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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13285814 No.13285814 [Reply] [Original]

>spending thanksgiving alone
>no family and no friends cause I support trump
>I just ordered Mc Donalds for thanksgiving dinner

anyone else in a comparable situation on this glorious holiday

>> No.13285817

For the rest of the world it's basically a day where we celebrate not being american

>> No.13285819

I'm here. I see you, Anon.

>> No.13285831


>> No.13285832

Ish. I'm not dumbfuckistan enough to be a MAGAfag, but my (small) family has all died in the past 2-3 years so I don't have many options. A couple of friends invited me over today, but grief and the belief I'd just be a burden to them keeps me away.

I'm making breaded chicken cutlets and gravy for myself, with mashed potatoes, stuffing, garlic parm brussels sprouts, and buttery rolls.

>> No.13285857

Same boat. Just....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... It's up to you, bro. I just don't wanna get so drunk I die in a FEMA camp.

>> No.13286051

>Even Styx has a qt Aryan wife

>> No.13286057

isnt he a centrist/libertarian though?

>> No.13286389

Fuck you, Rachel. You deserve to be alone.

>> No.13286401

>no family because I support Trump
Trump supporters are the ones having families. It’s the left who is going out and getting snipped, or turning their dicks inside out and calling it a “vagina”

>> No.13286418

I have family and friends but I decided not to do anything this year. I really don't like the holidays. At least I'm not drinking this year. I just ate a bagel sandwich and I think that's all I'm going to have for the day.

One of my friends invited me to a 'fakesgiving' his girlfriend is doing friday and she's vegan so it's all going to be vegan food but I don't know if I want to attend that either.

>> No.13286419

Not your blog faggot

>> No.13286440
File: 7 KB, 300x168, Bjdelivered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess if you consider spawning with your sister or cousin counts as family. Pic related, a typical MAGAtard offspring, lol!

>> No.13286460

I am, I left my wife back in March, for vaguely similar reasons, then my Dad died shortly after. My Mom is the only family I have left where I live, and she's gone out of state to visit extended family. I can't go since I have to work. I also don't have any friends because they died. What's in store for me tonight?

Just me, a bottle of whiskey, and you fags :^)

>> No.13288153

>on /ck/
>can't cook a turkey for himself


>> No.13288163

>all I want to do is play classic WoW
>tfw I had to go to my parents house to spend the day

>> No.13288223

>I left my wife back in March
Did you MGTOW your own way?

>> No.13288247

I've been in a row with my family so yea, had some food earlier today and plenty to drink but otherwise waiting for my parents to go to bed so I can go eat.

>> No.13288299

He went full Boomer normie-con after getting BTFO by Greg Johnson.

>> No.13288478

Me too lol I just had a good day and didn't worry about Thanksgiving. Weird but my family is pretty cold and mean and I've got good friends and copped some weed for free by circumstance.

>> No.13288509

I'm alone on 4chan today. But that's most days so what do I care?

>> No.13289064

Muslims marry their cousins, it cultural.

>> No.13289125
File: 856 KB, 332x360, 1573234442076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm alone and made an entire Thanksgiving Dinner.
I ate one plate of it and one medium sized slice of pumpkin pie.
Now I'm so stuffed I can hardly move

I'll have another deviled egg in your honor.

>> No.13289156

Magatards have families, they just alienate them with their obsessive autism.