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File: 137 KB, 600x900, pickle-grilled-cheese-1-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13244704 No.13244704 [Reply] [Original]

How do I melt the cheese all the way through, without burning the bread?

>> No.13244708

ask the cheese

>> No.13244712

low n slow

>> No.13244715

george forman unironically

>> No.13244716


>> No.13244719


>> No.13244723

Grill only one face of each piece of bread, make sandwich with toasted parts facing the inside, toast one side of the sandwich then flip and toast the other side.

>> No.13244728

honestly you can make a god tier open faced grilled cheese with some decent bread, cheddar and a broiler

>> No.13246552

Yeah we bongs call that "toasted cheese". Finally you burgers have caught up to the superior "twice cooked bread with melted cheese" format.

>> No.13246556

Lower temp.

>> No.13246610

take the cheese out of the fridge 10 minutes before making the sandwich

>> No.13246617

Sous vide

>> No.13246619

Cover the sandwich while it's in the pan. Or, zap it in the microwave for a few seconds after you take it out of the pan.

>> No.13246702

low and slow

>> No.13246894

Boil the whole works for about five minutes.

>> No.13247129

You put butter on the bread retard
If youre still retarded you use nedhigh heat

If youre still reardedmix the butter with a little but of high smoke point oil to raise the smokepoint

>> No.13247146

lower heat, brainlet

>> No.13247163

Use american cheese and butter the bread.

>> No.13247208

cover it with a lid on the skillet duh

>> No.13247289

This. If you want the stereotypical grilled cheese you see in pictures like the OP you need to use shit like Kraft singles or some equivalent

You can mix other cheese with it, but for the most part even using just cheddar alone, it doesn't get all liquified, it does melt just not in the same way, becomes more of an oily rubber consistency than the liquidy ooze you apparently desire

>> No.13247334

Reverse sear, but with microwave.

>> No.13247352

by not being stupid

>> No.13247361

cheddar gets pretty melty and stringy as long as it hasn't been aged too long / too dry.

>> No.13247376

Hey OP, here's what I've done recently. Melt your butter in the frying pan. Put the bread in the pan to apply the butter. Do this for each sandwich slice. Be generous with the butter. Assemble the grilled cheese over medium-low heat. Flip frequently. You'll get perfect toast and melted cheese.

>> No.13247390

easy good way, use kraft american singles
better way, shred cheddar cheese, dont use slices, shredded cheese will melt a lot faster

patrician choice using mayo instead of butter

>> No.13247463

Take your cheese out of the fridge, prepare into slices or unwrap it. Let it come up to room temp. Meanwhile, preheat a pan on medium-low. Butter your bread slices and lay them buttered side down, then distribute your cheese between each bread slice. Once some browning has developed on the underside of your bread, assemble the sandwich and just monitor the browning and flip the sandwich occasionally until your desired browning is achieved. If you're cooking on medium, you're running too hot.

>> No.13247477
File: 1.98 MB, 4160x2340, 15743219245962088430104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let you cheesd warm on the counter first. Like a steak.

>> No.13248421

You need more butter

>> No.13248864

Your heat should be on low, medium low at the absolute highest.

>> No.13248892

>Buy my grill.

>> No.13248895

You use a lid or you microwave it.

>> No.13249459

The bread has to be fridged and the cheese pre-warmed?

>> No.13249462

>How do I melt the cheese all the way through, without burning the bread?
toast in toaster oven at low temp, like 300 degrees

>> No.13249489

Flip exactly once, you absolute sperg

>> No.13249519
File: 111 KB, 640x623, le.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes absolutely no fucking difference for a grilled cheese. God damn retards on this board. Just repeat everything you've heard from master chef fuckboy on YouTube.

>> No.13249572

Use Kraft singles instead of cheese

>> No.13249589

