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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13281124 No.13281124 [Reply] [Original]

What meals can I make for Thanksgiving this year since I'm going to be alone. All that I have is a microwave. I thought about making a turkey sandwich with a slice of cranberry jelly on it and maybe buying a pie from the store.

>> No.13281147

Bake some pie instead of making it. You'll feel better about the day and it will be more enjoyable to eat.

>> No.13281151

>buying it*
geez my brain is dead

>> No.13281187

>All that I have is a microwave

>> No.13281235

>not learning to bake in a microwave so that once you do move onto a real oven you will have already been through the most suffering a baker can imagine

>> No.13281247

just go to the bar or go to a friends house for Friendsgiving

>> No.13281264


My local grocery store used to carry a brand of pies that were really good and for a good price. Then they switched brands to another that is so sweet that I can't eat them at all.

However, the Marie Callender frozen pies are great if they are available. I like either the Chocolate Satin or the Lemon Meringue.

>> No.13281295
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>> No.13281359

>implying that I have friends

>> No.13281399

How in the world do you only have access to a microwave?

>> No.13281624
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>be slav
>live in Europe
>never has Thanksgiving dinner
>never had traditional Christmas dinner with family arguing
>never had 4th of July barbecue
Sometimes I envy you amerikanski but often I just hate you

>> No.13281630

absolute state of /ck/

>> No.13281661

Microwavable turkey pot pie. Same thing you eat every day anon.

>> No.13281680

I thought you Slavs were stupid slaves to the Eastern Orthodox church. Are you trying to say you don't have christmas? C'mon, it's understandable you don't have an Independence Day since you're always owned by either Russia or the west, but you still have your priests god bless them, lol!

>> No.13281852

I'm buying a rotisserie chicken with instant potatoes and instant gravy. lOTS of gravy. Throw it all in a pot and there's gunna be so much gravy it's gunna be more like a stew, senpai

>> No.13282187

order some pizza today so you can eat it tomorrow since all the pizza places will be closed

>> No.13282193

Microwave. Hungry man turkey dinner. It’s not that hard.

>> No.13282211
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>Move to Guam (it's Thanksgiving day here)
>Go out to eat this morning
>Random lady comes up to me
>"Are you alone? I'm alone, come sit with me."
>Wave at her as she goes to sit down
What the fuck was I supposed to do with that?

>> No.13282216

Go get a Patti Labelle pie

>> No.13282258

Was she gross? If not, go sit with her! She probably sought light banter and to just have company. If she tries whoring, just calmly turn her down and leave.

>> No.13282261

Bring home
and pray thanks
thanks for boston market

>> No.13282274

When I was alone on Thanksgiving I would volunteer at a non-denominational soup kitchen and have Thanksgiving food with other volunteers. I don't need fire and brimstone sermoning this time of year. Years later sometimes our families get together for Christmas or Thanksgiving. We usually have small groups of three to fiveeach so it works out nice.

>> No.13282289
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this is microwavable and honestly tastes pretty darn good, like one of the best microwave dinners i've ever had (and i've had my share). that' my best recommendation for only a mic. i hope you have a happy thanksgiving anon

>> No.13282297

get a boston market thanksgiving feast
or make your own feast and have a fuckload of leftovers dude, that's what I did last year

>> No.13282308
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Only Thanksgiving turkey I need.

>> No.13282319

Avalanche chin, like all her neck fat slid down and smothered an alpine village. Had a lot of skin tags on it.

>> No.13282344


This. Or just get prepared meat and sides from the store tonight. Also, some pie and rolls.

>> No.13282361

Hard pass, then. Good call. Probably a townie that thought she could hook a mainlander and ride scot-free for life.

>> No.13282368

You can come over to my house. I live in North Dakota

>> No.13282381
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SNL made fun of this back in the early 90s

>> No.13282576

Me again. Is anyone coming??

>> No.13282789
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>he doesn't get his stealth on and track down a fresh turkey from a neighboring farm the night before Thanksgiving, using his charming wit to convince the farmer's daughter to let him cross the into the coop in the waning light of dusk while she distracts the dog only to fall madly in love with her and whisk her away but not forgetting the turkey so that they can share the primordial romantic feast together while the dog follows close behind because he is "man's best friend" and it is now very clear who the real man is
>instead he buys a 'holiday turkey dinner for one' from the store
Godspeed anon, I'm on the other side of the country but I hope you have a good one

>> No.13282872

Thanks for the recommendation friend :)
I don't know what Boston Market is
I live very far from North Dakota but thank you for the offer friend :)

I got some stuff at the store to make thanksgiving at home with no cooking, I will post pictures when I eat tomorrow. If the thread is archived by then I will just make a new one. Happy Thanksgiving Eve everyone!

>> No.13282899

>don’t know Boston market.
Lying sum bitch. I never even been to one and I know what it is. How rural can you possibly be.

>> No.13282902


That sounds good as long as we can go pheasant hunting, too. I've seen videos of pheasant hunting in North Dakota and it is downright awesome.

>> No.13282922


>> No.13283391

you gotta give us more advance notice than that. Like if you give me a year to schedule I would come visit an anonymous stranger on 4chan for Thanksgiving across the country, but I can't easily swing a ticket the same day on one of the most heavily traveled days of the year

>> No.13283414

Dude go out to eat. Treat yourself to a good meal at a nice place. Then go grab a six pack and just enjoy some vidya games.

>> No.13283417

>a slice of cranberry jelly

>> No.13283420
File: 2.58 MB, 4032x3024, thanksgivingfeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my single Thanksgiving feast. I've had the turkey in the freezer for a month waiting for today. Should be pretty good desu anon.

>> No.13283422

>not learning to bake in a microwave so that once you do move onto a real oven you will have already been through the most suffering a baker can imagine

Learn the art of the microwave.
Bake a pie from scratch with it.

>> No.13284270
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A microwave pizza, wash it down with a buckshot shooter.

I'm just kidding king. Take care of yourself. It was never the food that mattered, you know that. Eat what comforts you and reflect on what your thankful for in this life you've been gifted.

Try and spend this day with someone.

>> No.13284274

Elite post

>> No.13284278

just disregard pointless holidays

>> No.13284646

being a bloomer is basically someone who is an adept at meditation

>> No.13284726

Swanson Hungry Man and alcohol is your only option.

>> No.13284834

that sounds pretty comfy, really.
Happy Thanksgiving, OP.

>> No.13284843


>> No.13286530

I didn't make it to the family Thanksgiving Dinner. We had snow overnight and so I assume the highways are slick. With the vertigo I've had the last few days, I didn't want to drive on slick highways. In the 45 miles there and back, I would typically see two to three other cars each way so if I slid off of the road, it might be a while before someone came along. Cell service at some points along the way is really spotty, too, in the canyons.

So I'm getting ready to fix my Thanksgiving dinner. I have smoked turkey breast in the refrigerator. Dinner will consist of mashed potatoes, field peas with pieces of ham and onions in them, sliced smoked turkey heated in the oven, and brown and serve rolls with butter.

While that cooks (the field peas take about 45 minutes to an hour) I'll make some chocolate pudding to eat an hour or two after my meal. (I rarely eat dessert immediately after a meal.)

>> No.13286679

Good man. Are you watching the football?

>> No.13286820

Alright guys I'm starting to prepare the meal now, pictures of the spread in a minute

>> No.13286824

>being a bloomer is basically someone who is
Blind to the world around them

>> No.13286828

>would like to just stay home alone being a piece of shit playing video games and eating freezer food all day but have to go to two Thanksgivings today
>Was going to be three of them but I talked my way out of the third dinner
How do I achieve hermit mode?

>> No.13286832
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>> No.13286840

You don't want it. Just be hermit tomorrow or whatever.

>> No.13286850

i had a Thanksgiving style Turkey Sandwich from Von's grocery store once. From the inside deli where they make it when you order it. still remember it being very good. turkey breast sliced thin, not from a package. cranberry sauce, a little bit of cream cheese spread on the bread. man, that was good. don't buy the hype about big family dinners. I've had those but i don't remember them like this sandwich I got that one afternoon. wow.

>> No.13287017
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>> No.13287047

can I have a cookie, anon?

>> No.13287079
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Sure friend, there are plenty to go around :)

>> No.13287130
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I think it's better in sandwich form

>> No.13287206
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That was great, now time for dessert!

>> No.13287241
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>> No.13287806

all that self awareness makes you see the world for what it really is,huh Morpheus?

>> No.13287943

I used to work at a Safeway, which is the same things as Von's and I used to make those turkey cranberry sandwiches all the time.

I don't work there anymore and went back the other day and some old lady made it but told me they didn't have lettuce cause of the "recall". It was still pretty good but the ones I made were way better.

>> No.13288514

I dont even have a microwave
ate a box of whoppers, a bag of doritos and a box of juniormints with club soda.
I would have just gotten fast food or something but the closest mcshits is closed for repairs or something.

>> No.13288536

I went to steak n shake

>> No.13289183

That's not very healthy anon :(

>> No.13289204


I did, but I made too much, ate very nearly all of it, and so I was asleep in half an hour.