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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 431x370, grocery-saving-tips-01-foss431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13229692 No.13229692 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else hate how people in supermarkets are so dumbfounded and unaware of their environment. It really pisses me off. I enjoy grocery shopping in person to check the freshness of products and see new things, but trying to get around the store is so frustrating because other customers are so disruptive. You have to be aware of your surroundings all the time because they'll constantly get in the way or even walk into me if I'm not careful. They have no regard for others at all or respect that the place is meant to be shared. It's like everyone's IQ is suddenly halved. I hate it so much. What is wrong with people?

>> No.13229696

so what is the purpose of this post?
this isn't a therapy session

>> No.13229710
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>The bane of my existance
Learn to park your carts you faggots

>> No.13229712

Yeah NPCs and boomers are everywhere

>> No.13229742

>shopping in supermarkets
Ok boomer

>> No.13229743

You picture a woman but the main offenders seem to be middle-aged men. I can be in a grocery store at an odd time when it is nearly empty and feel like I am on the tokyo subway at rush hour because some male boomer is attracted to the exact row/shelf/product i am trying to look at. It gets really irritating.

>> No.13229763

>see cute grill
>gently bump into her
>oh sorry I was distracted looking for XXXL condoms ;)))

>> No.13229812

You're mad the other people aren't aware of their surrounding and complaining about having to be aware of your own surroundings?

>> No.13229972

I don't understand how people can be that oblivious of their surroundings. The worst are the dumb faggots that park side by side in an aisle taking up the whole thing while having a conversation. They always look at you like you're inconveniencing them when you need to pass.

>> No.13229974
File: 211 KB, 1059x1497, page_141[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should get rid of shopping carts. everyone should shop with a fruit picking harness like this.

>> No.13230006

Where would I put my sodas, toilet paper, and televisions?

>> No.13230010

honestly i love going to supermarkets in the city, everyone shops with baskets and is busy to get to their next destination so they don't linger around blocking shit. suburban supermarkets are full of fatasses rolling their carts around. literally no one uses the shopping baskets

>> No.13230032

Yes I get pissy if I ever grocery shop before 11pm. Old people walking slowly, traffic jams caused by fat women parking carts side by side to talk, low income families blocking off entire sections for no reason. I hate them so much

>> No.13230034

It's a window into the mind of other people. I fucking wish I could be this oblivious about my surroundings.

>> No.13230045

No, I just hate women, faggots and leftists.

>> No.13230048

i called two therapist offices last week and neither have gotten back to me

llike if i was su or homicidal i would have done it by know what the fuck?

>> No.13230067

If it's an emergency call 911. It says it in every therapist office voicemail.

>> No.13230070

Yes your parents probably do all the shopping.

>> No.13230138

Where are my 8 a.m food shopping frens at? Only a few old people left from the 6 a.m rush are in the store and a few respectable adults. Also cuties stocking shelves aren't in a bad mood yet.

>> No.13230144

3 am is the only time to shop

>> No.13230154

i went in at 7 am and all the employees were in a good mood and telling me good morning as i walked past. it fucking pissed me the fuck off

>> No.13230161
File: 1.33 MB, 396x222, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget about the wad of hundies my man

>> No.13230169
File: 250 KB, 870x1390, BB0CBB6A-C618-45E1-9AB7-258BAAB7A9B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me see can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh halfpoundaturkey uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh smoked and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.13230170

I used to do all my shopping at Walmart at 3am, because I got off work really late. I'd drive all the way to a different city/suburb though to avoid weird shit at the one close to me.

>> No.13230171

>the virgin Hoopbag - Harness
>the chad Kiwifruit Bag - Nylon
>the stacy Coppo Picking Bag -Hooped

>> No.13230174

Nigga why are you shopping in the middle of the day on a weekend? Shop at 12pm on a Tuesday. Problem fucking solved faggot.

>> No.13230180

>"This is the produce department..."
>"Oh, uh... You, too..."

>> No.13230194

I'm picturing you on your phone, in the middle of an aisle, between a display and the shelf, blocking traffic as you type out that paragraph.

>> No.13230223

>fatasses rolling their carts around
That's nothing compared to small town south where it's that plus everyone has to block the aisle while bullshitting about the latest gossip.

>> No.13230235

I've had bad experiences with workers at that time. Mostly stoners and lazy fucks working and not wanting to bag.

>> No.13230245

>you should know what you want from the meat counter before you go to the meat counter
damn, wouldn't want those minimum wage cucks to get to stand around for a second or two doing nothing

>> No.13230247

>Cute Clerk
>Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyy what's up?
>Uuuhhhhhh pretty good prettty good...

>> No.13230269
File: 64 KB, 500x357, 1560743249137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with a lot of you guys, but now because of Christmas coming up hate cashiers asking if I like to donate just one dollar to yada yada charity, even at the dollar store

>> No.13230331

Yes, you should.

>> No.13230397

>remember to bring your binoculars we need some sandwich meat, dear

>> No.13230515

>do you want to donate $1 for-
>a thanksgiving meal given directly to a local family in need?
>*sigh*, sure

>> No.13230566

LOL bah your own shit loser. I do that anyways

>> No.13230587

I just always so no. It's pretty easy when you think about it logically. If you really cared and wanted to help go give your money to the group that needs it directly. Not some 3rd party that claims to give the money when you have no idea.Also it's not like they are doing it out of the goodness of there hearts they get all the money back at tax season.

>> No.13230663

I'll report you to your manager wagie bitch

>> No.13230695

lol tard

>> No.13230774

There is no worse shopping experience than accidentally making your trip on pay day.
The amount of stupid low class garbage who live paycheck to paycheck waddling around with trash filled carts and obese little hellspawn. They're as oblivious as 90 year olds and as restrained as 5 year olds. They're yelling at each other across aisles and won't refrain from fighting in public.

>> No.13230799

seething woman/leftist/faggot

>> No.13230823

>low income families blocking off entire sections for no reason
Fucking Mexicans, I swear to God.

>> No.13230825

The $8/month I pay for unlimited instacart is honestly worth it. I'll admit that recently they have been hiring black shoppers, which can throw a wrench in things, because they literally don't know what the difference is between things like chives and green onions (received 4 lbs of green onions instead of 4 oz of chives once), but it's still less of a headache than going to the grocery store myself. If it's something really important that can't be messed up then I either tell them in the chat after the order is placed or go to the store myself. But they're pretty god about it if I tell them that the order is really important and need to know right away if they can't fulfill it properly.

>> No.13230832

>was in grocery store once for a quick trip
>needed milk
>ambulocetus has abandoned its cart in front of dairy case
>move cart about 2 feet, grab milk, go to leave
>blubbering sea mammal having conniption behind me
>turn back
>"Excuuuuse me don't touch my fucking cart"
>bitch seriously
>"My purse is in that cart, what are you trying to steal my fucking purse for, don't touch my damn cart"
>hell no
>curse her out, flip her off and leave store

yeah you dumb waste of vegetable oil, i tried to steal your purse by walking 10 paces past it.

>> No.13230874

This. This is why I wait till early Saturday or Sunday before I get stuff. Most are still asleep or in church. Once tried it during the week before work, big mistake. Nobody manning the checkout lanes. Just those self scan shit things. (Even though employees are all over the damn store). I fucking left a full cart sitting there and left the store.

>> No.13230985

>Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyy what's up?
>*slams down 2kg jar of crunchy PB*
>"Nuttin' much, Nuttin' much...."
If she doesn't laugh, she's not "the one". Get out fast and never return.

>> No.13230999

>a thanksgiving meal given directly to a local family in need?
Demand a goddamn charity receipt, nigguh. Thems tax deductions right there.

>> No.13231040

personally I find it extremely annoying when you enter a deli or café or whatever and the person behind the counter immediately asks what you want... like nigger please let me see what you have first for fucks sake, don't stress me there's no one behind me.

>> No.13231042

Why do they bring five generations of family members with them to shop?

>> No.13231084

Ees family bonding, Senior.
Pleese don't get mad. My brother Ansualez is only here for two weeks. Mama would be sad if he was deported.

>> No.13231137

I dunno but it seems like at least here there's some seriously hot chicks working at my local kroger. It's one of the little things that make going to that shit hole more bearable. If I wasn't married I dunno I would try to get to know a few of them a bit better you know.

>> No.13231139

Oddly enough, my grandmother tried a new supermarket the other week.
She phoned me in amazement to tell me that people were polite and not pushy, and were actually aware of the environment.
She also told me they were all white.
She's getting redpilled.

>> No.13231144

Not all of us are NEETs

>> No.13231148

I don't know if one dollar a few times in an entire year makes a difference. I donate a lot to a local thrift store (used to use goodwill but their prices aren't that great for people in need anymore) and get the donation receipts there. Literally any time I have something that I don't want any more including cardboard boxes or paperclips or whatever I put it in a bin, so later I can bring it to the thrift store for them to sell. They sell anything that they can legally sell and if the price is really low they just give it to someone for free when the get to the register.

>> No.13231150

>you can't deduct it without a receipt
deductions are worthless unless you make bank anyway, just take the standard

>> No.13231153

"Yes, hello, 911? I'm going to kill myself haha"

>> No.13231174

Yeah exactly. Unless someone is truly convinced of killing themselves, they will call 911 or a suicide hotline, because most people don't want to go through with it even if they kind of want to and are thinking about it and even making plans. I would recommend going with the hotline though, because the 911 responders will come get you, put you on suicide watch for 24 hours - as long as it takes, then charge you out the ass for the ordeal.

>> No.13231177

Isn't that what suicide hotlines are for?

>> No.13231188

>Why do they bring five generations of family members with them to shop?
Same reason why they take 20 family members to a court hearing. They need people to translate stuff.

>> No.13231207

Don't do this. The company just takes your money and donates it in their name and uses it as a tax writeoff.

>> No.13231347

I realize that. I have almost never agreed to these stupid donations, but everyone has a soft spot that can be reached and taken advantage enough in the right mood and right conditions. We're talking about a dollar. I hate when they ask for shit like donate to kids dying of aids. I just cannot possibly believe that my donation will go anywhere except some scam.

>> No.13231401
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>> No.13231406

damn whats better than goodwill?

>> No.13231412

Charity is a scam too

>> No.13231425

Faith Lutheran Thrift Store on S Rainbow and W Sahara in Las Vegas. I got great condition genuine leather boots for $10 an also a nice allweather, full length jacket for $10 there. I've gotten a bunch of stuff like martini glasses and picture frames for free, because the price plus that day's discount for housewares was so low they didn't bother to have me pay. Sometimes after I donate stuff I walk around to see if there is anything interesting that I want. They always have tons of incredibly nice stuff, because the families who send their kids to the Faith Lutheran school plus other people in the area donate pricy antiques and almost unused or completely unused things. I got a $300 stainless steel pot and pan set for $50. Goodwill jacks their prices up ridiculously here to where it's not reasonable to buy their used crap at those prices. They send the good stuff to online auction instead of selling it to the local community.

>> No.13232215
File: 346 KB, 2504x1980, Fat old balding hard working salary man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should hook up with the hard working fat balding middle aged salary man.

>> No.13232224

And when you see the bill, you'll REALLY want to kill yourself.

>> No.13232229

Carts in the parking lots are much worse.
At my local grocery store I put up the rare stray cart that I see. At Wal-Mart, most of the subhumans there leave their carts out. Sometimes when I'm there at night and I'm feeling particularly shitty I shove a stray cart down the nearest passageway at full speed before leaving. Nearly nobody at my local Wal-mart puts their shit up so as far as I care whatever car it rams into is justified.

>> No.13232235

If you're in line, let others in front while you look. Otherwise tell the wagie to give you a moment. At no point does anyone ever have to say "can I get uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh" to any kind of employee.

>> No.13232243

I always prioritize the ugliest, most autistic cashier. They're immediately disarming and comforting to be around, especially compared to cute girls who always seem to look bothered by my presence. As an added benefit the other day my favorite cashier asked if I play mtg which of course, the manchild I am, I do. Had a nice chat with a stranger for once in my life.

Ignore the qt cashiers anon, they're not worth the greentext stories.

>> No.13232245
File: 68 KB, 300x168, 45634573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work with me now.

Your "cart" is not pushed but rather follows you on an over hanging grid track. Once you have 100% confirmed you found the item and the freshness/ripeness/price the cart drops down for deposit and goes back up. The only traffic is other people's bodies and not their huge long ass lane blocking ground based carts.

>> No.13232247

I hate when you get an electric shock from the trolley

>> No.13232251

But I want to marry one they're pretty and make me feel funny.

>> No.13232268

I hate the whole 6 person families just standing in the fucking way clogging up everything.

Most of the ones guilty of this are black families

>> No.13232271

imagine actually being this mad about inconsequential activities like subtly moving around stationary people.

>> No.13232274

try living in texas beaner land. they like bumping into each other

>> No.13232436

If you're as horrifying to look at as I am, take your chances online. It's the only option for some.

>> No.13232720

I never see any middle-aged men at the store. They all make their wives do it.

>> No.13232792

post feet

>> No.13232822

I haven't been in a supermarket since they started delivering to my door.

>> No.13233115

The us must be hell in Earth

>> No.13233302

Based and redpilled

I eat and go to bed right after work if I plan to grocery shop, wake up after 3 or 4 hours, shop, free time and back to bed till work.

>> No.13233341

They all have boyfriends. Cut your losses.

>> No.13233363

>walking down an aisle
>fat bitch and her trolley standing their gaping at food on the shelves, blocking the whole aisle
>keep walking forward
>she still doesnt notice me somehow or just doesn't care
>standing right next to her
>she doesnt move
>push her trolley out of the way and walk past
>she looks at me all pissed off
go fuck yourself
now I just buy all groceries online and get them delivered

>> No.13233377

You could have just said "excuse me" if you weren't a fucking raging autist.

>> No.13233414

why the hell should I be polite to someone who isnt? a polite person wouldnt block an entire aisle. a polite person would be considerate of others and move to allow them to go past without needing to be asked

>> No.13233415

damn Fonzie, how do I get to be as cool as you?

>> No.13233769
File: 27 KB, 650x350, pipes_and_tubes_are_the_way_of_the_future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you opened your car trunk into a receptacle and walked into the store? You select an item from the shelf and place it into pneumatic tubes conveniently placed at each aisle, where you input your receptacle number. This sends the item directly into your car but not before being inspected and analyzed by a a bunch of employees in a cramped, humid chamber above the store, where the price is deduced and placed on your account.

>> No.13233937

Maybe because being polite would have given you the result you desire instead of making you so mad you had to rant at 4chan? She was probably lost in thought thinking about something and didn't notice you. That's why you say "excuse me" and they say "ohh sorry didn't see you there" and move. Instead of just getting creepily close hoping she'll notice and then move her stuff. Of course she looked at you like you were a weirdo.
Learn to function in a society lol

>> No.13233974

Remember that charity is just a way for jews to write off taxes and influence politics.

>> No.13234227

ill politely step aside for people with hand baskets and cut off old ladies with shoppingcarts when in the grocery store.

>> No.13234251

bag your own groceries so the cashier can get to the next person. i see late 30s to 60s y.o women just stand around all the time waiting for the cashier to finish charging up items. then waiting more for cashier to bag it all for here. way more common in suburbs, way less common in the city

>> No.13234259

uggghhhh iv had some cut talks with this dykey not hot chick with a great smile at my local grocery store. i see her a lot and then stole some aluminum foil in front of me and i think she dont think im cute anymore

>> No.13234260

Here they do it at the same time. Scan, put in bag. One quick, clean motion.

>> No.13234268

They don't bag them right after scanning them?

>> No.13234320

>I meant my XXXL cucumber for my XXXL anus
>tips pussyhat
>learns to code

>> No.13234474

fuck off retard you probably block aisles constantly you obese trash

>> No.13234479

I think you're just describing spics and maybe niggers

>> No.13234483


not with big old american size check outs. the casheir slides everything theough scanner hella fast and sometimws bagboy will bag it, othertimes you start to bag your own as groceries start coming to baggig end.

and if neither is happening, the cashier will then begin bagging your groceries while you pay and then continuenbagging them whuke while you stand there doing nothing

phone on charger poster text qaulity

>> No.13234490

not my fault they don't hire enough employees to run an efficient business. i can't always bag my own shit because they ring it up in the wrong order. I'm not putting bread at the bottom of the bag, then if I try to bag it up they always take over and do it in 15 seconds.

>> No.13234498

I never realized that pushing a cart around the store required Batman-esque levels of situational awareness.

>> No.13234505
File: 350 KB, 1296x972, Laicor-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't most registers have the bags right next to the cashier like this so they can bag them? When I've been to places where they don't then there are typically baggers, but if no one is around then of course I'll just bag stuff up.

>> No.13234654

You're supposed to put it on the converyor in the correct order.

>> No.13234939

>People who leave their cart in the middle of the aisle when they need to look at something
>People very slowly walking down the middle of the aisle with their cart because they didn't make a fucking list before going to the store
>People with carts stuffed with groceries going to self-check out and not the conveyor checkout so that people with baskets containing a few items have to spend half an hour waiting for them
>People who bring all of their living family members with them like the grocery store is a field trip to the local park
>People who let the kids decide what they're going to get at the store
>Those useless, fat employees that just stand by the self-checkout, breathing over your shoulder as you're scanning your items
>People who grab carts even though they're just getting a few things and could've easily grabbed a basket or brought their own grocery bag

Grocery stores are where IQ's and spatial awareness both go to die. I don't know how people can be so stupid and inconsiderate of the others around them. Everyone moves and leaves their carts like they're the only ones that would possibly need to be at the store.

>> No.13234954

how am i supposed to do that? I'd literally have to put the bread at the bottom of my basket and have it get crushed by everything else while I'm shopping?

>> No.13234963

In my area every Kroger has a Starbucks and some are located right next to the produce so there are people waiting for their drinks just standing all around the veggies. Then you have those women that see someone they know and chat casually while standing in the middle of the lanes in the produce area.
THEN you have the busses that drop off the seniors from the senior care facilities nearby and they move like goddamn molasses, inspecting everything they see like it's some alien artifact.
Fucking Ohio.

>> No.13235237
File: 101 KB, 750x563, man-grocery-shopping-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You picture a woman but the main offenders seem to be middle-aged men.

I’m a middle-aged man (52 year old) and I have to disagree.

Dunno where you’re at but here in metro Detroit, the male grocery shoppers are the most efficient and cause the least hassles; we drive down the aisle on the right, we push our carts to the side, we look before we pull out of an aisle, we know what we’re looking for, we never babble on our cellphones, we lay out our stuff on the conveyor by weight (heaviest to lightest), we place the divider stick behind our stuff so you can start laying out your stuff, we don’t use coupons, we’ve NEVER written a check for groceries, we quickly pile our bagged stuff in the grocery cart, we have our cash or debit card ready and we put the empty cart in the corral in the parking lot.

When I’m rolling up to the check out, I’ll always get behind another guy even if he has a ton of stuff, as he’ll still be faster then a chick with half the amount of groceries.

>> No.13235275

This makes me insane also but I now use the following strategy:

I use a handbasket instead of a cart and make more trips to the store.

I can't stock up on food like before, but I have a consistent flow of fresh meat and produce rather than trying to buy 1-2 weeks of supplies that get kind of nasty towards the end.

>> No.13235283

that's only because you have no sense of presence op.

>> No.13235292

I didn’t picture a woman

>> No.13235366

>needing a carriage for your parcels
carry what you need for the now with your hands you child

>> No.13235564

i pissed off a couple of women that didn't move once
>proceed up the aisle and see two fat women blocking the entire thing
>amazed they can even fit aside each other
>give a polite "Pardon me, ma'am." as I always do
>maybe they didn't hear me
>"Excuse me." a bit louder
>"Get the fuck out the way you fat cunts." at full volume
>bitches get all blustery but move
>hear a guy laughing the next aisle over

Moral is, fucking being nice.

>> No.13235764


>> No.13235804

yes, and it's almost always a nigger or an old lady. Niggers stop dead in their tracks on the way inside the grocery store to bix nood on their phones, then you say excuse me and they hardly move over, not inside the store to make way, just a tiny step to the side, still squarely in the door frame. This happens so often I now understand why schizos think they are being gangstalked, the same shit happens all the fucking time.
Then some stupid old boomer leaves her cart sideways in the aisle, blocking everything while she walks away from it to pick out what kind of tomato sauce she wants even though shes been getting the same thing since 1971, and I have to park my cart, move hers, then go behind my cart again and keep going while she just glares at me and says nothing. This is probably why so many people go postal in walmarts.

>> No.13235821

always say no. charities are jewish scams that prey on the pathological altruism of white people.
If you want to feel good about helping someone, help your neighbor with something.

>> No.13235936
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Pic related, OP.

>> No.13235943

In japan but not here.

>> No.13235972

Everywhere that is crowded is like this. The thing that pisses me off the most is that I always have to be the one to move when some retard is walking straight towards me. I tried walking straight ahead for once and didn't move for anyone. Everyone got out of my way surprisingly. Since none of these subhumans have any shred of decency, you can't afford to give them any.

>> No.13235978

>People very slowly walking down the middle of the aisle with their cart because they didn't make a fucking list before going to the store
Fuck you, I don't have everything at the store memorized, and sometimes I want to potentially try something new. If I'm comparison shopping (which I rarely do but fuck it), I need to figure this shit out.

>People who grab carts even though they're just getting a few things and could've easily grabbed a basket or brought their own grocery bag
Also fuck you, you have no idea if I'm going to go buy a big ass thing of paper towels, a case of beer, or cleaners at the end. What if there's a good deal that catches my eye?

Are you so autistic that you pre-shop your shopping trip every time? I will say, I'm normally fast and stick to my side, but shopping doesn't come naturally to me with a limited skillset with cooking.

>> No.13236186

> Heavy bag in front of your legs, swinging back and forth hitting your legs, preventing you from walking normally
> Expecting the elderly with weak backs to be able to carry this

>> No.13236244

maybe if the elderly had used these instead of shopping carts they wouldn't have such weak backs

>> No.13236276

As you take it out of the cart you place things on the belt the way you want them. Usually you put eggs and bread on the end metal part so they stay put until you're ready to put them on the belt at the end.

>> No.13236457

fuckin millennials stoppin mid aisle checkin their phones tweetin everything their buying, googlein to see if that chicken is free range (as if that matters).

>> No.13236485

your milk cost $50 because of it.

>> No.13236497
File: 446 KB, 300x186, this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES! I'm 53 I do the same
it's the young people who haven't figured out how to get out of the way and do things efficiently.

>> No.13236708

The worst is someone dragging the cart by the front while they walk beside it. JUST PUSH IT

>> No.13236730

You ever called one? You just tell some idiot you want to kill yourself and they say "maybe don't? idk" and that's it.

>> No.13236747

>It's like everyone's IQ is suddenly halved
Doesn't have to be halved, it's most likely low enough as it is. Most people are really fucking monkeys, a fact you need to accept if you're somewhere on the right side of the bell curve.

>> No.13236752

I never knew how much I hated people until I took my mom to Costco to buy her bulk groceries. I find myself literally dodging carts to avoid people who wouldn’t move otherwise. People are guaranteed to try to butt in line if it looks like someone isn’t paying attention (Chinese especially).

I tried one of their hotdogs which was genuinely really good, but I I can’t fucking stand eating around old cunts with mustard slathered on their lips as they talk with their mouths full, so I just ended up getting up to sit in the car and ate with the radio on.

Now I always bring my own bag, get in and get out. I hear smart asses say “we all think we’re not the white trash at the store when we look around at everyone else”, but by the sounds of it we’re really not.

I seen a 600 lb woman in Walmart a few weeks ago with eight full sized bags of various chips in her cart, kek. Crying children are the soundtrack of hellish grocery experiences too.

You don’t need to walk directly in the centre of the isle to do this you waddling carbohydrate orc.

>> No.13236758

Literally half of people have a 2 digit IQ

>> No.13236768

Yes you got it, that's exactly what I'm saying. All you need is an IQ of 101 to make most other people dumber than yourself. At 120, you're almost literally surrounded by a species of self-unaware apes (from your own point of view).

>> No.13236772
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Store layouts are a conspiracy, obviously the owners of Wal-Mart and Grocery store chains hire people to create the environmental psychological conditions for you to buy or consume goods and services, anything else is secondary, including attention to other shoppers, one of the biggest give-aways is the fact everytime you walk into a Wal-Mart they all literally share the same floorplan

>> No.13236779

>pay day
What is the meaning of this? I've had like 4 different jobs and every single one of them had a different pay schedule. Even food stamps pay out variably depending on when you signed up... so what the fuck.

>> No.13236806

>one of the biggest give-aways is the fact everytime you walk into a Wal-Mart they all literally share the same floorplan
That doesn't really support your theory though if you don't explain in what ways the layout of the store does that.

>> No.13236812

Second Friday of every month

>> No.13236837

That’s not true, sometimes everything is reversed it’s very annoying

>> No.13236851

My store implemented carts with wheel locks to prevent theft. Seeing a thief flip over a cart like a fat kid on a trike is comedy gold.

>> No.13236945
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I just get to the grocery store early in the morning. Usually right when the store opens.

>> No.13237031

I have to agree with this. Men aged 30-60 generally are the most efficient and conscientious shoppers. They get in, they get out like it's a mission. Make the list, stick to the list, follow the store's route, don't be an asshole. I have witnessed a handful of statistical anomalies over the years (crackhead dudes, flirting with cashiers), but they are very rare.

>> No.13237436

I heartily chuckled, thanks for the positive start into the day

>> No.13237496

>People who bring all of their living family members with them like the grocery store is a field trip to the local park
jesus mother of fuck this one is the one thing I hate the most about going to the nearest grocer. The nearest large supermarkets are always in the malls, which are at least 7-10 minutes drive away. So if I don't have to do much shopping, as in, if all I'm getiing are eggs and flour and that's it, Ill go to the neighborhood grocer, which takes up 3 shoplots and is a 2 minute drive away. The place is well stocked, so hell yes is it crowded. But holy fucking shit, I absolutely detest going there on weekends because for whatever fucking reason, even though there are actual malls within a short driving distance, these fuckers insist on bringing there 7 toddlers to that store like its a fucking playground. nevermind that they block the aisles with all their running around, they also take up a shit ton of space in the checkout queue. Fuck hamster wives that shit out one kid per year and fuck them again for dragging them and their husbands out with them to increase the foot traffic. Also, fuck them for bringing baby strollers and not even put their fucking babies in them

>> No.13237606

I work in a supermarket mainly filled with mainland Chinese students. It sends my stress levels through the fucking roof during peak hour. They're literal inhuman fucking cattle.

>> No.13238441

Or I sometimes put it in the child seat area and get to it last

>> No.13238484

You don't drive or even walk much, do you?

>> No.13238545

Millenial here. I put my shopping list on my phone. I do not tweet or whatever though. Sometimes I post a cook along here but that's it. Feels odd doing it where everyone can see and know who you are. I'd rather be told I'm fucking up if I am. Friends are generally reluctant to do that, they just judge silently

>> No.13238559

You guys probably rarely see people sub 100. We have them secluded to ghettos through the magic of capitalism. Some people just aren't taught manners.

>> No.13238722

Indian people will literally stop directly in front of a store entrance/exit to read their receipts, talk to each other, etc. They have absolutely no regard for anyone but themselves. They’ll walk hand in hand down an aisle and run right into you if you don’t dodge them or alert them of your presence

>> No.13238732

Where I live most jobs you get paid on thursdays every other week.

>> No.13238733

they still living like there's shit on the street lmao

>> No.13238734

So, let me get this straight. You are bothered that you can't zone out during grocery shopping because others also zone out and get lost in thought during grocery shopping.

>> No.13238756

>When 2 people coming from opposing directions start talking to each other blocking the entire aisle with their carts.
fuck those people.

>> No.13238855
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> South Texas
The worst are fat Maxican families that walk side by side down the aisles rather than single file. Theyll look you in other eye and somehow expect me to either go at their pace or have to repeat 'excuse me' in English and Spanish

>> No.13238856

You can always tell how badly a Walmart has gone to the dogs by the number of carts carelessly left strewn about the parking lot. It’s amazing how much worse the two half-decent Walmarts near me got when the one in the black/Hispanic town closed down. Rural Walmarts are actually extremely comfy by comparison

>> No.13238923

I only go for guy cashiers because I make the chicks to wet so fast that they have to run to the bathroom and then someone else has to put out a wet floor sign. It really disrupts the whole process

>> No.13239137
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woah buddy, you better calm down before you do something you'll regret.

>> No.13239156
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>herd of fat latinas leaning on their carts, jabbering with each other, blocking the entire aisle

>> No.13239262

For most supermarket deli counters they usually don't schedule enough people to cover all the tasks if things get busy. Considering that not only are they timed by customer turnarounds but also have to cook new food and swap out the hot case on a schedule, you can shut the fuck up and quit demanding to taste every single goddamn variety of ham in the case. Everyone knows you're just going to get the next to cheapest variety cut on a 3.

>> No.13239279
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>wanna produce some children

>> No.13239316

>> Expecting the elderly with weak backs to be able to carry this
Is that who you hire to defruit your orchards?

>> No.13239321

It seems so odd to me to see people complain about a job they voluntarily have. Are you really that burdened by having scheduled tasks with ongoing customer interaction? I hope that GED finally comes through and you can get out of there someday, my dude. It gets better... usually.

>> No.13239333

>when the Mexican family comes in and all 14 of them expect the 12yo to not only translate everything for them but also corral her 8 hyperactive siblings and cousins and she has that dead eyed look of a middle-aged alcoholic
Stay strong, Rosalita, stay strong.

>> No.13239392

It seems so odd to me to see people get defensive when called out on their selfish and irritating behavior. Do you really have so little of worth happening in your life yet so much ego-centrism that you are able to not only freely waste your time, but that of other customers and employees, at a grocery store then take umbrage when called out on an anonymous internet forum?

>> No.13239409

>Copies format but not consistently
Oh no. I do not use the deli counter, I just revel in kicking sand in the face of salty underachievers. Still though, I do hope you get out of that cage some day.

>> No.13239419

>No, no, no, no, no, you don't understand! I'm actually a really important person!

>> No.13239435

Not everyone you interact with thinks they are better than you. Maybe if you get stressed out by unskilled customer service you should move to something a little less taxing. You only live once, after all.

>> No.13239449

>I'm not mad, you're mad!

>> No.13239494

I just think if you bitch about a key job responsibility then it's a bad fit and you should move on to something better.
>>I just think!
You are clearly mad but I'm not going to cut into you over that since I am, in some small way, insulting you with this life advice.

>> No.13239499

>tfw im the guy everyone in this thread hates
>already present disassociate problems are made worse by supermarket lighting, supermarket muzak, and endless aisles and aisles
>sometimes just stand in an aisle staring at absolutely nothing for nearly ten minutes not moving
>dont listen to music, dont watch movies dont really do any of that kind of stuff
>just browse 4chan and go to bed in my free time

I'm an NPC

>> No.13239521

>You don't understand, my poor behavior is a good thing and you're just too stupid to understand that I'm actually helping you!

>> No.13239551

>At least complain to your union rep instead of /ck/!
Really though, use your time away from the bologna to do career research. Find something that matches your skills and temperament.

>> No.13239561

now that many places have cut their hours and started with these fucking professional shoppers to do picks for internet sales, I find myself getting annoyed at the employees more than anything lately. it's all shit.

>> No.13239562

>If you work hard, one day you too can be successful enough to be an inconsiderate shopper at the grocery store, just like me!

>> No.13239568

how many cases of beer can you fit in one of those?

>> No.13239571
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>parents make me get job at grocery store to 'boost confidence, get me out there, etc.'
>didn't expect to me be there a year tops
>circumstances change
>been there 5+ years now (not management though)
>had the opposite effect of what they intended
>become full on shut in mode any time I'm not at work
>haven't spoken to friends in years
>haven't been on a date or fucked a girl in years
>constantly bending over backwards for management, customers and even other shelf stacking drones because I've lost any sort of backbone I may have had before working here
>dealing with people constantly has made me turn away from society as a whole
>also got me to realize the plight of the retailcuck, so there's that at least

Don't be like me.

>> No.13239574

>tfw I bought 10 thanksgiving dinners for the homeless

>> No.13239575

I don't use the deli counter.
>No you must! That's the only reason you would attack my bitching with useful tips on how to live happily!
Copers gonna cope.

>> No.13239590

>making up your own rebuttals then arguing with yourself in the same post

>> No.13239603

sometimes when I'm in the big stores and I'm walking by aisle after aisle I feel like I'm not even moving and I get an anxiety attack

>> No.13239752

That's is a dam nice one, got a $200 dollar mirror their for 50 bucks. Hello fellow Nevada bro, used to be in Las Vegas but moved up to Elko, you should look at job opportunities up here lots of money to be made.

>> No.13239769


>> No.13239781

I was strongly considering Elko for years but ended up going with the north GA mountains. I've never been to Elko, but it seems pretty cool there from what I've researched. All of my family is on the east coast, so even though I was okay with staying out west, it doesn't make that much sense to stay here. I'm sick of traveling cross country constantly and would much rather travel within the same time zone for when I have to do longer trips.

>> No.13239840


>> No.13241451

3AM Walmart is kino

>> No.13241479

I'm with you. I work part time at a grocery store, and it's just purely obnoxious. The only thing that helps is to flex your haki and never let people cut you off. And alway speak up as if you're annoyed when they're in your way and don't notice.
Nah, it's definitely older and middle aged women. I've worked in three different grocery stores in three different states and it is consistent.

>> No.13241492

If you can type this out you can fix it. Get some haki, nigga.

>> No.13242055

I purposefully look for rage shoppers like the post implies and contribute in my own way to pissing them off.

>> No.13242077

Lmao you would absolutely seethe in yuroland where the aisles are a third of us size and the people have no idea what personal space is.
Shopping in the us was a truly freeing, spacious experience for me with the exception of the occasional fat-train brigade (probably the reason us aisles have to be this big in the first place)

>> No.13242110

Or volunteer directly.

>> No.13242248

Do subhumans really get shit cut on 3? 1 is the only acceptable cut.

>> No.13242840

Where I live 3am Walmart is terrifying and scummy wtf, what part of whiteville are you in?

>> No.13243146

>one of the biggest give-aways is the fact everytime you walk into a Wal-Mart they all literally share the same floorplan
not true at all

>> No.13244007
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>> No.13244301

Being a loser is entirely your choice.

>> No.13244707

Sounds like a very boring movie to me.

>> No.13244841

ok boomer. very early zoomer here, and I am checking my grocery list. dumb cunt

>> No.13244863
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different anon here, but mainland chinese are dicks. I work for the uni in town and they will but into whatever conversation you are having and demand to be helped. they will cut you in line, they drive like shit, and bring all their friends when they go shopping. I watched one guy open a container of chocolate milk, take a swig, and put it back on the shelf

>> No.13244879
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recognizing a problem you can fix and not doing anything about it proves you have no backbone and don't care about changing.

come on dude. you can do something.

>> No.13244922


>all these idiots who think its fixable
Fuck off. You are children. I have a bachelors in CS. Finally got lucky and got a stockboy job. thank god.

>> No.13244956

Always go in the morning or at night past 10PM. That's what works best for me. I also just do personal checkout.

>> No.13244984
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>>dealing with people constantly has made me turn away from society as a whole

Sounds a bit glib but I think I agree with you. I've been a retail/service cuck for three years now and my manager has told me without audio, the video recordings of me look like I hate the people I'm serving. I can't for the life of me figure out how employees can find a way to smile (even if they're faking it) whenever I go out.

>> No.13245078

they're probably not autistic

>> No.13245079

>the main offenders seem to be middle-aged men
Fuck no they aren't, they're black and hispanic women. They don't give a FUCK, just dragging their little broods along, terrorizing every aisle, the little shits pulling things off the shelf and grabbing peoples clothes but mama don't care, she's too busy yelling over the phone at the babby daddy of the week what drank he want or just mumble-swearing to herself as if she's not in a public space where everyone can hear.

>> No.13245226
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>got a bs in computer science
>still at the grocery store
>no social skills
typical cs tards

>> No.13245800

God forbid you learn the words "Just looking right now, I'll letcha know". The clerk's not a mind reader.

>> No.13245812

>"oh I'll letcha know"
goddamn, your advice wasn't bad but my man is ripe to get gay bashed if he starts using it verbatim

>> No.13245930

i wanna rape the girl in pic

>> No.13245954
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You know what really grinds my gears
When people are so lazy they basically laying down on the cart, to lazy to even stand up straight while pushing it they bend at the waist laying their upper body on the cart like a fat piece of shit. Hate those people the most

>> No.13246031

Christ what the fuck, who buys stuff in such large containers?? The biggest I can find in finland in this whole town is like 300g by Tesco

>> No.13246044

>personal checkout
I fucking hate those. It's like going through the pain of getting groceries and then you also have to work as the cashier? Miss me with that gay shit, I came to buy stuff and will most definitely not work in addition to being the one paying for it.

>> No.13246212

some of us just like to relax
sorry you're an anxious mess my poid

>> No.13246276

Go bin a knife, Bong-boy

>> No.13246635
File: 126 KB, 1000x500, People-in-shopping-mall-queue-for-cashier-counter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few days ago I was in line to see the cashiers, and had a fat Greek boomer woman in front of me.

I had my basket on the floor in front of me.

For some reason she decided to step backwards, and didn't check her rear vision when she did so. My basket was right behind her (though at a reasonable distance) and if I didn't shuffle it out of the way with my foot she would have tripped on it and would have probably broken her hips.

And I definitely wouldn't have attempted to catch her because then I'd be liable for litigation if she ended up falling. As a Greek bitch she probably would have tried to sue me. I was thinking about this for the next half hour on my walk home. In the split second in which I decided to move my basket, I was tempted to leave it just so this retard could hurt herself.

>> No.13246724

I'm at Disneyland right now and people are fucking shocking, also the state of parenting right now is absurd

I watched a guy lose his toddler daughter without realizing while in line 3 times in about 10 minutes

>> No.13246859

>you are at wallmart following your rail cart
>one one laine there are 5 boomers having a meeting blocking the whole aisle
>on the other a lanwale has fallen of her scooter
>you have 3 sedons to choose one

>> No.13247391

I go grocery shopping every day of the week so I usually only need 3-4 items for the dinner I will make that night.
This alleviates much of the problem that crowded stores impose, I don't have to use a cart so I am comparatively nimble and able to easily circumvent the large crowds and areas where traffic occurs. I used to wait politely behind people if they were occupying a section of a display that I needed to access but I have long since abandoned this formality, insted I issue a quick "excuse me" while I reach past, grab the item I need and move on.
The check stands are the biggest bottleneck for me, but fortunately, Trader Joes always has almost every station open during rush hours

>> No.13247396

Remember when there were 10 item or less checkouts? Bliss. Now there are only self checkouts, which are always glutted by people making a huge amount of purchases at an extraordinarily slow pace.

>> No.13247423

couldve been said b4 but my ass dont wanna skim
just go at night. wake up early or stay up late 3~5 am peak empty hours

>> No.13249331

Bump great tread

>> No.13249354

what the hell is wrong with you

>> No.13249508

Amazon Basics don't give me good ingredients and Blue Apron is just absolute shit.

>> No.13249537

You've never been right before a holiday when the store is filled with clueless middle aged men who have never been in a grocery store being sent on last minute errands. They just wander aimlessly and don't even know how to push a cart. I've seen them break down and leave their handfulls of shit on a shelf it's so overwhelming for them.

>> No.13249553

Yeah you should know you fucking stupid nigger.

>> No.13249679

How does a monthly fee work? I've only done home ordered groceries once and while nice it's a hassle to make sure you bundle per order

>> No.13249689

Absolutely, though I contain my frustrations fairly well. You can also tell the people that drive like shit by the way they move through the store too.

>> No.13249706

Technically I paid for the year and it came out to the equivalent of $8.25/month to be exact. If you don't want to pay the year upfront then it's a little higher, not sure how much, but not worse than $15/month tops. You pay that fee and you have unlimited grocery delivery without service charges for any order over $35 and sometimes the minimum is as low as $10. It's really easy to hit $35 though especially if I order some Smith's and throw in a sale candle or paper towels or something that I would have bought anyway. If you don't pay a monthly fee or yearly fee then each grocery trip will cost you anywhere from $4-$12, so if it's something you can see yourself using even twice a month, it's worth it. Also in my area Instacart delivers from Costco and Sams Club even if you don't have a membership plus petco, a restaurant warehouse with really good quality stuff if you need to buy bulk for a party or something, Sprouts, Vons, Albertsons, Smiths, a mexican market, Petco, and Sur La Table. It's extremely convenient for me to have someone else do all my shopping.

>> No.13249738

Also you should be able to get a free month trial or 14 day trial before subscribing to see if it's something that works for you. Some people like to get out and go to the store and/or can't stand having someone else do the shopping and potentially mess it up. I don't mind at all. I'd prefer to be comfy at home and have someone else deal with all the headaches that come with driving through a city and shopping in a city. I never minded doing errands in a suburban area even if it meant a long drive, but there's something psychologically different about it for me in the city. Plus, if they offer this service, and I don't have to put wear and tear on my car and waste gas, then it's all in the wash. They do have you choose what you'd like to tip, but the default is like 5% and you can go lower.

>> No.13249895

>accidentally making your trip on pay day.
I used to work at WM, cashing checks. Busiest days are the 1st, 5th, 15th, 20th, Fridays, Saturdays and Sunday afternoons, especially when those days overlap, like a Friday the 1st.

>And when you see the bill, you'll REALLY want to kill yourself.
I've always thought, if you're going to do it, why not make a statement?
Can you imagine the look on the paramedics' faces when they see your brains on the wall behind you, clutching your medical bill in your hand? If my crippled ass ever decides I can't deal anymore, I'm doing it in the VA hospital lobby with a shirt that says "my disability pension was $200/month"

>> No.13249987

With what all them cheap Chinese televisions, why not buy them in multiples?

>> No.13250267

My husband is in law enforcement and used to see shit like this all the time when he was a beat cop. He showed up at someone's house over a call about the son threatening to kill himself, and when he got there the kid had shot himself in a way that allowed him to live while violently bleeding out and running through the house simultaneously with all the family running after him and trying to help, but he bled out and died. Very tough home to sell after that.

>> No.13250296

Guys, I'm a Euro, and while I enjoyed late night Walmart shopping, why can't you guys just bag your shit yourself or even better, bring your own bags
Here in austria everyone bags himself, I was a bit dumbfounded when I got handed 3 bags for approximately 10 items
Explain yourselves

>> No.13250365

there are so many instacart and whatever else shoppers and also the store pickup shoppers pushing their huge carts around blocking everything in my store now.
I guess its better than when all those people they were shopping for were clogging up the registers.

>> No.13250376

Majestic suicides happen every day. The media doesn't report them because they're scared of encouraging copycats. Instead we just get their "suicide is bad mmkay?" editorials with broad statistics.

>> No.13250380

I worked overnight in a rural Walmart many years ago, it was comfy as fuck. Hardly no customers and the ones that did come in didn't want to be bothered. The only problem was every few months or so niggers would break into cars in the parking lot.

Been living in the city for many years now, and I won't even go to the Walmart near me, day or night. It's a fucking cesspool.

>> No.13250384

damn nugget we don't all have meat ESP like you

>> No.13250400

Only the degenerates and retards don't bring their own bags. They need to start charging for that shit so people stop wasting so much plastic. I just take some plastic bags at the self checkout and store them if I need to use them at home.

>> No.13250422

turning the entire country into hoarders is a really stupid solution to this made up problem

>> No.13251269

Besides the fat fucks and the old ladies why don't you just walk where you want? Fuck it if some ignorant ape gets in your path, it's his fault.

>> No.13252104

Never seen this before in my life. Seen women do it though.

>> No.13252116

There's a guy so fat he HAS to do that in my store, whenever he's not leaning on his cart he moves like a gorilla, with alarming speed as though he'll fall over unless he gets back on his cart. His forehead breaks out in sweat whenever he does this.
think he works as a bus driver.

>> No.13252146

that's why i only go between 10 and midnight

>> No.13252211

Will they bring me cases of natty light when I'm too drunk to drive at 2pm? Would be worth it over a DUI

>> No.13252214

It's the bright lights and droning music. It turns off your brain.

>> No.13252235

I tried calling once and the lines were busy.

>> No.13252247
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>> No.13252250

op is a petty bitch.who cares how other people shop.they are thinking about their day and making mental check lists of what they have at home and what was on sale at other stores.but thats none of your business is it?

>> No.13252279

>Are you so autistic that you pre-shop your shopping trip every time?
Who the fuck goes shopping to fucking browse?

>> No.13252846

In my area they don't bring alcohol and tobacco products. I can go direct through the Vons site to get alcohol, but it needs to be done a day in advance. I can get the delivery fee to $4 or less with them a lot, so it's decent but not instant.

>> No.13252857

that's your problem dummy

>> No.13253272

Go on a beer run the day before a holiday. Just hope the ciggy counter doesn't have a line too from all the batshit couponers and old fucks with nothing better to do or you're not getting out of there in less than half an hour.

You will see things you wish you hadn't.

>> No.13253618

bugman can't be bothered to engage humanity

>> No.13253708

>Also fuck you, you have no idea if I'm going to go buy a big ass thing of paper towels, a case of beer, or cleaners at the end. What if there's a good deal that catches my eye?
Sounds like good reason not to have a cart you don't need. No more wasting money on large impulse purchases.

>> No.13253723

>these are the people on /ck/
go watch some love boat reruns on TVland