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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.21 MB, 4032x3024, 690329B8-300E-4882-96A8-0A5B4522FECC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13246361 No.13246361 [Reply] [Original]

This is what depression looks like

>> No.13246363

no, depression is a wish sandwich

>> No.13246367

>home cooked pasta
>in a bowl
>with a fork
>at desk/table
it only gets worse from here, senpai

>> No.13246369

I'll chuckle for nostalgia

>> No.13246380

lazy midnight pasta is based though

>> No.13246386

it's okay if I put tuna in my carbonara when it's hot?

>> No.13246394

no haha.

>> No.13246403
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>> No.13246407

buh wuh buttu cup?

>> No.13246432
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>> No.13246548

I listen to cspan or this american life when I'm at home because I live alone and have no one to talk to, or alternately nobody calls or comes over to talk with me.

>> No.13246561

It's bad, but even that half assed pasta is better than a lot of the garbage oc retards on here fart out.

>> No.13246573

That's cheap efficient food anon. Depression is instant ramen or just eating a granola bar.
I hope things got better for that anon. Life isn't easy.

>> No.13246585

i had a stretch of about 6 months where i ate tortellini from lidl with no sauce or cheese for lunch and a bag of frozen oven fries for dinner every single day

>> No.13246603

You didn't know what beans and rice where?

>> No.13246604

>cold mcdoubles you got the night before
>cold wieners in untoasted bread
>baked chicken legs with bbq sauce on the side
>everything with large amounts of cheap beer and liquor

and when you're really not feeling it, half a bottle of nyquill so you don't have to be awake

>> No.13246611

lack of money wasnt the driving force in my case

>> No.13246612
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>> No.13246615
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This is what anxiety looks like

>> No.13246632

I understand.

>> No.13246638

saying something is too late is just an excuse to keep recreating your own personal tragedy

>> No.13246643

>Life isn't easy.
Thanks reddit. Try doing something constructive instead of wasting all your time playing video games and it might not suck so much.

>> No.13246652

thanks friend, but I know how to cook. You don't eat cold wieners because you don't know how to make lentil soup, you do it because you can't be fucked to wash a pan

>> No.13246657

Fair enough.

>> No.13246715

why the fuck are there chives

>> No.13246735

Those are called green onions. This your first day here?

>> No.13246908

No, that's just shit cooking you fuck tard. You can make plenty cheap ass pasta.

>> No.13246913

You got big chives growing in your back yard buddy

>> No.13246917

i've actually seen lots of variance in chive sizes depending on the brand.

>> No.13246919

>gotta have my pep

>> No.13246922

Start with the Greeks

>> No.13246936

green onions make everything look fancy

>> No.13246952

Kek what a bitch

>> No.13246954

>aka I'm a fat fuck and need to drink ungodly amounts of sugar

>> No.13247287

No I've just literally never seen this garnish on pasta before. This your first day on your period, bitch?

>> No.13247306

Neither have I, but that doesn't magically make me not know what they are. If you can't identify green onions you shouldn't be cooking.

>> No.13247432

>"Sauce" that is literally just a bunch of butter on the heat until it goes a nutty brown color
Wa la
Eat this and you'll want to fucking kill yourself

>> No.13247437

Green onion isn't even a real term.

>> No.13247728

Looks like the meals my psycho exgf would make for herself everyday. Always canned tuna or chicken/turkey breasts.

>> No.13247730

I make tuna noodles like once a week, drizzle some fish sauce and sriracha on top
easy protons and tasty
t. /fit/

>> No.13247734

Butter is too expensive for a poorfag.

>> No.13247735

mm delicious

>> No.13247789

Actually it looks pretty tasty, IMO. Chicken doesn’t pair amazingly with pasta ((IN MY OPINION)), but even so.

>> No.13247807

better than a knuckle sandwich

>> No.13247820
File: 14 KB, 460x276, Loves-Kitchen-10-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This IS depression: watching your own show.

>> No.13247908

mm depression

>> No.13247913

Depression looks like posting shitty food pics on 4chan because you have no friends to talk to, but still require at least someone in this world to notice you

>> No.13247918

Lentil soup is not an example of high cookery or being a cook you cocksucking buffoon

>> No.13248365


>> No.13248386

depression is having 20 empty boxes of frozen pizza scrambled in the kitchen together with vodka bottles

>> No.13248389

it's mapo tofu

>> No.13248391

>lol but at least I'm not a wagie, right?

>> No.13248394

No that's what acid reflux looks like.

>> No.13248396

>chicken pieces
Seems like a pretty good dinner. Shame about the pasta choice though.

>> No.13248403

They wanted more green in the picture.

>> No.13248444

>Shame about the pasta choice though.

Which pasta pairs best with chicky and pesty?

>> No.13248461

> male thinks noodles are depression food

It's ice cream, you obvious virgin who's never had a gf

>> No.13248472

That tastes really good.

>> No.13248625

>easy protons
They never taught me about these in science class

>> No.13248950

explains your bench dyel lmaooo got eeeem

>> No.13248982

no one talked about high cookery you dumb nigger

>> No.13250088

Should I feel bad for thinking that looks pretty tasty?

>> No.13250136

It’s okay anon I got it

>> No.13250139

>that much meat

>> No.13250140

No, pasta is comfort food after all.

>> No.13250559

How do you know? Did you break into his house and eat it?

>> No.13250573

>with a fork
How do you eat your pasta, with a spoon?

>> No.13250834


>> No.13250876
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>tfw 31
gotta have my pep, r-right guys?

>> No.13251154

>great value drink mix
I'm sorry for whatever led you to this point in life. I hope things get better for you. No one deserves to live like this.

>> No.13251245

those are scallions

>> No.13251292
File: 10 KB, 450x450, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depressed obese man here. That's not what depression looks like. This is what depression looks like. I would love to eat a bowl of pasta right now. In fact, I cooked myself a massive plate of linguini with clam sauce a few nights ago. It was so delicious. I'm currently fasting because it's the only way I can lose weight. Every time I eat, I feel angry at myself, even if it's healthy. I made two eggs on a slice of multigrain toast, and I stared at it with hatred for several minutes before I took a bite. I've been obese for most of my life and I'm sick of it. I'm still a young man at 23, and I have the rest of my life to improve my health and physique. I just hate dieting and exercising. I mean that I truly despise it. I hate being hungry, I hate having sore muscles and no energy, they make me feel like shit. Being fat doesn't make me feel like shit like diet and exercise do. It's a vicious cycle.

I can't even take my goddamn Prozac because it gives me heartburn from Hell. Fuck you and your comfy bowl of pasta. You think you're depressed? LOL I'm a real fucking 5150. I've been strapped to a gurney against my will, arrested at gunpoint, beaten and handcuffed by my own father, you don't know SHIT. fuck you. I'm going to go eat a wish sandwich because I wish I never existed

>> No.13251411

You're retarded.

>> No.13251415

I'll talk you anon

>> No.13251482

Lol is this pasta

>> No.13251796
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My typical meal.

>> No.13251885

Hope this is bait

>> No.13251899
File: 104 KB, 970x640, thebest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually looks more like this. I think he ate bigger meals than that.

>> No.13251920

don't give up exercise and healthy diet anon
it get easier over time, you just need a good trainer and a good nutricionist
don't give up

t. ex obese man

>> No.13251932

Yeah, at least he's not a wagie.

>> No.13251966

I wish it was.