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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13262118 No.13262118 [Reply] [Original]

My contempt for America grows.

>> No.13262124

Don’t care what other people do. I eat so much fucking asparagus per week it will take years for my piss to smell normal.

>> No.13262126

I buy vegetables just to throw them away later. It looks bad if I don't have healthy stuff in my cart.

>> No.13262128

The whole concept of buying food and preparing it at home doesn't align with the lifestyle of a great number of Americans. Start serving fruit and more veggies (not salad) in fast food and you'll see more people eating them.

>> No.13262140

>Start serving fruit and more veggies (not salad) in fast food and you'll see more people eating them.
Because taking literally 2 minutes to put prepackaged salad in a bowl and squirt vinegar dressing on it is too fucking challenging.

>> No.13262142

vegetables have been proven to have very little nutritional value. most americans eat fruit on a daily basis

>> No.13262144
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>vegetables have been proven to have very little nutritional value.
I know this is bait but

>t. mcdonalds representative

>> No.13262145

I live in the USA and all I've eaten today is baker's chocolate and crunchy peanut butter.
But I took my multivitamin when I woke up.

>> No.13262150

Based and fragrant-pisspilled.
I love asparagus and wish I ate this much. I prefer thinner stalks roasted in evoo, how do you like it anon?

>> No.13262155

>synthetic multivitamin
>literally 0 value

If you don't know where your food comes from you're a dog.

>> No.13262164

Stop being obsessed. It's not just an American thing;
>one study suggests that 6-24% of European children reach the WHO recommendation

>> No.13262173

Retard. A multivitamin actually has higher bioavailability for some minerals and vitamins. Sometimes it's lower as well, but it's not the reason you should be eating plenty fruit and vegetables. That comes down to fiber and antioxidants.

>> No.13262178

Why do you care about the eating habits of strangers? Weirdo.

>> No.13262181

Nope. My multivitamin is one derived from whole foods. Even if it wasn't, doesn't really matter.
I haven't died yet. But call me a dog all you want kek

>> No.13262184

>contempt for America grows
The you should give back all that
>aid, subsidiaries, partnerships, military support, and/or security
that everyone in your shitty country begs for.

>> No.13262189

That's news to you?

>> No.13262195

I ate 2 lbs of beef and a cup of white rice

>> No.13262204

>Retard. A multivitamin actually has higher bioavailability for some minerals and vitamins
90% of multivitamins you'll find are synthetic which cannot be digested by the body and have practically zero value. Which is also why they don't do jack shit.

If what you say is true then good, but it still cannot compare to fruits and vegetables as there are trace minerals, enzymes, and healthy bacteria that cannot be replaced.

>> No.13262210

>synthetic multivitamins r bad
Enjoy your arsenics, and lead bitchtits.

>> No.13262213

Go ahead and put your money where your mouth is and ingest synthetic amantin and see how that goes.
Utter moron.

>> No.13262214

>Enjoy your arsenics, and lead bitchtits.
I'm confused as to what this retard is attemping to say. Either he thinks vegetables or vegetable derived vitamins are filled with arsenic, which shows that he does not eat vegetables, which shows that he's a retard who is full of COPE

>> No.13262219

>a synthetic substance is toxic
>therefore all synthetic substances are toxic and therefore the synthetic vitamins are actually not synthetic because all synthetic substances are toxic

I hope you're trolling and not legitimately braindead.

>> No.13262221
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Yeah, I'm sure I missed some key nutrients today with my peanut butter and chocolate binge.
But yesterday my only meal was tofu with kimchi alongside some raw spinach, cucumber, carrots, green onions and a cup of green tea.
The day before that I had a potato with turmeric and some coconut oil.
I'm absolutely sure that 90% of Americans don't eat "enough" fruits and vegetables, but the fact still remains that they wouldn't be selling as many as they sell if most of them were going to waste, because then the farms would just be losing money.

>> No.13262223

>Either he thinks vegetables or vegetable derived vitamins are filled with arsenic, which shows that he does not eat vegetables
They do contain trace amounts of arsenics, and lead (also chemicals from *organic* pesticides, and etc). You have to remove them to not have them.
Thanks for outing yourself for not being educated.

>> No.13262227

What do you think bioavailability is? It applies to toxins and medicine just as much as vitamins and minerals.
Don't project, you drooling monument to ignorance.

>> No.13262228

This shitty bait does not warrant a (you).

>> No.13262233

>thinks that it's actually bait

>> No.13262236

Not to mention your completely pants-on-head retarded strawman. What the fuck even was that?