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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13265998 No.13265998 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /tea/. This is a thread for general discussion about tea, tisanes, and mate.

What are you drinking today?

/tea/ FAQ:

Homemade masala chai with Ceylon tea

>> No.13266072
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I got a stack of these tuos in recently. I will post a review in the morning.

>> No.13266141
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>> No.13266220

It was 150ml but I see what you mean about the strainer basket sitting high, the adagio thing looks a lot better but I have a distaste for plastics. In the end it seems like the sort of thing would make it easiest to graduate from bags

>> No.13266342

you can get small glass teapots with a removable glass leaf holder, i think mines 400ml. they're great but there's not a lot of room for the leaf to fully expand and brew.

something like this would be perfect, too big for gongfu though

>> No.13266440

i bought a bunch of p cheap tea blends off ebay from 'theteaport', a vanilla rooibos, indian chai, and a "french blend", in total, $29 for 3/4 lbs (1/4lb each) of tea. Delivered in a couple days. The "french blend" is just 'ok', the rooibos is great, and the chai is 'good' but it's hard for chai not to be good. overall I'm pretty happy.

There is a brand called 'samadoyo' I was looking at; you can get pic related cheap off alibaba -- I haven't ordered since I'm about to move but I think it seems nice. I'm also a big fan of stainless steel infusers, and just brewing in a mug.

>> No.13266446
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>> No.13266461
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Consider an "easy gaiwan" they have a built-in strainer for easy pouring.

>> No.13266486

Okay new gong fu guy here. Realized I might’ve used too hot of water for my silver needle green I got as an extra for my order, so I am brewing it with cooler water and drinking the wash as my frugal mind demands, and it instantly tastes different

Sort of a faint peppery spice, still has the taste of stewed brussel sprouts, but it’s less in your face, mingling with the new pepperyness.

Fascinating, need to get a thermometer or temp controlled kettle soon

>> No.13266544

the cup can be used as a lid, fuck thats cute. if i ever break my gaiwan im getting one of those

>> No.13266587

Temp controlled kettles seriously are the bomb dot com. The only word of caution is that for some teas(oolong and blacks) I’ve found that the recommended temperature on my kettle is often way too fucking hot.

>> No.13266590

Cheap electric kettle posted up next to your desk/tea station is the comfiest

>> No.13266684

Anyone have any books/articles/blogs evaluating tea produced outside of the traditional tea growing regions(China, Japan, India, Taiwan)?

Most of the tea that is produced outside of these regions tends to be CTC-method tea that is destined for teabags of greater or lesser quality and I'm wondering if there exists an "orthodox" tea culture in any of these regions. I've had some Kenyan loose-leaf before but I've never seen tea produced in Korea, Vietnam, the Azores, or the US for sale that isn't CTC.

>> No.13266707

Give me a list of your favourite tea of the various types. If you feel you don't have enough experience with the type, just skip it .

>> No.13266896

Went mad and got both of them, the question is what tea to put in them, any recommendations? I've enjoyed oolong before but just grandpa brewed or whatever it is

>> No.13266912

There is a tiny amount of tea produced in the US that is looseleaf, it is incredibly expensive at least $1g iirc. The varietals grown seem to mostly be dictated by the climate of whatever region they are in and they tend to just be black tea, green tea, maybe an oolong with no farmer seeming to focus on one particular method of processing.
Here is a link to a list of US and Canada tea farms and a general description of each ones operation. If you dig around you can find a few that actually sell tea.

>> No.13266947 [DELETED] 

I shilled lots of puer in the last thread.

>> No.13266963

I shilled lots of puer in the last thread. It's pretty much all I drink so I can't really help with other recommendations.

>> No.13266971
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>make rosehip and hibiscus tisane
>stains all my porcelain pink

>> No.13266973

i really like Yunnan "Black Gold Bi Luo Chun" Black Tea, Bi Luo Chun is usually green but this black balled tea is really nice, the dry leaf is still a little moist which gives it a sweet date/fig smell.

>> No.13267122

Thanks for the help lads, I wait warmly for these orders to arrive. Only got some tiny amounts to start but I'm rather looking forward to it

>> No.13267154
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Touhou was a good game.

>> No.13267503

I just put in an order with YS. I should have added a few more 100g mini cakes for coworkers. Do you think that would be a good Christmas gift for teammates I'm tight with? Or too autistic? Maybe not puerh though.

>> No.13267513

Yeah you always got to dial it in.

>> No.13267554

Do your mates give a shit about tea? Would they appreciate a $15 amount of pu-erh tuocha any more than a $5 box of twinnings?

I don’t think I’ve met a single person outside of my previous Chinese coworkers where giving and receiving quality tea as a gift is something appreciated. It was great receiving mini-packets of Tieguanyin and Jinjunmei from them for Christmas once they found out I was obsessed with tea.

>> No.13267576

I guess probably two of four of them would.
I also have received the blessing of receiving tea from Chinese homies. Also squid jerky signature to the city my coworker is from. Good feel.

>> No.13267625

A formal notice: remember to preheat your cups and vessels!

When you pour hot water into a room temperature gaiwan, thermal energy will transfer from the tea and water into the gaiwan's walls. This will reduce the water temperature by 10 degrees fahrenheit or more - making a big difference on flavor, especially with green teas which don't require a rinse anyways. To prevent this, pour hot water into your cups and empty gaiwan/teapot and let it sit for 30 seconds or so before pouring it out. Besides making sure you don't under-steep, it's also useful for keeping teas brewed at low temperature nicely warm, and if the cup is hotter than the tea itself it can even heat the liquor up a bit.

The same rule carries over with soups, if you ever pour piping hot broth into a bowl and wonder why it's lukewarm 5 minutes later, that's why.

>> No.13267909

Friendly reminder that prepared coffee berries are a spice and that, as such, a decoction of the same is a tisane.

Coffee is an herbal tea.

>> No.13268904

dont forget to tell us what you think once they arrive

>> No.13268930

Tisane is not tea and not all coffee preparations are decoctions.

>> No.13268932
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2011 XiaGuan "Bu Lang Lao Shu" (Bulang Old Tree) Tuo
Smoky, bitter, sweet. Like dating an Irish girl. Lots of flavor up front and a sweetness that lingers on that palette for a good while. This is a pretty good tea without the crazy levels of bitterness some Bulangs have. Still this is a tea for people who like bitter. Probably not a tea your mom would enjoy as some tea bloggers have taken to rating teas recently.

>> No.13268984

/tea/, could we switch gears for a second here, would you mind that? I remember a few threads ago anons were talking about a tea (or "herbal supplement") that if consumed too often gradually wrecks your liver. Does anybody know what that may be? I'm trying to avoid drinking deadly tea.

>> No.13269006

i think that was a medicinal tea, so tea with shit added to it, not pure leaf

>> No.13269114

tea earl gray hot

>> No.13269295

What’s everyone’s least favorite tea to brew?

Personally, despite enjoying the flavor, I despise brewing Japanese green teas(Sencha and Gyokoru). I have a gongfu style teapot and trying to brew Japanese teas in it just turns the whole thing into a swamp blocking the filter where I can only get the tea infusion out by vigorously shaking it. Furthermore, it seems every subsequent infusion is incredibly bitter because the leaves retain so much water after every infusion.

I really can’t justify buying it especially considering the astronomically short shelf life and high price of it anyway.

>> No.13269308
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>gongfu style teapot

>> No.13269359

try a gaiwan? i have a 3 crane liubao tea cake that's very small leaf/stems and mostly duct when broken up and brewing in a gaiwan with a filter works fine, i just dump the 'dust' in the filter back into the gaiwan after every cup
you can get small single cup teapots and i always filter though a mesh filter

>> No.13269682

The holes in the spout I have no idea what they’re called but they get gunked up with sencha sludge.

>> No.13269816

There is about as much danger of you drinking deadly tea as there is of getting attacked by a shark in Arizona

>> No.13269838
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Made clotted cream and jam. Very good on toast with tea

>> No.13269843
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Clotted cream
Yes I know it looks like some of it is too liquid but it looked good for the picture then I poured it out

>> No.13269848
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>> No.13269858

Based and bongpilled

>> No.13269899
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tried ordering tea from Japan
it's higher quality than the usual chink shit, regardless of the specific tea, I might try ordering chink tea from Japan next time and see how the quality is

anyway these are sencha satsuma no kunpu from Kagoshima for a weeb friend and karigane genmaicha for lil' ol' poor me, from yuuki-cha.com

>> No.13269933
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paid around €8 for 100g of sencha, about the same for 200g of genmaicha, and a bit less for shipping
I've only tried my genmaicha so far and imo it's definitely worth it, good quality tea, I'm inclined to believe the karigane is really from 100% ichibancha as the seller indicated
it's the first genmaicha I buy and I really don't know how much the rice to tea proportions vary, but I'd have hoped for this to have more tea compared to the rice, the smell of the liquor is reminiscent of smoky pop corn and that overwhelms the smell of the tea, but I suppose that migh be down to personal preference
apart from that it's a great quality tea and I'm most definitely going to buy more tea from this website

>> No.13269963 [DELETED] 

That genmaicha looks good. I might pick some up. I'm no expert but I think it's supposed to have a pretty high proportion of rice puffs. I think in Japan it's considered a lower caffeine option for that reason.

>> No.13269968
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first brewing, around 6g per 270ml of water for 40", then same amount of water for 5", then same with 5" increments
the liquor looks very green for a genmaicha from what I gathered, I haven't seen a great deal many teas looking this green even without added rice

the flavor doesn't have much to do with the smell, rather is typical of karigane with a bit more body and sapidity, fairly sweet, less grassy than bi luo chun but more than most other chink greens, some steamed veggies like bok choy, close to zero flowers, just a little astringency, less so than with your usual steamed nip greens

easy to drink and very nice overall
I'll write about the sencha as well as soon as my friends opens it and hopefully offers me some to try

>> No.13270046

Thanks, sounds interesting. Would you buy it again?

>> No.13270300

How do I deal with the urge to buy more tea?

>> No.13270333

Buy it! Buy lots of puer so you don't have to worry about drinking it quickly!

>> No.13270429

You only have one pot?
I really like japanese green teas because they keep their flavor after 3-4 infusions

>> No.13270457
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>two or one sugar anon?
>oh none that's alright, semi skimmed good?
>no milk either just the tea bag
>what do you mean lose?
>what the fuck is a lapsangsewsong you fuckin puff
>beats you to death for being a fucking idiot with a brick

>> No.13270482

>deflects his blow with the power of Chai qi

>> No.13270506
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>that white foam that forms at the top of the first steep and lets you know it's some quality shit

>> No.13270524

No, I have lots and I encounter the same problem in all my pots. The sencha or gyokoru turns into a swampy mess and makes any steepings taste overly bitter.

>> No.13270561

remember not putting milk in some dude's tea when I got sent to fetch drinks and the cunt acted like I'd stabbed him

>> No.13270854

Not a bong but it was a nice excursion into the British tea world. Might try making scones with the leftover cream liquid but more likely might not. Assam tea btw

>> No.13270860

I get the same problem with the "swampiness"
However,I don't have much issues with the bitterness and pouring issues

>> No.13270866
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I get that same foam from a box of stale Red Label

>> No.13271418

Got a kettle that lets me set the temp, and has an option to keep the water at the desired temp for 38 bucks.

What a steal, also it’s bigger than my old kettle and made of steel

>> No.13271434

What's your favorite caffeine free tea?

>> No.13271437

This blood orange and cranberry tea I got once

>> No.13271479

rooibos is good shit, tastes like cinnamon apple crumble with custard

>> No.13271589

Finally got some silver needle. It's really nice and can be brewed a lot of times. I should have got some earlier.

>> No.13271659
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Whats the best vacuum flask to put your tea/coffee in /tea/'s opinion?

>> No.13271712


>> No.13272127


>> No.13272146 [DELETED] 

Zojirushi is pretty good. You gotta go digging on eBay for a new old stock made in japan one.
Yeti is a tremendous prole meme, but they really are well built and better insulated than most, tons chink fakes out there, can't trust Amazon to send you a real one.

>> No.13272177

Zojirushi tuff slim, buy an old maybe used one on eBay, make sure it's made in japan
Yeti is a tremendous prole meme, but they are extremely well made and super insulated, but Amazon will send you fake ones, ebay is a crap shoot. Try and buy from some actual online retailer or bite the bullet and pay msrp on their website.

>> No.13272186

Zojirushi is leaps and bounds ahead of the competition. If you put boiling water in it will stay pretty hot until at least 24h later the next day

>> No.13272192

Any of you have some pointers for a good sleeping tea? Chamomile isn't working.

>> No.13272219

Actually don't worry about finding a made in Japan zojirushi, whatever one works best for you is fine.

>> No.13272227

Chamomile Teabags? Just dump boiling water on them in a mug and then leave the bag in until it is cool enough to drink, you don't really have to worry about overbrewing it. If it's too weak use more teabags.

>> No.13272239

Yeah I'm using teabags. I do have a herb store nearby so I was thinking if I could brew something more powerful.

>> No.13272261

You can try catnip.

>> No.13272269

works like a charm

>> No.13272316

Yeah I'm lucky enough to have a herb store nearby, loose chamomile will be much stronger. If you go mint and spearmint along with holy basil are all good for flavor. For relaxation see if they have California poppy or valerian. Lavender and hops are also good for relaxation but they contain estrogenic compounds.

>> No.13272359

I never thought of using it on anything but my cats lol, will try.

Thanks anon, gonna go tomorrow to grab me some poppy and loose chamomile to see how good the effect is in comparison.
>Lavender and hops are also good for relaxation but they contain estrogenic compounds
Woah, Is this some "if you eat 25 apples you'll die because of the seeds" amount or should I just not drink those often?

>> No.13272475

I mean, the dose makes the poison, hops aren't that bad if i remember correctly, but lavender has extremely high amounts. Is it going to turn you into a tranny? No. But best to avoid consuming it.
Make sure you say California poppy, if you ask for regular poppy they might think you are some drug fiend.
Also don't be afraid to ask them, those people are usually super friendly and they can suggest good things to help you sleep.

>> No.13272483

Got any mugicha recs?

>> No.13272513

I do a cup of mixed roibos/vanilla with lemon/ginger every night before bed

>> No.13272723

Damn can I come over
Looks like higher rice ratio than I've seen before, but still looks good.
Just fukken do it m8. Get irl friends into tea and share with them.
I should get one like that. Tired of eyeballin' bubbles. Then again, I don't measure shit and gongfu in one of those top-of-the-mug gravity infusers.
Rooibos for days.
Where from?

>> No.13272863

All tea has caffeine

>> No.13273011
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How do you think a /tea/ secret santa would go?

>> No.13273055

alright so im a BASED coffee drinker, drink that shit every morning BLACK 2 cups minimum with my mom

however she is a weak beta male and cant handle coffee without some dumb amount of creamer, not only that but she also complains about having a stomach ache after she drinks it every time... this is where i think tea can come in, the tea in the OP looks like coffee to me, what is in it? the only thing i've ever heard of in tea is honey and milk(weird) but do people put coffee creamer type things in tea too?

>> No.13273163

well at least when it comes to hops I would not worry.
you can take a look at beer drinkers to estimate the effect I'd say.

also I dont really think you can drink enough lavender tea to influence your hormones. I'd bet a good chunk of is reckt by thermal degradation anyway.
additionally it's not like male bodies dont produce estrogenic compouds themselfs.

> tfw your workplace doesn't allow open fire in the office and you cant use your decades old uzbek samowar

>> No.13273965

Anyone has any “purple tea” from Kenya? I’ve had it a few times and besides the meme factor of enjoying a non CTC tea from Kenya I don’t really see why I would go out of the way to buy this.

The flavor reminds me of something between a “wild” tea and a green tea. So, nothing special that I couldn’t get elsewhere with reliably better quality.

Is there any scientific literature on the purported health benefits? I see the same shilling on every website/blog discussing the qualities of it but, as with other teas’ hyped up health claims, I remain unconvinced.

>> No.13274074

The rest of the hostile fags on /ck/ would probably invade and ruin it. Only a few boards could pull it off, only one board really does.

>> No.13274084

Tea can be harder on a stomach than coffee in most cases, especially if you BASEDboys are drinking without at least a small breakfast.
That said you can put anything in tea. No rules.

>> No.13274115

Expand my horizons, /ck/, as the only tea I got are Lipton lemon tea bags and I don't know shit about brewing or right temperatures so it always tastes like dick

>> No.13274121

I tried a purple tea from china once and it had a flavor I can best describe as citronella.

>> No.13274154
File: 67 KB, 800x800, Reusable-Stainless-Steel-Tea-Strainer-Infuser-Filter-Basket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a stainless steel tea basket like pic related. Cheapest one you can find. Order 100g of this tea
Put basket in mug. Add 3 grams or approximately one spoonful of tea to basket. Add boiling water, remove basket after 3 minutes. Drink tea.
If you like it you can expand from there.

>> No.13274367

Start watching Mei Leaf's videos on YouTube. You'll be thrown down the rabbit hole pretty quick.

>> No.13274501
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I buy a lot of stuff from aliexpress but how are the teas from there? The pressed pu ers I'm seeing are just a little cheaper then YS.

There are a lot of gaiwans too I have absolutely no idea what to pick.

>> No.13274560

possibly the best tea youtube channel but they're a little autistic and their tea is a tad more expensive than yunnan sourcing. good shit though, they really do try to curate their collection as best as possible

>> No.13274605


Isn’t aliexpress just Amazon but for products produced in East Asia? That being the case I don’t know if there is any quality control, curation, or review process going on with respect to the teas and if there is any reason to trust the quality and freshness of the stuff any more than Amazon.

With places like Yunnan Sourcing there is an active customer base as well as a general understanding of the quality of tea sourced.

As per gaiwans, no idea. I got mine off of YS but that was ages ago and I don’t really use it.

>> No.13274623

That masala chai looks too dark, maybe lighting problem.

>> No.13274651

note the level of civility in these tea threads. says a lot about tea-drinkers.

>> No.13274769

One of most reddit tier thread on 4chan and channel.

>> No.13274795
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The Mei Leaf guy does a good job of selling the experience of enjoying tea, but he is also a fucking lying shill who sells decent tea at an outrageous markup.
Reminder that pic related from his store is absolutely not what he says it is and if it was it would sell for something like $20,000 per cake. Tea from Bingdao sells for about $5000 per kilo to a tea dealer in china, and thats 20 year old plantation bushes, not 800 year old ancient tea trees. So if the tea was actually from bingdao at all he should be selling a 100g cake for at least $1,000. Fuck people that lie about shit like that, this guy is selling you a story, not tea.

>> No.13274916

Ok turioust.

>> No.13274977
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Had the ancient left overs of this 52 Teas honeybush that was pumpkin brownie flavored. Added some CTC assam in the second brew for caffeine. 52 teas honeybush always seemed to overpower the flavorings with its sweet cedar flavor. Tasted a bit better with the assam. Also added sweetened spice pumpkin puree which was fucking delicious.

>> No.13275017
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Today had some old Sencha from when speedster had a monthly. Besides a brown Betty the only other teapot I would need is Japanese style one to make brewing their greens better. I love the colors they have compared to Chinese greens.

>> No.13275067

who's a good US producer of teatea

>> No.13275112

there's much to get mad at about tea

>> No.13275459

I may buy it again and mix it with some karigane from the same seller to get my desired tea to rice ratio, but most likely not by itself, too much rice in there for my taste

>> No.13275470

There are barely any us tea growers that sell tea and it's really expensive. I posted a directory earlier

>> No.13275475


This is a pretty good list ( https://specialtyteaalliance.org/world-of-tea/us-grown-tea/ ) though a fair amount of these have either no internet presence, don't ship, or don't sell their tea at all.

>> No.13275515

>clay Kung fu gaiwan

>> No.13275547

Kung fu just means highly practiced skill.


>> No.13276571
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Tell me what specific type of tea do you want to try the most?

For me its Milky Oolong, never had any and I don't know enough to aim for more expensive/ luxurious leaves

>> No.13276660

I want to try some Japanese blacks/oolongs again. They were great and definitely different than Chinese ones.

As for milky oolongs I’d be careful. A lot of the stuff advertised as milky oolongs is just regular oolong with artificial flavor added with no notice given on the website or packaging.

I *think* I’ve had proper milky oolongs, if it actually was the legit stuff It is very subtle and subdued unlike the fake stuff which is in your face and almost plasticy in taste.

>> No.13276700

Any recs for those Japanese blacks and oolongs?

and I hate when tea has that artificial taste, and every gift of tea I've got has been that crap cause no one in my family understands the difference between teas and just by a sample pack form 2Tea or whatecer

>> No.13276720

Got it from some seller on Aliexpress. I wasn´t too sure about that, desu, but I was curious and it turned out well. I ordered a small amount of many teas to get an idea of the seller's average quality; it's good, nothing amazing, but very nice for the price.

>> No.13276721


There are lots of sites but ( https://yunomi.life/ ) is where I got mine. They also have “dark”(fermented) tea available which I have not tried but would be an interesting contrast with puerh.

Almost any tea with “flavoring” is so often a crapshoot as to the quality. I just stick with the pure stuff.

>> No.13276795 [DELETED] 

I brew chai with 1/2 water and use fancy good thick whole milk because I think using all milk dilutes the taste too much, which makes it a bit darker. Lighting might have affected it a bit too.

There is an influx of new happy posters the past few threads, before that it has been a bit more argumentative to be honest.This is nice.

Don't, you will instantly die. Someone posted a few threads ago that some Russians were getting sick and dying from AliExpress tea so they banned selling it on the site for a year to make sure it was clean enough to drink. I still would not trust it

never tried Korean tea, does it even exist?

>> No.13276813

I brew chai with 1/2 water and use fancy good thick whole milk because I think using all milk dilutes the taste too much, which makes it a bit darker. Lighting might have affected it a bit too.

There is an influx of new happy posters the past few threads, before that it has been a bit more argumentative to be honest.This is nice.

Don't, you will instantly die. Someone posted a few threads ago that some Russians were getting sick and dying from AliExpress tea so they banned selling it on the site for a year to make sure it was clean enough to drink. I still would not trust it

never tried Korean tea, does it even exist?

>> No.13276936


Korean tea definitely exists but in my effort to track some down I’ve found that the Korean tea producers/sellers, for one reason or another, aren’t marketing to an international audience and that the only options to buy some are to either go in person or try ordering from one of the Korean websites ( Osulloc.com ) and hope they deliver abroad.

Reddit hasn’t been helpful in finding other sources but apparently what-cha and other retailers at one point or another carried select stock of Korean stuff.

>> No.13276972

Do you only use it to store hot water? It seems like the lid would be incredibly difficult to clean if you put anything else in it.

>> No.13277363 [DELETED] 

they all taste the same

>> No.13277368
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you could roast your own

>> No.13277405

I put coffee with milk in mine just ONCE and now it's fucked, so just use brewed tea or hot water.

>> No.13277870

I got a clay kyusu at a department store in Japan for 40 usd equivalent. That's your best bet. If you are truly a cheap fuck just get one of the glass Hario ones.

>> No.13277877

Eh I really wouldn't fuck with Korean tea all that much though. Its far north and there's no way it's anywhere near Chinese/jap levels. There's already a lifetime of tea to experience in just China alone.

>> No.13278059

are there any notable black friday/holiday sales that are worth considering?

>> No.13279044

The taste description of that tea sounds nice Tbh
Any legit cheaper teas that have similar feels?

>> No.13279057
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Yuja "tea" is fantastic though.
It's a honey marmalade that can be used both as a spread and as a beverage base.

>> No.13279433

I don't really fuck with super young raw tea, it's not my thing. White2tea probably has a young raw that tastes like that but they take the opposite approach and refuse to describe their tea at all. If you want to try a young raw just get something from them.

>> No.13279819

tea was removed from ali because people were using it as a cover to ship drugs
chink tea is perfectly safe to drink, I've been drinking tea from ali since some three years ago and I've not had any food related illness since then
I was just lucky you might say, but even according to greenpeace's worst estimates an average adult would have to drink 15l of tea per day for a week to show symptoms of anything related to the pesticides and other chemicals that might be found in chink tea, check this: https://pastebin.com/HHesBE36

>> No.13279824


>> No.13280352



>When told that his Captain Picard character from Star Trek: The Next Generation would drink a lot of tea, Sir Patrick Stewart originally suggested that he drink Lapsang souchong, but the producers were afraid the audience would not know what that was, so the character drank Earl Grey tea instead.

>> No.13280474

There are tons of fake teas of AliExpress. That's the biggest issue. Chinks will fake 4 dollar boxes of tea.

>> No.13280558

I'm angry about this to this very day.
Why the fuck does it matter if the audience knows what it is? Does the average Seppo even know what Earl Grey is?

>> No.13280602

Yeah, Don's gushu tree ages often seem wildly improbable. A cake of 500-800 year old tea tree material just doesn't seem like something you can buy for 100ish bucks. And desu the patrician thing to do is to learn about tea basics from Don, and then apply that knowledge elsewhere. Yunnan Sourcing, imo, is much better to actually buy from. But Yunnan Sourcing's YouTube videos largely presume you already have a lot of tea knowledge, while Mei Leaf's are a lot more beginner-friendly, such that even people who've only had generic teabags can watch them and learn a lot.

>> No.13280849

Mei Leaf is also great for the vids where he goes to the farms and shows us the trees and drying process ect

>> No.13280920

True. His tea travel vids are professional documentary level.

>> No.13281213
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i just got a bunch of mini tuos from China off ebay (dragon tea house). First time drinking puer. pic related had a slight fishy smell, funky taste. Earthy. Overall, mildly unpleasant.

>> No.13281241

Yeah, that's my experience with pu-erh as well, but I've only had young ripes which ...well its a poor starting point I've heard.

go for a raw, which is the advice I've been given here, ripe is made to apparently mimic the taste of old raws, and you're supposed to air out pu-erhs for a few days so the fishy smell leaves

But yeah, Ripe pu-erhs don't exactly benefit from aging unlike raws do, and are the most likely to just be earthy fish cake tasting

>> No.13281258
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this kills the /tea/

>> No.13281263

actually bout to barf

>> No.13281364

and whats wrong with doing that now

>> No.13281417

While it sends logical to squish the tea bag to get more "flavor", what you end up doing is just squeezing out more tannins which tends to make a sharp, sour, and often unpleasant cup. Your better off just giving it a jiggle and let it drip a bit before discarding.

>> No.13281572
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Exciting, thanks Ian

>> No.13281676

what in the box

>> No.13281725
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1st try: Tomizawa Tea Garden's kabusecha

Very rich and savory, tastes a bit like ghee. Deep green color and I added some rose buds on the 2nd steep which went well together

>> No.13281753

whats the best tea i can buy on amazon or in a supermarket in the american northeast? I'm also willing to order from some other sites. I've been drinking a lot of stash brand lately and i want to branch out.

>> No.13281870

Do you have a 'Wegmans' near you? They carry loose leaf teas which are of economic quality.

You can always cheat when you weigh them on the scales so you get 20 cent tea :^

>> No.13281875

vahdam for indian, Yunnan Sourcing for chinese. vahdam sells packs with ~10g of tea in a variety of styles

>> No.13282081

What tins do /tea/ store their loose leaf in?
I want something somewhat decorative and I'm looking for inspiration

>> No.13282255

finished my silver needle green with a big 7g brew (cause why brew 5 if your going to have 2 left for next time), got around 10 steeps out of it. Amazing how much funk 2g can add

>> No.13282676

They just sell them in those open scoopable bins?

>> No.13282691

i just keep them in the sealed pouch they come in to be honest. I would need too many tins to fit them all.

>> No.13282794

Oh, nothing... Just some mate with crackers... whatchu doin?

>> No.13282800
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At my grandma's house and she offered me a cup of this. Said she got it from her and my grandpa's anniversary trip to Alaska a few years back. Pretty good

>> No.13282813


Yeah, and then *you* weigh them and the price with barcode is printed out.

They have a huge variety. Per my tastes I really only get their lapsang, oolongs, and genmaimatcha but if Indian and Japanese teas are your thing they have plenty of those too.

Definitely worth it if you don't mind stealing.

>> No.13282932

Doesn't it get stale just sitting out like that?
And don't they have wage cucks and cameras watching you ring shit up

>> No.13283138

Yeah, some of the stuff(Japanese green teas) can get stale. I think your talking about a different kind of bin. These are stored in big metal containers with a sealed lid that you take off and put back on.

No staff there and sure there are cameras but why would they bother looking at the camera footage? All you're doing is holding the tea so it doesn't register as heavy on the scales. It's not like there are people sitting and scrutinizing every shot of that specific camera.

>> No.13283468

Looks tasty desu.

>> No.13283956

Tins stack neatly, though.

>> No.13284005

How would you describe the flavor of a black tea?

>> No.13284208

Depends on the tea.

>> No.13284653

Assam is malty, Darjeeling floral and muscat

>> No.13284813
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New pot arrived, as odd as it sounds it's nice to be able to see your tea. Even if it's in bags for now

>> No.13284892

This, Darjeeling is the oolong of India.
Looks cute and well crafted. I like the texture on the glass.

>> No.13284903

If we do this, I hope you guys are happy getting weed.

>> No.13285112

What are good bagged green teas?

>> No.13285745
File: 382 KB, 2002x1807, t2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting. this is a random assortment so maybe it has some raws in here too. some of these have dates

Today I tried pic related, which was much better than >>13281213 . It has tiny flowers in it (idk what kind). Sweet and mellow taste. The smell was initially just as fishy, then became more like the vegetal smell of anxi Hairy Crab oolong, then earthy/floral. Pleasant tea.

>> No.13285893

Harney & Sons sencha is not too bad. Make your own teabags with loose leaf, they sell empty sachets

>> No.13286039

no wegmans near me to my knowledge. here in new york we have a handful of supermarkets and i bet i could go to safeway or maybe whole foods to check out loose tea.
gonna look these up. thank you! is there an easy way to prepare these?

>> No.13286042

I've used the Zojirushi ones for years. Just don't put them in the dishwasher. The paint coating will start peeling

>> No.13286330

for indian something like this >>13266342, for chinese a gaiwan is the easiest to use and clean

or just a basket brewer in a mug. for brew temps and times vahdam print them on the bag and chinese depends a lot of the type, meileaf is a good guide if you can find a similar tea but its generally 5g/100ml for 20 seconds and +5 for every extra brew.

>> No.13286362
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Kabusecha and a shrimp cracker

>> No.13286505
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>> No.13286552
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>> No.13286588

Looks nice frend

>> No.13286777

Where you from?

>> No.13286781

Cheers. Happy Thanksgiving, American anons

>> No.13286783

>shrimp cracker
love those things
on a semi-related note when I lived in Hawaii I used to get these snow-pea rice crackers but have never been able to find them again on the mainland, I've tried weeb snack sites to no avail.

>> No.13287274

Am I missing something or is there no reasonable shipping from that site to the US?
A 50USD order only brings up ~20USD shipping options.
Otherwise reasonable prices

>> No.13287277

What Lapsang Souchong's(Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong) from Yunnan Sourcing can you folks recommend? The site offers many sorts but there seems to be very little differentiation between them except for price.

I might bite the bullet and buy the higher priced ones but I would really like to know *why* they are higher priced and what differences there are between those and the passable-but-mediocre Lapsang I'm drinking now

>> No.13288437

Newfag here, has anyone tried adagio's teas? I got a sample of some teas based off the Yakuza games for my birthday (my family knows I'm a weeb and I like the games) and it was decent, but like I said I'm new to drinking tea. I have a preference for darker teas like assam and earl grey, if that helps

>> No.13288513

I personally like them. The price matches quality well, you can make your own mixed tea blends with fixings, and most of their teas have a bunch of reviews to make sure nothing tastes bad. I wouldn't expect super high quality, especially from the most basic selection, but I never had a tea from them I hated.

P.s. they have a bella Luna earl gray that goes on sale during the full moon.

Oh. Also if anyone ever bought the Picard tea tin, that's the company they get the tea from.

>> No.13289088

Hopefully his tastes have changed in the new series.

>> No.13290017


>> No.13290569


>> No.13290574

What's everyone drinking today and what method did you use to brew it?

>> No.13290578
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Bagged tea.

>> No.13290588

Anyone have a good gift idea for some tea drinkers? I need to get two small gifts, say 10 or 20 bucks each, for two people who both love tea. I was thinking just some nice cups or something. I got them tea last year and I guess I could just buy them more tea again but that doesn't seem good.


>> No.13290701


I think this is honestly a really difficult question to answer but by observing what kind of tea drinker are they are can help answer it.

Do they enjoy tea bags and adding milk & honey to their brew?(in that case a decent honey is a safe bet)

Are they interested in your "standard" loose leaf teas enjoyed in the west(Darjeeling, Earl Grey, Ceylon, Assam) and enjoy 'western' brewing style?(maybe a tea cozy or a decorative bone china mug)

Are they interested in gong-fu cha, pu-erh, chinese/japanese teas primarily?(I think a teapet or gaiwan would be appropriate though me personally I would prefer $20 worth of tea)

>> No.13290742

honestly i kind of wished i had someone to buy me an easy gaiwan like this >>13266461
even if they aren't into gongfu it'll be a great way to start and can be used for western brewing too

>> No.13290789

I think easy gaiwans might still be to much effort for most people. I think the easiest sell would be getting someone some looseleaf and some of those large teabags that you can fill yourself. I know they aren't actually great for brewing. But it always seems like a stretch to get someone to switch from doing something easy to something that requires even the smallest amount of extra effort.

>> No.13291138

about $20 sounds reasonable for $50 of tea from Japan, living costs are very high there and that reflects on shipping costs as well

>> No.13291195

might just be the cost of shipping in general, £100 of tea from china costs about £16 in shipping

>> No.13291333

only degenerates drink bottled tea

Noble people brew their tea!

>> No.13291812

except I get reasonable shipping prices from a collection of independent Japanese sellers already with non SAL services for much larger shipments. Shipping being 40% of product value isn't reasonable in my book. I don't care if they're shipping it from the moon.

$50 of tea isn't $50 worth of cutting wood. It's a small package.

>> No.13291964

well there's a number of options
1. your indie nips surcharge their tea, so that they can say shipping costs are low and the rest goes into the tea
2. your indie nips send hundreds of packages per month, and so they have a subscription with EMS or Japan post and can pay less as a result
3. your indie nips are using a different, cheaper shipping method
>this isn't reasonable in my book
you should update your book with real world data, I think Japan post has a handy shipping price calculator you can start from

>> No.13292127
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Wish me luck yall, I'm putting together a last minute tea panel for a con this weekend, gotta get some stuff from walmart tho

>> No.13292455

Walmart tea? For teacon?? no.....

>> No.13292494

No, get some good loose leaf and show the difference of western, gongfu, and European methods of brewing with it

>> No.13292562


Oh god no not for tea, for a cart/cups/thermos/etc.. for preping/pouring the tea samples during the panel, I have a backlog of each of the major tea types to use (rip my big red robe) , and I only have an hour so I'm going to try to hit the high points

>> No.13292568

>I think Japan post has a handy shipping price calculator you can start from

why would I reference list rates when I'm doing business with storefronts that I expect to have shipping discounts based on established accounts with volume?
I mean, if this site is a guy bagging tea out of his basement, that's a bit too niche for my tastes. Was looking for a but of a larger more established storefront and may have assumed.

>2. your indie nips send hundreds of packages per month, and so they have a subscription with EMS or Japan post and can pay less as a result
Wouldn't that be the exact opposite of Indie? Wouldn't any prospering storefront have enough volume to have an account with shipping discount?

>> No.13292634

any chance you'll stick it up on youtube?

>> No.13292698

>wanting to see an anon from a Sri Lankan tea picking forum talk to weebs about tea

I'll ask to get a copy of the recording, but I get the feeling they're not going to record, I'll try to do it myself, I will post the slideshow link here if anyone wants to berate it or give suggestions here soon.

>> No.13292973

A nice tieguanyin in my ingenuitea. These things are mad underrated.

>> No.13293108

where my chamomile niggas at

>> No.13293323


and here's the preliminary of the ppt, what do yall think


>> No.13293367

whoops, ignore that link, here's the actual one


>> No.13293368

>scroll to the second page
>Tea in anime

>> No.13293372

hey, gotta have something relatable to the weebs to draw them in.

>> No.13293422

pretty good, maybe include a short vid of someone brewing gonfu style, could also include russian and Moroccan style brewing. also how pueh is made and how ripe pueh is composted to mimic the long aging of 'raw' pueh

should really include a sentence about the Boston tea party and why they were angry about paying tax on tea because Americans really like thier tea back then and not how it was about destroying 'something British'.

>> No.13293449

>pretty good, maybe include a short vid of someone brewing gonfu style
I was planning on doing a small demo in front of them, but a video might be better and less work now that I think about it

>could also include russian and Moroccan style brewing
good idea, I'll see about including it and skipping if time is running short

>also how pueh is made and how ripe pueh is composted to mimic the long aging of 'raw' pueh
that part I was going to explain myself in a brief overview rather than dedicating more slides to it

>should really include a sentence about the Boston tea party and why they were angry about paying tax on tea because Americans really like thier tea back then and not how it was about destroying 'something British'.
that's another thing I was going to mention verbally rather than a slide, and that tea being shipping back then was in brick form so it equates to a fuck ton of consumable tea they threw out at the time

>> No.13293454

any refs on yunnan sourcing tea?

>> No.13293488

good stuff
Yunnan "Black Gold Bi Luo Chun" Black Tea, its cheap and taste real nice, dry leaf smelly like dates/figs. Jasmine Tea Pearls because who doesn't love jasmine tea

>> No.13293517


Awesome dude! Thanks for sharing with us and giving us a shout-out. Quality information in those slides, I'm sure many minds will be informed.

>> No.13293565

hey thanks for the feedback yo, anything else you think that I missed?

>Awesome dude! Thanks for sharing with us and giving us a shout-out
Hey I'm just a lowly tea anon on a Darjeeling tea sorting forum trying to spread the good word far and wide, I do small little gongfu sessions whenever I go to cons with people I meet to introduce them to tea, and I always mention the tea threads on here

>Quality information in those slides, I'm sure many minds will be informed.
ngl, a lot of the info I got was from JNP's intro to tea booket and presentation I was able to go at the Midwest Tea Fest, good lord what an absolute tea god he is

>> No.13293604

just soak the inside in some hydrogen peroxide senpai

>> No.13293714

order 100g of it
and a 100g of Fancy Tie Guan Yin of Anxi Iron Goddess Oolong Tea of Fujian
A 100g of Yunnan "Purple Beauty" Green Tea from Lancang
and 100g of Anxi "Hairy Crab" Mao Xie Fujian Oolong Tea
Just so I have a variety

>> No.13293994

>Sitting with an empty tea cup and a gaiwan filled with leaves waiting to do my 3rd brew of this batch
>My kettle turns itself on, and heats up to the temp I need
Fucking tea ghosts,

>> No.13294705

Hot damn I love tie guan yin

>> No.13294721

How’s it taste?

>> No.13294733

Compared to pouchong, it's much more flavorful. Slightly nutty, and so warm and welcoming. Good for a surprising number of steeps.

>> No.13294817

brown roasted TGY or green oolong TGY?

>> No.13295397

typo in slide 11, it's taste should be its taste

Anyway, I learned a lot from reading that, thanks anon! 10/10 would attend panel.

>> No.13295671

Green. But you've got me itching like a fiend now.

>> No.13296509
File: 3.79 MB, 3024x4032, Dragostea Din Tei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got pic related for my SO, who grew up drinking linden tea in Romania. He's recovering from orthopedic surgery so he's been drinking a ton of tea and other liquids

>> No.13296637

Arizona isn't even coastal, smartass. why does no one point this out? if you want to brag about your intelligence, do it right

>> No.13296858

Thinking about getting into this
What's the deal with green and black tea? Is green tea better? Also why is black tea red sometimes?

>> No.13296917

Different ways of production, namely black is allowed to oxidize fully, green is only given low oxidization, partly oxidized becomes oolong, White teas I don't think are oxidized at all, Pu-erh's age/ ferment as do Hai chas, And Purples are mutant leaves
Depends on your taste, green does have less caffeine than blacks
cause not every tea is made the same, climates and production vastly change its flavor, scent...yadda yadda yadda

>> No.13297008


Your other question was answer pretty adequately but as for the "black tea being red":

What we call Black tea in Chinese is actually 紅茶(hong cha -- red tea) whilst in Chinese black tea 黑茶(hei cha) refers to fermented teas(pu-erhs).

It gets confusing but most vendors stick with the western usage of "black" tea and just use "dark" tea when referring to fermented teas.

>> No.13297026
File: 3.51 MB, 4208x3816, 20190915_134922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different teas have different tastes, green is more grassy, black malty, neither is better than the other, its akin to red vs white wines or lager vs ale. black tea is called red tea in china with pueh and other fermented teas being called dark tea as its a lot darker than 'black' tea, pic related 3 crane liubao hei cha(dark tea)
>green does have less caffeine than blacks
thats a myth, tea regardless of type all has the dame amount of caffeine. you are going to get difference based on leaf vs stem or altitude grown/sunlight/rainfall ect but by type there isn't much difference

>> No.13297421
File: 76 KB, 660x590, Go_Seigen_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it amigo. Tea is delicious, abundant, and as far as interests and hobbies go, pretty cheap. Try the gamut for a few months and see if anything sticks. There are plenty of vendors.

>> No.13297957

>3 crane liubao hei cha
Are you the anon that picked that up off of my recommendation? How do you like it? I'm out need to order some more.

>> No.13298054

i am, i like it a lot, i'll have to pick some more up in the new year

>> No.13298083

is there any feeling better than being tea drunk while listening to some good music?

>> No.13298103

Awesome glad to hear that anon

>> No.13298570

Reminder that yunnan sourcing raises the prices on all their old stock puer, especially their house brand, by 20% to 30% in the early spring. Make sure to get your orders in before February!

>> No.13298615

Being actually drunk and listening to good music is better. Tea drunk is a close 2nd though

>> No.13298642

thanks for the tip

>> No.13299308

Damn really?

>> No.13299385

A while ago some anon recommended an ebay sampler and others so I've ended up with a ton of cheap and likely low quality tea I don't know fully what to do with
Am I gonna die from lead laced chinkleaves

>> No.13299395

From eBay nah you alright. I'd stick with retailers, though.

>> No.13299558
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 20191201_184140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current tea selection what you guys think?

>> No.13299767
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>Buy a bunch of tea packs from shady mexican store
>Serve and drink
>Get quasi high, feeling drunk and numb in my senses but could still think clearly
>don't like the experience
>drink it every day, mostly because I wanted to drink tea

I think I still have a bag somewhere

>> No.13299810

You got tea drunk moron, its normal

>> No.13299813

Can we discuss bubble /tea/ here?

>> No.13300330
File: 18 KB, 300x300, herbi mate de coca tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol did you buy coca leaf "tea"? That shit used to be all over Amazon until just a few years ago.

>> No.13300338

Yes, i was off a little bit on percentages but they do it every year.
>Yunnan Sourcing raises their prices by around 15-20% per year on average, typically around March. I have virtually no sympathy for the annual yearly whine from people have been drinking for a few years over YS raising their prices, as if it’s an unexpected affront. Scott’s prices are very predictable. Plan ahead!

>> No.13300344

Post a shot of the cakes

>> No.13300371


What's there to discuss as it relates to tea? I don't really see any reason why they wouldn't use among the cheapest of black, jasmine, and oolong teas considering they are going for concentrated strength, not subtle flavor. Following this, they drown the tea in simple syrup and dilute it to hell with heavy cream or milk and then add tapioca balls and ice to the whole mix.

It's got about as much relation to plain tea drinking as a starbucks frappacino does to black coffee. It's a food/drink product that incorporates tea but appeals largely through its sweetness, texture, and colder temperature.

All this being said, I had some coffee-flavored bubble tea yesterday. It was about what I expected.

>> No.13300405

Any solid sales this weekend?

>> No.13300801

Nothing major on my radar though Yunomi is offering a 33% discount on stuff but I'm not into Japanese teas so much...

>> No.13301484
File: 3.45 MB, 4032x3024, 20191201_121752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babysitting my niece and her friends, and she wanted to have a tea party. Made masala chai for the first time as their royal butler and they seemed to like it. Pic is my borrowed mug (everyone else had little teacups from a set but they wanted me to have something princess-ish too)

>> No.13302071

I saw a bubble tea kit at Harney & Sons but I don't really like milk in tea

>> No.13302927

Gotta watch out for those tapioca pearls, the chinks make fake ones out of soft plastic.

>> No.13303009

Just make your own

>> No.13303243

How many grams of leaf do you use per 100ml of tea in gong fu? cause I've been doing 5g to 6g so far, usually 5g

>> No.13303246

Depends on the tea, but 5g is a good starting place. With shou puerh I'll often use 8-10g though cos I like it daaaaaaaaank

>> No.13303254

Ooh gonna have to try that amount with my current pu-erh

>> No.13303364
File: 3.21 MB, 5184x2304, osmanthus oolong tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use a 200ml gaiwan and i try 5g and 10g and honestly most of the time the only major difference is mouthfeel so i usually stick to 5g/200ml

also pic is 5g, 10g's over flows and all i taste is chlorophyll

>> No.13303392


With oolong it is for sure not worth increasing amount. Overbrewed ball oolong tastes pretty lame.

>> No.13304394
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dirty chai best tea

>> No.13305420


>> No.13305687

Would you guys laugh at me for saying that I like Yogi tea? Shits so comfy and warm. Just stopped drinking coffee btw and have moved to the herbal tea side.

>> No.13305817

nice tip anon.. thanks

>> No.13305855

What's everyone's "white whale" tea -- meaning: a tea that they had before but have had difficulty acquiring again either due to cost or some other factor.

For me, it's a Sheng Pu-erh cake I bought from a "mom & pop" teashop in Shanghai. Allegedly it was made by one of their cousins. Unfortunately said teashop doesn't ship internationally.

>> No.13306123
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I picked this brick up earlier this year for ~$70. It was incredibly underpriced because it had been sitting in some guys inventory for years. Some local buyer bought the rest of his stock and If I could find it again it would probably cost $200 to $300. Smells and tastes exactly like dried plums.

>> No.13306132

What are some good herbal teas? I currently drink a shitload of redbush tea but I'm kinda getting tired of it.

t. take amphetamines and don't want to overload my system with more stimulants

>> No.13306969
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What are these lunatics putting in this stuff? It turns my water into a non newtonian fluid.

>> No.13307565

Started experimenting with dried whole tea ingredients from the health food store.

I did chamomile and lavender, but I think I put too much lavender. It's very floral tasting.

>> No.13307573

I really like chamomile.

I tried some jasmine the other day and it was really nice.

>> No.13307597
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Lavender is literally a flower.

>> No.13307846

Well yea, but it went from like a nice hint of it complementing the chamomile, the first time I did it, to literally tasting like I poured a little perfume in my mouth.

>> No.13307917

> talking to my friend about tea
> they use the word huigan
bro it's just leaves..

>> No.13308130

Yeah you have to go really easy on the lavender, it is a very strong flavor.
Chopped licorice root is fantastic and blends decently with things like chamomile.

>> No.13308136

Lesson definitely learned lol

>> No.13308139

I was pretty amazed when I first tried puer and found a lasting sweetness and flavor in my mouth 10 minutes after the last sip. It's pretty impressive.

>> No.13308149

Sometimes it's really nice to just pour boiling water over some lavender and just sit there sniffing the mug. Very relaxing.

>> No.13308165

Honestly might do that next time I need to chill.

Wish I had a bath tub.

>> No.13308178


From what I've read there doesn't seem to be a consistent translation of what "huigan" is supposed to be nor any blind experiments in which it is reliably used as a metric for describing tea.

"huigan" like "cha qi" and "tea drunk" are thrown about around in hoity-toity online circles but if you scratch at them, they really don't seem to have any basis in reality and are just marketing terms to cater to people who want to feel that tea drinking is somehow "exotic" or "esoteric".

I'd love to see some scientific studies on these terms, do they fall apart under scrutiny like wine-tasting does?

>> No.13308258

Cha Qi has never been explained outside of “you know it if you feel it” or “it’s the serenity of taking your tea slowly”

Tea drunk on the other hand is just a caffeine high that cause it’s combined with the tannins and what have you in tea, it feels less like a buzz of coffee or energy drinks and more like being tipsy but still having a clear head, sort of fuzzy and cloudy. A nice feeling with no down/ crash.

>> No.13308302


Yeah, I've drank too much tea and gotten the caffeine, L-theanine buzz but a lot of the literature on "tea drunk" is just blogspam shilling which implies higher quality tea has more of L-theanine while from what I understand low-quality CTC bags have a lot more.

>> No.13308336

Tea is just shitty hot chocolate

>> No.13308347

Femanon here, I like a nice teabag.

>> No.13308417

Post eye bags w/o any (((makeup))).

>> No.13308701

Just getting into tea. I've had a tieguanyin, a silver pine needle, some other kind of wulong which doesn't seem well-known, and one of those yunnan black golds. That last one has totally opened my eyes about black teas. A lifetime growing up in Bongland had convinced me they were all shit (except lapsang souchong which is maximum comfy).
But I've just started my first da hong pao and wow it's amazing, it's a totally different kind of tea flavour to tieguanyin. It's kinda hard to understand that they're even the same "type" of tea.
Hot chocolate connoiseur culture revival fucking WHEN
I don't want to have to restart the Aztec Empire just for a spot of chocolate scholarship
I also take amphetamines and normal tea is actually just fine. That said, hibiscus is pretty nice. Mint tea a la Morocco is fucking GOAT.

>> No.13308720

I'm pretty sure I could buy a brick of dried plums for a lot less money

>> No.13308727

Which tea shop?
t. living in Shanghai

>> No.13309853
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im the one who keeps shilling Black Gold Bi Luo Chun, glad you like it!
i've experienced huigan before, from some jasmine peal tea from meileaf, felt like my mouth was coated in lingering sweet jasmine oil that lasted an hour after finishing. haven't gotten it from jasmine tea from other sellers and meileaf in spite of their bs claims about thier tea i haven't seen them shill this effect

>> No.13310119

What kettles? I'm looking for one

>> No.13310527
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Really tiny place, speaking some Chinese was helpful for me.

>> No.13310591

I’ve never bought David’s tea but they had free shipping so I caved. Wound up ordering a few ounces each of ginger herbal tea and cardamom white tea.

>> No.13311262

Does anyone have a link to any studies that actually try to verify the claims around "Yixing" teapots namely that:

>[Yixing] has the potential to absorb tea oils and therefore tea flavor over time. A teapot used for many years will impart flavor and texture to hot water, even without tea leaves. This is a subtle effect that builds up over time.

Has anyone actually tried to verify this? I'm not even talking about scientists in a lab with a bunch of tea drinkers. I mean a dozen blindfolded guys just trying to guess which tea comes from which pot.

>> No.13311275

Why would you need a double blind study to figure out that unglazed ceramic that has never been washed will pick up flavors over time

>> No.13311377

i have a glazed coffee mug i never wash, i rarely use it and it smells like coffee, bet i'd taste coffee too if i filled it with water

>> No.13311452


Because the claims that are made about Yixing clay specifically by those in the 'tea biz' are incredible, bordering on the ludicrous.

Specifically, the claim that yixing uniquely picks up flavors over time. What reason is there to believe that other types of unglazed ceramics don't do this in equal measure? Hell, my plastic tea thermos tastes like the tea I had the day before.

The other claim is that if "used for many years will impart flavor and texture to hot water, even without tea leaves" is either trivial or unbelievably ludicrous. As with my above example, plastic or glass seems to do just as well a job in retaining flavors and I guarantee that if I just added hot water to my thermos it would have a vague tea scent and flavor. As for the other interpretation of the statement I've seen some yixing-sellers claim that at a certain point you don't even need to add tea-leaves any more(!) which is just so absurd but characteristic of those in the 'biz'.

Of course, none of these questions will be answered if we don't bring some science into the mix.


I'm not claiming that unglazed doesn't have desirable properties, but I am suggesting that the claims by hawkers of Yixing in relation to those of other unglazed teapots are outlandish.

>> No.13311465

yeah it all sounds like bs just like all the medicine teas that will cure cancer and burn fat while you sleep ect

>> No.13311480
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Any old unglazed teapot will no doubt pic up flavors over time. You buy Yixing pots for the history and artistry of the region, like an English Brown Betty pot.

>> No.13311865

You're not completely wrong on how they get marketed. I think the other benefit of yixing is that, if actually made with legit purple clay, has a certain mineral composition that helps impart flavor. That and good ones are designed for gong fu tea brewing since they tend to be small and are well designed to quickly pour out tea. The problem is there are a lot of shit quality ones where they use a mix of non to no purple clay. It's best to do your research before you but one on shape, low and high fired, and if it is hand made or uses a mold. Also, I forget what its called, but the high fired bright red ones are 9 times out of 10 are fake, with real ones being stupid expensive.

P.s. I think there is a Chinese law on when it a teapot can actually be called yixing.

>> No.13312293

Anon, are you...retarded?

>> No.13312616


Sure, they’re pretty teapots but that isn’t how they’re advertised especially on boutique websites. They’re advertised with qualities ascribed to them that either any old unglazed teapot can achieve with sufficient patience or are completely outlandish(that at a certain point you can just add hot water and get a full cup of tea from the layering).

They’re cool looking teapots with an interesting history behind them but suffer from a huge level of false advertising and lack of actual tests done to verify their claims.

>> No.13312671

>chinks lie about their products
you don't say!

>> No.13312695

I bought camomile tea because I've heard it helps with calming down/sleeping, but it tastes like absolute garbage. Yes, they are tea bags, so that might be part of the problem and I also just poured hot water in a cup and let the bag sit in it. Anyway, apart from that, is there any way to make it test better? I added some honey, and it helped, but it still was hard to drink.

>> No.13312707

People who put milk in tea deserve getting beaten and shouldnt drink tea.

>> No.13312719

It's possible you just don't like it, famalam. Either way, I think this is a garbage in, garbage out situation here. Try higher quality.

>> No.13312727

Any recommendations for other tea thay will help me sleep, or where to get better camomile?

>> No.13312837

I have a question, why do Brits love darker tea so much? And why do they get offended when someone says they don't like Yorkshire tea?

>> No.13313049
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im guessing it was the only stuff we could get back in the 1700's and when tea production was set up in india so we could stop paying money to a country we didn't own, india produced mostly black tea and bagged stuff is the cheapest. no idea about Yorkshire tea, i guess its just the current tea brand fad, i bet in the 90's people would get pissed off it you said you didn't like tetley tea, which is a Yorkshire tea company and the first to introduce tea bags and was the largest seller in Britain (now its the Yorkshire Tea)

>> No.13313163

Yeah I mostly agree with:

I would add that the prevalence of CTC since the 50s has contributed to the “robust-ness” of black tea in the West generally and UK specifically.

>> No.13313177

I see

>> No.13313188

I was actually astonished at how badly such a popular tea blend tastes when i tried tetley

>> No.13313555

idk man. I don't really subscribe to the tea as remedy thing. Stick to herbal, find something you like, don't brew it too hot, enjoy it in a quiet comfy room, pop .5-1g melatonin before bed time, focus on sleep.
Sleep's a skill, too. Gotta practice.

>> No.13313565
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Hey, I could use some help Anons...

I really want to start drinking tea, but I have no idea where to start. Any recommendations? Just looking for something relatively healthy, and somewhat simple to make.


>> No.13313622

I bought a box of Stash chai teabags. It's good with milk in it but not by itself. It's like a punch of just cinnamon to the mouth right when you drink it. I can't make out any of the other spices. You get that strong cinnamon taste immediately and then nothing. It has no depth. I've never experienced that with a tea before.

>> No.13313651

see >>13281875, a variety pack is how i got into it, a basket holder is going to be the cheapest but i'd suggest a gaiwan(off ebay or amazon) as they're easy to clean and can be used for western or gongfu brewing. you literally cannot get easier to make than a basket holder as its just add a teaspoon and add water then remove after 3 mins(you can resteep for more cups) and for a gaiwan use the lid as a filter to pour into your cup
check out meileaf on youtube for gongfu vids

>> No.13313692

>sleep is a skill
A 20 year old male should not have any problems falling asleep. I'm trying to not take melatonin.

>> No.13313708

do you have trouble falling asleep always or trouble falling asleep at the "right" time?

>> No.13313722

do more exercise, not directly before bedtime obviously

>> No.13313834

turns out it wasn't just low quality, it just kinda tastes shitty. so now i have a bunch i don't know what to do with. i figured it'd be low quality, but at least give me an idea what kinds of things to try better versions of

>> No.13313908

Some tea blogger posted pictures of the water that comes out when he does a boiling rinse of his yixing, it was basically tea colored. It's pretty believable considering how much tea gunk some of my glazed ceramic picks up. I could also easily imagine the mineral content of the clay imparting flavor in the water, and different types of clays from different regions would have different mineral content. Tea vendors lie and exaggerate about everything, but I don't really see anything wrong with using one if you are in to that kind of thing. Might want to grab a lead test stick and swab it just to be sure. You also have to look at the Chinese cultural context where collecting older yixing teapots is a thing, and the overlap with Chinese medicine where something being rare and or old inherently increases it's healing properties. Also the element of Chinese boomer nostalgia where they believe back in the good old days clay masters made tea with the finest clay that you can't get anymore in the old state run factories.

>> No.13314061

The pastebin in the op is actually decent, they have some blogs and YouTube channels you can check out. At they end of the day you just have to order some stuff and try it. You might not love everything you get, but if you start out with some of the vendors in the pastebin you shouldn't end up with any bad gross tea.

>> No.13314069

eBay vendors are a huge hassle. There is some good stuff on there, but you already have to kind of know what you are doing to avoid the gross stuff. Try cold brewing some of it and see if you like it that way