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13293836 No.13293836 [Reply] [Original]

For a challenge I have to keep smoking cigarettes for 24 hours
This means I will have to eat while smoking (I can't put the cig down). What kind of food would be best for this?

>> No.13293850

Any food you can eat with one hand. Why did you accept this retarded challenge?

>> No.13293857

A mug of tomato soup

>> No.13293861

based challenge.

>> No.13293864

It doesn’t matter because you’ll be dead before eating

>> No.13294143

I mean for taste and ease.
I cant eat a banana for example, because they take two hands to open and fill your mouth preventing smoking
If I win I get free ciggies for a year

>> No.13294164

Op please don’t do it. You can and willl do serious damage to your lungs if you attempt to smoke for 24 hours straight. You will not win and it will
Have been for nothing. Op don’t

>> No.13294168

Just don't eat. Ez challenge

>> No.13294170

its possible that you'd die so dont worry about food too much

>> No.13294173

Maybe you should take this as a sign that your life has gone off track OP.

>> No.13294179

Can you retards stop telling me i am gonna die jesus christ
I am just having a few smokes it really is not that big of a deal

>> No.13294181

>24 hours
thats - if smoking a cigarette takes about 5 minutes
228 cigarettes
roughly 2mg of nicotine gets consumed by cigarette during smoking, so
456mg of nicotine

>ow Much Is Too Much?

The CDC says 50 to 60 milligrams of nicotine is a deadly dose for an adult who weighs about 150 pounds.

Yeah you will be dead multiple times over.

>> No.13294188

Bro my uncle smoked 3 packs a day for years why dont you apply your gay little hypothesis to that

>> No.13294198


>> No.13294204

>If I win I get free ciggies for a year

more than a lifetime supply, seems like a good bet

>> No.13294211


>> No.13294217

He built a tolerance slowly, not one massive dose he didn’t have time to acclimate to

>> No.13294220

Pork rinds and apple sauce

>> No.13294241

Wait you smoke cigarettes but can't bogart one long enough to open a banana? Doubt increasing

>> No.13294242

It's not his lungs anon... OP could get nicotine poisoning
Cigarettes, pork rinds, and a beer is the Okie tri fecta diet plan

>> No.13294255

What kind of beast cigs do you have with 2mg nic in each? And how do you know it's efficiently consumed? A lot is lost to slipstream, and as the day winds on alveoli will be less prepared to uptake and will be less efficient. 50-60 is probably like an iv dose to someone without a tolerance. A person who dips through the day is taking 10 mg lips with better absorption than cigarettes.

Maybe check yourself before you try to come with your extra special science.

>> No.13294267

this is thug as fuck, look into maybe protein shakes

>> No.13294271

>For a challenge I have to keep smoking cigarettes for 24 hours

Please make a follow up thread when you're hospitalised.

>> No.13294284

OP is going to fucking die

>> No.13294425
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cool bet

>> No.13294609

This is not up for debate you WILL get nicotine poisoning if you try to smoke for 24hrs and the hospital bill will be more expensive than anything you have to gain from this you retard

>> No.13294614

Whatever you would like for your last meal

>> No.13294618

It is an estimate of average nicotine consumed a cigarette contains around 13mg. Even if you cut it in half and count 1mg consumed its multiple times the lethal dose.

And that is just the nicotine alone.

>> No.13294638

>has a stroke from calcified veins

>> No.13294643

coffee and donuts

>> No.13294698

It used to say on the packages how much mg of nicotine and tar and something else on there, If i remember correctly it was 0.6mg to 0-8mg on most cigarettes.

>> No.13294716

so what are the rules
how quickly do you have to puff the cigarette, is it a puff per certain number of breaths?
how long do you have to drag on the cigarette?
is there a time limit on each cigarette?
what if the cig goes out?
who will be supervising the 24h?
this is retarded op and whoever devised this challenge is an idiot and wont uphold their end
the way to do it will be a combination of stimulants and opiates and ice cold liquids and sharp exhalation

>> No.13294732

Op sounds like has has only smoked for a few months at most, he will get sick after 5th-6th one and puke his brains up and quit.

>> No.13294748

I remember hearing a general guideline that Marlboro Red type cigarettes have about 1 mg a piece. At 13 mg a cigarette, you'd probably be violently ill after a couple. I'm not sure where you got that number from.

>> No.13294757

>Okie tri fecta diet plan
Don't lie about Oklahoma.

>> No.13294784

That's only 60 ciggies, you're going to smoke nearly 4 times that

>> No.13294785

Food with vitamin C

>> No.13294786

>hospital bed

>> No.13294881

Enjoy your nicotine overdose and possible death. If not that you will probably die early of a vicious heart attack. This is even if you don't inhale.

>> No.13294887

This sounds like Brewster's Millions, in tobacco form. If you win, you'll hate the sight of the fucking things.

>> No.13294900

was fun reading you OP, see you in another life

>> No.13294901

Why do you want to die? Just quit smoking, it's the 21st century

>> No.13295301

Does it have to be the same cigs you normally smoke? Because if not, you can cheat by using some of those thin, long, light ones that basically feel like not smoking anything and you may save yourself from a stroke or something.

>> No.13295319


>> No.13295328

you. will. die

>> No.13295332

Thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard. Eat nothing and die.

>> No.13295334

Even if I fucked this calculation up, and even if I take away some ciggies.
~200 cigarettes
~0.25 mg nicotine consumed by cigarette
still a potentialy lethal dose

>> No.13296106

Get a cigarette holder

>> No.13296647

go home trevor you're drunk


>> No.13296667

Put the cigarette between your fingers you retarded monkey

>> No.13296671

Nicotine leaves your system quickly though, it’s like how you couldn’t actually overdose on caffeine by drinking coffee nonstop.

>> No.13296802
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>> No.13296810

Why would you do this? Just maybe do anything alse

>> No.13297088

Why not? Free cigs at least for a day even if I fail

>> No.13297157

a mre