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13289902 No.13289902 [Reply] [Original]

I fell for the meme

>> No.13289914

That looks like it tastes excellent.

>> No.13289918

Enjoy your 99 parts sugar to 1 part matcha shake.

Green tea has a pretty subtle flavour, matcha included, not sure why it's taking off as the goto "pretend this isn't a sugar shake" flavour.

>> No.13289924

This stuff is so much better than coffee for keeping me awake. I'm bummed I don't have a place to get some near my house

>> No.13289925


you're like, 10 years late

>> No.13289928

Pretty gay hand.

>> No.13289936

>fake colored nails
>drinking meme tea

Lol fucken fagget

>> No.13290024

Pick one

>> No.13290027

have sex

>> No.13290050

ur fat and brown, fuck off

>> No.13290072

I'm not deluded into thinking it's any healthier, but matcha flavored stuff is great.

>> No.13290105

grats faggot
how big a meme was it

>> No.13290150

It really terrifies me to think there are posters who let the negativity of these boards affect their daily life decisions
> I'm one of them

>> No.13290159

Matcha is good, meme or not, but sugar and cream are going to mask the flavor completely.

>> No.13290165

macha is so gross

isn't it just green tea instant powder? seems like drinking instant coffee but even worse taste and grittier

>> No.13290167

>Green tea has a pretty subtle flavour

>> No.13290675

stop drinking milkshakes and go for a run

>> No.13290683

nice fat american hand

>> No.13290689

Matcha is great. I swear I feel the theanine doing its job and it's not overkill like the supplements.

Only downside is the cost. I've spent nearly $100 on matcha powder in less than 3 months.

>> No.13290894

You look fat judging by that wrist. Enjoy your sugar slop. Fatass.

>> No.13290908

Actuual macha tea is delicious and I don't mind mixing it with shit like ice cream every once in a while, as a treat.
It's too bad free market capitalists and art school students are going to ruin it so bad that I won't be able to get decent macha powder in a couple years.

>> No.13290991

Wow, you're mother did a fine job raising someone like you. So rude.

>> No.13291204

We don't have matcha in my post soviet stagnant shithole.
Would really love to try it, but not in the shake form.
In a cake for instance, or just simply the beverage itself.
Was it bitter? Was it aromatic?
How was it?

>> No.13291210

No its green tea leaves grinded up rather than just brewing the leaves

>> No.13291213

Your mom didn't do a fine job raising a porker like you though.

>> No.13291222

have sex

>> No.13291236

My momma taught me to remind fat people of their fatness. It hurts now, but in the long run I’m doing you a favour. One day you’ll finally realize how hideously fat you are and do something about it before it’s too late.

>> No.13291296

Don't hype yourself up. The first time you try macha it'll taste like hot swamp water.
I got used to it from hanging around Japanese people and now it's a pleasant bitter tea.

>> No.13292069

that gigantic thumb is more concerning than the fat wrist

>> No.13292281

eww those wrinkles...

>> No.13292305

How does it taste?

>> No.13293336
