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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.00 MB, 914x914, silano-meat-poultry-seafood-marinated-baby-octopus-from-italy-by-silano-8-oz-8371790512246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13219683 No.13219683 [Reply] [Original]

What the shit, Italy?

>> No.13219743

What is calamari

>> No.13219781

Squid, not octopus. Retard.

>> No.13219789
File: 123 KB, 1280x853, 39FEFC2D-4096-425C-9450-9562A3B6CE0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally one of the best seafood ever, the octopus.

You can stew them with a tomato sauce, you can make a pasta sauce or grill them so they become crunchy, even better fry them if they’re that little.


>> No.13219790

Weird looking mushrooms.

>> No.13219795
File: 2.84 MB, 3589x2692, 1BE10490-793A-42F6-A0F5-6B7AEAF4359E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can boil it, cut in slices and sauté it in a pan with hot oil

>> No.13219797
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>> No.13219800

I call this dish:
Cum on tits, with a side of tentacle rape.

>> No.13219809
File: 3.59 MB, 3150x3285, E56E0989-DEFC-41B0-951C-FF96B9EE16C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13219816

>Literally one of the best seafood ever, the octopus.
Yeah, if you like chewing rubber.

>> No.13219818
File: 2.75 MB, 3024x4032, 6D58F1C4-DA8F-4E6A-B993-F86C99F4EB84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice octopus “ragù” with pachino tomatoes confit, sorry for the shit picture

>> No.13219819

Why did you feel the need to call me a retard? What the fuck is your problem

>> No.13219836
File: 3.51 MB, 4032x3024, 798F500C-8695-456F-9931-13054A7AB602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chewing rubber

Not my fault if you’re an uncultured swine and disabled too.
It takes 20 to 30 minutes to boil a 1,2 kg octopus until it’s soft, you only fuck it up if you overcook it which you can simply avoid by picking it with a thootpick to sample the doneness.

>> No.13219913

they come out looking exactly the same

>> No.13220440

Oh man, I would buy that in a second.

I usually have to ask my grocery to order in some baby squid. It comes in a frozen block and I have to thaw/ cut the beak off/ process them too.
This looks really good I love octopus too. I really hate living in flyover so much sometimes

>> No.13220443


>> No.13220528
File: 438 KB, 1280x960, 5EB66843-108F-4F1B-815F-53ABC9A4EF37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A literal gift from god

>> No.13221075

There's nothing more Italian than a label with "product of Italy" written on it.

I fail to see even why it needs to be Italian, it's just baby octupus with some marinade, not something difficult to find outside italy.

>chewing rubber.
Don't take it as an insult but you clearly sick at cooking if your octopus has rubbery texture

>> No.13221121

Probably hates retarded people like you

>> No.13221156
File: 2.91 MB, 640x360, release_the_mini_kraken.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop overcooking your food.

>> No.13221178

Because the octopuses are bred, cooked and packed in Italy you mongoloid

>> No.13221183

You don't want to know where your ingredients are sourced? What's wrong with you?

>> No.13221196

I highly doubt it.
The label written in English is because one of this two reasons
1. It's not true
2. It a product specifically for the American market

Both cases makes me think it's just marketing, you don't need to import octopus from Italy you idiot

More than every other countries actually.
Food "transparency" is really a huge deal in Italy.

>> No.13221207
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, 1573869218202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13221255
File: 214 KB, 768x989, IMG_7065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just 10 seconds with google


>> No.13221262


>> No.13221316

Yes like I said
> 2. A Product specifically for the American market

I mean it's pretty obvious, the big 'ol Italian flag, the generic "product of Italy", the fact that said product is unknown in Italy and the useless imports of a product America has even more than Italy.
Does it said the octopuses are from italy or product of Italy could means "a Italian recipe?"
I mean you have hfcs in 70% of what should have been honey.
How strict is food regulation in case of fraud, genuinely curious

>> No.13221324

Do u eat the brain/head

>> No.13221450

Yes, it’s been eviscerated so it’s empty

>> No.13221464

What is being a dumb cunt

>> No.13221474

Holy shit you’re fucking dense you should kill yourself.

>Savello USA is a family owned and operated importer

Have you tried googling the brands in that picture? They’re all real and Italian you stupid fuck, they’re also famous here but you’re too arrogant to do your homeworks before shitposting.

The “Italian sounding brand” of the OP picture is because Americans are corporate slaves who need a brand to identify and worship, it’s literally this simple, it’s easier for them if you create a line of products under a new unique brand instead of selling 50 fish products with the name of the artisan who makes them in Italy because they don’t know who they are and as I said they don’t have a brand to be immediately recognised.

Now kindly fuck off

>> No.13221486

gross lol

>> No.13221499

I actually believe this

>> No.13221510

> They’re all real and Italian you stupid fuck,
Link of where they claim to be italian of get the fuck off.

> they’re also famous here but you’re too arrogant to do your homeworks before shitposting.

1. They are not famouse "here" , don't know in what shithole you live.
2. if you weren't an uneducated faggot you'd knew that exported food must be diversified in ordrer to comply to different (and avoid to comply to strictier)
food regulation.

>> No.13221511

Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.13221522

got 'em

>> No.13221531

Are you serious??

>Recla: https://www.recla.it/it/speck-alto-adige/1-0.html
>Biopek: http://www.biopek.it/
>Carozzi: https://www.carozzi.com/
>La casa del grano: https://www.lacasadelgrano.com/

The “Silano” brand doesn’t exist in Italy but is specifically made for the USA and they sold through that name many Italian products from different producers in the country because united under an unique brand they have more appeal to the foreign customer.

If this isn’t clear I don’t know what to do

>> No.13221576

This is a very aesthetic picture and I enjoyed looking at it.

>> No.13221598

I like that you sperged so hard you could no longer form intelligible sentences. Good job!

>> No.13221599

Your stupid post made me laugh

>> No.13221614
File: 55 KB, 792x545, beastmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'll get skewered for having an opinion like this on 4chan, but Octopuses are among the animals that are smart enough that I wouldn't be comfortable eating them.

>> No.13221616

Aren't they one of the most highly intelligent creatures? Feels wrong to me to eat them

>> No.13221691

that's so nightmarish.

>> No.13221938

Hope you don't eat pork then.

>> No.13222029

If they are smart enough to have responsibilities it's kinda their fault

>> No.13222065

they sell this shit at every costco i've ever been to. are you so flyover you don't even have a costco?

>> No.13222070 [DELETED] 
File: 2.22 MB, 600x321, gay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13222105

Sorry, you just can't convince retards here. They don't understand DOP.
"it says it from italy so it from italy!!! can't u read?!!"
They don't understand that regulations in the US are lax.

>> No.13222115

It's not always regulations. sometimes it's just that countries export their shit-tier goods and know we'll buy it anyway if they slap a big ole "imported" label on it.

>> No.13222873

It was 4 am here when I wrote that comment

>> No.13222949

Thank you

>> No.13222968

Sounds like what I get at my bait shop lmfao. A block of frozen squid. That's gross af anon.

>> No.13223013

>hahaha I was only pretending to be retarded

Every time

>> No.13223023

What I wrote still holds. The way I wrote it, it was because of the time.

What's with reading comprehension with Americans? The hfcs made you retarded or something?

>> No.13223145

Why do chinkoids like to watch their food move around on their plate?

>> No.13223163

Basically the same damn thing. Dumb idiot.

>> No.13223172

>American education

>> No.13223177

Looks like litte baby squids or such, probably already cooked so if adding them to something let the residual heat warm them up. They'd be great on a salad for two, as long as the dumb bitch isn't afraid of seafood. Been there done that with dumb bitches.

>> No.13223181

Piss off you jealous cunt.
I got it on the first glance and I'm American. Your jealosy really does preceed you eurotrash types.

>> No.13223184

I thought you eurotrash types were supposed to be classy, the way you conduct yourselves with such seething jealousy really doesn't show that.

>> No.13223428

minimal empathy

>> No.13223429

>like eating octopus
>always feel a lil guilty about how smart the boogers are though

>> No.13223436

Insects, it just proves that it's "fresh" to them.
They also prefer the taste of adrenaline in their meat so they demand that livestock is brutally tortured to death. Chinks aren't human but they might take over the world and begin wandering the cosmos looking for aliens to pull apart at the seams and devour.

>> No.13223471

Actual Europeans are the bitter incels of the world stage

>> No.13223599

I know but they did come with Strummer.
He earned his way in so gotta give them some credit with Willie. Credit's due where credit's due. Only Willie is still alive.

>> No.13223603

Don't touch my octopussy!

>> No.13223621

Willie and Strummer
Seven Spanish Angels
May we all be so blessed.

>> No.13223646

Oopsie, got that one wrong.
Johnny Cash & Joe Strummer - Redemption Song

>> No.13223657

taste good

>> No.13223867

>eating babies


>> No.13224127

Mental illness

>> No.13224269

Actually looks good desu

>> No.13224384

if his post hurt your feelings then just downvote him and report the post to the moderator