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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13294997 No.13294997 [Reply] [Original]

I can't bring myself to eat food made in China, what other countries should I not eat food from?

>> No.13294999

What's so bad about food from China?

>> No.13295003
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usa because its full of GMO crap and soy and HFCS

>> No.13295004

China has a bad reputation when it comes to food safety. I recall the massive demand for foreign baby formula since their own was so shitty. This was years ago tho. I don't think he meant Chinese cuisine.

>> No.13295030

Chinese and american food is the worst
Then comes rotten food from Africa.

>> No.13295036

As oppossed to rotten food from Europe?
Hmmm, two year old fish and grape juice and milk. Delicious!

>> No.13295055


Are there actually any proven risks with GMOs or is it the leftist version of vaccines causing diseases?

>> No.13295058

India because they use spices to cover up spoiled and rotting food.

>> No.13295060

Gmo adds shit like different strains of bacteria not naturally found in plants and changes foods into things our body hasn’t evolved yet to handle properly. Or atleast that’s what I think the main problem is. Personally I just want to eat a fruit not a fruit crossed with some foreign dna that makes it 50% more vitamin c rich, I’d just eat another normal one

>> No.13295064

Rent free.

>> No.13295072

How is it any different from cross-breeding existing fruits to make a new one? Like a lemon? It sounds like the same argument anti-vaxxers make. Ooh scary chemicals bad for vaccines, ooh scary DNA bad for GMOs.

>> No.13295107

there are gmo stuff like putting in fish dna into tomatoes. You can never crossbreed a fish with a tomato plant naturally.

>> No.13295108
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Don't even bother anon.
Monsanto has an army of damage controllers lurking here 24/7, ready to jump on anyone that dares express even the slightest hint of a doubt as to wether or not GMO is a good thing.

Oddly enough, the (You)farming shitposters hasn't realized this yet. Making an anti GMO thread is basically guaranteed (You)s until it hits bump limit.

>> No.13295155

They've had to reduce their army of shills as the lymphoma lawsuit judgements against Roundup keep piling up. Every ambulance chasing lawyer is continually advertising for more clients.

>> No.13295159

If you don't do LITERALLY EVERYTHING MONSANTO ASKS RIGHT NOW it means you hate and fear science. Why are you an antivax libtard, soy boy? Grow up.

>> No.13295187

t. Monsanto damage controller

>> No.13295190

Send your entire paycheck direct deposit c/o MONSANTO CORPORATION or else it means you're a FEAR MONGERING HIPPIE LIBRUL who probably thinks the earth is flat

>> No.13295201

Guys, I think we broke the damage controller, or maybe it's his first day. They usually don't start spouting nonsensical gibberish before they've exhausted all the arguments on their cheatsheets.

>> No.13295211

what a cute loli

>> No.13295219
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am sure shes like 30

>> No.13295425

It's not uncommon to hear of product recalls as rat shit may transmit hepatitis

>> No.13295430

burgers btfo

>> No.13295434

Whites insist on feeding their young the milk of other animals, usually enriched with pharmaceutical hormone products. As a result the average wh*teoid looks like a haggard mother of four by the time they're old enough to rent a car

>> No.13297034


>> No.13297121

Filipino women mix their menstrual blood into food to bewitch men. It's why the jolibee mascot is covered in red.

>> No.13297159


>> No.13297166

It is good though, african food is actual garbage

>> No.13297167
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>> No.13297170

Leftists are the ones pushing GMOs, though.

>> No.13297253

We already add synthetic methionine to boost the nutritional value of crops. GMOs just have that jet amino acid grow naturally in them. Of course, we genetically modify it to grow with these nutrients. But they are safer than spraying them with synthetic shit.

>> No.13297742

Not really. Monsanto has everybody in their pocket.

>> No.13298318

Grab a pack of century eggs from H-Mart. Looking at it after I got back...pack says lead free...wtf.
Look at it more, made in Taiwan, look up century eggs and lead. Seems a few years back some places in China used lead to do something quicker to the eggs, tons of health issues and a few deaths.

Never change insects never change....

>> No.13298495

>Believing a label
they are probably the exact same, only that the US force a more extensive products listing on their labels.

>> No.13299030

Gmos carry no risk.

>> No.13299035

Bullshit. People like you shouldn't breed, or vote.

>> No.13299061

Well that's a lie spread by the jews to protect kosher farmers. GMO is the future, and the only reason people fight against it is because of (((kikes))) trying to sell their shitty exspencive crops.

>> No.13299089

I finally looked this up, and wasn't surprised that it was kind of bullshit.

>> No.13300396

only purpose of gmo is to make shit cheaper and faster to produce. like fast food

>> No.13300407

the ingredients lists are completely accurate, what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.13300428

Incorrect, that's just what monsanto internet defense force wants you to think
In a perfect world where every little girl gets a pony and nobody is ever sad, yeah, GMO would be used for the betterment of humanity
In the ACTUAL world that we live in, GMO is basically the food version of those proprietary Dell power supplies that look identical to a normal power supply but have two pins reversed so if you try to use a normal PSU on a dell board or a dell PSU on a normal board you'll release the magic smoke

GMO = DRM for food, don't believe monsanto lies

>> No.13300436

I bought some frozen tilapia and only when I got it home did I see it was a product of China, on the back it had a warning about "may contain heavy metals"

into the trash it went.

Had a friend live in China for a for months, oh the stories... but he pointed out that the Chinese people don't want to eat Chinese made food, considering it poor quality or poisoned, anyone that can afford it buys food from the import grocery supermarket stores.

Basically I avoid anything from any of the major Asian countries, like Viet Nam, or India, as well as China.

>> No.13300682

i mean, the chinks made fake/artificial flour, eggs and milk soo..

>> No.13300684

and by chinks i mean chinese.

>> No.13301297

GMOs should be carefully studied because we don't fully understand the DNA we're modifying, but fundamentally yes, the complaints about it are nonsense. It isn't the leftist version of vaccines cause autism though, NUCLEAR POWER BAD is, because that causes a level of harm much more comparable to people not being vaccinated.
This is complete nonsense. Our body breaks things down in to the chemical components, and as long as our body knows what to do with those chemicals it's fine. We don't have the ability to engineer whole new genes to produce whole new metabolic processes that make new chemicals, we couldn't do that even if we wanted to. The only example of this sort of thing happening is with trans fats, which is the actual fats being transformed chemically in to weird forms that aren't produced in nature, which is why they're banned in a lot of places.

>> No.13302946

So the only difference is it's a different kind of sugar that's processed identically by the body?

>> No.13303345

>5 year difference in life expectancy
guess its not only cosmetic

>> No.13304903
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America and China are literally the same country, the only difference being their actual wealth; rampant liberal capitalism that does not for a single second care about ethics, health or consumers safety, its literally just about squeezing out another million bucks. China is poor in comparison, so they cant afford the luxury to let people speak up so they drown out dissent by violence, america is rich so it drowns out dissent with the violence of media.

>> No.13304909

the chink looks like a literal insect in human form, the white girl looks like a young woman, a human being. Chinks are so fucking soulless, look at her posturing, her submissive "fuck me" eyes. Literal human trash.

>> No.13304917

They actually sneak in their GMO seed into countries and then make the actual farmers there pay for contaminating their "pure" GMO crops with their actual living seed, that is not hybridized dead shit. The farmers then either have to agree to using expensive Monsanto seed or they will literally be forced to suicide because the judges in most poor countries are of course corrupt when it comes to american mega corps.

>> No.13304923

seek professional help

>> No.13305009
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t. used up bag lady with inferior wh*teoid DNA, cope harder

>> No.13305043

t. yellow fever retards