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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 879 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191201-211104_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13309590 No.13309590 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone tried this yet? It looks worth the potential $9 Arby's is likely charging for it.

>> No.13309828

The fire-roasted philly roast beef? I tried it once, and it was overwhelmed by the banana peppers. Also, and I was pretty drunk, so I don't remember what all else I ordered, but it was $33.

>> No.13309846
File: 176 KB, 866x1390, young-boy-with-the-arbys-mascot-in-the-shape-of-an-oven-mitt-or-glove-BXABKT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all me

>> No.13310185

i like arbys tbch
don't get the hate

>> No.13310206

Holy shit the shill...

Arbys was only good for their 5 for 5, and just like any quality or flavor, that's gone too.

They are over priced and low "cold cut" quality. So if you like paying $7 for a super market cold cut sandwich, this is the place for you.

>> No.13310207

>pretty drunk
time to grow up kido

>> No.13310215


>> No.13310216

Next time, instead of doing a burn-out through that parking lot, I'll do a burn-out on your faggot sober face you fucking nigger.

>> No.13310217 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13310228

Fuck you and your faggot frogs.

>> No.13310738

wow.... the scale of this cope. a fuckin galactic cope. kys

>> No.13311290

>want to buy roast beef at the store
>it's like 7 bucks for 5 slices
Is that shit made out of gold or something?

>> No.13311441
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>> No.13311708

$9 for this catshit? pass on it, OP

>> No.13311746
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I really miss the times when they had that pick 5 menu where you could get an awesome deal

>> No.13311765

Unironically this. The biggest problem I have with Arby's nowadays is that it's so fucking expensive

>> No.13311773

yay, you get to pick 5 items of the worst food on earth! I bet that food poisoning made you feel like a real star

>> No.13311802

You sure told him

>> No.13311842

>le arby's is bad meme
Arby's is good, just overpriced

>> No.13311909

All fast food is way too expensive. I eat it maybe 5 times per year. I'd go to Arby's once a week 15 years ago and have food for 2 days for $5.

>> No.13311915
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are you fucking gay?
>drinking is childish
no real men get fucking drunk, sailors get drunk, the people who built this country got drunk off their fucking asses, you're a sheltered soiboy faggot working in a startup office with craft beer and table tennis, REAL men who do REAL work get drunk. period

>> No.13312050

their french dip is good.
basically anything that is really fucking simple will be good, the more complicated something is the more likely the retards behind the counter will fuck it up.

don't ever get their loaded fries. soggy mess.

>> No.13312121

>arby's is good

That's really setting the bar low. Are you the same person who posted the pepperoni on cheeze its and called it "pizza"?

>> No.13313022

It’s always been expensive. Only difference is now other fast food places are just as expensive

>> No.13313026

rofl this is so goddamn cringe. is this pasta?

>> No.13314597
File: 98 KB, 500x567, 4d94b21e-486a-48f6-8195-5172ae2933bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arby's is fine lmfao

>> No.13314602

Arby's is great depression grub

>> No.13314752

Sailors are famous for being faggots.

>> No.13314771

Absolutely based.

>> No.13314929

gay people love to drink though

>> No.13314939

Arby's used to frequently have 5 for $5 Roast beefs and 4 for $5 Beef n' cheddars.

>> No.13317063

wow, for the small cost of $5, you could get 5 chances to get e coli! What a bargain

>> No.13317076

philly roast beef was pretty good but i'm moderately lactose intolerant and the cheese made me shit myself
it doesn't come with banana peppers

>> No.13317092

Rofl faggot

>> No.13317227

hah fucking hell. nice

>> No.13317238

>i'm moderately lactose intolerant and the cheese made me shit myself
Lol what a fag!

>> No.13317248

I havent eaten arbys for years and not sure if I even would like it. But I would love to pig out on that.

>> No.13318011
File: 566 KB, 776x656, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know that soy isn't filtered on /ck/
Typical that a degenerate drunk is also a newfag reddit refugee

>> No.13318034

Arby's is unironically a 4/5 as far as fast food goes, as long as you get literally anything but the roast beef. It's honestly hilarious that the thing that started it all is also the worst thing on their menu.

>> No.13318044

>used to have three arbys around me
>now only one
>it's the worst of the three

>> No.13318086

beef tends to be the most hygienic meat though (you can eat it blue rare if its decent quality) so if they even fuck up that, it really makes you wonder. Why would you trust poultry, fish or pork from a place that can't even make or offer decent beef?

>> No.13318099

That's Arby's cheese sauce is fucking terrible.

>> No.13318125
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That's the thing, they proved they can do decent beef as shown with their brisket sandwiches, which brings up even more questions about why they haven't revamped their roast beef recipe, it was terrible back in the day and it's still terrible now. With the huge amount of improvements they've made to their menu, why won't the improve the thing that made them famous?

>> No.13318155

it's probably a case of not wanting to pay for higher quality staff, ingredients, etc. I assume the same situation is why burger king is so bad too.

>> No.13318160

the roast beef is great but its not worth the $9 they charge for it

>> No.13318907

One near work in San Bernardino. Shittiest city in California, but they've been there for some time and even has had enough business to fix up and modernize the dining area and the exterior.

>> No.13318919
File: 573 KB, 1600x1024, Arbynator[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got two of these last night for 6 bucks, they were delicious. I usually go for the beef n cheddar anyway but this is some next level shit

>> No.13318953

holy shit the mtn dew says "hitler did nothing wrong" on it. who has this kind of time

>> No.13318955

>why won't the improve the thing that made them famous?
people would bitch, regulars at arby's would send angry letters to corporate because they want the old beef and cheddar

see: new coke

>> No.13318978

go to sleep wagie gotta wake up early to do unpaid overtime to pay for mr rosenburg's yacht

>> No.13319040

Americas Roast Beef, Yes Sir!

>> No.13319082
File: 7 KB, 246x205, arby's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I use coupons I get in the mail. $2.99 for the grand turkey club.
feels good

>> No.13319093

Whatever the hell kind of peppers they are then.

>> No.13319183

that's called a pepperoncini

>> No.13319215

*checks notes*

>> No.13319295


>> No.13319310

Same. They send out coupons in the weekly shopper ad. I usually just burn through the 2 for $6 chicken sandwiches, reuben or french dip deals.

>> No.13319470

Nah. People who work drink, guys that can't handle the work get drunk.

Cleaned up too many faggots like you when I'm just trying to have a nice relaxing evening, and you're falling down and useless.

>> No.13319505

Arby's is the only place I've been to that messes up a sandwich where the only ingredient is meat in a bun. It's the most simple meal anyone could possibly make/assemble, and people working there can barely manage it.

>> No.13319515

who the fuck eats at arbys

>> No.13319568

your mom

>> No.13320642

I hate beef and chedders. for some reason they give me headaches. I think its the fake as fuck cheese they put on on it. id rather have 1-2 slices of actual cheddar cheese then the shit they slop on them.

>> No.13320650

Instead of being a faggot and bitching about things on the internet. Maybe, you should study language arts or even basic english.

>> No.13320661

wow very cool dude.

>> No.13320665

>no beef and cheddar

wtf is the point of this

>> No.13320678

arbys melt is kinda close just no onions on the bun

>> No.13320681

Suck a tranny dick, faggot.