slightly lower quality tomato when it's leagues better than the Hunt's Traditional that I've been using as a base.

>> No.13321745

Tranny got a nerve struck so badly by a simple soyboy post that he went on a projecting psychobabble rant. His neo-vagina probably closed off from the anger.

>> No.13321778

I'm not really sure, I expected some angry posts but I figured they would be about my sauce, not literacy.

>> No.13321841

You sure that's not projection?>>13321745
Lol my anon, do you have ideas that aren't crammed with internet subculture buzzwords?