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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13302760 No.13302760 [Reply] [Original]

>Doesn't try to make himself into a meme
>Doesn't use stupid catchphrases
>Doesn't pull contorted faces and sound like he's having an orgasm whenever he eats
>Just gets on with it
>Seems like a humble dude

>> No.13302776

>eceleb bullshit


>> No.13302788

He does none of those things.

>*dumbfounded stupid face*
*slurps obnoxiously*

>> No.13302794

i heard he has a fat uncut dick, not sure if its true.

>> No.13302804

It seems like you're just looking for things to get angry about. Its a food review channel, I think he's allowed to tell us his opinion.

>> No.13302828

Yes. When someone like OP claims someone isnt doing something they actually do I tend to point it out you retarded faggot. It has nothing to do with giving an opinion you fucking bag of zilch. You fucking absolute zero. Fucking loser. Get bent, faggot.

>> No.13302837
File: 108 KB, 640x590, 1574727693958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food youtuber
Name a more zoomer thing

>> No.13302840

Having sex. You should try it.

>> No.13302845

what would you people do if women had no idea what youtube was?
do you know how weird it is to spend hours talking about some guy on youtube as if he’s your god?

>> No.13302848

Lmfao holy based

>> No.13302889

Shit you win

>> No.13302901

This post makes zero sense

>> No.13302907

>not steve

>> No.13302954

Food instagrammer

>> No.13303463


>> No.13303474

Isn't he a Falun Gong dude? Yeah, not a fan.

>> No.13303479

This little nip is fucking annoying

>> No.13303483

I want China to harvest his organs

>> No.13303484
File: 201 KB, 900x1200, 1558064160302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chinese propaganda man puts hot oil on everything he has a shit pallet dont trust his takes also he aids in killing chinese people for his cult that he is a high ranking member in

>> No.13303569

Was just going to post this

>> No.13303581

Isn't he on Taiwan's side?

>> No.13304204

He is ok, still have not seen my best.. Best ever food review.. does the kind of Zimmern low key sarcasm when he does not like something. Food Ranger/Mark winse? I watch from time to time but yah.. the """MMMMMM OOHHHH OWOWOOWOOW" is annoying.

>> No.13304240

Based redditor

>> No.13304739

This gook is an npc with no personality

>> No.13304785

papadesuyo777 is the best food youtuber
>doesn't show his face
>doesn't even talk
>just cooks food with subtitles
>has recipes that range from ridiculously complex to literal dorm plebs heating shit up in a microwave

>> No.13304827

Holy shit I can't believe another anon watches this channel.

His recipes are legit. As somebody who lives in Japan I will say the food he makes is 100% on point. A lot of the popular Japanese food blogs/youtubers are basically moms and women making Japanese homestyle food, but papadesuyo777 is an example of what a regular 20-30 year old who is up one modern food trends would make.

If any anons want to make some legit Japanese food that isn't your okaa-sans nikujaga or some shit give him a watch.

>> No.13304855
File: 239 KB, 1301x734, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this guy but there was a buzzfeed video with the expensive cheap ramen comparison, the presenters tried to be all polite and bowing at the cheap ramen place asking how they should eat it and everything and the chef was like
>just eat it bro
was kinda funny to watch. Very irrelevant to the thread, thought id share.

>> No.13304982

>annoying childish descriptions
>absolute glutton that seems to value quantity over quality (hence his fixation on buffets)
>repressed sexless freak
>doesn't eat raw meat/fish LMAO
>falun gong cult member

>> No.13305008


>Seems like a rude prick in everything he guest appears in
>Hilariously awkward and beta, his cross-country move videos are unintentional comedy kino
>Especially where he passes through his hometown and sits in front of his frat house and just stares at it from the car and says he doesn't want to talk about him being in a frat
>Drives past his parents' old restaurant and rants about how the food the locals want wasn't REAL Chinese food and was total slop, and REAL Chinese food is so much better than the stuff served at his parents' restaurant, all while totally not realizing he's just bad mouthing his parents the whole time he shits on their restaurant

His business class flight vids are pretty good though.

>> No.13305049

He is a fucking retard

>> No.13305066

No. Micah Bell is.


>> No.13305123

I liked his france episode. really makes me want to go there

but I can't watch this guy slurping hundreds of random gook noodles

>> No.13305173

based. This guy has it

>> No.13305195

he's talking about a cult, not countries. just google china cult and you'll realize it has nothing to do with politics.

>> No.13305203

There are better ones out there that don't talk and focus only on the food.
Pure kino: https://www.youtube.com/user/TravelThirstyBlog

>> No.13305282

>reddit spacing

>> No.13305324

its cookinginrussia

>> No.13305671

you are retarded

and also a newfag

>> No.13305703

>no u
Dilate, plebbit fag

>> No.13305708

If you want to advertise some dude’s youtube channel and ride his cock, buy an ad.

>> No.13305780

haha keep trying to fit in, its cute

>> No.13305785


>> No.13305827

>Asian American
>Frugality in his blood, but will still splurge at times
>eats food in countries that you're planning to visit
>gives honest opinions
>not fat
>scared of ghosts
I watch his videos especially when he's eating at a country that I'm planning to visit. He also has airplane food for the fuck of it which is helpful when you are trying to narrow down which airline to go with. Well at least for me.
Would I recommend:
sure if it's within your interests, or aligns with a trip you're going to take.

>> No.13305842

Why would he be cut?

>> No.13305857

why do you keep making threads about mikey chen with this same image so much? if you watch his channel where he talks about supernatural shit you'll find he's basically mentally retarded.

>> No.13305963

I personally like Mark Wiens videos, he's super humble and respectful to peoples culture and culinary.
Though he DOES make some funny faces and say that every dish is delicious, after you watch some videos of him youll notice thats how he is, cheerful and not trying to make people feel bad about their cuisine.
The cinematography of his videos are awesome too, very professional.

>> No.13305989

Imagine watching videos of people eating

>> No.13305994

instagram in general

>> No.13306006

Wiens is not genuine. He just goes around pretending all the slop he eats is delicious, which is not. I doubt that even the people preparing the food think it’s good. He patronizes people and act like a goof for YouTube shekels.

>> No.13306026

He is very open about when something doesn't taste good, he just acts respectful and doesn't sperg out like a toddler such as [You] would

>> No.13306033

Yeah I mean, after his video in Kenya with the cow hoof stew its clear he can be pretending to like some foods that are clearly gross.
But I do think hes just a chill guy that enjoys travelling. I suspect he's a former (or secretive) stoner.

>> No.13306039

I'd like to see a youtuber who throws shit food on the ground and calls it trash and spits on it lmao

>> No.13306574

That’s quoting like one episode from years ago my guy. But I do agree

Mike Chen is a bit of an odd ball. He seems like he should be a mega chad. He’s slightly older guy with lots of money ( owns homes, opening restaraunts, travels, and eats expensive food) and has a lot of social clout cause he has the most white girl jealous job ever of traveling. He travels everywhere all the time. Yet he comes across as very corny, kinda lame, and a little try hard. It’s like he lives his life in a sort of evergreen Pg 13 atitude guy. He always seems out of place in bars or basically with any peer his age. Sort of like your Uber Christian/religious friend in middle school who hasn’t started cursing yet or always tattle tales to his parents.

He’s so lame it hurts I can understand how his gf left him. I’d hate to use this phrase but he has 0% swag. It seems like a weird criticism but after watching his vlog for years his whole I don’t drink and cringe jokingness is really revealing. You could tell in college he was a skinny forgettable Asian who got bullied who then got jacked but never changed besides his muscles growing.

Still like his content though

>> No.13306626

t. Coping dirty-mouth alcoholic.

>> No.13306668

I drink like three times a year. Usually in sips. Do I have to repeat something like that every Time I’m near the vicinity of alcohol?

>> No.13306881

Filthy phoneposter.

>> No.13306988

Cope. Dialate.
Fun right?

>> No.13307365

His fixation on buffets are in part bc his parents owned one as a kid

>> No.13307396
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For me, it's his Beyond Science channel. Just look at this high IQ content.

>> No.13307494

So website owned by Koch brother F(au)x News peddles rightwing faux outrage clickbait and you're surprised? Wake up kid.

>> No.13307557

huh? thats mike chens other channel

>> No.13307611

The best food YouTuber is this little flip kid that cooks foraged shit out in a field with a battered old wok and a meat cleaver. He does cool shit like stir-frying whole crabs and cooking eggs in bamboo. Some of the stuff he makes looks absolutely amazing.

Then the last few minutes of every video is just him sitting down and very noisily eating, it's weird. He just crunches right through the shells and everything.

>> No.13307693

He probably is the best "food" youtuber in the sense that he is the most entertaining of the people who just film themselves eating things, certainly leagues better than Mark "Where are the bodies buried" Weins. His content does not hold a candle to any food content that involves actual cooking, however, so my answer lies in how you define "food youtuber".

>> No.13308051

link it, fag

>> No.13308080

Based. Fuck the ch*nese

>> No.13308106

>google chinese cult
>get some dance group
what's so bad about that

>> No.13308573

Chinese Food Demystified is much better because they actually talk about how to cook food and eat them. Most of the restaurants presented in Strictly Dumpling are low tier restaurants.

>> No.13308650

Isn't he some sort of flatearth/pseudo science weirdo or something?

>> No.13308694
File: 69 KB, 538x208, 1575218124698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He got jacked

>> No.13308713

Yes. He supports a group something like a Chinese Buddhist version of Scientology.

Always remember the the best chefs in Asia are Soka Gakkai believers.

>> No.13308724

They are all pagans.

>> No.13308748

Pagans are awesome chefs because they are in love with their own taste buds.

>> No.13308765

I wonder how much his organs would go for, he's quite healthy looking.

>> No.13308914

Well for his age and for the average male he’s pretty buff

>> No.13309208

You can tell this guy didn't even know who this is just thinks hes like the other ones. Mike constantly bitches about food when its bad. He doesn't make goofy faces unless the food is genuinely amazingly good.

>> No.13309977

I hate the guy. He does that stupid orgasm face for everything, even food that later in the video he admits tasted rancid.

>> No.13310001

buzzfeed's food channel tasty is pretty comfy.

Only if buzzfeed kept out of politics and other BS and just kept with food then they would be better.

>> No.13310092

Lets be honest here

Mark Wiens > Food Ranger > Mike Chen > Best Food Show = Luke Martin

>> No.13310144

>soulless pedo zombie wiens
>better than SOUL Mike "Jackie chan" Dumpling

>> No.13310272

Wien's is a weirdo, but I wouldn't say soulless, he seems to be able to interact with humans better than Cheb and he has more variety. Chen is on a circuit... Taiwan, Korea, Vegas, repeat. He's boring a speaks like an AI bot that's been fed Reddit.com.

>> No.13310819

also, i like how he's always trying to say things in the language of the country hes travelling across.
your list is spot on

>> No.13310833

>doesn't try to make himself into a meme

>> No.13310887
File: 94 KB, 345x396, 1574509941470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a very stange type of eater.
Not fussy - good
Particular - good and bad
Doesn't research much at all - generally bad
Friendly and easy attitude - good
Believes in spirits and ghosts - awkward

>> No.13310901

>video from 2016

>> No.13310955

3 years must feel like an eternity when you're 11

>> No.13310959
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, mogger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good rule of thumb is 'you can't trust a man that doesn't drink', and this man is no exception.

Wiens mogs him

>> No.13310971

>A good rule of thumb is 'you can't trust a man that doesn't drink'
Why not?

>> No.13310988

d..does anyone find him kinda....attractive..?
especially when he talks dirty to the food

he always wears those tight tshirts and i often wonder how his pecs looks like underneath

hes like the perfect medium between /fit/ and /chub/

>> No.13311000

I don't know, perhaps because they can't trust themselves to drink in moderation and/or when under the influence. Seems to have been fairly accurate in my life experience to date.

>> No.13311006


i don't trust people who don't have a vice

>> No.13311008

>slurps obnoxiously
Uncultured swine
Other than that you're right, at least he's somewhat considerate and tries to not be too loud when inside the restaurants

>> No.13311020

well...trump doesnt drink..but he womanises

thats ok, right?

>> No.13311033

>sperg complaining

>> No.13311043
File: 79 KB, 646x602, MikeChen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sushi? That's raw, not my jam guys haha
>Woah this noodle soup is epic, it's like if the pork and noodles had an epic pork noodle baby
>This foie gras and truffle burrito is freakin' INSANE!
*Chill-step remix [4 hour EDM chillwave playlist] (HD 2018) starts playing*
*Eats 4000 calories of food*
>After a meal like that you know I gotta get some gelato!

>> No.13311052

serial killer eyes

>> No.13311063

Yes. Grow sone balls you beta cuck and don't bring up the "current year" equivalent of the hitler card like a hopeless flamming faggot.

>> No.13311069
File: 438 KB, 300x300, 1573226693591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ichiran Ramen is the best ramen in Japan

>> No.13311077

>No vice
>Eats 10,000 calories every day

>> No.13311083


>be asian
>eat 10,00000 calories and dont get fat

>be wh*te
>eat 3000 calories and balloon to 500 lbs

>> No.13311096

George Motz is god tier, too bad he just a guest and his show somehow is behind the paywall.

I think she/he has to be billionaire who is retired and living the dream of travel and eat everything.

Is he really a Fain Gong? Otherwise he would get caught by commie in China and goes to labour camp.

>> No.13311112

He is, that is why he never goes to China.

>> No.13311119

not him but yea he is one

he doesnt have any videos set in china. Whereas if you watch food ranger/mark weins they go china often, its too big of a major food destination to ignore without reasons.

>> No.13312654

You haven't been to Japan, your ramen experience probably doesn't extend beyond cheap Maruchan packets you steal from the foodbank.

>> No.13312664

He also sneaks in jabs at China, for someone who immigrated from China he sure hates his home country.

>> No.13312922

Falun Gong?

>> No.13312933


Worth it > Strictly Dumpling.

The rest are pretty shit.