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13317662 No.13317662 [Reply] [Original]

Are cows the most delicious animal?

>> No.13317672

Pig taste better generally and for steaks game like venison or moose are best.

>> No.13317682

>Pig taste better generally
only if its cured

>> No.13317686

Nah. Pork burger > beef burger

>> No.13317690

Eat a paca and get back to me on what the tastiest game steak is.

>> No.13317692

hard disagree

>> No.13317693
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Cows are about the most delicious. Pork is only good if it's bacon or some type of sausage.

>> No.13317695

It has the most products made from it that are good, but it's kind of the ahi of land animals; it's solid, but nothing mindblowing. Foie gras is unironically the most delicious bit of animal matter (and yes, I prefer duck over goose).

>> No.13317699

>Are cows the most delicious animal?
You clearly never ate cat.

>> No.13317705

Horse is the most delicious farm animal

>> No.13317711

Yes because it’s the only meat I haven’t gotten tired of when I’ve binged beef. I get tired of pork and chicken easily but I can always eat a burger or meatloaf

>> No.13317712

you shouldnt use burger as a standard for meat quality

>> No.13317714

no but your mum is ahahahahahahaha

>> No.13317716


>> No.13317738

We've already touched on steak and no one likes roasts.

>> No.13317866
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They're my favorite food. You can get steaks, roasts,brisket, milk, cheese, yogurt, liver, heart, kidney, butter and a crapton of other shit, did I mention gelatin? I fucking love cows.

>> No.13317880

bear is the tastiest meat i ever did eat

>> No.13317904
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best meat coming through

>> No.13318250
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>> No.13318276

the local specialty burger place here serves elk. ever tried it?

>> No.13318284

for me, it's goat or lamb

>> No.13318293
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>> No.13318310

you can only eat so much of it tho

>> No.13318348

yeah, grew up elk hunting with my father. good stuff.

>> No.13318387


>> No.13318480

Horses are at least as dumb as cows. They're not pets

>> No.13318479

I'm the opposite. I went a good year without eating beef in cuts because I couldn't taste it anymore. I love steak, but I would eat 2-3 bites and I get nauseous. I could eat ground beef/burgers, but if I tried to eat roast or steak, it wouldn't go in. It didn't happen with pork, chicken, greeny game or seafood, only beef cuts. I'm fine now though.

>> No.13318503

Yeah cow wins hands down, pig is good too but I don't feel right eating it's flesh.

>> No.13318504

horses are beautiful and we make friends with them

>> No.13318536

You might be memeing, but horse is indeed delicious.

>> No.13318581

No, straight up beats beef and pork out of the water
You can make friends with a cow or a hen too, young lady

>> No.13318893

who the hell befriends a cow?

>> No.13320304
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Mmm fish

>> No.13320655

bison taste 10x better then cow.

>> No.13320667

I once caught some baitfish with those things in them. Delicious shallow fried.

>> No.13321267

You misspelled pigs.

>> No.13321292

Dairy is good but beef in general is a pretty meh meat that's only good for mince.

>> No.13321316

Im not saying it is not morally questionable, but the thread is not about morality, it is about what animal has the most delicious meat, and that animal is the cat.

Their meat is soft, juicy, tender, flavorful, savory and has the ideal amount of fat to make it perfect to be barbecued on a spit!

In fact, if I make some spits with little cubed pieces of cat meat, barbecue them over charcoal and sell them on the street to tourists for a very cheap price they WILL eat them and find it fucking delicious! Just don't mention where the meat is from and they will presume it is bovine since the tastes are incredibly similar to high quality steak cuts, except better!

>T. Guy who actually sell these to tourists on a daily basis.

>> No.13321526

thats interesting i thought most predators tasted like shit (like sharks do)

>> No.13321528

Cat does not taste very similar to beef. He is talking out of his ass.

>> No.13321538


>> No.13321835

Most do, cats are a remarkable exception.

>Cat does not taste very similar to beef. He is talking out of his ass.
Says the guy who never ate a cat.

Brazil, google "churrasquinho de gato".

>> No.13321864

cod, salmon, tuna... are all predators that eat other fish

>> No.13321870
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>> No.13321915

it's actually more like rabbit
stringy and gamey

>> No.13321929

That depends on how fat the cat os when you butcher it. Much like in a cow, you want a fatty one.

>> No.13321945

Who the fuck befriends a horse?

>> No.13322534

People with no friends.

>> No.13322663
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>> No.13322743


When she was in elementary school, a niece of mine used to have a large pet steer that would follow her like it was a pet dog.

That steer was a hell of a lot more friendly than any horse I've ever had or seen.

>> No.13322748

I really like white fish way more than beef.
Especially fried.

>> No.13324057

Pork Katsu?? Hellooo

>> No.13324065

the fried bread is all of the flavor.

>> No.13324385
File: 262 KB, 1200x674, Raw-Rioja-Style-Pork-Chops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there's a lot to be said about a good center cut bone-in pork chop

>> No.13324391
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>> No.13324392

Japanese pork dishes aren't even good compared to the rest of the world

>> No.13324394

meh. still doesnt taste like anything

>> No.13324430

It's pig but it's a tradeoff because they're also the most intelligent and adorable animals we commonly raise as livestock.

Almost makes you wonder what humans taste like...

>> No.13324444

How's your sopa de macacao you fucking hue subhuman?

>> No.13324458
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Quad quads! I feel the warp overtaking me!

>> No.13324487

i bet they taste great. such a high quality diet