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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13234707 No.13234707 [Reply] [Original]

Give me the worst pizza topping (or combo of toppings) imaginable.

Pineapple doesn't count because everyone knows its shit pizza topping.

>> No.13234722

Bacon, and ham. I can not wait until this banned in Europe.

>> No.13234725

cauliflower and more cauliflower

>> No.13234733

I eat bacon, ham, pineapple and jalapenos on pizza with a bbq based pizza sauce

What you gonna do about it faggot?

>> No.13234736

sounds good, whats so bad about it

>> No.13234746

Chicken with BBQ/Buffalo sauce.

>> No.13234775

Pepperoni, if you're an adult.

>> No.13234784
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dryer lint on fresh mozzarella with a white piss sauce

>> No.13234822


>> No.13234836


>> No.13234846

i'm not too big on olives. once i was out with some friends at a pizza place and one of the guys offered to get a few pizzas if i bought a round of drinks; ok cool. mfw i come back to two pizzas, one all green olives the other all black olives, no other toppings. what in the actual fuck

>> No.13235069

BBQ sauce

>> No.13235074

sausage, meatballs, beef, pepperoni, bacon

too much meat just turns it into a greasy slopfest that tastes like shit

>> No.13235090


Whatever toppings you like on pizza, only real answer.

>> No.13235107

ketchup sauce, betty crocker white frosting cheese, topped with canned okra, sauerkraut, Ball Park franks, and coffee beans.

Steam it.

>> No.13235208


>> No.13236174

It's haram

>> No.13236176


>> No.13237371

You homophobic bigot

>> No.13237376

toenail clippings, cat shit, dickcheese, dried anal warts

>> No.13237381

True. After working at Round Table for many years, any meat is gross. The All Meat Marvel was nicknamed the Cardiac Arrest Supreme. We had a special tool to scoop all the fat and grease into the trash bin after cutting those things up. Bleach! Tasty, yes, but disgusting.

>> No.13237382


>> No.13237474

i honestly hate pepperoni and how greasy it makes the whole pizza. Bacon and hamburger are much better on pizza. the pepperoni dominates the flavor entirely. I prefer plain cheese over pep.