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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13242491 No.13242491 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't someone tell me that MSG was so good any sooner?

>> No.13242493

did it not occur to you why it's in everything yummy?

>> No.13242500

I know it's "cheating" but I put it in pretty much everything.

>> No.13244660


>> No.13246653

Put that shit on scrambled eggs my man

>> No.13246695

After cooking or during?

>> No.13247105

it’s no more “cheating” than adding fucking salt

>> No.13247617

Can you describe what difference it makes?

I really have no idea about that stuff, never cooked with that before.

>> No.13247637

because retards believed some propaganda/rumor mill that spun out of control that it was bad for you and still do.

>> No.13247648

It is hard to describe unless you are really familiar with umami/savoriness or have it side by side with something with msg and without. It makes things taste 'saltier' without more salt if that makes sense with a 'fuller' flavor. Foods with a lot of naturally occurring msg include fish sauce, soy sauce/miso, marmite, and parmesan cheese. It's that funky note in the background of each of those is what umami tastes like. You can taste test it easily by just trying something like chicken broth or gravy with and without it.

>> No.13247651

Just the other day I overheard a couple women talking about it. At the first mention of MSG one of them said "migraines migraines migraines"

>> No.13247678

There's no research that shows the side effects of msg. not a single one.
I feel sleepy after ingesting msg. Not just me, even my brother does and we haven't discussed msg ever.
I'm tired of big corporations trying to withhold information from us while we experience it first hand. Just fucking disclose shit and let the people make their decisions. Guess what? the ingredients label didn't kill corporations. It gave more power to the consumer to make informed decisions.

>> No.13247690

You wouldn't "feel sleepy" if you ate something without knowing it was in there.

>> No.13247702

I have it, but for me, even just half a teaspoon in a huge pot is enough. It's way too overpowering and completely masks all other subtle flavours if used liberally.

>> No.13247706

I just looked into it again just now to brush up what boomers said about it and one of the main studies they cite is a neurosurgeon who shills his book called Excitotoxins : The Taste that Kills and claims it overexcites your cells to death and mixes half truths with blatant scaremongering. He also now pushes anti-vaxx and anti-GMO and other Dr. Oz flavor of the week alternative fringe medicine/'science'. Every other study says it's safe.

>> No.13247756

Bullshit. I made Chinese food at home and I didn't feel sleepy at all. I tried again with my brother and he didn't feel sleepy either.
This prove something. I'm not saying that msg is bad. I'm saying there should be a non-biased scientific research on the effects of msg on the body. It has nothing to do with it being 'bad or good'

>> No.13247824
File: 125 KB, 220x165, lieontheinternet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there should be non-biased scientific research on...-
anything, once its biased-its shit
from MSG to iq

>> No.13247887

the problem in chinese restaurants is not the msg. it's more like to be any other thing:

- old, spoiled oil (ir not gutter, in asia)
- meat of suspicious quality, like reestructured meat
- bad handling of food itself, like keeping boxes of open food in the ground
- the insane amount of salt in the food. some of it may be evaporated in the wok, but the majority of it remains.

nonetheless, I prefer msg-free soy sauce, but that's because it gives me more flexibility for cooking

>> No.13247900

It may be in everything you but it's in nothing I buy.

>> No.13247937

Fuck I had some Chinese snack food it tasted gross but cause of the msg nobody could stop eating them

>> No.13248008

Sweet is the flavor of sugar.
Salty is the flavor of salt.
Umami is the flavor of amino acids (building blocks of protein) and is the flavor of meat, egg, mushrooms, (raw) fish, soy sauce, miso and all those fermented foods (bacteria break down the difficult to digest protein of soy into a variety of AAs, for example).
Westerners sometimes describe it as salty because it's often paired with salt but umami is much more prevalent in Asian cuisine, especially Japanese cooking so the people there have a much higher sensitivity to the flavor.
The best way for me to describe it is as a "meatiness", think of sushi in particular.
Is mostly correct, but the funkiness you associate with something like aged steak, salami and cheeses is normally other volatile flavor compounds created by the fermentation.

MSG in particular is glutamate, one of many amino acids. It has a very strong umami flavor profile. Different amino acids have different umami strengths, just like different sugars are more or less sweet (Ever had lactose free milk? It's sweeter because the 2 sugars created by cleaving lactose are actually sweeter than lactose; fructose is a very sweet sugar). MSG is glutamate bound with sodium so it's more chemically stable. It is actually salty since that's the same sodium as sodium chloride (table salt). It's only unhealthy insofar as pouring stupid amounts of table salt on your food is unhealthy.

tl;dr it enhances the flavor of protein rich food; makes your meat meatier and eggs eggier.

>> No.13248019
File: 53 KB, 362x679, 71hVfFYX6DL._SY679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever it was here that recommended vegeta? you're the fucking best

>> No.13248080


the salt makes me tired as fuck. but in a weird way, like I don't feel sleepy or drowsy just completely drained.

>> No.13248338

>but it's in nothing I buy
You never buy cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms, anchovies, grapes or potato chips?

>> No.13248691

e621 is good shit
everybody knows it

>> No.13248696

I wonder if my dog can eat e621...let me google that shit from my boss computer

>> No.13248723

When they are mostly done

>> No.13248782

It's the chemicals that feels good, not the food. There's no glutamate taste, it's the direct effect in the brain that you feel.

>> No.13248786

Makes my heart race. So I avoid it

>> No.13248952

That doesn't refute what I said you mongoloid.

>> No.13249206
File: 59 KB, 419x635, lmaumami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]