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File: 39 KB, 875x583, bond_martini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13273495 No.13273495 [Reply] [Original]

I just made a martini for the first time and it's basically just watered down gin? what the fuck am i missing here

>> No.13273505

Well, how did you make it?

>> No.13273506

2 parts gin 1 part lemonade

>> No.13273508

i tried 2.5oz gin / .5 oz vermouth
then i tried 2/.5

>> No.13273512

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.13273515

post your recipe faggot

>> No.13273516

As always, alter proportions to taste. Play with sweet vermouth vs dry vermouth.
In the last century it was a big meme to go through elaborate rituals to omit the vermouth while still using it: some rinsed the glass with vermouth, some held a bottle of vermouth up to a light and shone the light over a glass of gin, still others simple tipped a glass of gin in the vague direction of France.

If you like neat gin, good for you.

>> No.13273539

Why don't you Google one yourself, and post it?

>> No.13273556

I'm pretty sure that's not a martini.

>> No.13273559

its this faggot again


>> No.13273560


>> No.13273836

Your testicles

>> No.13273850

That's not a Martini

>> No.13273852

>vodka martini
>5 parts 60% vodka, 1 part vermouth
Drink of the gods.

>> No.13273889

My standard drink at cocktail bars and the like is a vodka martini. I can confirm that, indeed, a good martini is just really cold watered down liquor.

>> No.13274258

Is... Is this my new copypasta?

>> No.13274272

Dirty martinis are superior

>> No.13274291

Way too much vermouth. 5:2 ratio works for a Manhattan but in a martini you want like 25:2.

>> No.13274503
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if the bartender just says the word "Vermouth" while shaking the gin chiller, that' plenty

and vodka does not make a martini
gin and only gin

>> No.13274538

>hay guise, what's a vodka martini?

>> No.13274554

If by gods you mean sorority THOTs, then yeah.

>> No.13274559

>if the bartender just says the word "Vermouth" while shaking the gin chiller, that' plenty
Yes, I know there are about a hundred of these. If the bartender just points the bottle of gin at Italy...etc.

>> No.13274566

I like to call that the Dean Martini. In the fall I'll add a twist of pepperoncini to it instead of olive to warm up the guts a bit more.

>> No.13274567

A faggot's and pleb's """drink""".
The only acceptable Martini is with gin.

>> No.13274576

In ounces, how much gin vs how much vermouth should I try?
Keep it in oz., not this fagspeak of ratios and parts please.

>> No.13274585
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>> No.13274591
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I took an eye-dropper into a bar where I have an occasional martini and they use 3 drops of Vermouth, which is pushing it

>> No.13274599

5:1 is a good ratio, which is to say 5 parts gin and 1 part vermouth

>> No.13274612

It being popular doesn't make it a real drink, stupid

>> No.13274615

ugh, old-school slim looks terrible these days. it's like it was achieved with 0 exercise

>> No.13274633
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For me it's the manhattan.

>> No.13274638

I bondburgered your sister, tastelet.

>> No.13274658

So they make a drink but it's not "real" because some douche canoe on the chinz says so? Okay, bub, crawl out of your own ass.

>> No.13274664

ahh, gatekeeping, the surest sign of an adult child.

>> No.13274693

Oh, wow. Big man here, big man. I bet you're a real star at the bar. You must make a point of audibly scoffing whenever you hear someone order something that isn't a "real drink", and then educating them on what they should actually be ordering.

>> No.13274733

Seethe more, uncultured faggot redditors

>> No.13274790

My man

>> No.13274798

To be honest, the best martini I've had is the Vesper (from the Vesper bar in the Cosmo) and it has both gin and vodka. The bartender handed it to me saying "This is why James bond is an alcoholic" and sure enough two went down so quick and smooth I could see having 9 of them if I didn't drag myself away.
This is generally me as well, plus people don't argue about them as much.

>> No.13274836

drinking martinis is a phase. you'll grow out of it.

>> No.13274850

Disagree. Everyone can appreciate a simple, clean cocktail.
A privileged few ascend beyond humanity and come to enjoy the savory refreshment of a dirty martini.

>> No.13274857

Don't listen to the plebs, that's exactly what James orders in Casino Royale. He called it a Vesper.

>> No.13274894
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>> No.13274931

>not dirty

>> No.13275004

thanks for the ((you's)) kind stranger! upvoted whilst drinking a vodka martini.

>> No.13275009

Cringe. Really hope this is just one person.

>> No.13275052

Bartender here. The way people drink martinis now is just a fucking chilled gin shot.

>> No.13275057


You're not a very good bartender.

>> No.13275089

Woah buddy I can make a martini, people seem to mostly order dry vodka martinis or dirty martinis with no vermouth. So either it's a chilled spirit in a glass or a chilled spirit with olive juice in a glass. I guess if you are drinking to get drunk this is pretty efficient.

>> No.13275095

why would someone reply to their own posts? lmao

>> No.13275122

Is it normal to add butter when you cook it?

>> No.13275153

lol fuck, wrong thread. I can't wait for the inevitable
>do americans really put butter in their martinis?

>> No.13275165

lmao, I was actually going to reply to your original and be like "did you mean hot buttered rum?" good save.

>> No.13275466

Shaken, not stirred

>> No.13275496

It shouldn't be watered down; you're only supposed to add a tiny dash of vermouth.

Regardless, a martini is essentially a polite way to, well, drink a whole glass of gin.

>> No.13275522

That's a meme from WWII. The original martini was 2:1 gin to sweet vermouth.

>> No.13275533

I made this, thought it just tasted like booze on booze

I liked an old fashioned better, wanna make a sazerac soon

>> No.13275573


>> No.13277006

He's not wrong though.

>> No.13277018
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the meta post
always a favorite

>> No.13277025

Then it's a Vesper, but not a Martini.

>> No.13277030

top jej

>> No.13277062

Okay fuck the rest of the gay shit in this thread. What are the best and worse cocktails you've made?

Best for me is what I call a Bloody Dutchman. Its a bloody mary with Brandy in place of Vodka, has a nice funk to it.

Worse was when I had gotten the bright idea to mix light, toasted coconut rum with milk. it was foul and made me want to vomit. Only finished it cause I had a box of milk duds to wash out the flavor as I drank it

>> No.13277121

Reminder: James Bond's drink of choice is not a martini. It's actually a Vesper. The movie guys decided that was too obscure so they changed it for the moves to a martini.

>> No.13277135

Also remember in the first book James was only chosen for the mission cause he was the best gambler of the organization and wanted him to make a russian operative lose literally all of his cash and be bankruptted into turn coating to escape his furious bosses, not anywhere close to their best spy.

Wish the movie bonds were like that, just a drunk gambler fucking over super villains and shit by conning them out of their fortunes at the casino table

>> No.13277141

I mean the Daniel Craig bond is definitely not the best operative to be fair. He's very flawed.

>> No.13277168

Around this time of year I do a caramel apple white Russian type drink. 50ml Stoli, 100ml vanilla cinnamon Bailey's, just a splash of caramel apple liqueur. It's fucking D to the A to the N to the K. Green Berets are cool too because they are so easy.

>> No.13277175
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Best is by far the classic White Russian. Worst is.... Irish car bomb.

>> No.13277281

>He's very flawed.
But he gets the job done, god dammit.

>> No.13277295

A vesper martini does NOT have lemonade. It's just a more alcoholic martini with some vodka in addition to the gin and vermouth.

OP, if you aren't putting orange bitters in your martini, don't even bother making one.

>> No.13278331

>Complains about his Martini tasting like gin
>Posts a pic of a man enjoying a vodka martini.

>> No.13279836
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Martini is a great drink.

>> No.13279855

Martini Rosso (sweet) is delicious

>> No.13280909

W-What does vermouth taste like?

Also what are some basic things I can pick up at the supermarket to make cocktails? I know limes are one. What else? Apple juice?

>> No.13280923

Vermouth is just a dry white wine with some herbs in it. Honestly it doesn't taste too different from dry white wines.

If you're going to the supermarket, you probably can't get liquor if you're in the US, but you can get angostura bitters, lime and lemon juice, grenadine, milk, cream, etc. My best advice is to get the stuff you'll use for other things also and then look up a couple popular cocktails to make and get those ingredients. Most cocktails require 2-3 different bottles of alcohol though so it can get expensive experimenting with different things.

>> No.13280937

Not US so I can get liquor here, but I've never seen bitters before. Would I be very limited trying to make cocktails without them/other fancy ingredients like vermouth?
I already have whiskey at home, what additional liquors would give me the greatest variety in your opinion? I was thinking darker rum + gin.

>> No.13280945

>vodka martini
>shaken, not stirred
>all women in the bar gush in their panties
this is what guys who order martinis imagine

>> No.13280967

Gin is a must buy, I recommend Beefeater as a mid shelf that's pretty much the least polarizing gin. Whiskey is a popular base spirit, but also there are many cocktails that call for specifically bourbon or canadian whiskey so maybe get one of those. As for rum cocktails, many call for silver rum instead of dark rum, so look up some recipes and choose one of them for now. Brandy cocktails are also nice, and there are a few cheap brandies that are decent tasting (St. Remy in particular). Liqueurs and cordials are also pretty necessary for cocktails, particularly triple sec, St. Germaine, amaretto, curacao, etc. It all depends on your budget and how well stocked your grocery store is.

Overall, it's tough to build a decent bar without buying 20+ bottles and spending a lot of cash, so you might be better off going to bars and sampling cocktails to see what you want to make.

>> No.13280975
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Also I forgot to mention, angostura bitters is pretty important too, many cocktails call for it. Pic related. Every grocery store I've been to has it but I'm not sure where you live and it might be different there.

>> No.13281005

Thanks, really appreciated. I guess I can order the bitters off amazon worst case.
Can you tell me what the difference between these is? Why is the 0.1l variant more expensive than the 0.2l? They seem to be the same brand and the ingredient list is the exact same.



>> No.13281014

Yeah they are the exact same, the .2 L version is the one to get. I'm not sure why the .1 L is more expensive, maybe it's a discontinued version with lower stock or something. I've never seen one that small.

>> No.13281015

Looks like the 200ml is being sold by an external vendor.

>> No.13281027

Nah it says that Amazon directly ships it.

>> No.13282440

Jesus. Let's clear this up. The Vesper martini is named after the girl Bond fucks in Casino Royale.
It's 3 ounces Gordon's gin, 1 ounce vodka and a half ounce Lillet's dry vermouth, shaken, and served with a lemon peel. It's really good and ridiculously strong for a martini.

>> No.13282464
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I would drink the fuck out these until I ended up on the floor (down on the floor?)

>> No.13282471

Very dirty. With lots of olives.

Shake/stirr I could not give a fuck.

>> No.13282503

Best martini recipe coming through:

3 oz gin
.5 oz vermouth

Put the vermouth in a shaker with plenty of ice.
Shake vigorously for 15-30 seconds, then strain. The only vermouth that goes into the drink is what coats the ice.
Add gin to the same shaker, and stir to combine.
Pour and enjoy.

>> No.13282508


>> No.13283248


>dumping alcohol down the drain as part of a recipe

>> No.13283253

multigenerational marketing

>> No.13283256

You do realize that all cocktails are watered down spirits designed to maximize profit per bottle right?

>> No.13283455

What kind of dystopian shithole do you live in? They charge by the alcohol: a shot of rum is the same price as a rum and coke.

>> No.13283564

People hate, but I'm with you. I think vermouth ruins everything it touches so I try to use as little as possible.

>> No.13283590


>> No.13283606

>Worst is.... Irish car bomb.
I have only ever had those when I was already too drunk to taste. I got this cherry liqueur that ruined everything I put it in but that was just me experimenting. I say the worst is any cocktail that includes that shitty cherry liqueur.

>> No.13283622

>is the same price as a rum and coke
>morons actually believe this

top kek

>> No.13283636


you are WRONG. adding liquor to beer results in many wonderful fucking drinks.

>> No.13283641

Buying a rum and coke in the first place is all you need to know about his intellect.

>> No.13283750

at dive bars this is usually true, at least the ones i frequent. they'll even give you soda for free if you just order it without alcohol

>> No.13283761

that saltiness is addictive

>> No.13283769

yes because they have to find some way to attract customers into their shithole,

>> No.13283867

You realize we're talking about a cocktail that is nothing but booze, right?

>> No.13283940

you can't provide any reason why gatekeeping is bad.

>> No.13284031

In this case your gatekeeping is nothing more than a personal preference for heavily modifying a drink, to the point it no longer actually resembles a cocktail in any form other than there being alcohol in a glass.

>> No.13284113

Yes, good goy pay the man to mix and put an olive in it lots of shekels

>> No.13284201


Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks please

>> No.13284214

finally I understand

>> No.13284219


And this is why a dry martini is the best alco to price drink. It's hard to gyp someone with less alcohol when you can see the exact amount in your glass and thick glasses are noticeable.

>> No.13284230
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>> No.13284247

>watered down gin
So you're missing vermouth and orange bitters.

>> No.13284249

There were diet pills available over the counter then that you can’t even get on scrip now.

>> No.13284281

>(orange) bitters
optional to the point of "nobody does that"

It does help out the gin though, especially if you bought one you're not really big on (which is a terrible idea for a martini, seeing as your ratio's probably going to be minimum 5 gin: 2 vermouth).

I obviously can't/won't get my hands on a bottle of Kina Lillet, but my favourite abuse of alcohol lately is a Vesper (martini) made with Lillet dry and a single fleck of cinchona bark:
>Three shots of Gordon's,
>one of Tito's,
>half-ish of Lillet Dry,
>one thin slice of lemon (peel removed for garnish),
>that cinchona piece,
>and 2/3 of a highball of ice,
>shaken ten times, given a swirl, and poured ideally into a champagne flute (I know, it's supposed to be a goblet, but I find the tighter nose keeps the lillet and quinine near the tip of the tongue where it belongs).

>> No.13284291

>optional to the point of "nobody does that"
It's not optional. Without orange bitters it's not a Martini. Just like you can't make a Manhattan without Angostura bitters.

>> No.13284305

For every martini recipe you can find me involving bitters of any kind, I'll show you ten without. As martinis became drier, the bitters dwindled and dropped. A "classic" martini (heavy on the vermouth, with a dash of bitters to round it out) would be almost unrecognizable to someone used to the modern "Wave the glass toward Europe and hand me my cold gin" Martini.

>> No.13284308

Orange bitters isn't in a martini you fucking faggot. I would throw that shit in the eyes of my bartender if he ever gave me a "martini" with fucking orange bitters. I'd also kill the people next to me.

>> No.13284315

With everything happening in the gin, you shouldn't notice the bitters, especially a relatively sweeter seville orange or key lime based bitters, and especially if you drink your martini with a garnish of any kind - olives, pickled onion (Gibson, I know), and lemon would all mask the bitters - You'd most likely only notice that the drinks are going down faster than usual.

>> No.13284317
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>In the fall I'll add a twist of pepperoncini to it instead of olive to warm up the guts a bit more.

Based. A great idea. I would like to seek more of your teachings.

>> No.13284321

If you're going to use habanero, do not serve it as a garnish. Use very little and make sure it stays in the shaker. Garnish with lime.

>> No.13284343
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>> No.13284350

I'm not even that guy, I've just dicked around with slightly spicy cocktails and made some horrible mistakes.

But, if you wish for more wisdom - try the gin you're making your martini with at room temperature with a splash of water, and see what flavours come to mind. Those are your garnishes. For instance, Hendricks works well with cucumber, sweet pepper, bay leaf and rosemary.

>> No.13284569

What cocktails do you guys make regularly at home (not at bars)?

>> No.13284610
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>> No.13284621

People water down gin?

>> No.13286163

Old Fashioneds, Caipirissimas, Negronis, Martinis, Manhattans, White Russians, and I can usually whip something up if a guest asks for it.

>> No.13286262

Negronis and espresso martinis. Bitches love espresso martinis.

Also fireball/fresh apple juice/a squeeze of lemon juice, but I have no idea what it's called.

>> No.13286276

sounds like a revised applejack sour

>> No.13286372

Some coat the glass with vermout and throw the excess away.
But I like your way also, really nice.

>> No.13286492

I've never understood why people don't just add the amount of vermouth they want instead of wasting it.