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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 1180x800, Hot Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13246918 No.13246918 [Reply] [Original]

So randomly one day I had the hankering for a nice yellow mustard hot dog, and i was planning on grocery shopping anyways so i could have one tonight then!
Well when i go to buy them I see an 8 pack, but also a 20 pack for barely much more. I'm a more-bang-for-your-buck kinda guy so I went for that and just got extra buns. It's not like im going to finish them all before they go bad.

So I had one that night and man it hit the spot, it was so good I had another and that was enough for me.
Well I wake up the next morning and still have the craving in my mouth so i said why not, and i had one for breakfast. Now I work from home, and they're not too filling, so i had another about 2 hours later at 10am.
Come lunch time and, well you guessed it I had one. Well... I had 2.
Along comes 3pm and I'm hitting that afternoon drowsiness so, Hot Dog Time! I had 2 more.
For dinner is where I finally stopped with that same old shit. I had 3 but now with mustard AND ketchup.

Guys, this is my second week on this routine and i'm not tired of it.
It's not an exact thing, some days only 8, sometimes 14 if i'm feeling really gluttonous.

I've had to change my shopping routine, I buy 2 packs now and still have to go shopping again on the weekend.
I'm not even fat(yet) I'm 5'11 165. Haven't been gaining weight.

So what's the consensus on Dogs, are they a super food?

>> No.13246928

Without ketchup they have no chance of being Super, anon.

Chup it up with each and every burger, dog, and fry. This is basic stuff, man.

>> No.13246941

I recommend you watch this.

>> No.13246948
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>is it bad
It's not good

>> No.13246971

> How many hot dogs can i eat a day before it starts being unhealthy?
I like hot dogs too, OP. But honestly any amount at a daily rate is going to give you cancer. Cured meat exactly of the sort hot dogs are is probably the most well established carcinogenic food commonly eaten today.

>> No.13246983
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>> No.13247036
File: 1.15 MB, 2560x1440, 20191120_235331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone up for a midnight snack?
OP here, decided to be naughty with some Jalapenos. I wanted it more spicy so only a dash of ketchup.
I finished it before i could even upload this picture. Thinking about having one more...

>> No.13247054
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>> No.13248254
File: 41 KB, 428x431, 1489741109033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like the most unappetizing thing I've ever seen

>> No.13248271

>So what's the consensus on Dogs, are they a super food?

That made me chuckle. But in the short term, I don't think a hot dog binge is gonna kill you. If you do it regularly for a long time, it surely will. As tasty as they are, they're not a superfood.

Also, what's your method of cooking your dogs? Boiling is for degenerates.

>> No.13248277
File: 11 KB, 259x194, 3F11B33E-0401-4F25-895E-CC64C15BA6B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switch it up with some kishka, chorizo or chicken sausage. These are delicious but way overpriced. I still pay the $5 though

>> No.13248280

Bake at 375 for 20 minutes

>> No.13248288

Ahh the ol slow roast! You really do appreciate your dogs. In the summer, my hotdog intake increases by a lot because nothing beats dogs on the barbeque.

>> No.13248301

microwave til just one end is split

>> No.13248303

I think the most up to date study says 50g of processed meat a day increases your colon cancer risk by about 20%. That's assuming a 5% baseline risk. An average hot dog is about 50g. Eight hot dogs a day brings your risk up to about 13%, fourteen hot dogs would be 19%. That's a pretty high risk if the studies are accurate.

I don't think it's completely agreed on though. Some studies say there's no correlation to cancer risk. Some of the studies talk about a high consumption of processed meat but that could also be talking about people who do nothing but eat hot dogs and never touch a fruit or vegetable, and the lack of plant foods in the diet could be related to any cancer risk. It's usually not good to keep eating the same thing every day like that anyway no matter what it is, I'd keep them as something to have maybe once a week. And if you aren't overweight then your general risk for any diet related issues stays down too, so keep that in mind.

>> No.13248336

1 hot dog is going to be roughly 750 kj, and a bun roughly 500. the mustard is negligible but let's say 15 calories per dog. assuming no other toppings, no butter/margarine/ketchup you're looking at about 1300 kj per dog.
The rough average of about 8700 per day to maintain weight means you can eat about 7 hotdog+buns.
The issue will be that the dogs & buns will likely contain about three as much salt as you should eat maximum a day (~5800mg, recommended is about 2000).
It's also not going to be that nutritional, the buns are empty carbs, as a whole you'd get no potassium, no fiber, no vitamins, little to no calcium or iron.
If you did it for a week, it'd probably be okay. Anything longer and you're risking health problems.

>> No.13248346

>increases 20% assuming 5% baseline
>colon cancer risk jumps a whopping 1% to 6%
Damn, how frightening!

>> No.13248358

Reminder that a jumbo all-beef hotdog and a bottomless fountain soda is only $1.50 at Costco and Sam’s Club

>> No.13248360

Instead of afflicting one in a hundred it will afflict over one in twenty. Yes that is quite significant.