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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13224850 No.13224850 [Reply] [Original]

Are organic foods a meme or are they worth it?

i was looking at $5 organic carrots at the store

>> No.13224856

If you can afford to raise your children on it they will grow up smarter, healthier, and more capable. Success is for the rich, not for people so poor that prices like these make them hesitate.

>> No.13224860

that's a bullshit image.

>> No.13224861

It depends - though usually the answer is "no". That's a weak bait image, but you knew that.

>> No.13224863

egg on the left was boiled properly
egg on the right was boiled like someone was trying to sterilize it
has nothing to do with “organic”

>> No.13224896

How would you know that they are organic?

>> No.13224901

because it says so on the label, stupid

learn to read

>> No.13224910

I have never eaten a carrot that was not organic. What, are the other ones made of plastic? LOL. All vegetables are organic by definition. Political correctness is trying to ruin everything.

>> No.13224920

All food is organic.

>> No.13224925

Oh yeah, thanks dad.

>> No.13224931

>$5 organic carrots at the store
No you didn't. However, $.10 has been deposited to your Monsanto shill account. Thx for your contribution to the cause! Bayer, Monsanto's owner, has been working feverishly on lymphoma chemotherapy drugs to profit from their roundup induced lymphoma. Just late stage capitalism running itself down.

>> No.13224988
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>> No.13225010
File: 88 KB, 1019x410, convert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you are communicating with an international forum, $ refers to the international standard dollar, the USD. The AUD is another unit altogether.

>> No.13225019

says who??

>burgerfat assuming everything must be about his country

>> No.13225021

International standards. Ask an economist next time you speak to one.

>> No.13225034

What does, you are a Fag mean?..

>> No.13225036

>Are organic foods a meme or are they worth it?
Some pesticides are pretty nasty. Of course even organic food can have pesticides, but usually they're cleaner. I mainly buy organic when eating from the "dirty dozen."

>> No.13225040

It was made to show anti-GMO people don't know what they're talking about after they fell for it

>> No.13225047


$5 literally just means 5 dollars
it can be any dollar

only "US$5" means US 5 dollars.

>> No.13225080

From what I've read animal products (meat, dairy, etc.) are arguably healthier than the cheap stuff but vegetables and fruits about the same either way. Me personally, I ain't spending six bucks for a dozen eggs and regardless of their origin they're absolutely healthier than fast food or 90% of the processed stuff you find in a grocery store so fuck it. You organic people may get more Omega 3's from your expensive salmon but overall, assuming both diets are in order, I doubt it'll make much different in the long run.

>> No.13225091

organic vegetables still have pesticides.

people think organic means pesticide free but thats not the case.

>> No.13225096

lol look at this btfod faggot trying to save face

>> No.13225109

I am teaching you effective communication, and you refuse to listen. Your stubborn refusal to adjust to reality denotes autism far more convincingly than does my attempt to educate you.

>> No.13225131

Organic carrots are noticably sweeter and more carroty than regular carrots. Some are more than others. Get your body clean and then try the two side by side. When your body is clean you are more sensitive to the toxins. Most people muddle about in a unhealthy state and cant feel the subtleties.

>> No.13225147

everyone normal assumes this is talking about a $5 RELATIVE to the poster's position.

to me, its a $5.

so just imagine you (as me) going to the store and seeing $5 carrots.


>> No.13225178

Organic is a word already in common usage that has as of late taken on a new meaning - that the food was certified to be grown under USDA Organic guidelines, which is essentially saying no Monsanto, no Round-Up. It really is healthier food because the food doesn't have tiny bits of poison in it. It's not magically more powerful or anything. "Organic" food is basically how food has been grown and prepared throughout all known history up until recently when we started making weird chemical pesticides and herbicides and fungicides and corn with money genes their weird ungodly shit.

>> No.13225247
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If I have the money at the time I try to buy local or organic. Taste is mostly the same and may be marginally healthier.

That said, farm eggs taste way better then bleached store-bought.

My biggest concern is to try to consume the least processed food I can. Less pesticides, transportation, and handling just seems like the better option. Over a lifetime of eating and consumption I'm sure there are multiple benefits. If I can dodge 1 minor ecoli outbreak and maybe a dozen food poisonings shitting my brains out it'd be all worthwhile.

>> No.13225336

fuck this board

>> No.13225381

you mean crunchier or you're just retarded?

>> No.13225404

Probably just that the subtle sweetness of a carrot is stronger.

>> No.13225545
File: 163 KB, 2000x1126, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it has a more intense carrot flavor versus regular carrots tasting kind of wooden. LoL triggered over carroty?

>> No.13225643

Nice shoop! I take it you're a /pol/tard?

>> No.13225677

im no expert but im pretty sure its 100% meme

though organic farms may just be better quality farms outside of what makes the food "organic"

>> No.13225689
File: 56 KB, 625x533, notthisshitagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to facebook ffs.

>> No.13225688

what's a shoop

>> No.13225721

>Are organic foods a meme or are they worth it?
Mostly a meme.
Organic doesn't necessarily mean anything in improved flavors, textures or quality. A few exceptions exist like heirloom tomatoes. What matters more is farm to table proximity. Organic foods often travel farther to your store and/or sit on the shelf neglected longer before purchase. Not coating items in wax can cause them to lose moisture, crispness, and such. There are some produce tricks for valid reasons. If your aim is to be environmental, buy local. Look for stickers for items produced in your state, if not your county. Less transportation time, no only fresher, but less gas is used, and less time in a refrigerated truck.

>i was looking at $5 organic carrots at the store
There is a "dirtiest" list of produce for which you might consider the issue of not peeling/not washing off pesticide residue. It has to due how much of the item you'd consume. Do you peel your apples? I think organic celery is sensible. I can't comment on the rest, but you can easily look it up.

Who buys organic at groceries (not talking farmer's markets or from co-ops near you)? People _very_ concerned about their specific health, far more than worry about increasing demand for organic practices in the marketplace and agri-business. As soon as a woman starts to plan a pregnancy, or knows of pregnancy, they want to play it safe. As soon as you have a cancer scare, get some food allergies, have digestive issues, or go on immuno-suppressive drugs for an auto-immune disorder, you're like hrm, why did I get sick? How do I reduce inflammation? How do I do things more natural?
It's allllllll related. That's the consumer. The wealthier you are, the more you don't give a damn about pricetags when it comes to treating yourself sensibly. Rich people are frugal and will shop for deals and at multiple stores, but they're also big consumers.

>> No.13227522

>Big Organic

Yeah, guess there is no bias here.

>> No.13227539

O but I'm a big fan of organic fair trade gluten and bad sugars replaced free. But everything isn't as good yet.

>> No.13227542

egg on left is a century egg retard

>> No.13227549

What's the bias? To truly understand eating an egg an important prerequisite is that it is an organic one. This is my experience.

>> No.13227551

No, this is actually true about eggs. Non organic eggs did become more organic. I never understand why people oppose it. They are the biased ones.

>> No.13227563

>Poster tries to point out the image is false because it shows a boiled egg next to an overboiled egg.
>Clearly as a way to lie to the people seeing the image.
>"No your wrong."
You have a dumb today?

>> No.13227566


>> No.13227567

show me an inorganic carrot and I'll pay you 20$

>> No.13227571
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>> No.13227577

k I'm tying the 20$ to my dog, it should get to you in a few months.

>> No.13227581

You exaggerate tremendously.

>> No.13227596

century eggs are see thru black, retard.

>> No.13227599


>> No.13227624

GMOs are just a buzzword to get retarded soccer moms to overpay for things.

There are some things worth spending money on and some not. I actually like to spend more on quality eggs if I'm eating them by themselves, and use cheap ones to use in recipes. The cheaper ones blister when you fry them and just taste blander overall.
Stuff like spices, I just buy the cheapest ones and rotate them out every year or so. Freshness makes a way bigger difference than price in that case.
Also remember that in many cases, even if a "higher quality" ingredient tastes noticeably different it doesn't mean it's actually better. I like to eat fancy cheese but sometimes a cheap slice of kraft on your burger is better than anything else.

>> No.13227629

Wow you really BTFO all the science

>> No.13227683

(((Organic))) is a scam perpetuated by the agrojews to sell you worse products at a higher price.

>> No.13227764

Chicken do gmo eggs then apparently.

>> No.13227770

Organic means carbon based cumbrained new agers. Hippy opinions mean nothing. Monsanto and Mondelez are the biggest producers of (((organic))) foods in America. Facts.

>> No.13227774


Who knew overcooking a boiled egg genetically modified it.

>> No.13227804

>ensures the viability of nearly double the crops we plant, sometimes even more
I get having issues with the actual substances but what exactly are you trying to pitch, that they dont do anything but poison us? I dont disagree that food without will be technically more safe than food with it, but the viable crop yields dont even come close. That's not weird, that ensures that we solved hunger in our country many times over.

>> No.13227864

no one uses this shit anymore peepaw, who let you out of bed this late?

>> No.13227912

That's the joke. Usually pictures like this are posted by your 55 year old Aunt.

>> No.13227933

In the USA, yes. In the EU "organic" is a protected label and food must fit under certian requirments to be advertised as organic.

Must suck living in burgerland. Don't worry, it will all be over in 10-20 years when you die of diabeties because you can't afford medical bills.

>> No.13227972

Meme. They're not healthier, they don't taste better, and since they require more farmland to produce, the environmental benefits they offer are HIGHLY questionable.

>> No.13228049


>> No.13228355


>> No.13228360



Just keep eating all that roundup goyi- I mean people.

>> No.13228363

That’s bullshit lol, organic won’t make your kid smarter it just has a better vitamin content, in fact junk food is fucking loaded in added vitamins and minerals so that single moms don’t fuck up too bad. Exposure to certain phytochemicals early on can increase your intelligence maybe.

>> No.13229046

Without GMO the world would starve and many fruits, herbs, vegetables, etc would be extinct or endangered.

>> No.13229084

Probably not, most Artificial GMO processes are to increase pesticide resistance and nothing else.

>> No.13229109

bs...the first egg is like a 10 min egg, the second is like 15

>> No.13229122

I’ve done taste tests between several brands of organic eggs and a bunch of different “regular” eggs and they’re all the fucking same. The only difference is price. I’d much rather pay 99¢ than >$3 a dozen for the same fucking thing just because muh organic meme

>> No.13229123

Who the fuck are you quoting? cause it sure ain't me

>> No.13229145

i feel like organic eggs tend to have bigger yolks in general which is a big bonus for me.

>> No.13229148

>In the EU "organic" is a protected label and food must fit under certian requirments to be advertised as organic.

i hate to break it to you, but...


''The EU and U.S. have recognised each other's organic production rules and control
systems as equivalent under their respective rules*. This type of recognition is also
referred to as an "equivalence arrangement".
It means that organic products certified to the USDA organic or European Union (EU)
organic standards may be sold and labelled as organic in both the U.S. and the EU. As
long as the operation is certified by a USDA-accredited certifying agent or an EU
Member State recognised control body or control authority, this recognition eliminates
the need for EU organic operators to have a separate certification to the U.S. standards
and vice versa"

>> No.13229155

Lmao this is bullshit, I have open range chickens and their eggs look like the right. The right yolks is literally a result of a more natural diet. My chickens definitely arent GMO or any shit like that, considering they're multi generational at this point and their ancestors came from pablo at the farmers market

>> No.13229156


I used to pay $4 per dozen for eggs, but that was to help out the neighbor junior high kid who was selling them.

>> No.13229157

i bought organic peanut butter imported from the us once. it still had palm oil like all the rest of the trash brands. what a waste of time lol.

>> No.13229159

There are people who actually believe this shit.

>> No.13229176

I saw some organic carrots for 100 billion dollars the other day! Is organic really worth that? Btw I'm in Zimbabwe not that it matters.

>> No.13229182

Well they arent supposed to, that's what the label means.

>> No.13229187

Not on a board without flags. If you say dollars any sane person will assume USD. Why would you assume your dollar price floats to wherever you are?

>> No.13229191

it was probobly 'organic' palm oil tho!

organic, natural, free range, etc, most of these words are more marketing terms than meaningful terms, the legalside of it is super flexible and manipulatable(eu or us, the eu might be a bit better or tighter but its still open to manipulation)

organic is just a way for the industry to sell the same product to people who are uncomfortable with industry norms and methords but politicly unwilling to actualy persue systemic change

id say theres definatly a difference between some farmers markety/smaller farm producers, who sometimes cant legaly use these words, and id say its more to do with trying to make a better product as opposed to trying to make the largest amount or market stable product

>> No.13229197

That would be a huge bonus if it were true but it isn’t in my experience. Reminder to choose smaller sizes of egg (large over xl or jumbo) for a greater yolk to white ratio

>> No.13229199

Someone on ck who doesnt understand a basic grocery term? Why am I not surprised?

>> No.13229203

He's talking about the megacorporations that strong armed the USDA to permit broad spectrum pyrethrins so they could continue their scorched earth monoculture under the organic umbrella.

>> No.13229347

Many organic pesticides are as bad or worse than synthetic ones, and yes, nearly all organic food in the US is produced with some sort of pesticide involved, the most common being pyrethrin which is the active ingredient in wasp spray, which is also known as 'persian powder' and is derived from flowers, mostly daisies.

Pyrethrin is a confirmed carcinogen, and while it breaks down in the environment much more quickly, it also requires 3-4 times the number of applications a typical synthetic requires for an equivalent level of protection. Fish and invertebrates can't metabolize them at all so that repeated exposure has sterilized quite a few aquatic systems.

>> No.13229357

organic never implied they don't use "chemicals"
It just means they arbitrarily limit themselves to more harmful, less precise "natural" chemicals over modern strategies

>> No.13229404

My Mom boils eggs until they're green, and can't understand the problem.

>> No.13229814

As I said, many small and medium sized organic farmers don't use pyrethrins and in fact are attempting to establish a higher level classification that rejects their use (Impossible under the current crop of pirates in power of course). It was the megacorporations that forced it's use, and no, Monsanto shills, it isn't more carcinogenic than your agent orange derivative, roundup, which has already cost you hundreds of millions in lymphoma judgements with ambulance chasers lining up thousands of more lawsuits. More carcinogenic? Lol! Go pay off your lawsuits!

>> No.13229825

I haven't noticed an acute difference between organic vs not except with gala apples. Organic gala tastes great and nonorganic is tasteless cardboard. The difference is so stark I am left wondering if the organic shit is legit.

>> No.13229850

This is unironically true and all you fucktards calling this guy retarded seriously need to read a fucking psychology book if you have so little understanding of how human brains work

>> No.13230054

Possibly because it was grown by a smaller local farmer who worked a deal to sell to the grocer so it hadn't been sitting in a warehouse for a month before reaching the shelf.

>> No.13230075

This is the post

>> No.13230095

the difference is very notable to me, do not use more oil than needed (the less the better) and dont overcook it a single bit

>> No.13230121

My idea of a slightly overcooked boiled egg would be the example on the left in OP’s post. I even drink raw eggs at times and there is no discernible difference in taste between organic and regular eggs, cooked or raw. Always buy the smaller available sizes of chicken eggs and never waste your money supporting the organic meme

>> No.13230139

i do notice the difference, im yuropean btw if that matters

>> No.13230146

Doremi poster

>> No.13230186

>im yuropean btw if that matters
It may. I’m amazed by the difference in taste between some foods here and in Europe. I’ve eaten scrambled eggs hundreds if not thousands of times in my life but the best I or my friend have ever tasted in were served to us in Budapest. Years later and we still talk about how amazing they were

>> No.13230896
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