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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13284989 No.13284989 [Reply] [Original]

Is haute cuisine a meme?

>> No.13285010

When it ends up looking like this, definitely.

>> No.13285024

No, why would it be?

>> No.13285025


>> No.13285050

Most of the time. Like 90% of Haute Cuisine is just a way for rich 2deep4u cunts to jerk each
other off about how cultured they are for eating tiny bits of (admittedly well cooked) food arranged in a weird way.

>> No.13285054

Holy shit poorlets are clueless

>> No.13285086

Nice larp, but everyone still thinks you're a fucking retard.

>> No.13285092

Used to do tasting menu once a month at a place i worked at, got to try it all, tasted great but op is right, its bullshit

>> No.13285095

Holy cope

>> No.13285110

It confuses and angers the poorfags that's for sure

>> No.13285120

I don't know (though by the Lindy hypothesis probably not) but you should at least post a picture related to your topic.

>> No.13285129
File: 11 KB, 378x251, caesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone felt appetized looking at a dish like this? I'm not attacking the style of presentation, it's a serious question. These meticulously arranged plates can be impressive, artful, or elegant, sure. But do they make anyone hungry? Does anyone look at them and think, "Oh man I wanna eat that"?

>> No.13285150

Good goy

>> No.13285171

Seek psychiatric help /pol/cel

>> No.13285178

its just pretentious wankery and you know it

>> No.13285192

>NOOOOOO stop experimenting with food, just do the same shit over and over again, doing things differently would be pretentious

>> No.13285219

>tasted great
It may not be good value for money, but it certainly has its place.

>> No.13285223

you can experiment and not be pretentious, you know

its the whole attitude of thinking this kind of food is manna from heaven shat out by jesus or something---when its just food. Like all other foods.

>> No.13285226

I'm not poor specifically because I don't spend money on retarded stuff.

>> No.13285232

trump is a billionaire and POTUS but his favorite meals are KFC and macdonalds

>> No.13285245

>food is manna from heaven... Etc
Who said it was? It sounds like you are making shit up in your head and getting mad about it
Sure thing keep coping

>> No.13285253
File: 627 KB, 1536x2048, haute cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13285257

>probably costs $27.99 when you can go to a diner and get 5 big servings for the same price

>> No.13285265

>his favorite meals are KFC and macdonald
His favourite meal is meatloaf.
Research before you post.

>> No.13285270

I was excited about going to a nice restaurant but desu looking at the pics makes me want to go less. just a bunch of 'chup and stuff drizzled and dropped on white plates. you need a phd to figure out how to eat some things. they look like bird houses and shit

>> No.13285277

Legacy richfag/societyfag here.

On one hand, yes. On the other hand, kinda not really. You don't eat it expecting to be filled. That's not what it's about; it's not a meal, it's *cuisine.* It's about refining the textures and flavors of a whole course into a single, delicious bite. It's a meme in that people who eat it, and people who see it, miss it the point and think it's just for showing off/being ostentatiously fancy, but there is some value to it. Usually it's preceeded by hors d'oeuvres, which are the same general concept but not as refined. They're mostly just rich snacks to fill you up so you can enjoy the richness of the main meal. Overall, it's a nice concept, but people act like it's way more cultured than it actually is.

It's about the equivalent to having little snifters of wine at a tasting, rather than actually drinking enough wine to make it worthwhile.

>> No.13285279

I see this a lot on here.
Is it a regional spelling?

>> No.13285288

well excuse me, meatloaf is not fancy cuisine either

>> No.13285323

You're misusing the quoting feature, please go back to where you came from.

>> No.13285367

>nooo don't bring up facts that disrupt my narrative!

>> No.13285374

Why would you post such obvious bullshit?

>> No.13285454

>Who said it was? It sounds like you are making shit up in your head and getting mad about it
It's called haute cuisine, anon. The entire purpose of it is to be better than thou

>> No.13285605

WHy do you believe its a meme, legit curious here ?
>its too small
You get several courses (from 7 up to 20+) and it often times takes several hours to complete and you have the option of wine pairing that will fill you up even more. Most people will finish a tasting menu very full
>it's too expensive
Again you get several courses of very high quality ingredients and experimental/methodical preparation. Most tasting menus will cost you around 200 USD per person, that's like <20 USD per course in most cases and you get to taste ingredients/dishes that would be very hard to come by otherwise. I would say it's very affordable even if you work minimum wage, a couple of nights of going out drinking will probably cost you more
>its pretentious
Well these menus are made for people who are passionate about food and cooking and enjoy trying new things, new dishes, new ways of preparing food. If you think you are 'based friggin superior' for figuring out the most efficient way of getting fast food calories per dollar then it's obviously not for you
>it's not worth it
Up to the market to decide really, not all tasting menus are worth it of course, just like any other restaurant

>> No.13285887

Yeah, but he's lowclass and gauche so that isn't a good example.

>> No.13285908

MC cant be pronounced because it has no vowels
so i should be MAC

>> No.13285934

better save that pasta because I doubt you're going to get a serious reply desu

>> No.13286024


>> No.13286026

I laughed hard, good post.

>> No.13286268

better than caulde cuisine

>> No.13286466

fucking snob

>> No.13287219

No, its entertainment with food as the medium instead of sound or light. A performance, like a concert.

>> No.13287255

I thought he ate Chilean baby extract

>> No.13288942

my new fave meal is meatloaf

>> No.13289195
File: 60 KB, 640x476, 80vg92ilghy31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prepare something that's meant to be tasted
>people think it's a joke because the plate isn't full

isn't this transparently idiotic?

>> No.13289202

the point of these dishes isn't to sate hunger

>> No.13289210

Too reasonable

>> No.13289221

Than you for effortposting but alas it falls upon deaf ears.

>> No.13289908
File: 198 KB, 644x800, STOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I.. I don't want to eat so little!
>I.. If I do, then I would've bought gerbers baby food or Tide Pods instead of this!
>W.. why are you kicking me out! Mom! Mom! Please don't leave me!

>> No.13289915

you just gotta put mcdonalds on your itinerary afterward and get a couple mcdoubles

>> No.13289950

or you could just call it fine dining like damn near everyone else

>> No.13290019

Usually haute cuisine isn't a single dish, it's a 5 course meal. Also mostly is about the technique and execution, and some restaurants have a 4 month waiting list or just open for a season and work on designing the menu the rest of the year

>> No.13290029

should be called hate cuisine

>> No.13290048

I just hate the circlejerk around the chef scene. And about the food it's not like you say, it's about seasonality, flavour profiles, technique, etc. Making things that work together so you don't have to season it or add anything else, just enjoy.
I have a friend who claims he's a chef and whenever we discuss about cooking he's like "ah yes, yes I know how to do that" and has that everybodybutmeisstupid attitude, dude has no formal training, no background, just one day he decided he's a chef, his kitchen is a fucking mess, his house is dirty af and his kitchen is a mess as well. And you know what's fun? He never cooked anything for me, but I cooked for him.

>> No.13290054

>Uses a pair of tweezers to drop cilantro, coriander and a small chamomile flower on top of it

>> No.13290057

That'll be $89.99 plus tip.

>> No.13290059

>trump is a billionaire and POTUS but his favorite meals are KFC and macdonalds
Jacques Pepin went to work for Howard Johnson’s developing items for their menus, After, he had been the personal chef for General De Gaulle, and a chef at some of the finest restaurants in France and the USA.

>> No.13290065
File: 17 KB, 550x239, paloma-mexican-haute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's a meme, in that it's memetic, but you get like 5-9 dishes as a serial tasting more than anything.

I don't know, it was fine. Would I pay for it with my own cash? No. Am I the target audience? No.
Even if you hate it, you've got to admit that convincing rich people to part with their money is admirable in itself.

>> No.13290098

>Serves you a wrap of sous vide'd tuna sashimi on a sheet of gelificated fish broth topped with caviar made of cucumber infused vodka sprinkled with charred onion and garlic ashes, with a couple drops of jalapeno oil extraction and pickled wasabi/radish foam

>> No.13290107

That'll be $159.99 plus tip.

>> No.13290289

Like a spic waitress who got mad and called "cat" and poor a customer who paid a $200 bill and didn't tip her

>> No.13290297

Finally my /ck/ nigger that gets it. It’s about the experience, which you cannot possibly understand if you are price sensitive in the slightest. It really has to be an exploration that is not hunger driven.

>> No.13290302

What is the star?

>> No.13290312

Ranch dressing

>> No.13290314

Looks like some mayonnaise based condiment, possibly remoulade sauce.

>> No.13290316

But you can still have a bad experience with haute cuisine, it really depends of your own preferences.

>> No.13290926

>hate cuisine

>> No.13291095

Like that makes it any better, retard.

>> No.13291125

Not as idiotic as paying out the ass to "taste" a tiny amount of food

>> No.13292328



>> No.13293434

Perfectly reasonable to call a formal or semi-formal dining experience focusing on high quality produce and skillful preparation and drink pairings fine dining. Similarly delineating fine art doesn't diminish traditional illustration, the latter is still a high skill profession.

It's telling that nobody has challenged this poster here:
Faggots like you are basically finding excuses to justify your irrational butthurt. Whinging is the hobby here.

>> No.13293605

that's definitely true
and dismal failures are made all the more hilarious by the pricetag / effort put into plating

>> No.13294196

why? if all you want is the taste?