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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 446 KB, 636x476, onion dispenser (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13271662 No.13271662 [Reply] [Original]

I went to my local costco the other day to get the 1.50 hot dog, and to my surprise both onion dispensers were gone! How did they expect me to eat the hot dog without Kirkland Signature onions? Have any of you noticed costco getting rid of the onions?

>> No.13271678

Do you happen to live in an area with a ton of Asians? Those fuckers love to pile a shitton of the diced onions onto their plates. Your Costco probably wants to avoid them doing that anymore so they just took it away

>> No.13271686

you might have to ask for little single serve cups of them now, I do in Canada.

>> No.13271692

Looks like the turny thing is in backwards

>> No.13271695

it free me rikey free

even though it white onion which is nearly free at grocery store i still want free

>> No.13271699

this is exactly what happened, not so many Asian people in my neighborhood, but definitely the type that would free load. they removed it about a year ago, apparently enough people complained that they reinstated it and now have an attendant to keep everything clean and to keep an eye on the condiments.

I live in New York City, and it’s a shame when people abuse systems like this. I assume eventually food stamps will come to the same conclusion

>> No.13271703
File: 99 KB, 768x576, 1507592772202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans need to have their condiments under lock and key

you couldn't make this shit up

>> No.13271723

7-11 still has the onions out on their condiment bar. Plus they have a free chili and cheese dispenser where I am, which is great.

>when you're going to be the next world superpower, but your government has to use facial recognition software to prevent you from stealing toilet paper in public bathrooms

>> No.13271732

I live in Canada, and a local cafe had to stop giving people metal utensils because the local Chinese would just pocket them and bring them home. Apparently it's a cultural thing.

>> No.13271754

Is their culture to be thieving pieces of shit?

>> No.13271758


This. I've noticed this at Disney World once. Some Disney restaurants have toppings bars for burgers/hotdogs. I've seen Asians make entire meals out of the toppings bars and they don't even order food. I've seen spics do this too.

>> No.13271773

Korean costco salad


>> No.13271779

We're apparently not allowed to judge them for it, just try to adapt to it. They also switched over from having salt/pepper shakers and a ketchup bottle at the tables, to having packets that you have to ask for.

>> No.13271786

imagine the smell...

>> No.13271820

In the 1990s Hardee’s had a “ fixins bar” in the dining area where you could pick out all your own toppings for their hamburgers. Unfortunately you-know-who kept coming in and eating exclusively from the “fixins bar” and not ordering anything. They removed all of them because there was no way to control the losses. Some “people” ruin everything

>> No.13271837

goddamn deatheaters ruining it for everyone

>> No.13271847

im gonna say the N word

>> No.13271853
File: 3.11 MB, 1828x1025, 1531962556177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niggers spics and chinks ruining my restaurant experience

They ruin everything else in society so nothing new I guess.

>> No.13271867

ITT: racist bait.

>> No.13271868

Yes. Chinks are subhuman.

>> No.13271872

what's wrong Kim? can't steal onions anymore?

>> No.13271882 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 900x900, Nigger Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13271887

>but your government has to use facial recognition software
how would that even work in china

>> No.13271892


>> No.13271895

Low IQ whitoid sperging out as usual.

Bow down to your Chinese and Korean overlords, already.

>> No.13271936









Hello, what kind of toppings do these places offer?
How do the east asians make a full meal out of just toppings?

>> No.13271938

>Bow down to your Chinese and Korean overlords, already.
You lot need to solve your own internal peasant problems before you aspire to being global superpowers.

Learn from America's mistake, Asians. If you don't wipe out the ignorant poor living in your ghettos and rural areas, they'll drag you down in the end, no matter how great the achievements of your urban elites may be.

>> No.13271941

Unironically, the systems they implemented actually had serious initial issues due to this.

>> No.13271964

At Costco, it's literally just a mountain of diced onions with mustard and ketchup

>> No.13272122


At Disney's toppings bars, they offer lettuce, tomatoes, onions, ketchup, mayo, mustard, relish

>> No.13272150

my 7-11 has onions, relish, jalapeno discs,pico di gallo but not sauerkraut(others do).
they use regular squirt bottles for mayo, mustard and ketchup because I imagine the individual sauce packets go into everyones pockets.

>> No.13272168

spic here, we do steal costco onions, mostly because it's already chopped and chopping onion is a pain in the ass and makes my eyes water, so grabbing a bunch every time I go to costco is easier.

>> No.13272182

at my previous job, we would work at a food bank once or twice a year. the people that came were 80% indigent and 20% old asian people that couldn't pass up something for free. they complained about the selection that was on offer quite a bit.

>> No.13272195

Can spics not sharpen knives? Or learn how damned fast it is to dice an onion? Thieving fuck.

>> No.13272207

Why the fuck are you hitting enter after clicking every post? Please tell me you aren't typing in all those numbers.

>> No.13272215

Don't get too smug. If Costco was giving away unlimited free Somali cock in Europe they would have to put a limit on that.

>> No.13272229

Can you please tell your eses that the same onion grinding device can be had at the thrift store for $2? I can't even find a pic of mine but they exist.

>> No.13272243

>Implying black people would eat vegetables

>> No.13272264

Just be thankful that you can still spend your hard earned money on one of the most shit tiered foods available all day every day in the land of the free, land of the poor.

>> No.13272270

Up in the Bay Area old Chinks raid the food banks then squat on the sidewalk all day selling their donated food for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.13272278
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, 7CC2DFBA-6555-479F-B05C-A00E46F0D271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gooks were a mistake

>> No.13272311

>"And a glass of tap water, please..."

>> No.13272326

I go into your taco shops, buy 2 tacos, then proceed to grab 6 cups of red sauce, 6 cups of green sauce, 6 cups of guacamole, a baggie full of chopped onions, a baggie of cilantro, and a baggie of that vegetable mix you faggots love so much that has those spicy carrots, onions, jalapenos, and sometimes even radishes if I'm lucky.
Then I have condiments for the next week, so FUCK you

>> No.13272343

The moral of the story is: everyone can be terrible.

>> No.13272355
File: 355 KB, 1149x621, Screenshot_2019-11-25 Large Eggs, 15 Dozen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, good eggs are cheap, but if you need insulin...

>> No.13272373


No of course not, I am doing what you guys do here.

Sent from my IPad

>> No.13272386

Unironically yes

>> No.13272578

revoke their fucking membership instead of making the other 99% suffer. Come on Costco

>> No.13272583


>> No.13272644

Not even a good price. That’s right around double of what I pay per dozen

>> No.13272700

I get the brown ones for only $10 more

>> No.13272774

You don't need a membership to eat in the food court

>> No.13272877

>Bay area.
>Where the homeless are already a problem.
>Now lets take the food that might go to them at some point, and sell it in their shit.

>> No.13272881

You apparently have never had to do business with them?

>> No.13272888

>Lumping in Koreans with Chinese.
How fucking dare you.

>> No.13273089

Well, yes, cause China's a communist shithole.

>> No.13273270

This is the reason the white race is declining
>N-NO!!! Don't take advantage of every opportunity to save money. How else is Me.Shekelgruber supposed to make money off of us being mindless consumers???

Non-whites take advantage of opportunities that whites leave open due to their complacency from being masters of civilization for 400 years and we're going to pay for it.

The same ruthlessness is what won our ancestors global domination but now it's "UGHHHH WHY AREN'T THEY BEING WHINY PUSSIES LIKE ME?!?!?!"

>> No.13273278


>> No.13273301

$1.93 a dozen? I can get 18 eggs for cheaper than that at fucking kroger.

>> No.13273361

I went today and they had them at mine
They didnt have the crushed pepper freely available like the one I used to frequent