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File: 26 KB, 700x361, hilarious_reactions_of_korean_girls_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13309754 No.13309754 [Reply] [Original]

Was she right? Are pop tarts overhyped?

>> No.13309756

I like her. Bet she's a fucking filthy freak in bed.

>> No.13309758

Pop tarts are better than reposting yt clickbait.

>> No.13309759

poptarts are different now since they made them vegan
it's an entirely different product from how it originally was

also unfrosted>frosted

>> No.13309765

What's clickbait about it? Title was something like "Koreans try American snacks" and the video is Koreans trying American snacks. I think you don't know what clickbait means.

>> No.13309766
File: 169 KB, 1024x682, ironing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>title was something like "koreans try american snacks"
>i think you don't know what clickbait means

>> No.13309769

better the literal dog meat this girl probably eats

>> No.13309772

i got something american she can try

>> No.13309774

Here, lemme help you out.
>Clickbait is a form of false advertisement which uses hyperlink text or a thumbnail link that is designed to attract attention and entice users to follow that link and read, view, or listen to the linked piece of online content, with a defining characteristic of being deceptive, typically sensationalized or misleading.
>false advertisement
>with a defining characteristic of being deceptive, typically sensationalized or mislead
It's not deceptive, sensationalized, or misleading. Title accurately describes the video, there's nothing "false" about it. You're welcome, I'm glad I could teach you a new word today, it was my pleasure.

>> No.13309777

Fuck off, shill.

>> No.13309779

You don’t know koreans if you think that

>> No.13309807

yes, poop tarts are fuckin grabage retard food

>> No.13309874

Who the hell hypes up pop tarts

>> No.13309879

Poptarts are based, I have one before I go for runs and they make me go miles

>> No.13309921

You cant shill something thats free for the public to view anon.

>> No.13309928
File: 53 KB, 620x809, 1548173608924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cant shill something thats free for the public

>> No.13309931

carb bomb, never tried one in my life, or willing to try one.

>> No.13310053

Who the fuck hypes up pop tarts? The whole appeal of pop tarts is
>fuck im hung over as shit and have to leave for work in five minutes
>i'll just grab a pop tart since i don't have time to cook

>> No.13310099

Not only are poptarts an unhealthy shitty food, they're extremely unsatisfying. Waste of money.

>> No.13310150

>It's not deceptive, sensationalized, or misleading.
You trigger coomer brain with softporn vid. A "hot girl" doing nothing.

>> No.13310385

What have I shilled? I didn't link any video or even mention the video until you sperged about it.

>> No.13310889


I cannot even fathom being from a country with such horrible taste in everything. Most souless bugs on earth by square mile.

>> No.13310960

They are terrible, nothing like when I was a kid

>> No.13311201

I like the smore poptarts.

>> No.13311233

This. I curl into a ball and sob everytime I get a boner.

>> No.13313352

t. Han Chinese bootlicker

>> No.13313357

>he's never been with a korean girl who can fuck

>> No.13313548

Nah. She acts outwardly like that in videos but in private she probably is pretty restrained. You can see it in how she genuinely reacts when shit actually gets wild, like the video where she shotguns beer: instead of embracing the situation and having fun, she immediately recoils. She isn’t actually freaky.

>> No.13313876

who is this?? I would destroy her

>> No.13313896

Her name is 어영호.

>> No.13313915

Were they ever hyped by anyone to begin with? I always hated them.

>> No.13314008

does she like BBC? ;]

>> No.13314074

Well, she is a young ho, so yeah, probably.

>> No.13315545
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 7a117cfe-0145-440d-83f3-9974fcfb4f21-Pop_tarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, Pop Tarts are alright.

>> No.13315551

No these korean/japanese girls on youtube are retarded and fake

>> No.13315622

First time I ate a poptart it almost made me sick. Literally a piece of cardboard with sugar

>> No.13315630

>Korean girls try American mutilated dicks

>> No.13315642

Frosted still contains gelatin, and unfrosted has been vegan since at least the early 00s

Are you an actual boomer?

>> No.13315647

Maybe it's American influence but they mutilate their male babbies in South Korea too

>> No.13315661

It's a practice America taught them, that wasn't done before the Korean War.

>> No.13315932

So much BTFO

>> No.13315936

Poptarts are actual fucking garbage.

>> No.13316458

Yes. Only boomers remember toaster pastries as the special occasion nectar of the gods.

>> No.13316826

Women are NEVER right

>> No.13316919

Imagine eating pop sharts when toaster strudels exist

>> No.13317075

Boring if true

>> No.13317440

Poptarts fucking suck. If you're gonna have a corn subsidy dessert item for "breakfast" it's all about dat toaster strudel.

>> No.13317444

I don't think anyone has ever hyped up a poptart

>> No.13317558

>implying either one is actually good
Both are highly processed food for children and adults with the taste of a child. With all of the carbohydrates you'd be better off eating a hot pocket because at least then it's not 100% empty calories of sugar.