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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13266409 No.13266409 [Reply] [Original]

what do I add to this shit to give it some flavour and make it taste nicer?

Mainly talking sauces ect.

>> No.13266414 [DELETED] 

why don’t you google chicken and rice stir fry recipes instead of using this board as your friend simulator?

>> No.13266415

sugar, lots of brown sugar. And some soy sauce too. boom there you fucking go.

>> No.13266417

thai sweet chili cauce

>> No.13266419

How about you suck my dick.

>> No.13266423 [DELETED] 

so you don’t actually want recipes and just want attention? what a surprise

>> No.13266424

Yeah, salt and sugar. I think soy sauce helps mainly because of the high sodium concentration, making up for the fact that most people don't use enough salt.

>> No.13266428

i second this

>> No.13266431

salt, pepper, smoked paprika, egg, onion

>> No.13266432

I wanted recipes and suggestions from my /ck/ bros not fucking google. You're the one being a dick.

>> No.13266443 [DELETED] 

why? recipes on google have thousands of reviews and the top ones are from people paid to cook
ok, put honey mustard on your chicken. now what? are you actually going to do it? no? ok
you’re going to mass reply to each person and say inane shit like “trying to eat healthy, i don’t like x” and the entire thread will be a waste of time because you want to feel like you have friends

>> No.13266449
File: 109 KB, 800x1200, egg recipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shakabrah eggs are goat and good lifting foods

basically anything frand, bbq isn't my favorite for rice but you can go with anything from the 5 flavor groups

>> No.13266467 [DELETED] 

I'll be your friend op

>> No.13266477
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>> No.13266492

no one on this website knows who you are. Calling them your "bros" is psychologically unhealthy, because you're developing a social interest/dependency on a nebulous and unidentifiable group of people--by definition, they are unreliable and cannot support you in the way that you desire

>> No.13266501

Stop eating chicken breast.

>> No.13266658

It needs nothing extra. Throw in a couple sides of steamed vegetables and a metabolic steroid smoothie for desert and you're golden. See you in the sauna afterward, *wink wink*

t. /fit/

>> No.13266677 [DELETED] 

Wow, this looks awful. Fucking put some paprika pepper and salt on that chicken, fry that, make creamy or milky risotto out of that rice add some rosemery and thyme add a salad or a slaw, put some balsamic vinegar on that shit. Fucking have some basic human dignity. What are you, a gook?

>> No.13266692

alright bro

>> No.13266833

>what do I add to this shit to give it some flavour and make it taste nicer?
>Mainly talking sauces ect.
I often pick up a rotisserie chicken from the grocery, and I duplicate my sides and my improved dipping sauce inspired from a restaurant I loved in Miami but doesn't exist where I am, mustard curry.
I might buy any flavor of the chicken, from mojo to lemon pepper at publix. I'll section off one breast and steam a brown rice (frozen steam-in-bag), or cook a bag of yellow rice. I might marinate some cucumbers in Makoto ginger dressing, or some ripe avocado. For my grain, I might go with some oven baked sweet potato fries, either the rice or the sweet potatoes are great with the extra mustard-curry sauce.
In a small bowl, ill zest one lime and juice it. A tsp of jamaican curry powder, 1/2 teaspoon of ginger paste (or makoto), 1/2 tsp of mustard powder or a mustard from my fridge, tsp of hot mango chutney or brown sugar to balance the sour/ bitter of the lime and curry, and equal parts mayo with sour cream (or greek yogurt). Chili paste or some green chili optional. That's it!

>> No.13266839


>> No.13267113

I usually see it served with ginger-and-scallion sauce as well as a second one made of sesame oil, soya sauce, sugar, garlic and vinegar, not to mention the sambal on the cucumber slice, of course.

>> No.13267152
File: 42 KB, 123x121, Honeyview_2019-09-06_02-13-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do I add to this shit to give it some flavour and make it taste nicer

Americans. Never change.

>> No.13267173
File: 39 KB, 522x356, 91-d3uUwWEL._SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to make plain rice every time. Add some bullion/broth to that shit. Chicken bullion+cumin+salsa+rice with 1.5-2x more water in a covered pot on the stove for 20 min on simmer makes good mexican style rice
Just go to the store and buy some sauces. Barbecue, mccormick seasoning packets, whatever so you find what you like and go from there

>> No.13267870

Anon ok.. Take 1 breast, chop her up. Take half cup rice rinse 5 times. Mix rice chicken 1 can condensed cream of whatever soup and add 2 cans water. sprinkle salt on top or cheese. Bake 1.5 hours at 350. I am saying this with a 5 person recipe.. so maybe my amounts are off is you are one person.. hence 1 chicken breast. Normally I would do almost a whole chicken shredded 3 cans cream and 1.5 cups rice...

>> No.13267883

This pic is fucked. All sauces have their purpose. I ferment mine but also have different Mexican sauces and Crystal and Louisiana. Tabasco is great on certain things eggs in example. I almost never anymore use cocksauce. and Tapito is prob best mexican style.. I can drink that shit.

>> No.13269993

carrots, green peas, onions, butter, soy sauce and BAM
Of course you put everythin in the pan and cook together., no need to stir or anything.
Alternatively, brown onions in butter, then colour the chicken, after that dump water and everything else and cook it low and slow.

>> No.13270009
File: 740 KB, 720x1196, Capture+_2019-11-24-20-14-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youve been telling this to people all day.

>> No.13270014

u mad

>> No.13270200

I like to mix sour cream into my rice and add some hot sauce. Yum.

>> No.13270202
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>> No.13270213

You sound like a nice and fun person

>> No.13270358

Swap out the chicken for some tempeh you dirty carnist

>> No.13270376


>> No.13270383

fuck off, the board is dead enough already you faggot let people post shit they want

>> No.13270391
File: 79 KB, 446x435, 1572310085193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13270405

Asians add sugar/crystalized sugar to literally everything too.

>> No.13270425

don't add sugar. white rice is already naturally sweet.

you usually want to cook your rice in chicken broth or chicken stock to give it nicer flavor.

chicken doesn't need much help to taste nicer because chicken is already delicious, unless if you overcooked it.

>> No.13270474

For you

>> No.13270503
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A shitload of cream and some aromatics.
The French figured this out centuries ago.

>> No.13270548

jarred pesto is THE underrated condiment/sauce

>> No.13270566

I toss my chicken and rice with salsa or taco sauce. Soy sauce + hot sauce is good too.
You could add a curry also, you can get the curry packages at most grocery stores for like, 2$ that mix with water.

>> No.13271515

Okay tranny