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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13251454 No.13251454 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make sure beef and fish is foodsafe to eat raw?

>> No.13251462

you cook it

>> No.13251464

stop being a pussy
it's fine

>> No.13251471

Eat it and you will know for sure the by the next day.
Or, let your cat do it. A cat has a sense of smell a hundred times better than yours, and they will refuse it if disgusting.

>> No.13251477
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>> No.13251539

Source it from reputable butchers and fishmongers that have access to flash-frozen product. Buying whole primals like a real nigga and using the inner cuts for tartare is also an option.

>> No.13251555

Cats won't eat rotting meat but they can't detect E.coli or parasites, the biggest risks in eating raw meat and fish respectively.

>> No.13252289

Fish should be previously flash or deep frozen, to kill parasites. Otherwise look for a reputable source and make sure its as fresh as feasibly possible. Dont know about mammal meats, but in general there's no way to be sure raw meat is safe

>> No.13252317

If you're strong and virile it doesn't matter. If you're weak you had it coming. Roll the dice

>> No.13252335

Tell your butcher you intend to eat it raw
Flash frozen, but know that there's no guarantee against parasites.

>> No.13252424

Inspect the carcass for signs of defects, and disease then monitor how it's packaged, and transported.

>> No.13252430

You have to be born an obligate carnivore, for example a member of homo sapiens.

>> No.13252440

nothing in life is 100% safe, but if you live in a first world country a buy your meat from a reputable seller, eating it raw is reasonably safe. if you want to be extra safe, trim all the exterior parts and use them for another recipe that you are supposed to cook, like an hamburger or something.
fish is safe to eat if you freeze it first.

>> No.13252441

raise it yourself in a clean environment.

>> No.13253331

Live in a 1 world country