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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.30 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13297044 No.13297044 [Reply] [Original]

What food does your team's stadium serve?

>> No.13297048

i'm not on a team

>> No.13297054

Natty boh, dietz and Watson dogs, crab dip, hoagies

>> No.13297063

Tiger Stadium? I only been there twice but it was for concerts in like '03 and '010 or something

>> No.13297070

please tell me that's not 'stard

>> No.13297072

Nah red wings arena, beats commercia park by a mile imo

>> No.13297073

I don't participate in tribalism confirming rituals so I have no team loyalty.

>> No.13297079
File: 61 KB, 480x640, DA638686-083D-4A12-8F42-8C100FD6E04A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they took a mold of my massive cock to make this

>> No.13297161
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This is the jumbo jets dog, made with a huge hot dog, a toasted and buttered bun and whatever toppings you can fit on the beast. It looks small here but it's about 4x the size of a regular hot dog and 2x as thick. I usually just load the thing up with toppings and feel like dying after but its worth it.

>> No.13297174

Reminder that if your stadium sells more hot dogs than brats or other sausages you are bad

>> No.13297209
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Dodger Dog but it's been Flanderized.

>> No.13297224

dodger dog was never good, just a celebrity meme

>> No.13297232

Don't have a team. Do you like men in tights playing games with balls ?

>> No.13297237

all of the food in this thread looks like total shit.

>> No.13297245

>Not partaking in your local culture

You don't need to actually care about the intricacies but rooting for the team people around you do and drinking with friends while going to or watching games is fun

>> No.13297247

Jesus christ, do people really pay money for this horse shit? Nothing posted so far looks the slightest bit appealing. (Shitty Little Caesar's Pizza with yesterday's leftover hot dogs sliced on top?? Dafuq?!)

Stadiums must be counting on people being too drunk to realize they paid $15 for boiled trash. Pig disgusting. I'm disappointed in all of you.

>> No.13297248

stadiums are captive audiences

but having said that the food (and beer) situations in stadiums have increased very dramatically since the 90s

>> No.13297249


>> No.13297255

>Stadiums must be counting on
Stadiums are counting on people not being allowed to leave and come back, its that simple

>> No.13297259


Pick one

>> No.13297266
File: 777 KB, 1080x1409, Screenshot_20191130-170204_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking delicious. The Punisher. Complete with monster energy drink infused bbq sauce

>> No.13297274

it literally is

>> No.13297281

ok reddit, calm down

>> No.13297294

Calling other people reddit is typical plebbitor behavior. Go back. You're not welcome here

>> No.13297302

Do mutts really put hot dogs and mustard on their pizza? Disgusting.

>> No.13297304
File: 67 KB, 750x1000, 44701F49-CD04-4A1B-90C9-FE6C3AF5712E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jumbo hot dogs covered in bacon and perogy pieces

>> No.13297303

why are you even here if you hate the idea of sports and america?(as though Americans are the only ones with sports)

>> No.13297318

America was truly a mistake

>> No.13297329
File: 66 KB, 1000x704, coneypl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The concept appears to be a combination of Detroit style peetzer and coneys, an attempt to represent local moral

As you can see, there is no marinara but rather some kind of meat sauce which I presume to be chili

>> No.13297380

that actually in winnipeg, canada.
stay obsessed and seething though.

>> No.13297413

>my team of multinational corporations trying to sell overpriced jerseys with some shitskins name on it
How delightfully globohomo

>> No.13297417

jerseys are indeed a ripoff but sports are fun none the less

>> No.13297430

They are. I'm mocking people who have weird tribal loyalty rewards multinational corporations, not sports

>> No.13297448

I am still genuinely shocked by how expensive authentic jerseys are. I just go with a $20 team logo Tshirt and then wear it years beyond the relevance of the name on the back

>> No.13297458

Funny thing is I own like 7 jerseys and they were all around 20 dollars each, I seriously dont understand why knock offs aren't more popular than they already are

>> No.13297466

Like most collectible things autists obsess over, the pride of collecting is in the authenticity and value of said thing and much less the thing itself

>> No.13297475
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Choripan, which is a chorizo sandwich.
Push it down with warm, red cheap wine.

>> No.13297509

With sti's and all I see

>> No.13297577

>corn on a hotdog
Man wtf.

>> No.13297608

>implying the only cultures left on this planet arent American and Chinese

>> No.13297659

Incels can't imagine what its like to enjoy something unironicly so they hate popular things like sports and tv/movies/music because liking something is GAY LMAO FAG ect ect ect

It's kinda sad really

>> No.13297667

but you eat like one ;));))))))

>> No.13297826
File: 33 KB, 426x528, 3gz6r30aqfv01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be American
>Go to watch my team
>Fill my fat fucking mouth with fast food
Does absolutely everything revolve around gluttony an America?

>> No.13297839
File: 4 KB, 119x68, Screenshot_20191130-213140~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>African culture

>> No.13297844

baseball and football games are usually about 3 hours, most people want to eat

>> No.13297846
File: 336 KB, 750x596, 6092BE2A-DC24-4986-8649-74C3DA8F4689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really my team but it’s where I live.
Got blasted and ried one. Not very good

>> No.13297849

america can't even go three hours without stuffing its fat face?

>> No.13297852

Yeah, I'd die if I had to go a full three hours without food.

>> No.13297856

>Football lasts for 3 hours
Each half is 45 minutes with a 15 half time you retard

>> No.13297857

i mean if you pick a random 3 hour time during the day, plus transit time and getting to your seats and whatever, yeah most people will want to eat in that period

>> No.13297861

>baseball and football games are usually about 3 hours
yeah, i forgot your joke """"sports""" are like 1 minute of game, then halt, 5 min of advertisement and gluttony, then 1 minute of game, then stop, etc. of course its a whole afternoon wasted on a single match.

>> No.13297862

For you

>> No.13297871

And drink a pint of butter flavored corn syrup.

>> No.13297873

meanwhile soccer is 45 minutes of jogging, break for corporations and commercials and then another 45 minutes of jogging with a few arbitrary stoppage minutes because you literally can't afford stopwatches, and then probably some more time of jogging because its usually 0-0 after 90 min

>> No.13297928

Shit holer

>> No.13298033
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We get it, sweaty. Your shithole country can't afford food.

>> No.13298135

>get pretzel and cheese
How could they mess it up right?
>cheese sauce tastes like milk
>pretzel had no salt in it
>choke on each bite until I pass it off to a friend who eats it happily
Have people never had spiced queso? Or a real soft pretzel?

>> No.13299447

>incels can't imagine what its like to enjoy something unironicly so they hate popular things like sports and big bang theory/avengers/whatever pop/rap is featured at the kid's choice awards

>> No.13300862

Detroit deep Coney 'za?
Mythical...I live in Lansing and I've never even contemplated it, but...fuck yes!

>> No.13300877

>tight backrest

Imagine the side lard of the fatass owner of that chair escaping from the gapes

>> No.13300939

Based fellow Baltimoron!

>> No.13300941
File: 498 KB, 940x627, SK와이번즈_홈구장_좌석체험기_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13301096

based jalapeno slice penor

>> No.13301098

That's a regular sized hotdog m8

>> No.13301111

Do Americans really walk around in shirts bearing other men’s names?

>> No.13301122

meat pie
sausage roll

>> No.13301206

hot dogs on pizza? what's your team, the Catshits?

>> No.13301218

rent free yuropoor

>> No.13301221


>> No.13301831
File: 42 KB, 693x421, overty_income_2_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off third world fatty

>> No.13301835

Shut the fuck up sam

>> No.13301848

For an American

>> No.13302227

Man, this is kino, but holy fuck that seat is probably like $1k+

>> No.13302245

You don’t even understand what that chart represents, you fucking retard

>> No.13302362

I'm not lying that shit looks nasty

>> No.13302372

America was truly a mistake

>> No.13302379

The perogies are a dead giveaway.

>> No.13302381

Take that chart of yours' and look at the income inequality wage gap between the upper class and the lower class. Without going to far into your studies I can give you the heads up in saying that the highest points in American history where the rich made more money combined than the lower half of middle to lower class Americans was during two periods of time, that, when compared along an X-axis looks like a suspension bridge from the 20's and the modern '10's.

That chart represents a small facet of a much larger issue that economists and their hired public figure-heads have been getting cut off from their speeches by paid news outlets for far too long it seems. buzzwords distracting the bored from the things that could actually make a difference.

>> No.13302386

What is wrong with americans

>> No.13303300
File: 67 KB, 666x666, d764pnn-8045440f-656f-47e4-8fb9-f4fafde19d5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigger

>> No.13304229
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>> No.13304258
File: 113 KB, 378x268, slice_sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at Oracle Park in SF

Served garlic fries, Giants nachos (cheese w/ choice of meat (carne asada, chili lime chicken, and carnitas. had al pastor pork for a while this past season.), guac, sour cream, pico de gallo, and jalapenos), Tony's Slice House pizza, clam chowder in sourdough bread bowls, Krazy Krab sandwiches, polish kielbasa, pineapple sausage, bratwurst, Impossible burgers, poke bowls from Da Poke-Man

a good amount of shit

>> No.13304279

that looks really ghetto. i hate seeing processed food used in such a manner to make a complete dish.

>> No.13304412

Paty del año pasado
Choripan de zarigüeya

>> No.13304434
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pocket dawg

>> No.13304443
File: 83 KB, 1000x675, 20160719_BobbyNicks1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its the bobby nicks burger

>> No.13305295

ive never been but its pretty cheap like 80-100 per 4 people you just bring your own grill and meat