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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13253535 No.13253535 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there so much hate for this stuff? It tastes delicious, is extremely nutritious and looks like cute little trees? What's not to like?

>> No.13253541

While I like broccoli I think you must be delusional if you think they taste good, it just has this texture of biting into water and they can taste good assuming you spice them properly but bland broccoli? fuck no

>> No.13253543

People's moms are shit cooks but thanks to mom worship they refuse to admit they were shit so the only remaining option is that the food itself was the reason it tastes like shit.

>> No.13253544

You must be overcooking it. Blanched broccoli is amazing.

>> No.13253545

Because some people are too dumb to cook it right, same with brussel sprouts.

>> No.13253546

Sometimes they touch my tendies and then the tendies are ruined.

>> No.13253550

Excellent side when eating steak. Especially with drawn butter

>> No.13253553

I only like broccoli after dousing it with butter, and salt.

>> No.13253629

wow that's deep, and incisive. I wanna hear your analysis on more stuff

>> No.13253636

If you cook it wrong it tastes like waxy farts.
Most people can't cook.

>> No.13253639

I like to steam for 6 minutes, I can eat them straight but they taste good with cheese or a cheese dish too.

>> No.13253644
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I don't, I know my mum cooked chicken dry and boiled vegetables too mush, I just don't tell her that because in the back of my mind even though I never think about them, the beatings still affect me.

>> No.13253645

Toss with olive oil, salt and pepper, some garlic, then roast in the oven. Delicious.

>> No.13253650

No. Just do butter + salt, and move on with your life. It's only a side dish.

>> No.13253668

Just blanch it water for about 1 min or so, remve before the colors go dull and before it loses its crunchiness. Olive oil/garlic oil if you made any, salt, done.

>> No.13253675

I was out of broccoli so I used cardboard as a substitute. Added olive oil, salt and pepper, and garlic, then roasted...it was delicious, thanks!

>> No.13253685

Steamed broccoli is fucking delicious, it has a subtle sweetness to it
And they go perfectly with steak because you can soak up all the extra steak juice with it

>> No.13254445

Because a vegetable is not a vegetable. The taste depends on how it's produced. It's fully understandable people don't like mass produced broccoli from for example Spain. Well produced broccoli is a whole different thing and is so good you can eat it raw.

>> No.13254662

Big brain realization: Because they are using frozen instead of fresh.

>> No.13254676

I love it. Full of nutrients and provides much needed fiber. I break em down into smaller chunks, steam and then throw em in a lil neckbeard delight of a stirfry, butter, salt, spicy chicken, brown rice, water chestnuts etc etc. Makes the meal at least provide adequate protein, complex carbs, healthy amount of fat and a ton of fiber. Just make sure to chew it and drink plenty of water and next time you take a shit youll know wat im talking about. Its a marked quality of life increase.

>> No.13254697

That's why

>> No.13255414

>first two replies denounce this
Why? It’s delicious. Best way to eat broccoli. Converted my gf who is a meat and potatoes girl to finally eating a green. Highly recommended.

>> No.13255419

It's a waste of time, and effort.

>> No.13255560

I grew up a picky eater and had to teach myself to eat like a non-sperg as an adult. Steak and broccoli was a game changer.

>> No.13255602

There isn't, except for in manchildren echo chambers like this shithole who would rather eat dogshit than a vegetable.

>> No.13255858

My mom wasn't a great cook when I was a kid, but she's learned a lot. When she invites me over to dinner now as an adult, I'm consistently impressed

>> No.13255889

Imagine how many worms and other tiny invertebrates are hiding among the leaves and branches.

>> No.13255907

I get frozen broccoli because I'm poor, but I drop it in a pan with some oil, garlic and crushed red pepper (I add it with the garlic to infuse into the oil), then add with a little water and chicken boullion to steam it down. This also works with just about any other frozen veggie too, toss in some pasta or rice if you'd like.

>> No.13255915

This is how vegans can survive.

>> No.13256041

This board is full of man children and tastelets.

>> No.13256936

Have you tried adding salt

>> No.13256981

you should beat your mom

>> No.13256987

>you're delusional if you like the taste of a food
Wow, you're a real cunt.

>> No.13257219

Steam it, add butter and salt

>> No.13257225
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When making stir fry with of course organic vegetables I find the broccoli to be the star of the vegetables. I like to make sure that the broccoli is a flavorful with the soy sauce but also a bit firm but also soft. Tastes amazing

>> No.13257284

look at >>13253543 YOU are the real cunt

>> No.13257292

dont care about the food, that wooden spoon looks p cool

>> No.13257717

That looks pretty good. If you mix broccoli up in a decent sauce with other vegetables and mushrooms it's not so bad.

>> No.13257890

When I hear people complain about the taste of veggies I'm reminded of a friend of mine who hated chicken because her mom would cook it until it was dry and flavorless. When I made chicken for her she loved it.

Some idiots boil food until all the taste is gone, which tends to happen most often with vegetables. Personally I like to stir fry broccoli with a bit of lemon juice, really enhances the flavor.

>> No.13257901
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>I am you but better

>> No.13257905

What forest do you think they harvest those tiny trees from?

>> No.13257917

It's from cartoons. Oh brocolli and vegetables??? Kids haaaate brocolli and vegetables, right kids? Right, gross.

It's not real. Most people like vegetables especially with butter or oil.

It's all just leftover memes from cartoons. Every now and then a kid might think it's gross or some failure might "not eat vegetables", but it's not a real thing.

>> No.13257919

white = flavorless

>> No.13257923

black = high crime rate

>> No.13257931

Fresh broccoli tastes really amazing, frozen broccoli often tastes quite unpleasant. Why?

>> No.13258197

It’s pretty good with homemade cheese sauce

>> No.13258313
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More like "cream-inally good".