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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13237758 No.13237758 [Reply] [Original]

I weigh 186kg and I need to lose weight. What are some things I can snack on which are healthy? I was thinking of dipping cucumber in cottage cheese or carrots in hummus.

>> No.13237762

Don't snack in general, only eat at meals and make sure those meals are healthy.

>> No.13237764

>wants to eat to lose weight
start fasting you colossal retard

>> No.13237774

>want to lose weight
>gib snacks
Only children and fat people "snack". Unless you're talking about a very light meal to tide you over between breakfast and dinner you're doing it wrong.

>> No.13237781

Obese person here. I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks recently. The secret is to starve yourself. You MUST be hungry all the time. Eat one small meal the entire day. I was eating two eggs, a whole wheat tortilla, and about 3/4 of a cup of lentils. I was very hungry and very depressed. You will be miserable. You HAVE to be miserable. There's no way around it. I've completely stopped enjoying food. Eating for enjoyment has brought me nothing but a lifetime of pain, obesity, and mental illness. Now, I only eat when I'm absolutely starving, and I count every calorie. I'm so depressed that I don't even want to kill myself anymore. Suicide won't erase the shitty life that I've already lived. I wish there was a way to completely wipe myself from history.

>> No.13237788

Is this pasta? If not it's pretty decent satire.

>> No.13237817
File: 9 KB, 768x277, veLUyoM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a lifestyle change. You need to get used to eating less. You need to count calories and reduce them whenever possible. Here's what I had today:
Three eggs, scrambled for breakfast with 3 onions fried together. 240 calories for the eggs, roughly 100 for the oil, mushrooms, and others I added.
A small salad, roughly 50, plus oil heavy vinaigrette, roughly 100 more.
A bowl of mushroom soup, roughly 200
An omelette with more fried mushrooms, basically the same as breakfast
Altogether that's just over 1000 calories, while my MBR is 2600 or so.
You need to slowly ease yourself toward a diet that low in calories, although more varied in nutrition (I'm a new cook and happened to buy a lot of mushrooms and eggs this week) so that doing so is not miserable. You also have to train your willpower. I do not have any sugar or bread in my apartment, and you shouldn't either. They're very calorically dense. Associate sugar and bread with hunger, as eating them means you can eat less of something else, something filling that will keep the hunger at bay.
Cook everything you eat, too. Having to wait 20-30 minutes to eat something is a remarkable barrier for entry to prevent overeating.

>> No.13237824

Move your fat ass to >>>/fit/

>> No.13237834

i'm overweight too,
not eating won't kill you anon,
must trust you will survive and conquer the primal instinct to survive,
I am thinking about going on a retreat in the mountains camping but there is a very high fire danger and I have a son to look after.
otherwise, i would be overseas or far away.

>> No.13237841

Healthy snacks can still make you gain weight if you overeat. Since you're overweight, you should probably just cut out the snacks altogether.

The easiest way to lose weight is probably just do one meal a day. It's a lot harder to go over your calorie limit like that. No snacks, no soda/juice, and one meal a day. You might think you're starving at first but it's only because you've gotten so used to eating every few hours, but after a while you'll feel fine going a while without food.

>> No.13237843

hang in there. I started walking for a full hour per day rain or shine, day or night, I just go 30 minutes in a random direction and 30 back. sometimes the first 10 min sucks but has improved my overall mood substantially, good luck

>> No.13237856
File: 10 KB, 320x176, goodfellas_lessons_9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Three eggs...with 3 onions fried together.

>> No.13237869

I meant mushrooms, my bad

>> No.13237882


don't even worry about food at this point, what you need is some excercise. do a little bit more running a day until you can do at least 2 hours daily. once you get that in check you can worry about food

>> No.13237886

>don't even worry about food at this point, what you need is some excercise
Shitty advice. Burning off extra calories is a lot more work than just not consuming them in the first place. Diet is the only thing you need to fix to lose weight. Exercise should be seen more for just staying physically fit.

>> No.13237894

what he means is not worrying about dieting, rather eat less or skip meals.

>> No.13237896

That is dieting, numbnuts.

>> No.13237904

worst advice ever..if you starve yourself your body will go in starvation mode and will retain every bit of protein/fat it can..you will lose weight, but when you will start to eat normal again, you will gain weight super fast

>> No.13237906

lol i'm trying to explain what someone else means.
he means not to worry about the food he is eating rather than the quantity and timing of the act of eating.

>> No.13237912

that is why you need to persist and get over the hump,
stop making excuses for not eating less,
metabolic rate, you are fucking kidding yourself,
the body can survive for over a month without eating, or even longer as proved by real world situations.

>> No.13237922

Cucumbers, pickles, celery, carrots, etc. NO added fat/carbohydrate calories from dips and sauces. Your body isn't hungry. Your body is fat. You're bored and you have a bad habit of eating when you're bored or some other reason. Strongly recommend a low calorie ketogenic diet paired with 30-60 minutes of walking per day. Count calories, don't "cheat".

>> No.13237925

>Your body isn't hungry.
This is probably why it's better to just skip eating and learn that you don't need to eat when you're not hungry. Just eating raw vegetables as a snack is like trying to come up with a loophole to keep eating when you don't need to.

>> No.13237926

Are you 5'5 and and Asian woman? Big men have to eat all the time

>> No.13237930

nope, it's your brain tricking you,

just check out the spare tyre, how much energy is contained within, could power the average household for a week lol.

>> No.13237932

Do this, except without the cottage cheese and without the hummus

>> No.13237936

I think OP realizes that he has a food addiction and needs to break the habit by chawing on low-calorie foods. Pragmatically, this is much wiser than just not eating. Look at smokers. The ones who use gum or vapes have a much higher success rate for quitting their bad habits. Replacing a bad habit with a similar, less harmful one is a better way to an break addiction. You can disagree with me, but that doesn't make me wrong.

>> No.13237941

you're a big guy
most of the stuff I snack on is high in salt, like pickles, olives etc
I also drink diet soda, tea, coffee etc
pumpkin/sunflower seeds (which are very high in salt usually)
I think the easiest way to lose weight is to exercise (very low intensity is fine)
keeps you busy (ie you're not eating) and you're burning calories

>> No.13237946

get a job

>> No.13237953

Let's get serious anons,

most problems with obesity stem from psychologically issues that need to be addressed before real changes can be made otherwise any solution will be only temporary.

OP are you OK?

>> No.13237980

if you are that fat you could just stop eating and only drink water and take vitamins

>> No.13237988

Forget snacks, try OMAD or meal replacement shakes for breakfast and lunch and eat a small sensible dinner, you just need to stick to it and cut out sugar at least for the meantime

>> No.13237992

That's not true. Most obeasts are just lazy and don't invest in their own well being

>> No.13238006


why the hate?
haven't you felt down before?
imagine that you feel down constantly and cannot contemplate ever recovering enough to have a simple normal day where you don't hate yourself,
every day.

highly recommend "Joker"

>> No.13238008

>putting sage in the name field
Big retard

>> No.13238016

I'm 120 down from over 200 when I started dieting
If you start dieting trying to figure out what yummy things you can still eat or how you can get away with cheating you are doing it wrong and you are going to fail
Anyways snacks have set time, you don't get to snack all day. You don't get to make them, cooking while starting a diet is retarded especially if you know what you are doing, its mostly fruits and jello with a cereal bar or a couple rice crackers here and there

>> No.13238017

I would say aim for for foods rich in vitamins, protein and fat. Most people already meet any sugar needs easily. Also drink more to help you feel full.

The goal is to meet the need that makes your body tell you that you are hungry. So if your body is telling you to eat because it needs X and you keep eating Y, then you will keep feeling hungry till you body gets X. It is hard to tell at first but you need to learn to understand what your body wants. It is really good at solving these problems, provided you don't have some deeper medical issues. Keep a log and watch your fat, protein, carbs and vitamins. Find the comb that works for you. Also check your portion sizes. Try eating a set size slightly smaller then you think with more to drink, then wait some to see if the issue was just a time delay. It can take some time for some people to realize they are actually full, I know some bad days I don't feel full till ~30min after eating which can be bad during the holidays where food is always in front of me.

For me I use spiru-tein protein powder, or kippered herring and even sparingly use calorie rich trail mix. To hit my targets.

>> No.13238021
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Carrots. You don't need to dip them in anything.

>> No.13238024

>What are some things I can snack on which are healthy?
That's your problem right there. You shouldn't even consider eating snacks.

>> No.13238027

They absolutely do not. Thinking that is why you're so fat.

>> No.13238029

You have bipolar disorder, go see a psychatrist

>> No.13238037

>~400 pounds according to my American estimate

>> No.13238042

Stop posting.
I'm 6'4 and fit. I get you are a lesser man and will never understand that bigger people need more food

>> No.13238046

Have a glass of water.

>> No.13238052

Not a fatty here that won't work. I started doing 10 miles a day. I just ate 2k more calories to compensate

>> No.13238054

stfu big boy

I'm 200 pounds and 6ft.

need to lose a fair bit.
you are not helping yourself with that attitude

>> No.13238056

>Big men have to eat all the time
Ever thought that's how you became a 400 poumd sack of shit? Stop eating, retard.

>> No.13238060

With big men I mean tall fit men. You don't lift so you won't get it

>> No.13238064

we get it mate, you are special

>> No.13238079

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), occasionally still called dysmorphophobia, is a mental disorder characterized by the obsessive idea that some aspect of one's own body part or appearance is severely flawed and therefore warrants exceptional measures to hide or fix one's dysmorphic part on one's figure.

>> No.13238098

You still don't actually need to snack in between meals, you can just get away with it. OP who is actively trying to lose weight absolutely doesn't need to and shouldn't be snacking.

>> No.13238099

god OP you couldn't sound more American if you tried

>> No.13238105

There are cases where that's true, like an anorexic who weighs 100 pounds still starving themselves. But a lot of overweight people genuinely do need to lose it. There's no such thing as naturally fat.

>> No.13238106

Being sedentary and the NEED to snack is what makes people fat in practice.

"low calorie" is a fixation pushed by corporates. If you need to eat more than three times a day you have an issue right there

If you can't spend an hour without something in your mouth get a boyfriend OP

>> No.13238114

you are in denial, fact facts,

only one more lift and people will like me better,

protein shake anyone?

>> No.13238120


>> No.13238145

wrong. president trump is the healthiest president in the history of presidents and he's fat. naturally fat seems to be a thing for him

>> No.13238147


>> No.13238150

>6 eggs in one day
>fried everything
enjoy your heart disease, retard

>> No.13238160

Some studies I've looked at seem to say eggs and other fatty foods don't really cause heart disease in people who stay at a normal weight, but the majority of people aren't at a normal weight anymore. Obesity/smoking/alcoholism are much bigger and more common risk factors for heart disease.

>> No.13238170
File: 107 KB, 700x936, andre-rush-5d07354f9b0bb__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy eats 12 - 24 eggs as part of his breakfast each day. Half are whole the other half are just whites. The rest was yougurt, oats and fruit I think.

The man he works for eats only McDonald's and drinks diet coke and looks like a giant turd.

>> No.13238171

If you insist on snacking you need to sour the milk. Eat celery or radishes or something similar without anything on them. No salt, no dip, no fruit, no nothing. Don't keep any of that snack like food shit in the house. If you want to snack on something you will really only do so because you are hungry. After you do this for awhile your thoughts on snacking will change. And don't gorge yourself during meals as a work around.

>> No.13238180

Steroid-using bodybuilders shouldn't really be looked at for peak health. A lot of them end up with health problems.

>> No.13238189

You need to find the maintenance calorie for your weight then eat 10% less than that consistently without fail. If you go for more than 20% less, you will eventually fail from uncontrollable hunger and the resulting binge. You should also get some low joint impact exercises like water resistance exercises (usually offered at city pools under names like Aquafit). Don't go jogging at your weight, fuck up your knees, become completely house-bound, then get even fatter.

>> No.13238193

he's just gonna end up giving himself an ed. fatties should fix their addiction before they attempt a fast desu

>> No.13238194

Yep, this is why Africa is the most obese continent on the planet. Starving yourself makes you fat.

>> No.13238199

It's unconfirmed that he uses steroids but anyway it doesn't matter since he's just an extreme example. Point us eggs aren't necessarily unhealthy and depending on your body some people may need to eat a lot.

OP needs to do the opposite.

>> No.13238204
File: 66 KB, 718x475, Jane and Ann Yonanas[12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are the tales fatties tell themselves so when they "snack" all day and don't lose weight they can pretend it's not their fault. I wish I was joking.

>> No.13238213

This is easier than you think, look at what you are eating (read), eat more protein (25% of your calories) more fiber, and drop refined carbs altogether. Couple this with strength training to expedite and give you incentive in the form of gains. should be good in a couple years.

>> No.13238459

cucumber in garlic yoghurt
roasted tomatoes and peppers

>> No.13238611

>I'm so depressed that I don't even want to kill myself anymore. Suicide won't erase the shitty life that I've already lived. I wish there was a way to completely wipe myself from history.

>> No.13238652

>What are some things I can snack on which are healthy?
H2O. Just fast, you fatfuck. We both know you'll die a fatfuck, you lazy piece of shit.

>> No.13238689


>> No.13238730

>not eating won't kill you anon
rapid weight loss can kill you with heart failure

>> No.13238739

How about not snacking you morbidly obese piece of shit.

>> No.13238743

You're doing the right thing. In the long run, this is for the best. Maybe take a multivitamin to make sure you're getting everything you need though.

>> No.13238769

>30-60 minutes of walking per day
Walking does fucking nothing, lift and swim. Swimming is great since it's not only good workout, it also has no impact so your joints won't suffer, unlike running that will make your knees explode at 180+kg.

>> No.13238917

Walking is the default exercise for a human being. Swimming is good, but it requires a pool of water. This makes it easier to make excuses for not doing it. Anywhere you are, you can walk. Besides, a person still has to walk to get to the pool. If a person cannot walk to get to a pool, he should not be swimming without supervision. I personally lost 30 pounds of body fat by eating a caloric deficit of about 300 kcals and walking for 60 minutes every day. I am thin now, and have kept the fat off for years. Note that I did not suggest a 186kg person run, because yes, that would be too much joint stress.

>> No.13239038

Snacking=/=not starving
Not starving means consuming more than 1500/d, a heavy breakfast and a light lunch and dinner should be what you've aiming for
Going under 1500, other than telling your body to start conserving energy, opposite of what you're trying to accomplish, also means not having enough energy for lifting, crucial for speeding the process and filling loose skin, especially in man boobs zone

>> No.13239050

Eat celery and drink a shit-ton of water.

And I shouldn't say this, but chew nicotine gum and/or vape like a monster, and the weight will fall off you.

>> No.13239051

Atkins diet is the answer, you fat blob of lard!

You can literally eat as much as you bloody well please as long as it is made of proteins and fats, no carbs!

Basically you need to eat only meat, poultry, fish or eggs.

My brother went from 149kg to 75kg in a few months while eating churrasco like a fat fucking pig!

Google it!

>> No.13239074

I'm Italian and if anyone thinks i'm going to stop eating pasta cuz le carbs then I advise finding a diet for broken knees

>> No.13239081

Then fucking accept your fate as a fat fucking morbidly obese ball of lard, you filthy disgusting greasy faggot!

>> No.13239088
File: 48 KB, 1525x200, 33DE7442-D39A-4FA2-9A0B-A5C01D784F86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need to lose weight
>what snacks can I eat?
Every time.

>> No.13239130

Just eat less. You can eat whatever the fuck you want so long as your daily intake under your TDEE.

>> No.13239379

Italy and Japan have less obesity than America Ketards

>> No.13239418

Yeah zero carbs is an extreme solution for idiots who don't know how to portion control.

>> No.13239492

Yeah, but if you weight 140 kg you are obese no matter where you are from, retard.

>> No.13239507

Stop eating you dummy

>> No.13239509

Air and water tubby.

>> No.13239517

You can't read shorter and truer advice than this so pay attention.
>3 meals a day and NOTHING more
>Go to the gym and ask the trainer you want to gain mass

>> No.13239523

>You can literally eat as much as you bloody well please as long as it is made of proteins and fats, no carbs!
It's harder to overeat without carbs but it's still possible to gain weight without them. Portion control is the only thing that matters for weight. You can eat nothing but carbs and still lose weight.

>> No.13239525

>>3 meals a day and NOTHING more
Even that might be a bit much for most people unless they're actually active. One meal a day is really hard to fuck up and gain weight on.

>> No.13239654

If you haven't even started to lose weight and you are already think of things to make you eat more you are setting yourself up to fail

>> No.13239675

you need to exercise and also fast

>> No.13239758

Yeah but you could gorge yourself on cabbage all day and still lose weight.

>> No.13240708

>Eat three meals
>Still hungry and tired
>Feel fine

You guys and your snake(wizard) oil can go fuck yourselves.

>> No.13242585

Stop thinking like a fatty, fatty.

>> No.13242600

american education is a great thing

>> No.13242619

This, this, this. THIS. If you cannot walk for an hour a day for a month, you should not do anything higher intensity until you can. It will get you back in touch with your body, physical movement, and exercise in general. I have been walking my ass off lately because taking a nice walk is tacitly sanctioned during work by the older executives who take walks themselves, so why the fuck not. It really does help your ability to think and also maintain situational awareness with your surroundings. If you can walk a lot, do it.

>> No.13242692

>Tfw i havent drank soda in more than 2 years
i feel like a god and i have lost allot of weight.

>> No.13242779
File: 95 KB, 653x490, ponder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off the innernet and avoid /fit/, go to a gym or rent a treadmill
An hour of exercise (enough to make you huff and puff) keep doing this every day, no stops (stop at half an hour mark or switch to a lower pace to have a bit of water) and KEEP GOING
eat regular healthy meals of chicken breast or any other lean meat, cook it however you like and green veggies mostly, 2 a day.
This is our lifestyle op, were fat, but dont do this because you are fat-do this because it opens up so many options
wearing any clothes youd like
sleeping,breathing and sitting comfortably
looking and feeling like human beings
all gonna make it bros just keep going

>> No.13243193

How is it even possible to weigh 186kg?

>> No.13243969

>You can literally eat as much as you want
yeah fuck physics! based protip anon see no paid shill here

>> No.13243981

>yeah fuck physics! based protip anon see no paid shill here
Stupid retard! Only carbs are metabolized by your body in a way that enables it to store energy in the form of fat. Google atkins diet and read why it works before vomiting your worthless opinions.

>> No.13243982

Toast almond in convention oven or airfryer then coat them with some spices and 1 tsp butter (make sure almonds are hot do butter could melt and spices stick) then Munch on these. Store them in air tight container

>> No.13243994

>It's harder to overeat without carbs but it's still possible to gain weight without them.
You can get muscle mass by eating proteins, you can't increase your fat reserves withoun't carbs.

>> No.13244687

Please go to a dietist instead of acting on your retarded own.
Your brain needs sugar to work, you need a little of carbohydrates every day to avoid ketosis, why the fuck are you eating SIX fried eggs and you need to eat a lot more of vegetables of a little salad.
Also you need meat or fish or chicken at least one time a day, eggs are good but you can't take all your proteins from them.

>> No.13244697

No, consult a dietist and have a strong will, also ask your doctor about keto for periods of two weeks

>> No.13244756

stop eating fatty
drink only water fatty
maybe coffee, and no sugar or milk fatty

>> No.13244768

>Only carbs are metabolized by your body in a way that enables it to store energy in the form of fat.
You are an idiot in the best case, a criminal shill in the worse

>> No.13244771

3 meals a day, no snacking, ensure like half your plate is cucumbers and carrots and lettuce (no dressing) and shit like that because it takes up room in your stomach but isn't calorie dense. Let yourself be hungry at night, be strong king.

>> No.13244823

Stop eating so much fatty

>> No.13244836

Cucumber is mostly water, go with carrots. They have much better nutritional value and calories =/= bad

>> No.13244856

>I weigh 186kg and I need to lose weight. What are some things I can snack on which are healthy?
stop eating fat entirely.
eating naural starches is fine.
eat hot wet starches, like beans, oatmeal, potatoes, winter squash, pasta, bread etc.

>> No.13244874

I just eat a bunch of raisins and peanut butter as my only food source and then for one month out of the year I eat whatever I want. I'm looking forward to December.

>> No.13245581

I just skip breakfast and lunch. Eat an apple around 4pm. Eat dinner and sleep. Also a ton of water helps

>> No.13246474

Eliminate snacking from your daily food intake, or at least significantly reduce the amount of snacking you do.

Have breakfast within the first hour or two that you wake up. Two eggs. Two sausage links, or strips of bacon. A slice of (multigrain) toast. Don't salt and pepper too liberally. Have a cup of coffee or tea or water with your breakfast, none of that sugary apple or orange juice shit.

Keep your lunches smaller. A turkey sandwich is fine. Yes you can have condiments (mayo, mustard) on it. Yes you can have cheese on it. Be fucking normal and have a regular sandwich. Just omit chips or fries or whatever bullshit that's normally pushed onto the meal with it. Substitute with a salad or something. Or, if you're like me, completely omit lunch from your daily meals because breakfast will keep you full until dinner time.

Speaking of dinner, just eat something hearty and good for you. TV dinners, microwave meals, solely pasta dishes (spaghetti, macaroni, casseroles, etc) are garbage and shouldn't be considered actual meals. Cook up some chicken, stick a fish filet under a broiler or something. Roast some veggies, like brussels or green beans or asparagus or carrots. Potroasts are fuckall easy the same way slowcooker meals are--throw a bunch of veggies and herbs and butter in with a hunk of meat, dump a good wine into the mix and whammo, there's dinner for like, 3 nights.

Track your food, your meals--not your CAloRiES--in a journal of some kind, or a fitness app. Start walking more, or find an activity you like doing (biking, walking up stairs... Dancing around in your room like a sperg, whatever) and start doing it daily for like, a half hour, or as long as you can tolerate. Find joy in that and don't use food as a reward for the effort.

Realize that what you eat and do is a part of lifestyle. If you want to lose weight, it's not a trendy thing you do temporarily: commit to it. It's as hard--and as easy--as it sounds.

>> No.13246597

delicious glasses of water. glass after glass of delicious water until you are full. you fat fuck

>> No.13248076

bruh of there were 3 of me we would still collectively weigh less than you

>> No.13248128

Google it before acting retarded.

>> No.13248130

I like having two slices of toasted bread with a bit of jam... less than 200 calories. Or a can of tuna mixed with Greek yoghurt.
I also loved buying small portions of e.g. pudding or ice cream when I was starting out dieting... if I was really craving something salty I'd eat popcorn. When you're really heavy you don't even need to restrict *that* much, simply cutting out chips, non-diet soda etc. is enough to lose weight rapidly (assuming you already eat a lot of that stuff).
t. used to weigh 140kg, now down to 98.

>> No.13248170

the guy is clearly on mountains of fucking gear. he has arms like ronnie fucking coleman lmao. just shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.13248199
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Stopping snacking is the easiest way to start losing weight.

>> No.13248207
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>It's unconfirmed that he uses steroids
>It's unconfirmed
>that he uses steroids

>> No.13249627
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Lose like 100kg then start thinking what kind of healthy snack you can make that won't make you gain weight

>> No.13251290

>What are some things I can snack on which are healthy?
Stop thinking about eating all the time. Get better hobbies! Use your time with anything else!
Even videogames would be an improvement over obsessing about food.

>> No.13251361
File: 39 KB, 442x416, fat cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take up smoking instead

>> No.13252228


>> No.13252264

Dude i'm 6'4" and I weigh 149kg, you're fat.

>> No.13252561

Unironically make 3 filling healthy meals a day, and you will not need to snack

>> No.13253683

>eating 10k calories of fat won't get you fat
Dumbest individual ever seen on /ck

>> No.13253693

Google it.

>> No.13253716

Ok I'll bite, spoonfeed me on your sources, because from what I read, you're bullshit

>> No.13253784

I'm not doing your research for you and wasn't even the original guy. If you look into how the diet works you'll see but I don't care if you want to learn or not.

>> No.13253844






>> No.13253977

I already read different articles about atkins and it is just an extreme keto, that sure, works, but should't be followed for too much time: so little carbs leads to many problems.
Anyway, the original statements were:
>You can eat all the proteins and fats you want, without carbs you won't get fat
>Only carbs become fat
These statement are still retarded and don't find mention in any articles I read, so if you want to highlight
(Yes, I know that you sate your hunger faster on protein than on carbs - I follow 2 weeks period of keto - but one thing is saying you can eat lots of proteins, another is you can gourge on churrasco all you want)

>> No.13253996

*don't find mention or any explanation
*to highlight them anywhere, you are welcome to do it

>> No.13254020

>admits the diet works
>moves the goal post to demand your specific words get mentioned.
You are a fucking faggot.
I studied biological sciences and learned that at human phisiology class, go agead and get a higher education to know more. Also, read the 20 studies linked in the article and google about metabolic pathways to learn about why only carbs turn to bodily fat.

Got all that? Good, now eat shit and die!

>> No.13254022


>> No.13254024


>> No.13254159

>admits the diet work
KETO works, like every low carbs diets, but atkins in particular, with 30g tops of carbs and the promise of stuffing yourself like a pig, don't.
If you reread ame messages, you'll see that it's this that I am contesting since the beginning.
I already wasted too much time on this, so since you have studied so much, stop hiding behind Google it and read it just tell me : where the excess of calories goes, if I only eat proteins and fats? If I have a metabolism of 3500 cal and I eat 7k

>> No.13254179

How about you learn to stop eating all the time you fucking dumbass.

>> No.13254211
File: 82 KB, 800x450, kale chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kale Chips.

Shredded kale.
Olive oil
Optional: Garlic powder

>> No.13254219
File: 2.43 MB, 3112x3112, IMG_20190501_203802_598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kale salad is better.

>> No.13254250

Well mr lazy faggot, if you must know the fact is that your body does not turn all your fucking proteins and fats that you have been eating into calories, it actually breaks them into aminoacids and triglycerides and uses them for other purposes such as muscle building, it is not all used for fucking filling in your calorical needs. When you don't eat fucking carbs your body DOES break down some proteins and fats into calories, but it only does so as needed for the exact fucking amount it requires to function. The excedants are fucking discarded in your feces, which im hereby suggesting you should eat a large dose of.

Got that? Now go eat a bag of shit and die!

>> No.13254289

chips taste better

>> No.13254417

The ideal choice is no snacking at all. However, pickles are pretty decent, like 5cal a spear and even though I love them, I can't eat more than like 3 by themselves.
Jerky is also decent, mainly because it's much higher satiety than an equivalent in chips or carrots or whatever

>> No.13254420

just stop eating

>> No.13254427

Fast, one meal a day
Couple of days of cravings but after that you will not even notice it.

>> No.13254649

Listen, I read every one of those and what I get from them is that keto diet works ( we already know that), but for the first weeks-months, after one year the differences become less significant.
Also, not restricted keto diets have less significant results than calories restricted keto diets.
Citing from your source:
>Two of the main reasons why low-carb diets are so effective for weight loss are the high protein content, as well as the appetite-suppressing effects of the diet. This leads to an automatic reduction in CALORIE INTAKE.
So as I say before, keto works because you sate yourself faster and eat LESS, diminushing your calories intake.
Now, about the process you described, that if you don't take carbs, all the excess of proteins goes into the feces and is not assimilated, that's the first time I ever heard of it and it was not cited once in your sources, so they were useless to my points since the start, but I'm interested in this theory: can you point me to anything that talks about it?
Though, seek phycological help for you anger issues

>> No.13255495

If you got access to focalin, it kills your appetite