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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 900x1200, 41mCWTjrjhL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13294037 No.13294037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Got pic related, how should I drink it? Thinking with ice and some lemon soda water.

>> No.13294041

chill the bottle in the freezer, eat dill pickles and pickled beets for a chaser

>> No.13294051

> based pickle poster

>> No.13294053

drink it out of the bottle, room temperature

>> No.13294183
File: 95 KB, 750x459, arthur_alcohol_ck_post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who 40yrs old and the hangovers just ruin you the next day here?

>> No.13294234

28, if I get pretty drunk, my next 2 days are a depressive mess.

>> No.13294262
File: 82 KB, 375x365, 1556626504664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he bought vodka for more than $10 per 1.75 L

>> No.13294276

Put it in the freezer and drink it neat.

>> No.13294282

I'd usually go with lemon juice, water and some kind of flavor powder mix for something fruity and sour. Lemon juice masks booze amazingly well, but you have to like sour flavors for this to work well.

>> No.13294283

This poster is based and correct. Stoli is a fine Russian vodka best enjoyed straight. Also, try the Stoli Blakberi.

>> No.13294286

34. I’m usually back up to speed by noon the next day but my shits aren’t solid for again for 3 days.

>> No.13294325

I have move vodka mixed with hard cider and orange cordial.

>> No.13294771
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based alchie; this is the only correct answer

>> No.13294782

>fine Russian vodka
>best enjoyed straight
Freeze in hell ruskie, all vodka is best enjoyed with some kind of juice to cover up all of the vodka flavor. It's the simplest spirit you can make with no nuance to it, it's literally fuel to get you as drunk as possible to help you forget your terrible life in the frozen shit hole that is Russia. And drink Titos you fag

>> No.13295633

Imagine being such a weak faggot you can't even drink vodka straight. Man the fuck up.

>> No.13296231

I usually enjoy vodka as cold shots, in some kind of clear soda (club soda, Sprite, Lacroix etc) or in Gatorade on rare occasion, as it helps to stave off hangovers.

>> No.13296328

Imagine being so insecure you have to use alcohol as a substitute for manliness.
Stoli is literal shit tier vodka. It tastes like rubbing alcohol and it burns like a bitch. Throw it in the trash and get vodka that actually tastes decent. My favourite is ciroc. It tastes better and different compared to other vodka because it is made from grape. The taste is pretty unique.
It is still vodka though so stick it in the freezer and drink it ice cold.

>> No.13296339

I repeat, imagine being such a pussy you can't stomach vodka unless it's mixed in with some sugary sweet bullshit. And Stoli is good vodka.

>> No.13296353

can confirm 28-32 is when you start getting very bad hangovers. always drink with lots of food, and take breaks in between 2 drinks. there's really no benefit to getting blackout drunk or having more than 6 drinks unless you're also mixing with red bull to stay up and fuck barskanks.

>> No.13296357

Oh sweet, al/ck/ threads are back??

>> No.13296381

I'm not even the one suggested mixing it. But I wouldn't give a flying one what others choose to do with their drinks. Putting labels on people based on their choice of beverage means you are a moron and probably suck dicks as a hobby. Also the reason why you'd think stoli is good vodka.

>> No.13296382

Pickled green beans are based

>> No.13296388
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>He says as he labels me a moron for daring suggest that vodka isn't really that difficult to drink straight

>> No.13296420
File: 50 KB, 408x439, Concerned_Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I happened to be close to the liquor depot that carries Russian Standard, so I went to pick that up for the first time in a year.
Of course, I forgot my license.
Guess I'm sober tonight.

>> No.13296584

>reading comprehension
I called you a moron because you think high proof alcohol is going to compensate for your insecurities. And for having the taste bud of a college frat boy.
Drink it however you want. Shit tier poison water is not gonna turn you into James Bond.

>> No.13296624

>mixing spirits

>> No.13296632
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>muh poison
fuck off faggot

>> No.13296657

Oh shit you really showed me.
Keep doing your thing girly man. Drink up. One less moron in the world is always a good thing.

>> No.13296664

this place is more your style

>> No.13296733

Wow, projecting much?

>> No.13296741

I puke when I drink straight vodka desu

>> No.13296742

Vodka is a mixing spirit. It is the best spirit for mixing and the worst spirit for drinking neat. Only a fucking idiot would drink vodka neat.

>> No.13296749

>its a mixing spirit because i have a toddler pallet

>> No.13296755

Yes, picking up on vodka's subtle ethanol and water notes requires an exceptional palate.

>> No.13296766

>Vodka is a mixing spirit
Is that why it's usually enjoyed neat in its country of origin? Huh? You fucking retard?

>> No.13296771

>Is that why it's usually enjoyed neat in its country of origin?
No, that would be because of poverty. They don't have anything better to drink neat.

>> No.13296777

>arguing about whats more "manly" to drink
faggots, a real alcoholic would drink anything containing ethanol

>> No.13296778

kimchi or pickle juice

>> No.13296783

I'm 30 and I don't really get physical hangovers as much as I get depressed and regretful.

>> No.13296787

i missed the al/ck/ threads. i woild browse them during my lunch breaks

>> No.13296879

How much beer head is too much? I always pour over the side so it's minimal, and guy called me a faggot.

>> No.13296894

A little bit is nice. Usually the last bit I pour in vertically to get a little bit. Also that guy is a brainlet for giving you shit for pouring a beer.

>> No.13296930

Feeling down is supposed to have something to do with inflammation in the gut. It's really just something for me to think about when I'm drunk and sad. Shitting liquid and blood isn't helping either. I'd really recommend getting into something else before it goes too long. I'm pretty sure I've done permanent damage at this point.

>> No.13296950

What should I drink tonight? I've got a bottle of cheap scotch, gin and stuff for martinis as well as stuff for whatever the scotch equivalent of a Manhattan is. I'm also considering buying some sake but I dont know if thats quite strong enough to mask my massive finals stress.

>> No.13296973

A finger or two is fine

>> No.13296976

bought some Hennessy white
what am I in for?

>> No.13296981

I never really understand how people don't have their license. I'm assuming you had your wallet? Why take it out unless you forgot it at a bar or something?

>> No.13296990
File: 2.91 MB, 4032x2268, nov30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking Laphroaig 10. R8 my comfy

>> No.13296994

It's not an uncommon practice to drink spirits straight. Stop being a bitch.

>> No.13297020

I've largely stopped drinking liquor because I'm worried about long-term effects, plus it made my blood pressure high. I work with old people and the ones in the best shape have consistently taken care of themselves all their lives. Sure, sometimes they get dealt a rough hand but you can tell who the ones are that ate like shit and drank frequently.

>> No.13297037

Tito's is fucking garbage

>> No.13297050

TV is a bit small for that distance ngl

>> No.13297142

I cut down on drinking so now I "only" drink 3 times a week instead of every day, but I am drinking way more in a single sitting, I think I might be even drinking more in total, atleast that's how it looks on my bank account.


>> No.13297325

stop drinking so much you alcoholic.

>> No.13297346


Do they oil aldehydes come out of your skin when you stop drinking? I spend two days in the shower washing off ethyl acetate, isopropanol and god knows what fusel alcohols.

It's a hard row to hoe.

>> No.13297349
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dumping old al/ck/ pics

>> No.13297358
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ptsd anon

>> No.13297369
File: 3.83 MB, 4032x3024, smirnoffbro2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13297379
File: 63 KB, 672x681, alcoholic at a party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13297396

Huh? No, never heard of this.

Did he die? Every day I wake up and look in the mirror I am afraid I might have turned yellow.

>> No.13297398

help how do i manage a bar

>> No.13297401

what's your spending habit?
>$12 a day

>> No.13297435
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>its carpet

>> No.13297441
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, 484b51bc7aaedffdf7dd750de2787b38ba3d22d8f4e6f8d85c1ff7c65708bf1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13297628

what causes this and are there any detriments to health?

>> No.13297654
File: 39 KB, 340x340, 1402798192241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat pretty well. Take B supplements. I'm mindful of this stuff as I get older. I know guys in their 60s with much better LFTs than I'm getting. And they drank their whole lives. I don't think I'm going to be there like they will.

>> No.13297686

liver failure. you will die

>> No.13297687
File: 149 KB, 440x440, 223231111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>2 days ago
>get hammered being alone on Thanksgiving
>get so drunk I throw my Glencairns at the wall for some reason
Now I have to order more

>> No.13297699

tfw my lexapro keeps me from getting hangovers

>> No.13297704

Jaundice happens when your liver shuts down, can be reverted if the person ceases drinking or not and the person days in a couple of days even if they stop drinking. The yellow stuff is literally what makes your shit brown.

>> No.13297705


>> No.13297709

*and the person dies in a couple of days

>> No.13297716

I have primary sclerosing cholangitis so my liver is already has a time limit so i need a transplant some time eitherway

>> No.13297719

>taste bud of a college frat boy
i think >>>/lgbt/ is a better fit for you nancy boy

>> No.13297722

worked as vet tech for years can say Jaundice is not something to fuck around with thats at late levels. just keep an eye for some blood work markers

>> No.13297724

my nigga puttin up dat tinsel

>> No.13297728

On a positive note you can drink one beer and get shitfaced and never get sober anymore because your body can't filter the alcohol out of it's system.

>> No.13297736
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>> No.13297740

did he recover?

>> No.13297741
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>> No.13297748
File: 47 KB, 920x528, brandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me al/ck/ bros....hosting a Christmas party in a couple weeks and need a good brandy. we usually drink
>Remi Martin
I know these are normie-tier. Anything good and easily acquirable in the states I should look into?

>> No.13297753

the images posted are actually simpsonbro who died. nobody knows if smirnoffbro died

>> No.13297820

Wheres the silhouette? Fake and gay

>> No.13297828

Stoli and Bolli, darling, Stoli and Bolli.

>> No.13297845

Make bloody marys (just buy a mixer) or screwdrivers (orange juice + vodka)

>> No.13297855

copper and kings is my favorite sub $50 bottle

>> No.13297865

But vodka is for ladies and pathetic drunks

>> No.13297878

where do you think we are?

>> No.13297887


I resemble that remark and I'm entirely offended!

>> No.13297940

that sounds awesome

>> No.13297946 [DELETED] 


>> No.13298210
File: 175 KB, 539x1200, arm and hamor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit tastes like toothpaste, what's a quality liqueur?

>> No.13298250

I don't get the mental sluggishness and retarded feeling of hangovers, but I do get that stomach sickness. You know, the kind that makes even your most favorite meals repulsive and hard to stomach, those kinds of hangovers.

I would much rather have a headache hangover than a stomach hangover.

>> No.13298265


>> No.13298324

really? I would have expected the opposite.

>> No.13298364

I stopped drinking in my 30s because of the hangovers.

>> No.13298591

I hope so. I missed them so much.

>> No.13299022

>It tastes better and different compared to other vodka because it is made from grape.

>made from grape

You should probably sober up before posting again.

>> No.13299032

How long does whiskey actually last after opening?

>> No.13299055

It doesn’t spoil, if that’s what you want to know.

>> No.13299079

Alright al/ck/s, I've got vodka, lemon juice, simple syrup, jager, triple sec and seltzer (also whatever is in my pantry/fridge). What do I make?

>> No.13299106

How long before taste goes to shit?

>> No.13299114

If you're drinking whiskey, then I'm sure you're used to drinking shit.

>> No.13299145
File: 260 KB, 385x493, 1263234263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does alchohol give you hemorrhoids? my asshole has been extremely itchy lately i drink a bottle of whisky a night for the past month

>> No.13299170

Depending on the brand, you probably won't notice a difference, even after a couple months. It doesn't actually age after it's in the bottle, and it won't spoil as long as it's tightly sealed. If you're keeping it in a decanter or the bottle's more than two thirds air, you might begin to notice a difference after awhile. The high alcohol content means that oxidation doesn't really do much for the taste, and it'll take a long time to noticeably evaporate.
Also I usually prefer to be safe than sorry and will down a fifth the same day I buy it.

Not directly, but it does inflame the intestines, including the colon. It also negatively affects gut flora, but there's still a lot more that needs to be studied on that part.

>> No.13299189
File: 3.55 MB, 5312x2988, 20191201_125410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vodka may be distilled from any starch- or sugar-rich plant matter; most vodka today is produced from grains such as sorghum, corn, rye or wheat. Among grain vodkas, rye and wheat vodkas are generally considered superior. Some vodkas are made from potatoes, molasses, soybeans, grapes, rice, sugar beets and sometimes even byproducts of oil refining[30] or wood pulp processing.
I heard it can be made from your mum's water juice too.

>> No.13299297

t. plebeian

>> No.13299312

>being a kettle

>> No.13299383

>Being a Kettel One, the most premium of vodkas
Don't mind if I do.

>> No.13299478


>> No.13299496

>paying $30+ for gas station ethanol

>> No.13299505

It is $15 where I live

>> No.13299508

your government dosen't care about you

>> No.13299530

I live in Commiefornia, and you are right.

>> No.13299534

Oh, then go for it, I guess,

>> No.13299720
File: 601 KB, 1600x1200, 1575188896720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my haul from the last two weeks :)

>> No.13299821

What in the name of god was going through your head when you decided to take this picture? How cool it would be to share it with your "friends" on 4chan? Some kind of trophy to show off how successful and fulfilling your life is? What is it? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.13299832

It's probably because people do stupid shit when they are drunk.

>> No.13300394

All the kids at his school think drinking is super cool

>> No.13300424
File: 620 KB, 680x680, 1560907219496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for the alcohol jew

Imagine being this weak-willed and idiotic. Enjoy your liver failure at 40. Faggots

>> No.13300429

Oh bro that is some good weed. Lete me tell youou, that weed is some good sh5#$%$t. That weed gets me high a gosyh darn heckerinio. WOW THAT WEED IS SO GOOD. High quality leaf right there duderino, anmd you nokow i be burnin it! WOW IM HIGH

>> No.13300434
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1546354687482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't smoke weed either.

>> No.13300444

pour that trash down the fuckin' drain

>> No.13300449

You win this time frog!

>> No.13300476
File: 24 KB, 394x458, a14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alckie btfo.....BTFO

>> No.13300629

29, overestimated myself and felt like shit the whole of next day. Never again.

>> No.13301048

RIP in peace Smirnoffbro ;_; I hope that against all odds you made it out alive

>> No.13301060

that's not Smirnoffbro. That's the dude who turned yellow. Smirnoffbro had a beard and hair.

>t. was a regular in the /alck/ threads years ago

>> No.13301063

I bet your skin feels disgusting

>> No.13301578

is being a weekend alcohol really that bad?

>> No.13301604

It's nice that you collect empty bottles from the neighborhood to recycle them ;)

>> No.13301784

As long as you don't become a weekday alcohol, friend.

>> No.13301795

30,and its really catching up to me.

>> No.13301804

>ethyl acetate
explain. now.

>> No.13301808

Alcohol is literally the most redpilled drink. It takes years to build up any kind of pallet to truly appreciate a good drink,Its a traditional drink and almost all nations have a traditional spirit or ale and it gets you productive ive done more drunk then I could possible accomplish sober every time I need to mow the lawn or plow the drive way I have a beer and that makes it 100k easier to get off my ass and do it. Also the amount of liquor it takes to cause any sort of long term cirrhosis is staggering. unless your drinking more then about 8 5.4% 12 oz beers a day the average liver can handle it find. I actually see a hepatologist on the regular because I have an unrelated disorder(PSC) and ive had this talk with him literally Acetaminophen and Tylenol are worse for your liver.

>> No.13301832

What are you guy's bottle dumping strategies? Fill up a cardboard box and dump at night time in a random dumpster around town?

>> No.13301839

I'm trying to ship some whiskey to a friend in Texas, but it seems like Texas is pretty fucking gay about all of that. Any of you know a workaround?

>> No.13301841

Shoot, by ship I mean buy it from an online retailer and have them mail it to him.

>> No.13301846

thanks anon, will give it a look