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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 811 KB, 1632x1224, deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13274262 No.13274262 [Reply] [Original]

Why arent you eating the white mans snack?

>Low in calories
>High in protein
>High in omega 3's
>The food of your ancestors

Everytime you eat some DEENZ you become even further aware of jewish plots


>> No.13274263
File: 231 KB, 1092x612, fishermanseggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill start

>> No.13274271

>Everytime you eat some DEENZ you become even further aware of jewish plots
Your deenz have on it.

>> No.13274277

>circled-U hechsher symbol

>> No.13274285


>> No.13274310

That's sick and twisted. I'll stick with chicken's eggs, thanks.

>> No.13274511

>canned food
>white mans food
Eat fresh, canned food is for EBT proles.

>> No.13274571

Saw this thread on /pol/ but I can't post on red boards because I'm soft banned by captcha. Bumblebee filed for bancrupcy and is a shit brand anyway, they are selling to Taiwan.

>> No.13274607

Just had some millionaires sweet and spicy deenz. Only the best.

>> No.13274613

Because I'm not white.

>> No.13274614

for me, it's spratz

>> No.13274617

>Saw this thread on /pol/
This applies to half the threads here

>> No.13274621

Fuck off trying to associate deenz with retarded /pol/ shit.

>> No.13274622

Your first mistake was browsing /pol/

>> No.13274630

Yea I know, I miss the days when every board was about politics and race baiting, but I guess now that ever 55IQ mongrel has a phone and can post we have no recourse.

>> No.13274637

*autistic gasping*

>> No.13274657

Enjoy your VitaSoy and nutritional deficiencies leading to restrictive brain function, I guess?

>> No.13275177
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x3024, DEENZBOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my mother fucking DEENZ bois

>> No.13275186

fuck that looks good, more pics?

>> No.13275201
File: 2.47 MB, 4032x3024, 20191126_121003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm eating these saucy mother fuckers

>> No.13275217

Do you eat straight outta the can or on crackers? Also, brand of choice? Where2buy in bulk?

>> No.13275219

aw shit padre, enjoy dem sweet deenz

>> No.13275250

All of the above

King Oscars are best or some portugese brands like porthos

If you want to buy bulk you can get 10 cans for 10 bucks at Costco.

Im going to pan sear them next bake them with some seasoned panko

then add a lemon vinegrette on top with a micro salad


>> No.13275902

You can have some Deenz.
Deenz nuts

>> No.13275912

Sounds good anon

>> No.13275921

yeah........... im thinkin deenz

>> No.13275973

>Why arent you eating the white mans snack?
because once you pop that can open the entire room is flooded by the pungent smell of unwashed genitals and dead cat

>> No.13275980

I eat it every Friday.

Bit tired of having it with white rice, however.

>> No.13275986
File: 64 KB, 612x677, image0-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jew-hexed nonwhite coombrain sheltered soyboy cuck mutt faggot detected

>> No.13275999

>canned food is for EBT proles.
EBT proles buy complete shit.

>> No.13276057

thats quite an enthusiastic reaction

>> No.13276100

imagine the farts

>> No.13276120

They're delightfully raunchy if you're into that kind of thing. It's missing the carbs to set it off though, it's best served with toast.

>> No.13276128

I can't believe someone bought this many fucking cans of sardines. How frequently is it safe to eat them? I'm always paranoid of heavy metal poisoning from sea food but I heard that sardines are one of the safest fishes to eat on a regular basis.

>> No.13276141

this nigga breath stink like garbage

>> No.13276225
File: 78 KB, 960x720, Fried-anchovies-recipe-56a8d3665f9b58b7d0f57c18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path
Nothing personal kid

>> No.13276264

>soft banned by captcha.

>> No.13276270

What exactly am I looking at here?

>> No.13276287

>Ibut I heard that sardines are one of the safest fishes to eat on a regular basis.
That's because they're smaller fish, big fish like tuna have significantly more mercury

>> No.13276688


>> No.13277052

You guys eat any other tinned seafood like mussels?

>> No.13277092

Yoooo /deenz/ can be enjoyed by all races. Sardines accepts all into their hearts.

>> No.13277114

Only the brined, olive oil, and sauce ones are good. The soybean oil is vomit inducing.

>> No.13277117

God damnit, I know what I'm doing for breakfast.

>> No.13277127

Thoughts on mackarel?

>> No.13277142

Fucking love mackeral. It's my favorite.

>> No.13277151

Not gonna lie I prefer Season Brand mackarel fillets to deenz.

>> No.13277330

>willingly poisoning yourself with heavy metals
>willingly poisoning yourself with PCBs
>willingly poisoning yourself with microplastics
Where THE FUCK can you catch fish that isn't full of mercury, aluminium, PCBs and other brain killing shit?

>> No.13277353

>he actually cares about his health over deenz

pretty cringe, I must say.

>> No.13277364

dont post that
it was made by a literally autistic /fit/izen

>> No.13277373

They still have heavy metals and plastic shit in them and I don't want none of that shit in my body.

>> No.13278445

git dat foul shit outta this here thread, cracka

>> No.13279529

get them in oil then, no smell. those in water indeed do what you describe

>> No.13279594

Sunflower seed oil ones are fine as well. Maybe even better than olive oil? Has a more neutral flavour.

I really wonder how much I can and should eat as well? I do eat my deenz and my smoked mackerel. But I wonder about the negative health impact it might have besides the positives. I wish there was a clear cut answer to this. But as always with food, there's not.

>> No.13279686

My girlfriend went home instead of spending the night once cause I ate a can in her car. Worth it
Didn't know she hated it so much, eat em in front of her all the time. I guess cause enclosed space she spends a lot of time in

>> No.13279702

Used to get smoked baby clams but can't find em anymore

>> No.13279722

i got kidney stones by looking at this

>> No.13279771

I hate olive oil with a passion and i can confirm the sunflower oil ones taste better, more of a fish taste than green stinky sock cherry taste

>> No.13279853

I can solve the captcha correctly a dozen times, and it will just say that I am wrong over and over. That doesn't happen to me on blue boards ever.

>> No.13279882


>> No.13279920
File: 125 KB, 720x540, 1574770608621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat deez with scrambled eggs, rice and beans and tomato sauce. My mom says it's disgusting and looks like something only a pig would feed on but I like it.

>> No.13280074

your mom is a pleb, tell her Anon said so

>> No.13280088

for me, it's canned 'na or 'mon with hot sauce and cracka ass crackas

>> No.13280104

If you don’t like and eat herring regularly, you aren’t white.

>> No.13280121

Jarpill me on herring. Do you eat the pickled stuff on crackers?

>> No.13280495
File: 79 KB, 760x754, nawuvxr2f0m31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been a vegetarian for a few years now but ive decided im going to start eating bivalves and sardines and cut down on dairy. will deenz taste good on a sandwich with mayo?

>> No.13280499

Toast em in a pan and it could be kino

>> No.13280504


>> No.13280513

They're good on a baguette with olive oil and nandos sauce.

>> No.13280518

t. tuna cuck

>> No.13280522

I eat it pickled, in oil, with onions, in cream, with dill, you name it.

>> No.13280527

tuna suck too but sardine suck more. only good fish is eel, swordfish, sea bass, maybe salmon

>> No.13280529

That looks good what is that white man?

>> No.13280533

eel is based but the rest are tuna tier dogshit
just eat beef you faggot

>> No.13280590
File: 80 KB, 1000x450, shutterstock_547553083-e1555061950856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finding a 100% safe food in the industrial waste dump known as earth
Do you eat anything?

>> No.13282072

I got a ten pack of seasons in olive oil 124g
They're delicious but I can't find anywhere what the undrained calorie amount is. Anyone know?

>> No.13282091

No I've just been eating tuna.